Moveware 9.2 Release Notes
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
423576 | We have added a new System Parameter to change the background screen colour of each screen in Moveware to better distinguish the different databases. With this System Parameter you can indicate whether the database is a Test, a Beta or the Live database. | Enable the System Parameter and add one of the following values in the Value field: Code: TESTBGColor |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
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Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
428499 | Customer Management > Inquiry tab > Resend Invoice button | On the left side of the resend invoice email dialogue > click at the red check mark icon to flag the email as an urgent. |
432429 | We have extended the System Parameter 'Default Invoice Post to Debtors Toggle to Yes' to work on a Branch/Cost Centre level. | sysparam-spare2[6] - Default Invoice Post to Debtors Toggle to Yes = Y,N To enable for certain branches or cost centers, please see in Advanced System Parameter |
432994 | We have added a folder button to the Quick Payment and Quick Deposit screens. | Click the new added folder icon next to the customer or supplier field on the screen. |
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Fine Art
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Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
417836 System Parameter - Shows quantity of inventory items in the Diary | We have added a new column in the Ops Diary called 'Qty' that will get enabled with the new System Parameter. This column will display the inventory objects assigned to the particular Diary Action. The count will consider whether an item is stored in a crate/container or if it is an individual inventory item. For example, if there are 6 inventory items in total assigned to a Diary Action, 3 of them have no casing and the other 3 are stowed within the same case/container = the Qty will display 4 in the Ops/Daily Diary. (3 loose items + 1 case/container = 4) This will also show in Removal > Diary tab > Furniture button > Zigma button | Enable this System Parameter to see the 'Qty' column on the Ops/Daily Diary screen or in the Removal > Diary tab > Furniture button > Zigma button. The column ''Qty'' will only show on full screen. Code: ShowCountofInventoryInDiary |
433371 New System Parameter - Update Waybill Fine Art Inventory Weights | A new System Parameter has been added to update the Waybill from the linked Fine Art inventory. If the System Parameter ''Update Waybill Fine Art inventory Weights'' is enabled, the system will pull the 'Packed Wt (kgs)' value from the Fine Art inventory into the 'Wt (kgs)' field on the Waybill Fine Art inventory. If 'Packed Wt (kgs)' is blank, then it will show the 'Weight (Kgs)' + total weight(Kgs) of the container content. Until now it was only possible to display the 'Weight (Kgs)' of the container. | Waybills > Details tab > at the bottom on Inventory used on Waybill, select 'Fine Art' to see the Wt(kgs column with the value. Code: UpdateWaybillFineArtInventoryWeights |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
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Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
427021 | We have added a new System Parameter that when enabled, would use the last 'completed' vehicle service as the vehicle service date, when adding a quarterly, recurring service in Fleet Management. | If System Parameter is disabled (default): Use the next upcoming date for the 'Service Date' field This System Parameter will work with the 'Recurring' toggle and the 'Quarterly' selection. Code: GetVehicleLastServiceDate |
433813 Bug Fix - Fixed Timesheet Total to pull and display the correct total when changing entry | We have fixed the Timesheet Total to pull and display the correct total when changing entry. |
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Rates & Costing
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Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
426456 | A new System Parameter has been added to disable the update of Costings when the weight of the job has been changed. | Normally, when the weight is updated in a job, there will be a prompt that ask users to select cost options(s) and cost/sell prices will be recalcuated. With this System Parameter turned on, there will be no prompt and no recalcuation done on any cost option. This is an advanced System Parameter that can be use on specific branch and/or cost center. Code: DisableUpdateCostingWhenWeightChanged |
426663 | A new System Parameter has been added to allow users to unlink the cost option from the invoice on the Costing- and Invoice screen. | The user can set the group security to the System Parameter to allow unlinking cost option from invoice. |
430247 | We have added a validation which will stop the user from changing a Cost Option to status W if the Job has not status W. If a user wants to change the Cost Option status from W to P, while the job is on status W, there will now be a prompt to confirm, but it will be allowed. However, if the job has status P and a user tries to change the Cost Option status to W, it will not be allowed. Previously, it was always allowed to change a Cost Option status to any, regardless of the jobs status. |
430955 | We have added a new System Parameter to pull the comments set against a Sell/Charge Rates into the costing details, if a rate is found. Previously, this was only working for the comments in the Supplier Product itself and the Cost Rates. | Administration > Company Setup > Supplier Management
Removals > Costing Code: UseSellRateComments |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
427081 | We have added a multi-selection to set diary actions to Inactive in bulk in Customer Management > Job Types tab > Diary Action tab. Until now the user had to select each diary action one by one to set them as Inactive. | On the Customer Management screen > Job Types tab > Diary Action tab > select multiple diary actions > click 'Flag as Inactive for this Customer' button > Prompt appears to confirm to set Active/Inactive > Yes |
428090 | We have added a new System Parameter to enable another 'Close Job/Removal' button (check icon) to close a job in the Removal Details and in the Task Diary. The new button will work the same way as the 'Close Job/Removal' button on the Removal Search tab. | Removal > Details
F2 > Task Diary
Code: CloseJobBtnInRemovalDetailsAndTaskDiary |
430446 | We have extended the System Parameter 'UpdateRemovalfromRateRequest' to update the field(s) indicated in the System Parameter, when linking a Rate Request to an existing job via the R/Plan field. Previously, the values only got updated if they have been modified in the Rate Request after linking the job. |
The below System Parameters need to be enabled: |
433719 | We have added a new System Parameter to default 'Agent From' to the 'Agent' of the user when adding a new Rate Request | -Enable System Parameter 'Default self to Agent From in Rate Request' When adding a new Rate Request record, the system will pick this Agent set in the users details. Code: RRDefaultSelftoAgentFrom |
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Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
426345 | A new report called 'Contact Summary' has been added, to show the list of contact diaries from the selected or filtered removal. | Removals > drop-down list Report name = diarycontactRP |
428776 | Previously the BCC set in Report Configuration was not being picked up when Invoices were sent through Multi Print. This has been rectified and the BCC is now working for the Invoices Email when sent via Multi Print. | - |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
433371 | A new System Parameter has been added to update the Waybill from the linked Fine Art inventory. If the System Parameter ''Update Waybill Fine Art inventory Weights'' is enabled, the system will pull the 'Packed Wt (kgs)' value from the Fine Art inventory into the 'Wt (kgs)' field on the Waybill Fine Art inventory. If 'Packed Wt (kgs)' is blank, then it will show the 'Weight (Kgs)' + total weight(Kgs) of the container content. Until now it was only possible to display the 'Weight (Kgs)' of the container. | Waybills > Details tab > at the bottom on Inventory used on Waybill, select 'Fine Art' to see the Wt(kgs) column with the value. Code: UpdateWaybillFineArtInventoryWeights |
433841 | We have added the logic to allow the key action 'Cont Deliver' to update the 'Origin Slot Date' on the Waybill. Until now it was only updating the 'Destination Slot Date' with the key action 'Cont Pickup'. | Waybills > Details / Diary |
433956 | We have fixed the Waybill Invoicing screen to refresh or update the invoice list after taking an action such as post, cancel or create a credit note etc. Previously, it only refreshed when adding an invoice. |