Moveware Version 6.1 Release Notes
Moveware Release Notes
Version 6.1
Upgrade Rollout: Oct/Nov 2015
Release Notes Generated: 07/04/15 ‑ 09/09/15
248137 Database Setup Screen Update
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Window > Database Setup > Update Branch on all records. Only for Admin users, this function allows users to update ALL branches in Moveware (the function previously did not update branches in “Destination Setup”).
248937 Missing/Damaged Claims Table now in Claims Management
Description of Functionality: Previously in the Claims Management module, the Claims table would not appear like it does in the Claims tab in a Removal, this has been changed to allow the Claims Management screen to see the Missing or Damaged Items table. The modification will allow users to see the Items that have been claimed as Damaged or Missing from Claims Management Module instead of having to go to the Removals screen.
249435 Security access enforced in Address book
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Screen Location – F5 (Address Book) in Branch and Employee filters. Branch security must be enabled through System Parameters. Added Branch security to Branches and Employee filters on Address book.
Description of Usage: If Branch security is enabled a user must have access to the branch to view the addressed in the address book related to that branch.
249903 Window menu missing
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Windows menu. Previously the Window menu would be hidden from the users if all the open windows (Removals, Diary, etc.) are exited. This behaviour has been modified to keep the Window menu visible at all times, regardless of the state of the windows.
248771 Ability to select the last record in a browser
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals, Costing, Resources, Invoicing, Inventory, Removal products, Creditor products. Previously a user could not select the last row/record of the browse table in the above screens. Change made to enable a user to edit the last record.
Note: This is a restriction of Moveware’s use of Progress Version 10 – hence the browser height / row height / frame height is been altered to make the row editable. Further improvements will be made in future releases .
Description of Usage: The user can view these changes in the above screens by few adding records and clicking on the last record. If it’s not clickable then click on the last but one record and use the tab to edit the last record or use the scroll bar.
250161 KPI Enhancements
Description of Functionality: Added additional KPI screen enhancements which includes the following:
Additional Account Manager Column & Filter
Ability to Filter by Load/Delivery/Survey dates
Ability to Show only completed Diary actions
Added column sorting by clicking on the header of the columns (Note that the sorting will not work on the diary dates columns)
248492 Removal Diary – Import/Export tab modification
Description of Functionality: The import/export tabs are enabled and disabled depending on the job type in Daily Diary screen. In the past it was dependent on whether the job type started with ‘EX’ or ‘IM’, change made to also look at the values seen in cost option setup.
Description of Usage: The user can check the Diary screen by selecting different records of job type EX/IM/Other and observe the Export and Import tabs.
EX – Export tab enabled and Import tab disabled
IM – Import tab enabled and Export tab disabled
Others – Both Export and Import tabs are disabled
241140 Invoice – Screen Adjustments
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Managements > Invoicing tab. Resized the invoicing screen, so that the bottom browser is taken advantage of for systems running screen resolution of 1440 x 900 or higher.
Description of Usage: The resolution default needs to be set to 1440 x 900 or higher in order to see the new invoicing screen. The screen resizing is only applicable for invoicing tab of removals management and not the invoicing screen/ invoice update/ storage invoicing.
247888 Creditors/ Agents – Add a contact icon in Contact tab of Creditors and Agents.
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors -> Creditor Management -> Contact tab & International – >Agents. The phone icon is added in contact tab of Creditors and Agents which will update the diary with contacts. Previously this icon was not present.
249920 Default country code when adding Debtors, Creditors or Agents
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:
Added a system parameter which sets the default value of country code in the above screens.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘EntityDefaultCountryCode’
A user can test this functionality by setting the above system parameter to Y, B, and N and add a record in the above screens.
N = current functionality
B = Blank
Y = takes the country code of the Moveware System (seen in system parameters screen)
248711 Clear default pack type materials
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operations – > Inventory. To run a procedure in Database Setup so clear default pack type for “Furniture” type under Inventory management.
Description of Usage: The user can run a procedure called “Clear default packing for Furniture type under Inventory Management” in Database Setup screen and see the pack type list is cleared for furniture type under Inventory Management.
252010 Chile – RUT Field Added
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Employee Management -> Details & Debtor->Details, Creditors->Details. This RUT field is validated for debtor/creditors in Chile (it must be entered) but not ones outside Chile, however if a value is entered in the field it should always be validated.
Description of Usage: The user can test this in above screens by setting the country field to ‘CL’ (Chile) which validates the RUT field. If country is not equal to CL (Chile) then RUT field is not mandatory.
244289 Reminders – Independent window update
Description of Functionality: The “Reminders” dialog has been changed to be a window instead. That provides the facility to be able to minimise the reminder as it pops up. Once minimized the reminders won’t disturb the user again until restored. Although if reminder is exited on the current working screen, it would popup again on change of tabs or menus, if there are still reminders to be looked at.
Reminders can also be accessed via the keyboard command ‘Ctrl-R’ or the ‘Check Reminders’ sub-menu button on ‘Window’ menu. When minimised the reminders window would keep collecting the reminders and will display them all when a user maximises/restores the window again. The ‘Clear All’ reminders button would clear the reminders and exit the reminder window for the user.
Description of Usage: Go to Administration > Send message and send a message to a user. The user to whom the message was sent will have to switch to some other window e.g. removals, planner, diary etc. – this triggers the reminder to pop up. Minimise the reminder. Send a message again to the same user. – The reminders window wouldn’t popup anymore. Upon restore, all the sent messages can be seen on the reminder. Clear all the reminders and exit the reminders window and try sending another message. The popup would come back again.
246034 Costing Approval per Branch
Description of Functionality: Moveware has extended the Costing Approval functionality to be able to limit it to certain branches, rather than be a system wide on/off switch. Through the system parameters Moveware can be setup to only have the costing approval process run for jobs for particular branches.
Description of Usage: This change does not affect the operation of the costing approval process only when it is used. The current behaviour for having this switched on/off system wide still applies. This change just enables systems to switch this on or off for particular branches within Moveware.
248273 Rates Management – Ability to delete multiple rates
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to mass delete rates from the rates management screen.
Description of Usage:
In Rates Management, double-click to highlight all the rates that needs to be deleted.
Click on the ‘Update Rates’ button.
Click the ‘Delete’ button and click ‘yes’ to the prompt.
250858 Removals – Extended Searching in Removals Management
Description of Functionality: An enhancement has been made to enable extra fields to be used when searching in the Removals Management screen. Currently users are restricted to the filters that are displayed on the Search tab of Removals Management. Now on the Search tab of Removals Management a binoculars icon has been added to the top left of the list of removals. When selected this button will display a new overlay that will enable the user to extend the current search to include up to 10 extra search parameters.
Description of Usage: When the user selects the binoculars icon and displays the overlay, they will be presented with a drop down list and a value field. The drop down list contains a list of extra filters for searching. The user can select one of the filters, then enter the filter value they wish to search. Like with the other filters the user can hit the Enter/Return key to filter the list, or the tick icon on the overlay. Once the list has been filtered the overlay will disappear and the details of the extra filters will be displayed next to the binoculars icon.
To add extra filters the user can click the + icon on the overlay which will display another row containing a drop down list of filters and the filter value field. The user can add up to 10 extra filters. Once a filter is added the + icon will change to a – icon and when the – icon is selected the filter will be removed.
If the filter value is entered with an * at the beginning Moveware will apply a wildcard search, unless the field that is being filtered is a number or date based field. The list of filters in the drop down list can be sorted to display the most common filters at the top of this. This can be done through Codes Management > Type: Removal Search, but entering values in the Sort field.
251664 System Parameter – Code values now display the System Parameter Description
Description of Functionality: Screen – System Parameter, codes tab Display codes column for users.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by seeing the above screen and codes column is displayed depending on user security.
252474 Modified layout for Removal and Creditor Products
Description of Functionality: The layout of the Removal and Creditor Products > Details tab have been modified to be consistent with each other. Many similar fields appear in both, however they were located in different parts of the screen when comparing the two screens. Relocating fields, mostly on the Removal Products Details tab, will make these screen more consistent and help the user locate fields better.
Also for system running Cost Center Tax overrides (system parameter: Use New Tax Code Setup = N) the Tax Code override list has been moved to its own Tax tab. This is to make room on the Details tab for extra fields that have been added over time.
Description of Usage: All the fields that were previously available on the Details screens remain, just the Tax Code override list has been moved from the Details tab to a new Tax tab.
252901 Diary Actions – Sort Order – Increase Field Length
Description of Functionality: Screen – Diary Actions, Diary Sort Order lookup Sort Diary Entry and Sort Daily Diary fields increased the above field’s format to 5 characters.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by typing 5 characters into the above fields and saving it.
240460 Operational/ Planner – Destination Suburb detail added to vehicle line in Planner
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Planner
In Planner vehicle lines show the job number, customer name, origin suburb, cost centre and code of action which gets copied across each cell until the end time of the action. This view has been modified to display the destination suburb as well. When space is an issue i.e. time slot for the job does not have enough cells to use, change has been made to skip the customer name, as r/p number is already available.
Description of Usage: In order to test this feature go to Planner view and the users should be able to see the new cell value that contains destination suburb, before the code of action. The following is the column order in case when there are enough cells to fit in the screen:
Job number
Customer name
Origin suburb
Cost centre
Destination suburb
Code of action.
245482 Operational/Planner – Corrected the Vehicle required and Labour required totals for the day
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Planner: Search tab
Previously, the total count of “Vehicles” and “Labour” fields were incorrect in Planner screen for users. Functionality modified to:
If the “Vehicles” or “Both” is selected then,
‘V’ would display the total count of vehicles required for the day and
‘L’ would display the total labour required for the day and
If “Daily” is selected then, the column next to the Description on the extreme left, would indicate the number of labour required for that vehicle for that day.
If “Weekly” is selected, then for some users it’ll show total labour required for the day on the search screen.
Description of Usage:
Removals screen – Select a job and in Diary tab pick up the diary actions which is of operation type. Assign the date and estimated labour and vehicle
Daily Diary screen – Filter with the dates, assign Estimated Hours, Start Time actual with Onsite.
Planner screen – Based on Daily or Weekly option
If the “Vehicles” or “Both” is selected, it displays the total count of vehicles and the total count of labour
248044 Operational/ Planner – Allocated and Unallocated number display
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Planner: Search tab
The “Allocated” list now has brackets along with the total number of labour allocated for that day. The “Un-Allocated” list has similar brackets with the total unallocated labour discarding the ones on annual or sick leave. If the ‘Show only unassigned labour’ toggle is ticked then the list under the “Un-Allocated” also discards the labour on annual or sick leave.
Description of Usage: Open the Planner and choose a date with jobs with “Both” vehicle and labour. Tick the first toggle over the “Description” (on the left most table) which says “Sort labour allocation pick list”. Tick the toggle on the new displayed table which says “Show Unassigned Resources Only”
Check the numbers displayed on the “Allocated” and the “Un-Allocated” lists with the number of labour displayed under these. Also, the list of labours under the “Un-Allocated” would not contain the labour on Sick or Annual leave.
248047 Operational/Planner – Change in total labour required for the day in weekly view
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Planner: Search tab. When a user selects a date and either Vehicles or Both, the value for ‘L’ shows up the total labour required for that date. This value will remain the same for ‘Daily’ and ‘Weekly’; meaning that it will always show the labour required according to the date selected disregarding the weekly or daily view.
Description of Usage: Select a date with jobs/diary actions with vehicles and labours. Change from daily to weekly and vice versa to check the value of L.
248050 Operational/Planner – Sorting in Planner’s allocation list table
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Planner: Search tab. Added ability to click on the headings of the Planner Allocation List to sort the table in ascending/descending order of that column.
Description of Usage: Select a date with jobs and click on the headings of the right table. The information listed below will be sorted in ascending order and descending order alternately with the clicks on the heading
250737 Operational/Planner – Filter by branch
Description of Functionality: The users on the Planner have the ability to filter the planner lines by branch. The removals that belong to a different branch but have a resource assigned from the filtered branch would still be displayed on the planner table, but not on the table on right or even the resource table on the bottom.
This behaviour has been fixed to display such removals on both the tables and to update the resources table accordingly. Also, the user will be able to click on the table on the right to locate the removal on the planner table. The user will also be able to click on such removal and go to their respective Details tab on the Planner.
Description of Usage:
Go to the Planner
Filter by branch
Find a removal which does not belong to that branch but has resources assigned to the filtered branch.
Click on the removal on the planner table and the table on the right
252167 Operational/Planner – Added Sales Rep Column
Description of Functionality: Planner now displays the Sales Rep column
Description of Usage: Go to the Planner and check that the new column Rep is in front of ‘Number’ on the right hand side. This column should sort correctly, and showing colours like the other columns
241617 Operations/Daily Diary – Volume column enhancement
Description of Functionality: Added ability to change the actual volume as required by the user for a diary action in the operational/daily diary. The same change shall be reflected on the daily diary reports (standard report) generated.
Description of Usage: System parameter – ‘UseDiaryVol’ to turn the feature on/off. When turned on, a new column ‘Vol’ shall appear on the diary tab of the Diary.A user will be able to overwrite the volume being used for the report generated by Daily Diary. This change will also be recognised on the search tab’s Vol column.
The Vol column caters for the cubic meters/feet variations, which has been set via the system parameter (cf) for a user. If the value on the Vol column in the diary tab of the Diary is 0 then the originally set volume will be used instead. The Daily Diary report has been updated to cater for the same changes along with the formatting (meters/feet).
241974N Operational/Daily Dairy – Trade Storage – Diary Changes
Description of Functionality:
For Diary Actions:
Trade Storage In
Trade Storage Out
Goods Inspection
When the Diary action are created they start as “Instructions Received”
Once they have been approved they update to “In Progress” (Using Moveware standard Approval Process/Icon)
Once the have been completed they update to “Completed” (Using Moveware standard Completion Process/Icon)
By Default for Trade Storage Diary Branch ESL – we only show uncompleted, which ignores the Date Range completely and shows all uncompleted diary action regardless of date. Branch Filter is Blank by default for ESL Employee on the Trade Diary.
249352 Operational/ Daily Diary – Approve all multi branch
Description of Functionality: Fixed a bug which stopped users from using the ‘Approve all’ button on the operational dairy. The bug would only appear for the users with multiple branches selected on the branch filter separated by comma, e.g. O, W, E
Description of Usage:
Go to Diary, and filter by more than one branch
Click on ‘Approve All’ button to approve all the diary actions on the screen.
249796 Operational / Daily Diary -Update Detail screen date/time from Ops Diary
Description of Functionality: Previously when a date and time was updated within the operational/ daily diary it would not updated the Removal details tab of that removal. Change made to align this to the same behaviour as an update from the removal diary
252179 Operational/Daily Diary – Adding Multiple Labour
Description of Functionality: When adding miscellaneous diary actions from the operational/daily diary add button, Moveware now allows the user to select multiple labour resources by double clicking on the name field. Upon save, the screen will create multiple records for each labour selected
252469 Operational/Daily Diary – Remove ‘Wages’ from Resource Action picklist
Description of Functionality: In the operations diary screen, when a user’s add in miscellaneous resource actions, ‘Wages’ is now excluded from the pick list.
252504 Operational/ Daily Diary -Hours Estimated Column Added
Description of Functionality: Moveware can be enabled to display an Estimated Hours column to the resource section in the Operational Diary
Description of Usage: System Parameter – ‘Include HrsE On Daily Diary Resource’. When enabled, an extra column in the bottom right of the daily diary will now be available.
252673 Appointment Diary – Updated Validation Message
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales-> Appointment Diary, Adding an appointment (‘+’)
Updated the validation message when there is conflict in time upon adding additional task/appointments in Appointment Diary screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding an appointment with conflicting time and hour in the above screen to view the updated validation message. Example 16:00 – 1 hour is already present and try adding 12:00 – 6 hours
253036 Operational/Daily Diary – Diary Automated Scrolling Enabled
Description of Functionality: In a previous version of Moveware a feature was added to automatically update the Ops Diary every 2 minutes. This function was enabled by the keyboard combination of Ctrl+Alt+T. Moveware has extended this functionality to automatically scroll the operations diary. This is a handy feature for operations who have a large number of jobs that mean not all of them fit on the screen. To enable this feature the user can select the keyboard combination Ctrl+Alt+S. Once this is done the screen will begin scrolling down the list every 2 seconds.
Description of Usage: User just need to use the keyboard combination of Ctrl+Alt+S to enable this feature. To switch it off either close the Ops Diary or use the keyboard combination Ctrl+Alt+X. The feature can be used on the standard or alternate views of the diary.
247990 Removals Diary – Lock removal plan once invoiced.
Description of Functionality: Added a warning message to display “Unable to add Diary Action. Removal Plan is invoiced” if job has already been invoiced to client.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a diary action when removal plan is invoiced.
246201 Removals Diary – Un-cancelled Jobs – Diary Action Behaviour Change
Description of Functionality: When a removal is lost or cancelled, the diary actions on the removal should also be cancelled/lost, so they are not completed when the removal is then closed. When the removal is set back to Won those diary actions are then set back to active.
Description of Usage: Go to a job, set status to L or C, check that diary actions are also cancelled/lost and closing the job doesn’t complete the diary actions. Reset job back to W, confirm the diary actions are now active and not completed.
249893 Removal Diary -Removal diary appointment conflict check
Description of Functionality: Appointment conflict checks are in place now. When users enter date/time/assigned fields on an appointment diary it should check against all other appointment diaries to determine if there are conflicts.
Description of Usage: Enter date/time/assigned/hour for an appointment diary which is a conflict for the same user at the same date/time, there should be error message preventing user to update date/time etc. Check/Uncheck this option as required.
251796 Removals Diary – Actual Column (Displayed when using Internal Time sheeting)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management> Removal Management Diary Tab – Actual Column – Only display field when using Internal Time sheeting. Enable the ‘Enable Internal Time sheeting’ to see the changes. Also, actual Column previously could only handle 999.99. This has been increased to 9999.99.
241974D Removals Dairy – Assigning Diary Branch based on Origin and Destination Code
Description of Functionality: New system Parameter created when enabled will allow the operational diary actions to set the Origin and Destination Codes as per the Branch in Destinations Configuration. Additional enhancement to turn on by Branch – Branch Field available in System Parameter – Blank and System Parameter to Y – mean the Operational Diary Actions will be set the Origin and Destination Codes as per the Branch in Destinations Configuration – Branch Field.
For Clockwork Only we have added in this feature to work for the Trade Storage Diary and the Storage Key Actions – Storage Date and Storage Date Out.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘AssignedbyBranchBaseonoriganddestcode’’. Used for companies that have separate and or multiple operational branches. The Branch set against the Destination in Destination Table will be pulled into the Operational Diary Action Based on the Origin and Destination Code and Key Action.
247640 Removals Dairy -Ability to prevent certain diary actions from being completed when a job is closed
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Diary tab. Added key action called ‘SendAutoClosed’ which will prevent all diary actions on a job with this key action from being completed when closing a job. This means that follow up emails can still be sent as an automated email after a certain period when the job has been completed as long as the diary action has a date set.
248323 Appointment Diary (F3) – Added the Google Map functionality
Description of Functionality: Added google map functionality through icon in F3 diary.
Description of Usage: Open the Appointment diary and filter by the employee for whom you wish to plot the appointment destinations and then click on the google map icon.
250749 Appointment/ Task Diary & Rate Request Diary Tab- Update date time on completion of Tasks
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Task Diary (F2), Rate Request > Diary, Appointment Diary (F3). Previously the above diaries would not always update the time and date if the user clicked on the Complete button to complete tasks off these diaries. This behaviour has been modified to provide the user with an option to update the time and date for the action being completed.
Description of Usage: To test this feature go to any of the above diaries and select an incomplete task and try to complete the task by clicking on the tick (complete) button. The user should be provided with a dialog box to select to update date and time.
250686 Warehouse – Diary Custom Changes
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Diary > diary, Removals > diary, Waybills > diary, Baggage > diary, Rate Request > diary. Previously operational managers were able to complete/incomplete diary actions of the diaries that have been made approvable, specifically Warehouse. This behaviour has been modified to allow the storage admin to be able to complete/incomplete the Warehouse diary actions as well
Description of Usage: To test this change the user would require Storage Admin access – 6 and not be an Operational manager – 5. Go to any of the aforementioned diaries and find a diary action that belongs to Warehouse but not to Operations diary. The user should be able to complete the diary action. Find an operations diary action that doesn’t belong to warehouse diary and try to complete it. The user should not be able to complete the diary action.
252720 Operational/Daily Diary Set up – Ability to set Diary Action to display in Ops Diary regardless of Job Status using * (Star)
Description of Functionality: In Diary Action Configuration “Diaries” Field, the diary action can be flagged to appear in Moveware Diaries regardless of Status. An asterisk is used to flag the action for example – O* in the diaries field of the diary action will indicate that the action should be displayed in the Ops diary regardless of the job status.
Description of Usage: Designed for companies that use Operational staff for Survey and want to show the Survey in the Ops Diary by default.
247448 Operational/Daily Diary Set Up – Notify Operations of Booking
Description of Functionality: New system parameter that enables a notification to be send to the Operation Manager when a date is put into an Operational diary Diary Action.
Description of Usage: System parameter – NotifyOperationsOfBooking. When set to Y a notification is sent to any employee that has “Operations” selected in the user details notify list. To set operations in the notify list navigate to Employee Management>User Details>Notify List and select operations.
249355 Operational/ Daily Diary Set up – Approvable diary can be completed by any user
Description of Functionality: As the new approvable functionality can be applied on any diary and not just be limited to the Operations diary, if a diary ‘Container’ for example was set to be Approvable and not Lockable (work exactly as operations diary with day locking), then any user without Operational Manager privileges was able to complete the diary actions. This has been fixed to limit the ability to complete diary actions only by the user with Operational Manager privileges.
Description of Usage:
Verify that a diary has been made only Approvable ( default value of the diary set to ‘Y’ )
Login as a user without Operational Manager privileges (security group 5)Go to the daily diary and find the diary related actions and try to complete the diary action.
245521 Operational/Daily Diary set up – Added ability to auto create reminders for W jobs without a date
Description of Functionality: A new system parameter Jobs’ can automatically send out moveware reminders and/or emails every 4 hours to move managers of all Won jobs that does not have at least one operational diary actions that has a date (i.e. non-booked jobs).
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘Automatically Notify Move Managers of Unbooked Won Jobs’.
set to Y for moveware reminders only
set to E for emails only
set to B for both Moveware reminders and emails
Every 4 hours the system would check for any jobs that are on W status and does not have at least one operational diary that has a date assigned and send a reminder/email (based on the system parameter) to the move manager on the job.
250221 Diary Action Set up – Added ability to set parents on diary actions using key actions
Description of Functionality: Previously the system would only look for parent diary actions using diary code. The new system parameter will allow diary actions to look for parents using key action as well.
Description of Usage: System Parameter – ‘MatchDiaryParentByKeyAction’.When setting the parent on a child diary action, instead of being limited to using the code of the parent diary action, the user can use the key action as well which allows multiple parents to drive the child diary action
249541 Operational/ Daily Dairy – Add Action – Resource hours bug fix
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Diary > Resources table’s ‘+’ button. Fixed a bug which did not update the calculated Hours, based on the Start time, Finish time and Break as entered via their respective combo-boxes. Earlier, when a user would add hours using the ‘+’ button on the Resources table (right bottom corner table) on the daily Diary search folder, setting a Start time and a Finish time would not update the Hours field. Hence, on adding such record the Hours for that resource wouldn’t be properly updated. e.g. When adding Start time as ’06:00′ to finish time ’08:00′ for a Warehouse action, for a labour resource, the hours would remain 1.00. This has been modified to update the calculated hours on the Hours field.
Description of Usage: To test the change Go to the Daily Diary and click on the ‘+’ button on the Resources table (right bottom corner table). Change the Start time, the Finish Time and the Break as required. The change would be immediately noticed on the Hours field. And upon clicking ‘Add’ button the calculated hours would be displayed on the Resources table. Please verify that the ‘Use Comma as a Decimal Point’ system parameter has been set to ‘N’. Note: Only apply to sites with system parameter ‘New Time Entry’ enabled.
250211 Sales Follow-up – Screen size updates
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales-> Sales Follow-up. The screen now resizes depending on screen resolution. Added Phone and Email columns if screen resolution is greater than 1600.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by changing the screen resolution and check the frame width in the above screens. If screen resolution > = 1600 then Email and Phone columns are displayed
Destination Service Provider
244561 Pet Transport DSP fields
Description of Functionality: Found under: DSP Tab. To Set up: Administration> Moveware Setup > Codes Management. Previously pet records was not available to add in Removals-> DSP tab. Now, a pet record can be added in Removal->DSP tab by entering the fields under Details and Pet Crate sections.
Description of Usage: The user can add and save a pet record for a removal in DSP tab of Removals screen. The fields below are available for use – refer to MoveSupport to set this up for you if required.
Details Section
Pet Name
Date of Birth
Date Vaccination
Microchip No
Microchip Date
Weight and Colour
Pet Crate Section
Size A
Size B
Size C
Size D
Crate Size
Email/SMS/Outlook Inbox/Contacts Tab
249807 Email – Merge Field – ‘Corporate Account Manager’
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration> System Set up > Report Configuration > Email Tab. Added email merge field of ‘Corporate Account Manager’ to be used in email report configuration. Added an email merge field called ‘Corporate Account Manager’ to populate an account manager assigned to a corporate account of a selected removal.
241914 Email –Email Source- Destination or Origin Agent
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration> System Set up > Report Configuration > Email Tab. Previously the destination and/or origin agent was merged to an email from a waybill. Therefore if no waybill existed for the removal the merge fields would remain blank on an email. Change made to allow the Destination or Origin agent set in the Removal Management > Details tab to merge onto an mail regardless if a Waybill was linked to the removal.
Description of Usage:
To set up: Administration> System Set up > Report Configuration > Email Tab, select the following
Source field – Removals
To field = Origin / Destination Agent in Report Configuration.
To Test: in the email address in Removals->Details tab in Origin / Destination email address. Add a diary action in Diary tab for a removal which doesn’t have a waybill. Email will be sent to the email address set in the above screen.
245574 Email – ‘Quote To’ address enhancement
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up – Removals, Claims->Log tab, Jobs->Diary, Task Diary (F2) and Operations -> MoveConnect. Previously, the email address field would populate with Client’s information no matter what the “Quote To” field is set. Now, email address field will populate with corresponding email address and names in email windows depending on the “Quote To” value (Client / Company / Uplift / Delivery / Corporate) in Removals>Details tab.
Description of Usage: For example – When the user sets the “Quote To” field to “Corporate” and when the diary action is completed or a quote report is generated in the above screens, corporate information is populated in the email window.
247147 Email – Attach contents of folder to report emails
Description of Functionality: Additional functionality has been added to the report configuration to allow for report emails to attach all file from a folder on the network. Then the report is run Moveware will look in the folder and pull all of the files in as attachments to the email.
Description of Usage: On the Email tab of Report Configuration, the attachments field can be modified to include the folder for which the files should be pulled. There are a couple of methods that can be used, hardcoding of the folder and coding for the Moveware shared folder for Removals/Jobs, Waybills/Manifests, Debtors, Creditor, etc. To hardcode a folder the format of the attachment must be:
folder [c:\temp\test](c:\temp\test is a folder that accessible to Moveware, in most instances this will be a network path)
To use the Moveware shared folders for Removals/Jobs, Waybills/Manifests, Debtors, Creditor, etc. the format of the attachment must be:
folder []
If the report is setup with an email source of Removals then the folder that will be used is the shared folder for the Removal/Job. If the shared folders have sub directories all the files from the sub directories will be returned also. To just grab the files from a sub directory of the shared folder the report can be setup as follows:
folder [subdirectory]
The folder option can be used in conjunction with existing files on the system… E.g. the attachments field can look like:
c:\temp\test.txt, folder [subdirectory]
In the above the file test.txt and the contents of the shared subdirectory will be attached to the report.
248801 Email -Contacts Email Address selection by Creditor/Debtor / Agent
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtor Management, Creditor Management, and International > Agents, Removal Management.Enhanced functionality when email dialog is loaded in the below screens, email address default to the list of contacts associated to the current Debtor / Creditor / Agent.
Description of Usage:
1.Debtor Management
Search tab->Reports (on click of Address book icon in Reports dropdown points to Debtors)
Details tab->Email icon (on click of Address book icon point to Debtors)
Contact tab->Email icon (on click of Address book icon should to Debtors)
Creditor Management
Search tab->Email icon ((on click of Address book icon should to Creditors
Details tab->Email icon (on click of Address book icon should to Creditors)
Details tab->Email icon (on click of Address book icon should to Agents
4.Removal->Details tab
email icon (on click of Address book icon should to Employees)
249011 Email – Sending Emails with non-standard signatures.
Description of Functionality: Sending Emails with non-standard signatures. Previously when some users would use their custom signatures to send emails from Moveware, the emails would either go through without the signature or would not go through at all. The root cause for this issue was found with the special characters in the signature which may not be supported by Moveware, depending on the database configuration.
The software has been updated to convert any such unknown characters to a question mark, so as to make the users aware that the character may not be supported by Moveware. The users can then replace that particular character with another in their signature.
Description of Usage: To use the functionality the user could go to Windows > Send Email, and select the problematic signature. (It could be noted here that the signature would be missing that symbol/character). When the user sends the email, the receiver would receive the email with the special character turned into a question mark. If enabled, custom signatures in Moveware can be edited from the Signatures window which is accessed by opening the Modify User Details screen on the Window -> Change User Defaults menu and clicking the Signatures button.
If Outlook Signatures are enabled for the user in Moveware, the signature originates in Outlook and consequently needs to be edited in that program.
249491 Email – ‘Reply to Sender’ from Diary tabs
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals > Diary, Removals > Contact, Rate Requests > Diary, Waybills > Diary, Diary > Diary. Previously when a user was on either of the above tabs, with the Email action selected and clicked on the Reply button, the To field of the send email dialog box would get populated by the Client (of that job) details.
A different option has been provided for the users to choose between the same functionality or to change it to check who sent the email and reply to that email address instead. Please note that the users will only be able to choose ONE of the above two options. Default functionality prevails unless system parameter is set to Y .
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Use conventional reply to sender in Diary’ needs to be set to Y.
Go to any of appropriate tab and select an Email action and click on the Reply button.
Check the to email address on the email dialog box.
250561 Email – Option to send to Inland Freight Agent
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration> email tab, user’s now have the option to send emails to the Inland Freight Agent seen in waybill > details screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting up To and CC field to Inland Freight Agent and the email screens displays the Inland Freight Agent’s contact details. If it is blank then it uses the email set against the agent in Agent Management screen.
249684 Email -Allow enabling/disabling of spell checker on a per user basis
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Additional set up required in Employee Management.The new system parameter allows spell checker to be set by user. Once this system parameter is turned on, there will be an extra setting under User Details in the employee management screen called ‘Enable Spell Checker’.
By default this setting is set to blank and the system looks at the system parameter ‘Automatic Spellcheck of Email on Send’ to determine whether the spell checker runs or not. If the ‘Enable Spell Checker’ on the user is set to ‘N’ or ‘Y’ then the spell checker will run correspondingly regardless of what the ‘Automatic Spellcheck of Email on Send’ system parameter is set to.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘Allows Enabling/Disabling of Spell Checker
1.If Set to ‘N’. The system will use ‘Automatic Spellcheck of Email on Send’ system parameter to determine whether the spell checker is ran for all users or not.
2.If set to ‘Y’. The system will use the ‘Automatic Spellcheck of Email on Send’ system parameter to determine whether the spell checker is ran for users where the ‘Enable Spell Checker’ setting is set to blank. Otherwise it will use the ‘Enable Spell Checker’ setting under the user profile (Employee Management -> User Details) to determine whether the spell checker is ran or not.
249718 Email – Email Subject Template
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration>Moveware set up >Paragraphs. A new feature has been added to Moveware to allow setup of standard email subject template.
The template will apply to emails that are not linked to a report from the following modules:
Removals Management
Baggage Management
Debtor Management
Creditor Management
Domestic & International Waybills
Domestic and International Agents
Rate Request Management.
In the general Moveware version, currently when sending emails from Removals Management the subject is auto populated with the Removal Plan number. These templates can be setup through Paragraph Management and different templates can apply to different sections of Moveware.
Description of Usage:
Setup templates for the Email Subject. The process to do this is as follows:
Go to Ad>Moveware Set up > Paragraph Management and click the ‘Add’ button to add a new code or the ‘Copy’ button to make a copy of the existing code.
Select the ‘Email Subject’ option from the drop down for Code Type.
Once the Email Subject is selected the Code Value field will change to a combo box and only allow the code value to take certain values. Each of these values represent the module where the Email Subject will be applied.
For example if Removals is selected then the Email Subject template will apply in Removals Management and Baggage Management. Note only one template can be created for each location in Moveware.
Once the Code Value is selected and the details entered into the Paragraph field the user can save the record.
Below is an example of an email template for Removals Management, where the email subject will display the removals plan number and the clients name.
Code Type = Email Subject
Code Value = Removals
Paragraph = <RP> – <Client>
Once the Email Subject has been set for the required area, the template will be available for use in Moveware. E.g. For the above example, when users click an email button from Removals Management > Details tab the subject will display like: 100001 – John Smith.
250060 Email – Automated Rate Request
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rate Request ->Diary Tab. Fixed emailing of rate request automatically.
Description of Usage: The user can add a diary action which is set to auto email for rate request (Auto created = R) in diary action and it is sent automatically sent depending on the email address set.
250307 Email – Rate Request – Added ‘Send Email’ icon to screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rate Request ->Diary Tab. Added a Send Email icon in diary tab of Rate Request
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on the Send Email icon on Rate Request -> Diary tab.
250566 Email – Paste and Select All functionality
Description of Functionality: Added Paste and Select All functionality to email window.
Description of Usage: The user can test this functionality in email window by selecting the text in editor and pasting. Select All selects all the text In editor.
251127 Email- BCC field in Rate request
Description of Functionality: Added BCC option in email window and is hidden depending on combo-box value.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking the email icon which is present on top in rate request screen, BCC field is displayed.
251960 Email – Reply All functionality
Description of Functionality: Screen – Sales -> Outlook Inbox, Reply All button.Added ‘Reply All’ button to cater for reply all functionality to fill up ‘To’ and ‘CC’ fields with recipients.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on Reply To All button and see recipients names are displayed in ‘To’ and ‘CC’ fields.
252141 Email -Added auto-complete for email addresses that have been previously emailed
Description of Functionality: When sending an email from within Moveware and completing an email field such as To, CC or BCC, the system would automatically show lookup list of past emails sent by the user matching the email the user is currently typing. A user can then select from the list using either the mouse or arrow down to speed the process of completing the email address.
249137 Outlook Inbox – Alert on jobs from Outlook Inbox
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales > Outlook Inbox. A users can set alerts on jobs via the diary to popup every time that job is focused. Also, the users can link emails to their respective jobs on the Outlook Inbox. To open up the linked job, the users can press the ‘Binoculars’ button on Outlook Inbox. When such an email is selected and the ‘Binoculars’ button is pressed to find the linked job, the alert would not popup. This behaviour has been modified to alert the user even from this option.
Description of Usage: Go to Outlook Inbox and sync the messages.
Select a mail by double clicking on it, (the last column ‘Sel’ will be turned to ‘Y’ for the mails selected.)
Link the mail with a removal with alerts (this can be added as the ‘alert’ diary action for the job)
Highlight the linked mail by clicking on it and click on the binoculars button.
251364 Outlook Inbox – Attachment Download Automation Enhancement
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Outlook Inbox; Change User Defaults dialog, Employee Management > User Details.
Previously when a user would create diary entries out of email items in Outlook Inbox window, if the Download Attachments toggle was checked, the user would be presented with a popup dialog asking the user to preview and select the appropriate attachments, which would then be saved for the user.
Outlook Inbox window has been updated with a new toggle by which a user can set to bypass the attachment selection popup and download all the attachments. When this toggle is ticked, the user will not get the popup to select the attachments. All the attachments of the selected emails will be downloaded and saved for the user.
Functionality has also been added to automate this further. A new field has been added which can be set at user level to facilitate auto-download of attachments for that user. When this field is set to ‘Y’ then the Download Attachments toggle and the Bypass Selection Popup toggle are ticked for the user by default in the Outlook Inbox. Hence the attachments would always be downloaded for the users without going through the selection popup.
Description of Usage: Outlook Inbox
After the user selects the email with attachments and links it as required, the following could happen:
Download Attachments toggle is ticked and Bypass Selection Popup is unticked.
-When the user clicks on create diary, the user will be presented with a dialog as earlier to select and save the attachments.
Download Attachments toggle and Bypass Selection Popup toggle are both ticked
-When the user clicks on create diary, the diary will be created and all the attachments will be downloaded and saved for the user.
Download Attachments toggle is unticked by the user
-The Bypass Selection Popup toggle will be disabled, unticked and hidden. When the user clicks on create diary, only the diary entry will be created, attachments won’t be downloaded.
Download Attachments toggle is ticked back again by the user
-The Bypass Selection Popup toggle would reappear. Based on the field mentioned below, it may or may not be ticked by default for the user. lease refer points 1 & 2 for the functionality at this point.
Auto Download Attachments field
The “Auto Download Attachments” field has been added in the Employee Management > User Details and the Window >
Change User Defaults windows. It can be set to {blank], Y or N. If set to Y then in the Outlook Inbox window, the Download Attachments toggle is ticked by default for the user. Also, the Bypass Selection Popup is ticked for the user by default and also, if the user unticks and ticks Download Attachments toggle. The users would still have the ability to untick each of these to obtain the above mentioned results.
247969 Outlook Inbox – Preview Attachments
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales > Outlook Inbox. A user will be able to preview the attachments that may come with an email before downloading them to the respective folders.
Description of Usage:
To Test:
Open up the inbox from Sales > Outlook Inbox
Select an email with attachment and double click to set the “Sel” column to ‘Y’.
Link the email to a respective removal or other as required 4. Tick the “Download Attachments” checkbox.
Click on the ‘Create Diary Records from Selected Emails’ button to download the attachments.
The user should now land on the ‘Select Attachments’ dialog box with all the attachments selected. Upon click of the attachment that the user wishes to preview, the image should appear in the image box in the corner.
248373 Outlook Inbox – Allow link of multiple emails to a removal/debtor/creditor/ etc.
Description of Functionality: Added system parameter which when set to ‘Y’ allows a user to link multiple emails to a removal/debtor/creditor/etc. in one go in outlook inbox.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Allow Linking of Multiple Emails to records in Outlook Import’ to ‘Y’
To Test:
In outlook inbox, double click to select all emails that are to be linked to the same moveware record.
Select the moveware record type (i.e. Removal, debtor, creditor, etc.).
Select the record you wish to link the emails to and click OK.
All selected emails should now be linked to the same Moveware record
251713 Contact Tab – Email Address Bug
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals-> Contact tab. Fixed reply to all email address.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: UseConventionalReplytoSender’ set to Y. The ‘Reply To All’ icon will fetch all the email addresses if it is more than one for ‘Email Sent’ and ‘Email Received’ diary action.
252750 Contacts Tab – Attachment for forwarding emails
Description of Functionality: When forwarding emails from the contact tab change made to also allow the attachment to be forwarded.
Description of Usage: Forward an email that has attachment from the contacts tab which is stored locally, the attachment should be forwarded
249588 Contact Tab Resized
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Contact, Function key press – F12 > Contact. The Contact tab, has been enhanced to resize based on the screen resolution as set by a user via the user defaults settings.
Description of Usage: To test the changes; try changing the screen resolution from the ‘Change User Defaults’ dialog and then exiting and clicking on Removals > Contact or clicking F12 key and selecting the Contact tab.
249087 Contacts Tab/ Email – Mark Email as Important/High Priority
Description of Functionality: A new ‘Priority’ button has been added to the ‘Send Email’ dialog which appears when a user clicks on ‘Reply’ or ‘Reply All’ or ‘Send Email to a client’ et cetera. The function of this button is to set and unset the priority of the email being sent with ‘High’ importance this is only available when using the contacts tab in removal management
Description of Usage:
To test the functionality go to Removals Management > Contact tab – Select an email and click on ‘Reply’ button to popup the Send Email dialog.
Enter the email details and click on the Priority button to set the priority as High.
Click on the button again and the ‘Unset’ dialog should popup which will ask if the user wishes to unset the priority from High. Choose as required.
Once a High importance email is sent – it would appear with an “!” (Exclamation mark) on the priority column (last column of the emails table)
249737 Outlook Inbox/ Contacts Tab – Email sent diary action fix
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:Sales > Outlook Inbox and Removals > Contact tab. When a user browses through the ‘Sent’ emails and then links an email with a job, the email’s type was set by default to ‘Email Received’. This behaviour has been modified to cater for the folder type (inbox or sent) that a user has been looking at as well as to check if there is a Diary Action dedicated for ‘Email Sent’. If diary action exists, and the user was browsing ‘Sent’ folder, the email added to the job would be the same code as the Email Sent diary action.
Description of Usage: To test this functionality, first verify that a diary action exists with the description ‘Email Sent’. Go to Outlook Inbox and set the folder to ‘Sent’. Select an email and link it to a job. To verify the email has been appropriately set, go to the Removals and lookup the job. Then go to the ‘Contact’ tab and verify the email.
250651 Contacts Tab – Printing added to Contacts Tab
Description of Functionality: A print button has been added to the Contacts tab in Removals Management. The button will print the details of the selected Contact record.
Description of Usage: Printing individual records was not enabled previously on this screen. Users can just select the record they want to print and click the print button.
250607 Sales Follow Up – Event log entries for Next Follow up date and EST Move date
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: – Sales -> Sales Follow up, Search tab. Added event logs when EST Move date and Follow up date is changed.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by updating “EST Move” and “Next Follow-up” fields in Sales follow up screen. On click of the event logs, its updated.
Employees/ Employee Management
245034 Agent Security Custom Change
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Employees > employee Management >User Details. Added security to restrict a user read/write access to an agent in the following tabs:
Removal Management >Details
Agents-> Search
Rate Requests
Ability to restrict read & write access of agents by type. I.e. that only the domestic agents are selectable on a domestic type waybill / removal.
Description of Usage: To set up: Agent access in Employee Management -> User Details tab and set the Agent type (e.g. DOM type to N), then the agents of DOM type will not be visible in agents’ fields of Removals, Rate requests, Waybills and Agents screen.
251549 Changes to Notify On MoveSurvey Sync & Cost Option Approval Alerts
Description of Functionality: On MoveSurvey sync, an alert can now be created simply for the Move manager on the job by setting the ‘Notify On Sync’ system parameter to ‘MM’ (previously, it was either the account manager only or the account manager and the move manager).
A new system parameter ‘Notify when Cost Option is approved’ is now used to direct cost option approved alerts to one or more of the Entered by (ENT), Sales rep (REP), Move Manager (MM) and/or Account Manager (ACC) of the job. To disable alerts to all, simply leave the system parameter blank or set to ‘N’. This system parameter works in conjunction with the ‘Enable Costing Approval’ system parameter/functionality.
Description of Usage:
Set Notify On Sync System Parameter to:
N = No one gets a notification on sync of job from move survey
Y = Both the Move Manager as well as the Account Manager gets notified on sync of job from move survey
BCC = Only the Account Manager gets notified on sync of job from move survey MM = Only the Move Manager gets notified on sync of job from move survey
Set the Notify when Cost Option is approved system parameter to:
N = No one would receive alert when cost option has been approved
ENT = Entered by would receive alert when cost option on the job has been approved
REP = Sales rep would receive alert when cost option on the job has been approved
MM = Move Manager would receive alert when cost option on the job has been approved ACC = Account Manager would receive alert when cost option on the job has been approved
You can also send alerts to multiple roles by separating them by commas, e.g. ‘REP, ACC’ would send the return alert to the sales rep and account manager on the job.
245123 Moveware Payroll SuperStream
Description of Functionality: Moveware now has the ability to report super contributions via SuperStream by exporting to TXT file(s) containing the super contribution transactions (and member registration if required) within a certain period. The user can then uploaded this file through a website portal to send to SuperStream.
Description of Usage: The following needs to be setup in order to export the correct information and prevent validation errors:
Turn on the ‘Enable SuperStream’ system parameter.
Create all of the payable Superannuation funds as Creditors within Moveware, also ensure that the following are correctly set for each of the super fund creditors:
Creditor Type = ‘Super’
Creditor ABN must be entered
Creditor payment details (i.e. Bpay, BSB, Account No., etc.)
Ensure that all Superannuation Payroll Categories are set with Type of Expense = ‘Superannuation’ and the corresponding Super Fund set to the correct creditor that is setup in step 2. Ensure also that the Super Type is set to one of the codes (i.e. Guaranteed, Salary Sacrifice, etc.).
If the super fund/type for an employee is to differ to the standard payroll category fund/type, then this needs to be changed accordingly in the Pay Setup tab of the employee.
Create the export files via Employees -> Payroll Admin -> SuperStream. Please ensure that member registration is checked for first time contributions as well as any instances where a super contribution is made for the first time to an employee. When member registration is checked, 2 txt files will be created and both needs to be uploaded.
Use the specific web portal URL and login details provided to you by Moveware to log into the web portal and upload the TXT file(s) created in step 5. Note any validation errors and fix in Moveware accordingly if needed and repeat step 5 – 6.
Financials/ Accounts/ Costing/Invoice/ General Ledger/Debtors/ Creditors/CRM/ Banking/Rate Management
241555 Banking – Ezi Debit Functionality
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Banking -> Bank Deposits. Added a new system parameter to make the ezibutton visible .The button exports the customer records and totals into one line if there are multiple records for same customer. Exports to a csv file.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: UseEziDebit’ set to ‘Y’. A user can test this by selecting the records in the above screen and clicking on ezidebit button. Choose the folder location and the csv file will be exported accordingly
242007 Invoice – Allow Credit Notes on Combined Invoice Debtors
Description of Functionality: It is now possible to post an individual credit note on a specific removal through invoice tab even though the Debtor is set to Combined Invoicing.
Description of Usage: Create a credit note and assign a debtor with is set to combined invoice.
244352 General Ledger – Account creation update
Description of Functionality: Upon opening a new year, if a Branch or cost Centre is inactive, then the general ledger account is created but it is made a non-posting account.
246873 General Ledger – Inquiry – missing LYR 13th period
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: General Ledger -> Inquiry. Fixed the 13th period display for last year in the above screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting up the general ledger in Setup and Journal, posting it and giving a value in Debit and Credit columns. The last year value is displayed for 13th period row.
245429 Creditor – Check Creditor Payments
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditor > Creditor Payments. Added a system parameter if it is set to ‘Y’, any negative amount (CP or CI) unallocated on a creditor is displayed.
Description of Usage: System parameter: “CheckCreditorPayments” set ‘Y’, The user can navigate to Creditor Payments screen and fill in the options and when -ve amount is entered in AUD value field and hit on Post button, CI and CP rows of data is displayed in the table.
251981 Debtors – Disable tabs in Debtors Management Job Types Screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors Management -> Job Types screen. Disabled Invoicing and Review tabs if opened from Debtor Management.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by checking in the above screen and see both the tabs are disabled. It will still be enabled in the Job Types screen available in the Administration menu. Note: Job Types in debtors are only enabled when using DSP or Tariff functionality
246331 Debtor – New Fields in Debtor Management to Hold Warehouse Preferences
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtor > Debtor Management. Three New Field in Debtor Management to Hold Warehouse Preferences
Warehouse Preference – Branch Lookup
Warehouse Location – Location Lookup
Warehouse Type – “Climate Controlled” or “Temperature Controlled”
242850 Debtors – Inquiry – Promise to Pay Functionality
Report is Elliott specific
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtor >Debtor Inquiry. In debtors inquiry screen users can mark each transaction as ‘promised to be paid’ using the icon (blue tick) next to the purple field Upon use, the selected line will turn purple indicating its new status. When an invoice is paid, the ‘promise to pay’ mark will be removed. A report based on the trial balance report can be run based on the transactions which are marked as ‘promised to pay’.
Description of Usage: Debtor inquiry screen, and make each transaction ‘promised to pay’. The trial balance report is shown with promise to pay amount.
248383 Debtor/ Creditor – Default Type in Creditor and Debtor to ‘Agent’
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: International Agents, Icon to create Debtors/Creditors. Default Debtor/Creditor Type to ‘Agent’ when a debtor/creditor is created from Agents screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on the icon which is next to ‘Name’ field in International Agents screen to create new Debtor or Creditor. The default type is set to ‘Agent’.
248556 Debtors -Fixed Prospect records in Debtors Management screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: – Debtors Management -> Search tab. Previously, on setting the status field to blank Prospect records were not filtered. Now, Prospect records displays. Also corrected the filtering of the code and name fields for Packimpex.
Description of Usage: The user can select the Status field to blank and see the records which has the status along with other records. Also, specific records can be searched by filtering through code and name.
247373 Debtor/CRM – Added a Bank Account field in Debtor Management CRM
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtor > Debtor Management. Added a Bank Account field which will not be displayed in CRM.
Description of Usage: The Bank account can be selected and saved for the Debtor and on clicking the reverse arrow icon, it clears the default bank account field.
247869 CRM- Name on new CRM Task (Cadogan Tate Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up CRM > Contacts tab in Add task. The Medicon record display as ‘Sirs Medicon’ in Name field on adding a task. Previously, it was displaying as ‘Medicon’.
Description of Usage: When the user adds a task for Medicon record in CRM > Contacts tab, it displays ‘Medicon’ only in Name field instead of ‘Sirs Medicon’.
248169 Credit Card Details – Security Enhancement
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management -> Details tab, Payment Details icon & Debtors->Details, Banking button. Added password validation to edit credit card number in the above screen
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘PasswordCreditCardRemoval’ and ‘PasswordCreditCardDebtor’. The user can test this by setting the password in the above system parameters with a desired password and clicking the binocular icon next to the credit card number field in the above screens. The password needs to be entered and if it is correct, it will display the whole credit card number which can be updated. If password is incorrect, it will display error message.
Initial display of credit card number is such that, last 4 digits are displayed with other being ‘*’ due to security. Binocular icon is displayed only credit card details exists.
249131 Invoice – Tax on invoice
Description of Functionality: Bug fix for tax on invoice that is linked to cost option. The tax should be calculated from the invoice line directly, not added separately from cost option which can cause rounding errors by a few cents.
Description of Usage: Invoice created from cost option where there are multiple lines in cost option combined as one line on invoice, the tax should be calculated directly from the invoice line.
249590 Costing – Waybill Updates
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill /Manifests -> Costing tab. Fixed the following items in the above screen.
– Display purchase/purchase order number when posted.
– Disable post button if costing line is already posted.
– Validate and display error message if multiple costing lines are selected and has already posted.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a creditor, typing a value in actual cost and posting in costing tab of manifests.
250577 Costing/ Accounts- Don’t Include Additional Cost Options in Revenue Analysis
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Costing Tab. Added a new system parameter, which when enabled will disable the prompted to add any additional cost options to the revenue analysis.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Don’t Include Additional Cost Option in Revenue’. To Test: Add an additional cost option on an existing removal then check that the standard prompt to include cost option in revenue analysis is not present.
251512 Debtor – Buttons Enabling and Screen Modifications in Debtor Management
Exception: the Removal Product lookup for Conroy New Zealand, which maintains the + icon to allocate removal products Description of Functionality:
Buttons for clearing linked items to a Debtor have been enable when the user copies and existing Debtor. When the user select Copy to create a new Debtor the buttons to clear the linked Default Bank Account, Removal Product, Corporate/CRM, Creditor and Agent have been enabled. This will allow the user to clear these values if they do not apply to the new Debtor.
Also changes have been made to the functionality of assign the Default Bank Account and the Removal Product. To make these consistent with how assigning of the linked CRM/Corporate, Creditor and Agent Moveware has added buttons similar to ones for the CRM/Corporate, Creditor and Agent look ups.
Description of Usage: Previously on a Copy of an existing Debtor the buttons to reset the linked Default Bank Account, Removal Product, Corporate/CRM, Creditor and Agent were all disabled. This did not allow the user to reset these values until the new Debtor was created. Now the user is able to clear these values while the Debtor record is not yet created.
Previously the linked Default Bank Account and the Removal Products were assigned by double clicking in the field displaying the Bank Account or Removal Product. Now these fields are disabled to just display the description, and a button has been added to the left of these fields that will perform the look up in the same way these are handled for the linked CRM/Corporate, Creditor and Agent.
251842 General Ledger – Field Format Expansion
Description of Functionality: Payroll Categories / Employee Management > Pay Setup. Expense and Payable G/L fields have been expanded to accommodate up to 30 characters.
251883 General Ledger – Change to Allow Inter Company Journals
Description of Functionality: A system parameter has been added to allow journals to be posted with transaction that are linked to accounts from different companies.
Previously Moveware would allow intercompany journals by default, unless the companies had different base currencies. Now these journals will not be allowed by default, and the system will need to have the Allow Inter Company Journals system parameter set to Y to allow this processing.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: Allow Inter Company Journals. This is a validation that takes place for transactions that will be written to the General Ledger. Users will not be allowed to post journals that have accounts in different companies without this system parameter set to Y.
251947 General Ledger – Unreconcile and re-reconcile of journals even log
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Bank Reconciliation. Upon Unreconcile or Re-reconcile of a journal, the action is now event logged.
Description of Usage: Go to bank reconciliation screen, unreconcile a journal, check the event log, under event log screen, as this uses the reference of gtid for searching purpose so it does not come under the journal event log. Re-reconcile the journal and the user should get the event log if it has been previously unreconciled.
252149 Banking – Bank files supported (The Moving Company Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Banking-> Electronic Banking. Fixed header format for Bank of New Zealand bank type while exporting ABA file in above screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting From & To fields from combo boxes, select the transaction records and click on Save button. The ABA file format is displayed in the file saved.
252611 Creditor – Creditor Purchase Validation
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors->Purchases, Creditors->Purchase Update, Search and Details tab. Added validation for ‘DisplayTotalsPurchase’ system parameter to match Tax and Total fields when posted in above screen.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: DisplayTotalsPurchase. A user can test this request by selecting a record, tax and total fields not set to the actual values, save it and click on Post icon. The error appears in ‘Error’ column when record fails validation.
252700 Debtor- Set Customer Type upon selection of bill to
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Details tab & Debtor Management > Details to set up the debtor type.When a customer (Bill to) is selected, it should automatically update customer type field on the right hand side of the details tab. Note: the customer type field may not be visible is set to inactive in codes management.
Description of Usage: Go to removal management screen (select a customer, and check the customer type is updated on the right hand side
252899 Accounts – Fixed rounding for negative numbers
Description of Functionality: Bug Fix to modify the way moveware rounds negative numbers. The standard behaviour is now to round the absolute value of a number, so for example to round up -543.53 should return -543.55 not -543.50, and to round down will return -543.50.
Description of Usage: When creating a credit note, if rounding applies to the value, check that if rounds the same as the invoice/cost option.
253348 Invoice – Invoice Quote Header and Invoices Display
Description of Functionality: Changes to view of Quotes and Cost Options in Removals Management.
Description of Usage: Invoice Quote Header changed to Quote where it appears in the cost options, invoices at the top of the page below. The creation date of the Quote is also added so as to help identify if multiple Quotes, Invoices and Commission cost options by colour in the listing above and in the JTC. Sort by Quotes, Invoices & then Commissions.
When system parameter ‘Use Employee Commission Setup’ is set to ‘Y’, only users with security group P can see commission cost options.
253523 Banking – Electronic Banking Account change
Description of Functionality: Removed Bank Accounts from list of selectable Clearing Accounts.
245266 Creditor/ Debtor – Purchase Order Screen Filter Updates
Description of Functionality:
Creditor > Purchases
Debtor > Invoicing
Creditor->Purchase Orders
In both the Creditors > Purchase and Debtors Invoicing screen the filters have been modified so that when user enter the Purchase or Invoice number the filter will ignore the other filters and filter solely on the Purchase or Invoice number. This is in line with the Removals Management search when searching on removal number.
Description of Usage: Previously users could filter on the Purchase and Invoice numbers, however that filter would include all other filters. This caused issues when the number was entered and no records would return because another filter had a value. Now if the user enters a value in the number filter the list will use only that number to filter the records.
247405 Creditors – Purchase Update Screen – Show Approved by Filter if Purchase Approval is enabled in system
Found under / Set up: Purchase Update Screen. When ‘Use Purchase Approval’ system parameter is enabled, this field is visible in the Purchase Update Screen. Users also have the ability to filter by this field
Description of Usage: Go to Purchase update screen, both approved by filter and approved by column should be available if the system parameter “Use Purchase Approval” is on.
248288 Invoice – Storage invoice attachments
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors->Invoicing. On enabling the ‘Save Invoices to Debtors Folder Structure’ system parameter, storage invoice PDF files will be saved in Debtor’s folder for companies running report builder.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by having SRC column set to ‘S’ and click on PDF icon in Debtor invoicing screen. The Invoice file is saved in both Debtors folder as well as in Storage Clients.
247665 Debtors/CRM – Search Tab
Description of Functionality: If the status is set to blank, ‘Closed’ status records are displayed as well in the Search tab of CRM screen. Previously, it was not included.
Description of Usage: System parameter ‘CrmStatusClosed’ is set ‘Y’. When the user selects the status to blank, the ‘Closed’ status records are displayed in the CRM screen of Search tab.
250746 Creditor – Purchase numbering change
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors >Purchases. When a purchase is created, the purchase number is set from the company’s current purchase number, with branch code attached at the end.
Description of Usage: From purchase screen, add new purchase, check that the purchase number is set correctly, and that the company purchase number has incremented.
251257 Cost Invoicing – Enhancements
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Cost Invoicing Screen. Added a new column to show Move Manager. Added filters for Move Manager and Sales rep.
251334 Cost Invoicing- Default Uplift date (Grospiron Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Cost Invoicing Screen. Upon loading the screen, default the uplift date filter to blank.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by loading the above screen and uplift date is not set. For other companies it is set to today’s date.
248567 Rate Management – Added additional column ‘Date To’ in rates import/export
Description of Functionality: Added an additional ‘Date To’ column for rates import/export through the rates management screen. The Date To field currently is a visual/info only field and cannot be used to filter on rates (exceptions apply).
251677 Rate Management/ Removals Products – Rate Date Enhancement
Description of Functionality: Added ability to Removal Products to always determine the rates that are found based on dates of the job. In Removal Products as field has been added labelled Rates Use Date.
This is a combo-box that has options U – Uplift, D – Delivery, P – Packing, UP – Unpacking, and CD – Carton Delivery. When the rate finder is run Moveware will check this setting for the removal product and determine the date to used based on this value. If the date is blank the date used will be the default (the date it used previously).
Description of Usage: Currently the removal products will use the Uplift date for invoicing or the Cost Option date for costing. If the date set in the removal product is set on the job, this date will override the current date being passed. If the removal product isn’t set with a date then the standard (current) behaviour will remain.
252290 Rate Management – New calc type RG
Description of Functionality: When a cost line is set to RG, the system should look for all other cost lines on the cost option where the creditor product group is the same as the creditor product group if the RG line, and update the est qty of the RG line to be the sum of all the other lines with the same group
Description of Usage: First setup creditor product groups in creditor product setup. Go to costing, add RG to a cost line, and check that the est qty is updated from all other cost lines with the same creditor product group
253042 CRM – RUT Validation
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up CRM. RUT field is now validated in CRM screen.
253102 Invoice – Branch/company invoice number update error
Description of Functionality: Fixed an issue where the branch/company invoice number update doesn’t work every time and users are getting errors saying that the invoice number is already used.
Description of Usage: For both combined invoicing and normal invoicing, check that the message invoice number already used isn’t coming up
253230 CRM – Payment Terms to display in CRM View (Dehaan Only)
Description of Functionality: In CRM/Corporate Listing the Payment Terms of the Account have been made visible.
253287 Creditors – Remittance Advice (OSS Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors > Payments &Creditors > Creditor Admin > Electronic Banking. Add an extra line of “Description” for automatic email contents when payment is posted.
250456 Drag and Drop File Management
Description of Functionality: New feature for drag and drop of files from Windows into Moveware folders. Currently the Removal Folder in Removals. Management needs to be opened to drag and drop contents. Now users are able to drag and drop files from outside of Moveware into the folder icons in Removals Management, Debtors Management, Creditors Management, Domestic and International Waybills, Employee Management, as well have the drag and drop available to email attachments.
Description of Usage: User can select the file(s) they wish to copy into the appropriate folder or attachment list for emails, drag them into Moveware and drop the files into the folder icon or into the attachments list on an email. For the storage of files in the Removals, Debtors, Creditors, Waybills, and Employee folders, this action will copy the files from the original location leaving a copy in the original location. No files will be removed from their original location.
244041 Deleting and Archiving Old Data
Description of Functionality: Folders that are created for each job can be set to delete automatically. This will run as part of the maintenance, and only on jobs that have been closed for more than 6 months. This is useful for deleting passports and birth certificate scans, etc. that are no longer needed. There are also options to change the time from something other than 6 months (in days) and to archive these items to an archive folder, rather than delete them. See Description of Use for details.
Description of Usage: System parameter: DELETECLOSEDFOLDERS to Y
To Test:
Add a code for each required folder as a ‘Directory’ code type (in codes management)
Set the Extra field to DELETE to make this folder delete after the job has been closed for six months.
To change the amount of days in the past to search for, change the parameter DELETECLOSEDFOLDERSDAYS to the number of days in the past (Default is 183, when set to N.)
To archive items, set the archive folder path in the parameter ARCHIVECLOSEDFOLDER. The default is c:\temp\archive if the temp folder is not set. This needs to be fully qualified if set (e.g.: “c:\temp\archive”)
Under Codes Management (Similar to 2 and 3 above) change the Extra field to ARCHIVE to archive these items, instead of deleting them.
Inventory/Fine Art/Object Management
220979 Inventory – Added Creditor Product Selection to Inventory Module
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Inventory Management. Allows you to view, add and delete linked Creditor Products (for use in Purchasing).
Description of Usage: Go to selected Tab and add / remove Products.
249855 Inventory – CSV import (Transcorp Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration->Utilities-> Data Import Users can now import and create inventory items for removal plans.
Description of Usage:
The user can test this by selecting Inventory from combo-box, selecting a csv file of inventory items.
Click on import button which imports the inventory items and displays in a table format with Job Number, Description, Qty, Volume, Total Volume and Room. It displays in separate records if it has in different bedrooms.
Click on Validate, which validates if there are any invalid inventory items (i.e. description doesn’t match to inventory description) highlights in red.
Click on Create button, which creates the inventory items for the Job number mentioned. Once created, if the user tries to create the same inventory items (i.e. if items already exists in removal) then highlights in red. The user has to go back and update the csv file and try importing and creating it again.
The record and error records are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
252938 Inventory – Default Status filter in Materials screen (Blue Lion Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operations > Inventory > Packing Materials. Upon loading of the Materials screen for the first time, the default value of Status filter is N.
246183 Object Management – Redesign and Additional Fields (Martin Speed Only)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module. Following changes have been applied:
Change screen layout
– Artist
– Title
– Date
– Medium
– Dimensions
When Adding Type Container – Default Third Party Field to “N”
When Adding Type Container – Un-validate “Weight”
When Adding a Type Artwork/Component – Un-validate CPC, Commodity IMP and EXP Fields
Stop Owner from populating on the ADD of an Inventory/Object
CPC Search Field in Removals Management >Inventory Screen
Additional Field for CITES Number
246291 Object Management – Dimensions – Measurements entered in inches, centimetres or millimetres
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removals->Inventory tab for FNA job type & Storage Management -> Inventory tab. The Length, Width and Height fields are set in Object Management screen accordingly depending on the value of system parameter ‘Measurements Entered in Inches’:-
Y, fields are entered in inches (Toggle-Inches is default checked in Object Management)
N or C, fields are entered in Centimeters
M, fields are entered in Millimeters
The toggle in the Object Management can be checked if the user wants to view the values in inches. When a new Inventory item is added in Removals -> Inventory tab (for FNA job type) and in Storage Management-> Inventory tab, the values of Length, Width and Height are displayed according to above conditions.
Description of Usage: The user can test this support request by adding a new object in Object Management (can view the Length, Width and Height values in inches by toggling the “Show measurement in Inches” toggle) and can view the display of the values accordingly in Removals->Inventory tab and Storage Management -> Inventory tab.
248388 Object Management – Additional Info Displayed in Job and Storage Inventory
Description of Functionality: Additional Information displayed on the Object at the Job and Storage Inventory Page bottom left grey area, so the user does not need to open the object up to view additional information.Additional Info Displayed in Job and Storage Inventory:
Case Type
250817 Fine Art- Ability to create a RP when moving object from Storage Account
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Management Fine Art Module. When selecting the “Move Object” Icon in a Fine Art Storage Account, users will get the choice between creating a new RP or Moving to an existing RP. If the User choose to create a new Job the Removal Management screen will be loaded and the selected Objects will be automatically copied across to the new RP. If they choose existing RP then standard behaviour follows.
240038 Fine Art – Updates (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module.
Toggle Added to Inventory Section to display Cases on Shipment which are pulled from the Fine Art Inventory Tab.
When this toggle is checked the Inventory View is adjusted to display two new field on each inventory record – “Grounds for Exemption” and “Screening Method” – Validation in place where use can only complete one field out of the two. Each field has its own lookup
Six new Security Tab Fields have added to type in security seal numbers
250874 Fine Art / Asset Management – System Parameter to display Object Properties
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art / Asset Management. Added System Parameter which opens up the object properties screen to show more details of the object instead of selecting the object.
Description of Usage: System parameter ‘Double Click in Object Lookup shows Object Properties’ now behaves in the following way:
-Set to ‘Y’: When adding a Fine Art / Asset Management object to a job/storage and double clicking on an object in the lookup list, it would bring up the properties of the object.
-Set to ‘N’: When adding a Fine Art / Asset Management object to a job/storage and double clicking on an object in the lookup list, it would automatically add this object to the job/storage.
247413 Fine Art – Enhanced duplicate checker when adding a fine art object
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module. Enhanced duplicate checker when adding a fine art object to display all duplicates found and allow linking of new object to existing Artwork as a component.
247416 Fine Art -Inventory Value Column – Toggle to switch between Currencies in Fine Art Module
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management and Storage Management – Inventory Tab – Object Value Column. If all the Values have been entered in the same foreign currency then a toggle will be activated to “Display Foreign Values” this displays both the Values and the Total at the bottom in the Foreign Currency.
247605 Fine Art – Object Management Record – Second set of Dims to record item/naked dimensions of the object/item
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module. Added a button next to the dimensions fields in object/asset management which opens up an extra set of dimensions that can be used to enter the item/naked dimensions of the object/item.
252091 Fine Art – Added Column Sorting to the Object Lookup List for Fine Art / Asset Management
Description of Functionality: When looking up Fine Art or Asset Management objects pick list, users can sort the list by clicking on the column headers.
248382 Fine Art/ Asset Management – New Date Range Filters
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art. Ability to Filter the Date In & Date Out using a date range for any Fine Art or Asset Management storage accounts
248261 Fine Art/ Asset Management – Ability to use reports exchange rate for insurance rate conversion
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter Values’ which upon enabling, uses the reports exchange rate instead of the standard debtors exchange rate for converting foreign currency valued objects into base currency insurance values.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Use the Reports Exchange Rate for Fine Art/Asset Management Insurance Values’ to ‘Y’.
Go to banking -> currency exchange rates and set the objects insurance exchange rate in the reports exchange rate field.
When adding objects with a value in a currency different to the base currency, it would now use the reports exchange rate instead of the debtor’s exchange rate
250941 Fine Art Module – Inventory Tab in Storage Management and Removals Management (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art/ Removal Management & Storage Management. Enhanced Object View in Inventory screen to display additional information in the grey area at the bottom of the Inventory screen when selecting an object. The dimensions originally displayed were the crated dimensions we have changed this to display the Object dimensions, as the crated dimension are already visible in the line item of the object. Old Ref. has also been added to viewable information.
248364 Fine Art /Object Management – Additional Casing Options
Description of Functionality:
Added an option so that when a user assigns a case to objects already with cases, it would pop-up to ask if they want to clear the case. They can select Yes, No or cancel at this point. Yes acts as it does previously, no then assumes that they want to assign an outer casing and cancel cancels the whole operation. If an Object has an individual case and then is consolidated in an outer case the Casing Column is highlighted Pink, as well as the Casing Field when reviewing the object in Object View Pop up.
Added a crate button which splits the cases. When the object is inside multiple cases, it would break the cases out and assign them individually to the job. At the moment it would also remove the object from the case.
Display the Case Type in the screen next to the Case field
248384 Fine Art – VAT Field on Diary Actions (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: Added in Field to enter VAT Number on Diary Action for use in the Fine Art Module.
249800 Fine Art – Module Screen Layout
Description of Functionality: To encourage adoption of the Fine Art Object Management screen for a more general use, we have reshuffled certain columns around as per below: ‘Title – Description – Artist’ is now ‘Artist – Title – Description’. We have also relabelled ‘Catalog Ref’ to ‘Client Ref’
250794 Fine Art/Asset Management – Added ability to filter fine art objects in job, storage & job diary by location
Description of Functionality: Added the location filter in the job & storage inventory tab as well as the job diary (green chair button) to allow filtering of Fine art/asset management objects by location.
239581 Charge Line Rates in MoveSurvey
Description of Functionality: In MoveSurvey, pricing for charge line items can be generated with Moveware rates when a new charge line is added. New lines will have fields highlighted in blue to indicate that this line can be processed with Moveware’s rates. Use the Re-sync button to run this process.
Description of Usage: In MoveSurvey:
Go to the Account Page
Select Charges Click Add to add a charge line. The rate and the value fields will be blue.
Click the Re-sync button. This will send the data back to Moveware and return the job with the rate or value populated, depending on the charge line. This should be the same as what would be populated inside Moveware.
250073 MoveSurvey Details Sync MoveSurvey v4.1.1.473 or greater
Description of Functionality: In MoveSurvey, the job details are always synced down to Moveware which can overwrite changes made by other users. This update only alters the details pages when they are changed (uplift, delivery, and miscellaneous). The purpose of this change is to allow other users to change details in Moveware and not lose them.
Description of Usage: Turn on the SyncIndividualPages system parameter. Only change the MoveSurvey details screens that are needed (if any.) Only these changed screen will update.
252187 MovePortal Page Redirection in IE 11.0.21
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: MovePortal. Bug fix relating to page redirection introduced with the latest IE11 update (11.0.21). Navigating to a client’s MovePortal page would give an endless loading image, and the page would never load. This has been resolved.
Removals (General)/ Removals Costing/ Removal Storage /JTC/ Rate Requests
247908 Removal Costing/ Invoice – Create Invoice from Costing Creating Lines for each Tax Used
Description of Functionality: For systems setup to create invoices from costing, the generation of the costing lines has been modified for costs that are setup to combine onto one line on the invoice.
Previously in Moveware only one option total line was created on the invoice that combined costing lines flagged to combine onto the Option Total. This meant the any costs that were setup with a different tax code to the Option Total line also combined under this option total on the invoice. This meant the tax value on this invoice line was not accurate for the tax code used on the invoice line.
Now when the invoice is created, the Option Total line is split into one live for each tax code. This allow for the costing to remain setup with the Option Total reflecting the sum of the costing lines above it, but allows the invoice to accurately display the tax that has been assigned to these lines. Issue have occurred in the past where the origin or destination servers are not taxable but the rest of the costing that combines to create the Option Total amount is taxable. Now these Origin or Destination services will be written on a separate line on the invoice so the tax value of their charge and the tax value of the other charges can be accurately displayed.
Description of Usage: The process for creating invoices from costing remains the same. It is just how the invoice lines are created that has changed. This change will only affect systems that have costing lines set to combine to the Option Total that require a different tax rate to be applied then the tax rate on the Option Total.
250577 Removal Costing/ Accounts- Don’t Include Additional Cost Options in Revenue Analysis
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Costing Tab. Added a new system parameter, which when enabled will disable the prompted to add any additional cost options to the revenue analysis
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Don’t Include Additional Cost Option in Revenue’. To Test: Add an additional cost option on an existing removal then check that the standard prompt to include cost option in revenue analysis is not present.
249946 Removal Costing – Costing Lock in Branch Management
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Costing Tab. To be used in conjunction with new enhancement of system parameter “Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked”
Allow editing of Est when the sell price is locked (Y/N)
U – When invoice is posted
When this system parameter is set to “U” this allows user to edit the estimated costs when the Invoice has posted, it will not affect the Sell Process, but will adjust the Margins. Added functionality to Costing Lock Date field in Branch Management where this date field will lock down the ability to edit cost option estimates based in the Invoice Date.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked. If the Invoice Date is 30/07/15 and the Costing Lock Date = 31/07/15 the user can no longer edit the estimates in the linked cost option. If the Invoice Date is 01/08/15 and the Costing Lock Date = 31/07/15 the user is still able to edit the estimates.
252486 Removal Costing – Lock validation (Packimpex)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management > Costing tab & Rate Requests > Costing tab. New validation to stop the locking of the cost option if there exists a costing line item of type ‘E’ in the ‘O’ column.
243827 Removal Costing- Purchases on Cost Options of Status W
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Screen – Removal Management->Costing tab. Added a new system parameter which when enabled will allow the user to Purchase/Purchase order if cost header status is not ‘W’. I.e. P User will be notified with a warning message before proceeding.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: CostsAllowPurchaseAnyStatus
The user can test this by selecting the cost line and hitting on post icon. If there are no errors and cost header status is ‘W’, a warning message will notify you of the cost option status, and if you wish to proceed with the posting.
253081 Removals – Resources – Formatting the decimal values to fit in the columns
Description of Functionality: Screen – Removals->Resources tab. Fixed the formatting of decimal values in columns and also reduced the column width to fit in a table without a scroll bar.
Description of Usage: The user can test this in the above screen if the decimal values have 9 digits in columns like Est Cost, Rate (7 digits), Sell Rate, See Price and Act Cost
252545 Removals – Resources – Changes to Resources tab (Packimpex)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Resources tab. Upon double-click of the act column, Moveware should now check if the employee is locked for the day before popping up hours. Hide lock all button from the resource tab.
Description of Usage: Go to removal resource tab, double click on the act column. If the day is locked for the employee the hours should not Popup to be edited.
251517 Removals – Change colour of Review tab in Removals Management
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management > Review tab. Added a feature to display Review tab in Green when all questions assigned to a selected job are answered. System parameter “Show Coloured Tabs in Removals Management” must be set to ‘Y’
235348 Removals – Convert between Metric/Feet when disable auto calculation is on
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management Export/Import screen. New system parameter added and if enabled and ‘Disable auto calc’ is ticked then meters and feet will still convert between each other, so does Lbs and Kgs if either has been modified.
Description of Usage: System parameter: Convert between Metric/Feet when disable auto calc is on” is set to Y.
1.In export/import screen, check disable auto-calc toggle, enter M3, check that Ft is also updated, but not Lbs and Kgs.
Update lbs, and check Kgs is updated but not M3 of Ft
240484 Removals – Ability to Select from Debtors, Creditors & Agents lookup when selecting an Address from Removals Details
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals > Details tab (New Details Browser Only). When double-clicking in the From/To/Bill To/Corporate to bring up the debtor lookup, you can now select from the Creditor & Agents tables as well which will populate into the from & to address fields. If the Agent selected has a linked debtor and the ‘Bill To’ and ‘Corporate’ or ‘CRM’ toggle is also checked, then it would also populate the debtor linked to the agent into these fields.
When a Delivery Debtor is selected for the lookup list, the recorded email address is populated into the email field. When selecting a debtor/creditor/agent from the address table on a job, populate the fax number, attention to and email into the address details.
Description of Usage:
Open Removals
Select Details Tab
Double Click in any of the Client, Delivery, Bill To or Corporate fields to bring up the debtor lookup
Change the Toggle from Debtor to Creditor or Agent
Select a Creditor or Agent record and ensure that at least one of the Fill Selected is checked
Click Ok
See the details of the Creditor or Agent populate into the fields that were selected in the lookup
If an agent is selected and the ‘Bill To’ or ‘CRM’ toggle were checked, then the debtor linked to the agent will be used to fill the corresponding fields
Open Removals
Select Details tab
Double click in the Delivery debtor name field
Select the required debtor from the Debtor Lookup, click the ‘OK’ button. Debtor email will be populated into the Delivery debtor email field
Open Removals
Select Details Tab
Double click in the first line of the address field
Click Add to add a new address
Click the first line of the address field to bring up the debtor/creditor/agent lookup
Select Record and have its email, attention to & fax populate into the newly added corresponding fields in the address table
241974B Removals – Removed volume validation in Details tab of removals (Clockwork)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals->JTC, Removals->Details screen Removed volume validation on ESL job type for Clockworks.
239692 JTC – Ability to Add Merge Field and Expand Comments in Removal/Creditor products
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Job Type Creator. Users can set removal/creditor product descriptions up with merge fields which will pull the job information when running the JTC or manually adding line onto cost option/invoice.
Description of Usage: When adding cost lines through either the Job Type Creator (JTC) or manually onto a cost option. Users can now use Removal/Rate Request merge fields in the cost description (i.e. creditor product description) and the cost details (creditor product comments). When double clicking in the details of a cost line, users can now insert paragraph merge fields using the ‘insert’ button.
When adding invoice charge lines through either the JTC or manually onto an invoice. Users can also use Removal merge fields in the charge description (i.e. Removal product description).
241473 JTC – Debtor – Select Debtor When Running Job Type Creator
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management / JTC. Added a system parameter” which adds a toggle called ‘Select Debtor’ on the JTC setup. When set to ‘Y’ and the job type is run, it will pop up with a debtor lookup which sets the debtor on the cost option or invoice depending on what is created.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Select Debtor When Running JTC’ by set ‘Y’
Go to the job type setups and set those job types that require the user to be prompted for the debtor when running the JTC to Select Debtor = ‘Y’.
When Running the JTC and selecting a job type where the Select Debtor field in the job type setup is set to ‘Y’, the user will get prompted to select the debtor instead of having the debtor automatically defaulted from the Bill to in the job details screen
241974I JTC/ Removal Storage – Storage Date in/Out Set by JTC Date (Clockwork Removals)
Description of Functionality: Date entered in JTC will set the Storage In or Out Diary Actions where the Key Action of the Diary Action is set to Storage Date In or Storage Date Out. This works for Diary Actions created at the same time the JTC is run and is within the Job Type Setup. For Branch ESL ONLY.
244921 Removal – Details Date fields read-only on Status W (Matco)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Details. Date fields on the Removals Details screen are read-only when the Status of the Removal is Won.
Description of Usage: The Dates fields, on the right hand side of Removal Details, can be modified from the Removal Details screen while the job is in a Status of Inspection or Pending. Once the job is giving a Status of W (Won), the Dates can only be modified by changing the date of a diary action that has a Key Action that corresponds with the Removal Date field in question. This forces users to update the Diary, rather than the Details, which is the optimal way to use the system.
245526 JTC/Cost Option Details – Language Selection for Text
Description of Functionality: Additional checks in place where if the language on the client does not have default text setup on the Job Types the Cost Option Details display blank as per the setup. Previously the Default English Text would be used leading to errors in the reports.
245623 Rate Request – Combine Cost Options in Rate Request
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: International > Rate Request & Job Type Creator screen. Added a functionality to add a job type to an existing cost option when running the job type creator.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a job type and checking the toggle “Add to selected option”.
245965 Rate Request- Resizing Search screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rate Requests > Search tab. The rate request search screen has been resized to work with the resolution of 1440 x 900 or higher.
Description of Usage: Resolution setup in user default setting needs to be set at 1440 x 900 or higher, then restart Moveware and navigate to Rate Requests menu to see the changes.
245671 Removals – Copy Removals -Added the ability to copy invoices upon copy of removal
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management > Details. Added new system parameter when enabled and the system parameter ‘Invoices created from Costing’ is set to N or C where the cost option is not set to create invoice from costing, copying the existing job will provide users with the option to also copy or move the existing invoices to the new removal.
Description of Usage: System parameter ‘Removals copy Invoices’. Set Y will use standard copy functionality to copy invoices
246001 Removal -Shipping status disable volume change (Anglo Pacific)
Description of Functionality: When removal shipping status is set to R, L or Y, the check box for updating inventory should be greyed out, and the volume fields on both detail screen and export screens should be greyed out. Only impacts export job types EX.
Description of Usage: Once the shipping status updates to R L or Y, volume must not be able to change
246235 Removal Costings – Ability to Copy Creditor Product Lines in a cost option
Description of Functionality: Ability to Copy Creditor Product Lines in a Cost Option and reset changes before saving.
246337 Removal- Diary Action – Address Update (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: Updated the way the Main Uplift and Delivery Addresses update the Diary Actions. Previously when updating a Diary Action Collection and Delivery Address the State and Country were being duplicated as the State and Country were being pulled in from the Origin and Destination CODES.
247268 Removal Costings – Rate Types – Ability to set a Rate Type to apply the exchange rate to the Est Qty instead of Est Cost Rate field
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Costing Tab. Added ability to set up rates to modify the Est Qty field instead of the Est Cost Rate in regards to currency exchange.
Description of Usage: To set up a particular Rate Type to use this functionality:
– In Codes Management, code type ‘Rate Type’ – Put a ‘Y’ in the ‘Update Qty’ field. For that calc type it then updates the Est Qty field rather than Est Rate when the exchange rate is calculated. To test the changes, head to costing screen and set that rate type on a cost line, change to a foreign currency on the cost line, toggle the est cost foreign currency toggle and check the qty changes with exchange rate, and est rate/value stays the same.
For example if exchange rate is 2
Local rate is 0.5, foreign rate is still 0.5
Local qty is 100, foreign qty is 200
247459 Removal – Origin and Destination Codes – Defaults (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Details
Set the following Origin/Destination code based on the following Types:
MO – Default – Origin Code based on User Default and Destination Blank
IM – Default Destination Code to User Default – Origin Blank
MU – Default Both to Blank
EUI – Default Destination Code to User Default – Origin Blank
EUE- Default – Origin Code based on User Default and Destination Blank
OM – Default Both to Blank
LO – Default Both to User Default
STF – Default Both to User Default
Origin/Destination updated from selection of a Creditor/Debtor or Agent should update from Country Code in each record.
247539 Removal Costings – Cartus and Other Third Party Referral Fees calculation
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Costing Tab. Added functionality to automatically calculating external referral fees (i.e. Cartus Referral and Acadia Fees) into the costing of a move, as well as a method of calculating the total sell rate for the move as a per set percentage of the total gross, rather than a mark-up of the net cost.
Utilization of this feature requires configuration changes to your system. Please contact your Account manager to inquire and to receive an estimate of hours required.
Description of Usage: Normally in Moveware a client could select to mark-up the move costs by a percentage. For example a 1000.00 cost with a 10% mark-up equals a 1,100.00 sell to the client, and therefore a 100.00 profit to the company. That 100.00 profit equals 9% of the total sell of 1,100.00
With the recent update, users can now use a built in calculation to work out a total sell based on a pre required percentage profit based on the known costs, including the referral fee cost. In the above example, knowing the move costs of 1,000.00 Moveware, and a desired profit of 20% of gross, Moveware would calculate your total required sell as 1,254.00. This equals a 254.00 profit, which equals 20% of 1,254.00
248015 Removal Validation – Estimated move date for all status (Dehaan)
Description of Functionality:
Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Details tab. Validate estimated move date on all move status (I, N, P, W)
248525 Removal Invoice – Revenue calculation for unlinked invoices
Description of Functionality: Fixed revenue calculation for unlinked invoices, so that the revenue should be calculated from the invoice rather than the cost option
Description of Usage: For unlinked invoices, revenue should come from invoice not cost option.
248634 Removal/ Debtor – Debtor Email Address (EW Hogan)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Details tab. If a debtor is already linked to the removal and the debtor is modified: – maintain what is currently happening. The email should update to the new debtor’s setup.
If no debtor previously assigned and adding a new one:
if there is no value in the email address on the removal then update with then email address of the debtor.
If there is a value in the email address on the removal and the debtor has an email address setup then ask if the user would like to update the email address to that of the new debtor. If yes then update else maintain the email.
If there is a value in the email address on the removal and the debtors does not have an email address setup then maintain the email address.
249228 Removal Costing – Freight Rates (Elliot)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management-> Costing tab. Fixed the freight rates not pulling through on export costings on Removals->Costing tab. previously, there was a bug with date and now it takes the appropriate date and pulls the rates accordingly.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a new Export (Groupage) job type using Job Type Creator and adding ‘Freight’ type using Add button in Removals->Costing tab with today’s date. Freight rates doesn’t appear blank and displays on export costings.
249612 Removals – Field Validation – Correspondence Field (Harrow Green)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Details tab. In Removals Management, we added validation to the correspond field
250048A Removals – Updating the Diary Uplift Date from Removals Details Screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Details tab. Added a new system parameter to update uplift date in diary tab when uplift date is modified in removal details screen.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘UpdateUpliftDate’. Updating uplift date in Removals->Details tab will update the date in diary tab
250200 Removal Costing – Ability to show Est Cost (FC) Column in the costing header
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter which displays an additional Est Cost (FC) column in the costing headers to display the total foreign currency estimated costs of the cost option. This column only show a value when all of the cost lines on the cost option are of a unified currency that is not the local currency.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘Show Costs Header Foreign Currency (FC) column’
250230 Removals – Validations for Cost Centre Types (Globe)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Details tab. Removed validations for Volume and Survey Date for PET and CAR transport respectively for Globe Company. It was setting in W and I status respectively.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting the Type to CAR , Status W and hit on save – No validation for Net Feet. Set the Type to PET, Status I and hit on save – No validation for Survey Date.
250419 Removal – Booker Feature
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Details tab. Added a new system parameter to not default the Booking Agent to the booking agent assigned to the moveware user upon add of a job. This can be set to disable for all job types or just for certain ones.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘DisableBookingAgent’. The user can test this by clicking on ‘Add’ button in the above screen and add a new job. If the default job type is set in employee management and the system parameter is set to ‘Y’, or the job type is part of the list of types entered into the system parameter Booker is set to blank.
250800 Removals/ Fine Art – Allow non admin users to add additional Title / Artist values
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Details tab. Title field lookup in browser. Inventory tab > Artist column lookup. Ability to add artists and Title by all users using system parameter (EnableArtistAndTitle) even if they don’t have security group (M, X or Z) which is required to update such codes.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by enabling the above system parameter and double clicking on Title field or Artist field, a look up pops up where “Add” button is enabled. On click of “Add” button, the user can add the codes even if they don’t fall under M, X, Z security groups.
250802 Removals/Fine Art -Title field in column
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Removals > Search tab, Name column and Ops Diary > Search tab, Comment column. Added Title field in Name column of Removals->Search screen and Comment column in Ops Diary screen. Toggle is replaced with a button to switch between columns. The Title column is displayed only on enabling ‘DisplayTitle2’ system parameter.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by enabling the above system parameter and clicking button beside Name column in Removals screen and Comment columns in Ops Diary screen.
251448 Removals – Updating of Revenue Field on Details Page (Dehaan)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management> Details. Updating of Revenue Field on Details Page, upon entering of each job on the search screen Revenue will be recalculated, in addition a nightly procedure is run to update revenue.
251776 Removals Validation – Compulsory Validation Added (Matco)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management> Details. Validation is now compulsory for the following fields regardless of status of job:
Inquiry Type
Referral Type
251916 Removals – Agent Field Defaults (Dehaan)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management> Details. Added a functionality where origin agent field is updated when ‘Agent’ field in Details browser is updated for import job types. For other job types, Destination Agent field is updated.
Description of Usage: The user can test this for import job types by double clicking in Agent field in Details browser, select a value from lookup where Origin Agent is updated with that value as well along with Agent field. For other job types, Destination Agent field is updated along with Agent field.
252116 Baggage Management – Additional Event Logging
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Baggage Management/Removal Management – Details tab. To standardise Baggage/Removal jobs, we now record changes to the Event Log when the following fields have been modified:
From Address Line 1 and 2
To Address Line 1 and 2
Origin Code and Destination Code
Origin Port and Destination Port
Internal Note
File Number
From Email and To Email
Priority Flag
Web Flag
From Phone and To Phone
From Mobile and To Mobile
252172 Removal – Crew Notes paragraph lookup for AMV
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management> Details. In removal detail screen, when clicking on Crew Notes paragraph button, it should bring up the list of paragraphs, not the special notes look up.
Description of Usage: Go to Removal management detail screen, click on triangle button to the right of crew notes, check that it is showing the ‘Paragraphs’ and not ‘Special Notes’
252176 Removal Invoice – Payment Details button in invoice screen (AMV)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management >Invoice tab, Daily Diary->Invoice, Baggage->Invoice, and Debtors -> Invoicing. Added ‘Payment Details’ button (which displays in Details tab next to postcode field) in invoice screen.
Description of Usage: The ‘Payment Details’ button appear next to Description field in above screen only if invoice is linked to a removal
252236 Removal – Bill to Name on Top instead of Client Name
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: – Removals Management on top display. On enabling system parameter the Biller name is displayed instead of uplift name in the job display (on top left hand corner when report is selected).
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘RemovalsBillToName’ to ‘B’. The user can test this by setting the above system parameter to ‘B’ and see the bill to name is displayed on top in Removals Management.
252339 Removals – Default Booking Agent based on Debtor
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management >Details. New system parameter when enabled will so when a biller is selected and it has an agent linked, it will populate the existing Booking Agent field with that Agent.
Description of Usage: System Parameter: ‘UpdateBookingAgent system parameter. Set to Y for all job types or provide a list of job types separated by a comma for this system parameter to take effect. A user can select ‘Bill To’ field and if the debtor is linked to Agent, that agent name is put in Booking Agent field.
252412 Removals- Removal Management Search Address Filtering
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management >Search. Wildcard searching has been enabled on all address fields from Removals Management search tab. Users are able to prepend their search value with an * to enable this feature. When the filter begins with an * Moveware will search all of the address fields (address line 1, address line 2, suburb, and postcode) on both the Origin and Destination to see if they contain the filter value that follows the *.
Description of Usage: Previously Moveware would search the address fields with a ‘begins with’ search, except for the Suburb fields. Now all the fields can be found using a ‘contains’ search. The wildcard search function is in line with many other searches within Moveware.
252549 Removals Validation – Added to File Field (Harrow Green)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Removal management> Details. File field in removals management details tab is now required on Domestic Furniture Storage (FS) jobs.
252753 Invoice/Removal Costing – Check cost option R status before posting
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Invoice Tab. Validation when posting the invoice (assign number), the system should check if the cost option is still on R and ask the user to post to P.
Description of Usage: Go into invoicing screen, post (number assign) an invoice that is linked to a cost option on lock status R, the system should popup a message asking user to update to P on the cost option before posting the invoice.
252980 Removals – Removal Details- Save previous Net Lbs in a separate field whenever Net Lbs is changed
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Removal management> Details When a user modifies the Net Lbs value on a job, the system would record the previous Net Lbs value in a separate field. This currently only works for recording of Net LBs and no other measures of weight/volume.
Description of Usage: System parameter: ‘Record Previous Net LBs in the Volume Change Field’
Activate the Volume Change code of type Removals Details change its label if needed. Note: For Companies on the New Details Browser Only
249687 Removal Storage- Inventories restriction when adding to Jobs (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals > Storage Tab. Can only add Object that are linked/on a Storage account if the Storage ID has been correctly inputted on the details Page of a job. If a user is trying to add objects from various/multiple storage accounts they will encounter a warning “You have selected an Object/s that are on different Storage Account than what it is assigned to the Job, are you sure you wish to do this.
Please enter you Moveware password to verify your choice or select Cancel to stop adding the Object/s to the Job.
Storage ID – Object “Ref” “Old Ref” “Artist” “Title” “ClientRef/Stock No” User must then enter their password to continue.
248008 Removal Costings – Accrual cannot be closed if value is zero
Description of Functionality: When a removal is linked to the purchase line, if the value is zero, then do not close the accrual on the cost.
Description of Usage: From purchase screen, when linking to a removal, if the value is zero, then do not close the accrual
253377 Removal Resources – New Field and Update Icon in Removals Resources to update Calculation Type for Storage Containers (Clockwork)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Removal Management > Resources Tab. New Field and Update Icon in Removals Resources to update Calculation Type for Storage Containers.
Description of Usage: A new field has been added and a calculator Icon in the Resources tab of the Removal, so the user can filter on “Storage” select their Calculation Type, NLU or IN in the field and use the Calculator to update all Storage Containers in the Resources to be in or out.
244005 Claim Type – Adding Ability to Add Custom Claim Types
Description of Functionality: Operations > Claims > Claim Management > Details. Added a feature for Type of Claim option (Claim, Feedback, and Complaint) to be customizable according to the setup in Codes Management. The list of Claim option will be looking at the Type of Claim type in Codes Management.
Default Type and Exclude Type fields for Claim Category in Codes Management are working based on the type of claim not just displaying Type of job which has nothing to do with claim category option.
Description of Usage: The feature needs to be setup by Moveware Admin by creating a new Code Type naming it “Type of Claim”. Once done, claim option in claims screen, default type and exclude type in codes management will be working based on the option created.
250800 Fine Art/ Removals – Allow non admin users to add additional Title / Artist values
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Details tab. Title field lookup in browser.
Inventory tab > Artist column lookup. Ability to add artists and Title by all users using system parameter (EnableArtistAndTitle) even if they don’t have security group (M, X or Z) which is required to update such codes.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by enabling the above system parameter and double clicking on Title field or Artist field, a look up pops up where “Add” button is enabled. On click of “Add” button, the user can add the codes even if they don’t fall under M, X, Z security groups.
251182 Claims – Custom Changes (Cadogan Tate)
Description of Functionality: Screen Claims Management->Details screen Changes in calculations for the below fields:
Estimate/Reserve: a manually entered figure just for record purposes, not to be included in any calculations
Cash Compensation + Restoration Costs – Sales Proceeds = Claim Total
Policy Excess = 1000.00 by default, but can be overridden in special circumstances
Recovery Value = Claim Total – Policy Excess
Amount Recovered = manually entered figure for what has been claimed back on bordereau(s) O/S Claim Value = Recovery Value – Amount Recovered
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on the fields and leaving / press enter with values. Claim Total, O/S Claim Value are calculated.
244473 Review – Summary – Lookup Enhancement
Description of Functionality:
Found under / Set up: Removals Management->Review tab Updated the lookup and review table to show the scores if the scores are present in ‘Answers’ field in Codes Management. If the answers field is set to blank then it sets to the ratings value.
Description of Usage: The user can test this functionality by setting the Answers field in Codes Management to one of the Questions in Rating (in drop down). If the answers field is set to blank then ratings and scores are displayed which are under Ratings. If the scores and Ratings are set in Answers field, then lookup and the user can enter the values set.
International/ Rate Request/ Agent
248794 Agent – Additional Validation (NFB)
Description of Functionality: Agent Management > Details. Additional Validation when entering an Agent:
Contact person
Email – Group
Additionally, Credit section should set to “N” as default upon add of a new Agent.
247341 Agent – Update agent from waybill
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill > Details and Removals > Details. Added a functionality to update Origin/Destination agents from Waybill detail to Removals details controlling by a new system parameter. Previously there was no check on origin/destination agents when modifying the agents from Waybill.
Description of Usage: System parameter:’UpdateAgentFromWaybill’. Values options can be:
N: Not update Origin/Destination agents from Waybill detail to Removals detail.
P: When user modify Origin/Destination agents from Waybill detail and press save, there will be a prompt asking a user to confirm whether to update removal Origin/Destination agents
Y: Automatically update Origin/Destination agents from Waybill to all Removals linking to the waybill
250171 Rate Requests – Auto Create Functionality
Description of Functionality: Rate Requests can now produce auto created diary actions like Removals.
Description of Usage: Standard Auto Create setup except in the diary action setup screen, set the ‘Auto create’ toggle to ‘R’ instead of ‘Y’ (Removals). Note: If a diary action should appear in both Removals and Rate Requests, a separate diary action is required for each.
249489 Rate Request – Auto Create Functionality
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Rate Request screen.
Added auto create diary action functionality on Rate Request screen
Setting in Diary Action screen – Origin, Destination fields must be cleared, Auto Create drop down must be set to ‘R’, Types should be selected, Status is optional (if set to ‘P’ then it creates for status ‘P’. if it’s not set then diary action is created for all status), Parents field must be set to ‘Date Entered’
Also, added email window to pop up on completing the rate request diary action on task diary.
On enabling ‘CompleteRRDiaryAction’ system parameter, rate request diary actions are completed when the linked removal plan status is set to W.
Fixed Follow-up date to display for auto create of rate request diary action
Settings – setting up a diary action field ‘Automated’ to ‘R’, Run Time set to past current time. In Report Configuration -> email set up, set Email field to ‘Y’, Source = Rate Request, To – Dedicated Email and type the email address in To Email field.
Description of Usage:
The user can do the above settings and hit on ‘save’ button on Rate Request screen and diary action is created automatically.
The user can test this by adding a diary action in Rate Request->Diary tab which turns purple, set the date to yesterday. In Operations ->MoveConnect, on clicking on refresh will display pending status to the diary action to be sent via email.
The user can test this by setting the linked Removal plan of Rate Request to W or by creating removal plan from rate request (through post icon). The diary actions are completed as removal status is W. Enable system parameter for this feature to work.
The user can test this by setting the parent field to ‘Date Follow-up’ in diary action and saving the rate request record. The diary action in diary tab is set to follow-up date + variance (if entered) date.
253031 Rate Request -Enhancement for rates
Description of Functionality: Currently in removals management, if the post code of the removal is matched to the creditor post codes, then the rate of creditor is picked up in the costing of the removal. The same functionality is now available for rate request as well.
Description of Usage: To setup, go to creditor management, and enter post code from the bottom left, then in rates management, set rate to the creditor. Go to rate request and enter the post code, add a cost and check that the rate for the creditor product is picked up correctly, it should use the post code to match the creditor and find the rate for this creditor.
246077 Rate Requests – New Follow Up Date Filters
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rate Requests > Search and Details. Added sales follow up date field to Rate Request search screen but it will be displayed only when the resolution is set to 1440 x 900 or higher. The filter is located under Referral field.
Description of Usage: Moveware resolution default needs to be set to 1440 x 900 or higher to see the follow up column on the rate request search screen, but the date field on the details tab is displayed regardless of the resolution setup.
247570 Rate Request- Added reason prompt for setting rate request to L or C status
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rate Request. When changing status to L or C, it now has a popup like in removals management where a user must put in a reason, company and details for losing or cancelling the rate request.
Description of Usage: Go to Rate Request screen, change the status to L or C, check that the popup comes up to input reason, company and Details.
247761 Rate Request -Added costing approval for rate requests and validation to prevent printing of rate requests when cost option is not locked
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to require approval for locking rate request cost options via the system parameter. Approval is required from employees with cost option approval values higher than the sell price of the cost option. Also made change so that the ‘quotation’ report filter (subject to system parameter settings) to be able to print quote only when cost options are locked is applicable to rate requests as well
Description of Usage: System parameter ‘Enable Rate Request Costing Approval’ to ‘Y’
Set Cost option approvers with cost option approval values in employee management – this is the value of cost options that they can approve up to. Add ‘Costing Approval’ to their list of employee notifies in Employee Management. (Add this as a code of type ‘Employee Notify’ if it does not exist).
When a user with a lower costing approval value than the cost option sell price tries to lock a cost option on a rate request, he/she will be prompted to ask for approval from a list of approvers who satisfies the setup as outlined in 2).
An alert/reminder is sent to the approver the user selected in 3)
When the approver locks the cost option, he/she has the option to send an alert/reminder back to the person who originally entered the rate request
For printing quotes when cost option is locked.
Ensure that the ‘Sell Price Must be Locked before Quote Print’ System parameter is set to ‘Y’.
Ensure that ‘Quote created from Costing, Invoicing or Both’ is set to ‘C’ or ‘B’ and that the rate request type is set to generate quote from costing.
Added ‘Quotation’ as a report filter to the rate request.
Lock cost option before printing the Rate Request
247998 Rate Request – Cost Option Copy Should Select the New Cost Option When Completed
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: International -> Rate Requests > Costing tab. The new line is selected when copying a cost option in rate request. Previously, the first line was selected even if the new cost option was added.
Description of Usage: The user copies a cost option and see that the new cost option is highlighted in costing tab of Rate Request.
248001 Removals/ Agents – Added ability to quickly create agents from removals management
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter which when turned on allows a user to quickly create agents from the uplift or delivery details of a removal.
Description of Usage:
System parameter ‘Quick Add Agents from Removals Details Screen’ to ‘Y’.
Create a removal with uplift and delivery details.
Click on the quick add debtor/agent icon to the left of the collection suburb if you wish to add an agent based on the collection details or the button to the left of the delivery suburb if you wish to base the agent on the delivery details.
Select ‘Agent’ from the prompt and the add agent screen should pop-up with pre-populated details from the collection or delivery details of the removal depending on which button was clicked.
Enter additional details and click Save
251342 Removals/ Rate Request – Un-Cancel a cost option
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal management and Rate Request > Costing tab. Added a new password field to pop up when a cost option is un cancelled in above screens.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting the ‘Un-Cancel Cost Option’ password in Branch->Security tab. In Removals->Costing tab, when a cancelled cost option is un cancelled, password pop window is displayed to enter the password. Same applies to Rate Request->Costing screen as well.
252280 Export – Vehicle Volume (Anglo)
Description of Functionality: Removals > Export. Added a new vehicle volume field on export tab, where users can manually enter the vehicle volume. When interface is loaded into moveware, if the job is EXV, then the <estimatedvolume> tag should update the vehicle volume.
Description of Usage: Go to job export tab, check the vehicle volume is there. Load an EXV job with <estimatedvolume> in the xml, check the vehicle volume is updated.
Report Configuration
252885 Invoice PDF- Mandatory fields on printing the invoice (Armstrong)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Removal management> Invoice tab or Debtors->Invoice screen on PDF button. Added validation on below fields when printing invoice from above screens.
Weichert Moves: if Bill to starts with Weichert
Shipper Name
Corporate Field
Net lbs.
Net Feet/Meters OR Gross cuft/cbm
Transport method
Cartus Moves: if Bill to starts with Cartus
PO. Order No.
Shipper Name
Delivery date
Net lbs
Transport method
Brookfield Moves: if Bill to starts with Brookfield Grs
PO. Order No.
Shipper Name
Delivery date
Net lbs OR Net Feet/Meters
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on PDF button in removals->invoice or Debtors->Invoice screen and validation messages are displayed if the above fields are empty for the respective ‘Bill To’ fields.
241094 Report Configuration – Customised filename
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration A user can now have the name of the reports generated customised to the user’s needs. Example: Docket reports generated with the RP number, client’s name along with the name of the document.
Description of Usage: Go to Report Configuration and select the document that needs to have customised name. In the “Save as Name” field enter the tags as required, similar to the Email Setup, e.g. <RP> for Removal Plan Number, <Client First Name> for Client’s first name, etc.
For adding the Document Name, the user will need to type in the name where required. e.g., to have a custom name with RP number, Client’s name, and the Document name on the Docket documents, the following should be entered into the “Save as Name” field:
<RP> <Client First Name > Docket
Save the changes made in the report configuration. To verify the change has been made:
Go to Removals and select any job with valid RP number and client name
Select “Docket” and then click on PDF button on the dialog that appears or click on the pdf button if it is already selected as “Docket”.
The customised name should appear in the Filename field of “Save”
242202 Statements report – New Invoice Source Filter
Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration. Statements report can be run with invoice source filter (i.e. invoice created from removal, storage, or combined)
245730 Journals Report – New Filters Added
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration Journals report now has the option to filter by company, branch and type.
246330 Waybill reports OpenOffice enhancement
System Parameter: Use Open Office Description of Functionality:
Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration > Word Waybill Waybill > Word Waybill (Drop down report menu). Added functionality for the word waybill documents to be compatible with OpenOffice. The users will now be able to create template for the Waybill merge documents with Open Office. The functionality was earlier limited to Microsoft Word and has now been extended for all the users.
Description of Usage: To test the functionality the users will first need to create an ODT file with the required template for the waybill that the user wishes to use to form report. Add the newly created template to the Report Configuration or Edit previously created Report with Merge Version as Waybill and File Name as the absolute path of the odt file. (Merge must be set to ‘Y’ and the Report Type must be set to ‘W’)
Once the Report has been configured for the Waybill merge as above, the user can browse to either Waybill or Reports and find the Report (by the description set in Report Configuration). Fill in the appropriate details in the Reports and click on the Open Office logo button. This should create the required waybill document. Please Note: The system parameter ‘Use Open Office’ must be set to ‘Y’ for this functionality to be enabled.
247289 Rate Request Reports
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration. Fixed issue where any reports generated in a Rate Request which was linked to a Removal Plan would only be saved into the Removal Plan document folder and not the Rate Request. It has now been adjusted to save the report in both Rate Request and Removals Management Document Folders.
247463 Document File Name (Martinspeed)
Description of Functionality: Dockets use the Unique Diary Action ID and this is now displayed against the Diary Action.
Export Licenses – Application – Date and Time stamp the File Name.
247851 New Removal Word Merge Fields
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration > Word Mail Merge. Added new merge fields for Word mail merges based on the “New Quote” merge field’s data source to be used in Word merge reports. Fields will show banking and account payment details.
Bank Account Number
Bank Name
Branch Name
Routing Number
Swift Code
BIC Code
ChargeComment (for invoices)
Description of Usage:
These fields will allow users to show bank details for reports based on Word templates. The ChargeComments fields will allow users to include expanded descriptions for the details available for individual removal product lines on invoices and therefore quotes. Previously only the line item description was available and was limited to less than approx 50 characters.
The user has to have the system parameter “Quote created from Costing, Invoicing or Both” set to N to use this merge field otherwise word merge fields for charge lines will come from Costing or prompt the user to choose.
248316 Removal Summary Report – Region Filters Added (Grospiron & Martinspeed )
Description of Functionality: Removal Summary set up to include additional filters for Origin and Destination “Regions”. Additional Filters added to the Removal Summary Report – Origin and Destination “Regions” – With Destination Table Lookup with Include Regions and ONLY Show Regions Toggles Selected on the Lookup.
248715 AFRA Moveware Documents Update
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration.
Insurance Certificate (standard AFRA version) has been updated to comply with changes from AFRA insurer progressively rolled out to clients since December 2014 (Crystal reports version only)
Description of Usage: Changes have been made to the standard AFRA version of the insurance certificate to the insurance products offered included Transit with Storage Extension and Storage Only. Note that there is no field in Moveware for the Authorised Representative Number so the Branch ACN number is used for this purpose. Users must ensure the number shown is the correct number for their company and change it in the Branch Management screen if necessary.
Additionally there is no separate field for a Storage only excess so the excess must be recorded on the normal insurance dialog and if no value is entered will default to $200. Report is usually enabled by default for AFRA companies. If the report is unavailable, assistance from Moveware is required to enable it.
249220 Removal Profit and Loss Report – new filter/grouping
Description of Functionality: Added new filters for corporate account manager, and grouping for month and corporate account manager.
249472 Corporate Removal Summary – New Groups and System parameter
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Reports> CRM/Corporate > Corporate Removal Summary. Added 3 new groups to Corporate Removal Summary report in order to group by:
Bill To: Removal Bill To
Bill To Parent: Corporate of removal Bill To
Corporate Parent: Parent of removal Corporate
There is also a new system parameter called “Use Customer Corporate/Removal Corporate Group By in Summary. Reports to control whether Corporate Group By for Corporate Removal Summary report should look at:
– Y: the Removal Corporate
– N: The Corporate of Removal Bill To
Description of Usage:
System parameter: Use Customer Corporate/Removal Corporate Group By in Summary is to control whether Corporate Group By for Corporate Removal Summary report should look at:
Set to Y = Removal Corporate
Set to N = Corporate of Removal Bill To
249748 Linking diary actions in reports (OSS)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Administration > System Set up >Report Configuration. The action code is updated in the Action field when a diary action is selected from the lookup.
Description of Usage: The user can choose a diary action by double clicking in the Action field in Report Configuration screen and the code is updated in the field. Note: Even if the user selects multiple rows in the lookup, only single code (last selected) will be updated.
250657 Ability to run reports by invoiced paid date
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Reports. Added in the ability to filter by the invoice paid date. N.B. There’d be configuration involved on a per report basis if this is required.
Description of Usage: Configuration required by Moveware on a report by report basis if required.
250908 Pay Day Payslips – Ability to add custom message on report
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Reports. For the Pay Day Payslips report, users now have the ability to add messages on payslips on demand.
Description of Usage:
To display the Payslip Message on the report:
Head to Admin > Moveware Setup > Paragraphs Screen
In this screen, add code value ‘Payslip Message’
Enter in required message in the ‘Paragraph’ field
251652CB Restrict One Credit Note per Invoice / Invoice Must Be Positive
Description of Functionality: New system parameters:
Restrict One CR per Invoice
When turned on, validate when creating credit note for invoice to check if a credit note already exists; do not allow creating a new creditor note if exists
Invoice Must Be Positive
When turned on, validate invoice lines so that the total cannot be negative, this only applies to manual invoices and not invoices created from cost option
Description of Usage: System Parameters: Restrict One CR per Invoice & Invoice Must Be Positive.
To Test: go to invoice and create a credit note, then create another one, the system should prevent this from happening. Add an invoice line and add a negative amount so the total of the invoice is negative, the system should not allow the user to save this line.
252169 New Filters for Sales Analysis Report
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Reports > Analysis > Sales. Sales Activity Report now has an ability to filter by Postcode From, Postcode To and Removal Invoice Status.
Description of Usage: 3 filters including Postcode From, Postcode To, and Removal Invoice Status are added.
The input values can be:
Postcode From: filter postcode of Origin or Destination.
Postcode To: filter postcode of Origin or Destination.
Invoiced jobs: user can input invoiced jobs as:
Y for invoiced jobs
N for not invoiced jobs
F for free
H for hold
252943 Reports – Added new Timeframe – Tomorrow (Weekday)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Tab: Reports. To cater for Report Auto scheduler, we’ve added new timeframe Tomorrow (Weekday). So reports received on Friday will contain data based on Monday as compared to Saturday.
Storage Management
243033 Update debtors linked to storage account to email invoices (Abels)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management. A button has been added to the Search tab of Storage Management to update all the debtors linked to the selected storage accounts to Email their invoices. The button is located next to the existing De-select button at the bottom of the screen.
Description of Usage: User will need to flag the storage accounts by filtering the list and clicking the Select All button at the bottom of the screen. Once this is done the user can then click the Email icon which will prompt them to confirm the action, and then update the Print Invoice field in Debtors Management to E. Add button in lookup is enabled only if user has security group ‘3’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking Add button in the above screen where Add button in lookup is disabled for users who don’t have permissions (security group 3).
245695 Storage Management – Inventory Resize Tab
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management Storage Management > Inventory. Resized Inventory tab of storage module to be working for 1600 x 900 resolution or higher. This change has been applied only for Fine Art inventory module.
Description of Usage: The resolution setup needs to be set to 1600 x 900 or higher in order to see the changes for the inventory screen. The storage account needs to be set to Fine Art so that the fine art inventory screen is activated.
247579 Storage Grid Size – Fit to Screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management >Location in grid tab. The Storage grid size now stretches depending on the users screen resolution.
Description of Usage: Please note that the maximum number of columns added is limited to 20 and unlimited number of rows can be added 248518 Storage removal product display.
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management > Detail screen. Change made to shows the removal product linked to storage charge lines.
Description of Usage: Click on any storage charge line, and check the removal product displayed on top of the detail lines
249081 Rate Revision Group field Validation (Armstrong)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage > Rate Revisions. Validation applied for Rate Revision group field to check if blank and invalid code.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by attempting to save a record with a blank or invalid Rate Revision group value
249474 Assigning Removals to Storage Accounts
Description of Functionality: Modifications have been made to the way Removals are assigned to Storage accounts through Removals Management. Systems are now able to assign multiple removals to a single storage account through Removals Management regardless of whether the Reference In is set against the storage account. Set to enabled by default but systems can switch this function off through the System Parameters by setting:
Only allow one removal to be assigned to a storage account through Removals Management = Y.
Description of Usage:
Previously Moveware only allowed users to add a removal to a storage account that did not have a Reference In or a Reference Out set through Removals Management. This meant users would have to go into Storage Management and assign the Reference Out or Reference In. This also meant that the one storage account could have multiple removals linked to it without one of these removals being the Reference Out.
Now when users select to allocate the removal to a storage account that is already assigned to another removal, they will be prompted with a message detailing how the storage account is linked to another removal. They will be asked in this message if they want to continue and allocate the current removal to the storage account. If the storage account already has a Reference In set the user will be presented with a checkbox to select if they want this removal to be set as the Reference Out. If they user selects this checkbox they current removal will be assigned as the Reference Out on the storage account. If the user does not select the checkbox they Reference In and Out will not be modified but the removals will be linked to the storage account.
250540 Client name in Storage Grid (AMV & Momentous)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage->Locations, Grid tab. Displaying of the client name along with inventory description.
Description of Usage: The user can test this functionality by adding inventory in Locations tab and client name along with inventory description displayed in Grid tab.
249406 Warehouse – New System Parameter
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Warehouse Management.
General Release: When system parameter ‘Look Up Location Area’ is enabled, in warehouse management, location lookup should be based on AREA not CODE, otherwise the standard behaviour is to use CODE
John Mason: Do not validate location for if there is already inventory in the location when adding new inventory
Description of Usage:
General: When typing in location field at the bottom of screen, area should be used if system parameter is set to Y, otherwise code should be used
John Mason: when add new inventory there is no validation to check if location already has other inventory.
250926 ‘Receive SWI’ diary action enhancement (Martin Speed)
Description of Functionality: When the Receive SWI diary action on a job is completed and the job is linked to a storage account, ensure that all objects on the storage account is updated with the latest information from the master record.
250928 Storage Inventory – Change to layout of the condition lookup
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Inventory / Storage Inventory. Changed the layout of the condition lookup (when double-clicking in the condition field of an inventory in the removals/storage inventory screen) to utilise the available space more efficiently and allow users to see more characters than it previously allowed.
251672 Tax Amount Display on Storage screen (All companies except Clockwork)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management ->Details tab. Added Tax field below Total field and always displays Tax amount.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by viewing the Tax field in above screen and checking and unchecking the Tax toggle on top of the table.
252181 Storage Management Locations Updates
Description of Functionality: On the Storage Management > Locations tab the order of the Containers/Modules has been modified such that the containers/modules without a Date Out will be positioned at the top of the list. All the containers/modules with a date out set will order by this date in descending order (display the most recent out of store at the top).
Change No. 2: From planner, when double click on the cell where there is a job assigned, and to move to a different vehicle, the system now moves the labour attached to the old vehicle to the new vehicle.
Description of Usage:
Only the order of the container/module record has been modified by this change. All other functionality will remain unaffected.
Change No 2.
From planner screen, double click the cell with removal number, in the popup select a different vehicle, there should be a few questions asking the user to remove the vehicle and the labour, and then to add new vehicle, and labour that was attached to the old vehicle to be moved to new vehicle
252190 Storage Locations Grid – Added ability to shuffle storage containers section to desired part of screen
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Locations. The system parameter turns on the shuffling functionality of the storage location grid. By setting this system parameter to ‘Y’, it would shuffle the containers to the back/left of the storage grid. Setting it to ‘F’ would shuffle the containers to the front/right of the storage grid.
Description of Usage:
Set ‘Allows Location Grid Shuffle’ system parameter to:
N = Disables the shuffling feature in storage location grid
Y = Enables the shuffling feature in storage location grid and shuffles the containers towards the back/left of the grid
F = Enables the shuffling feature in the storage location grid and shuffles the containers towards the front/right of the grid
252602 Storage Location Volume Display Format Update
Description of Functionality: In storage management screen, both detail and location tab, the volume fields are now increased to seven digits with this decimal places
Description of Usage: Go to storage management screen, location tab, check that the volume can be entered up to seven digits and three decimal places.
252888 Storage Invoice – Do not load storages (Cadogan Tate)
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Invoices.The screen should not display the storages, only show storages when user clicks calculate button.
248298 Default Port on Waybill screen (Asian Tigers)
Description of Functionality: The Origin and Destination port fields are set to the default Port depending on BAG/AIR/LCL/DEFAULT service types on waybills screen when system parameter is enabled.
Description of Usage:
System Parameter: WaybillsDefaultPort” set to Y and set the default port values in Destinations screen.
To Test: Change the “Service” field to BAG/AIR/LCL in Waybills screen. The origin and destination ports are updated depending on the origin and destination codes. If none of the above services are selected it sets the default port value.
243783 Waybill Search Screen – Branch Display Update (King and Wilson)
Description of Functionality: The waybill Search screen will now display the destination branch for IS Type Waybills. Previously only the IM type waybills were showing the destination branch.
246273 Fine Art – New Radio Button
Description of Functionality: Added a radio button in the waybill inventory area to allow users to toggle to see the outer-most containers used in all fine art jobs that’s on a waybill.
247529 Fixed error ‘Arrival date is prior to departure’
Description of Functionality: Upon saving the waybill, if the type is AIR, the user sometimes get an error message “arrival date is prior to departure”, but the arrival date is not present on screen.
251319 Dispatch a Waybill without Inventory (Rapid Shipping)
Description of Functionality: Removed requirement to have Inventory when dispatching a Waybill
251369 Exchange rate zero bug
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill->Costing tab. Corrected the issue where adding costing line items from this screen will be created with an exchange rate of 0.
251884 Waybills and Trips – Search Update
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybills > Search tab. Searching by Waybill ID will now ignore other filters (same behaviour as seen in removal plan screen). Also corrected instances of ‘?’ appearing in the freight/origin agent field.
251918 Remove Booking Agent check against Waybill Origin/Destination Agent (Armstrong)
Description of Functionality: Removed the ‘Removal XXXX has a different booking agent than the waybill Origin/Destination Agent’ prompt which appears whenever the waybill is updated.
253470 Purchase Orders in Waybill Update
Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill->Costing tab, Act text box on top next to lighting icon. Fixed cost to assign only if purchases are not assigned across cost records in above screen.
Description of Usage:
The user can test this by entering a value in Act: field on top and clicking lightning icon next to it. If purchases are assigned, an error message pops up saying “Selected cost assigned to a purchase”. If the user deselects that record and clicks lightning icon again, the act cost is split against the selected records.
NOTE – The Act Cost column displays the value excluding the cost whereas the total displayed is inclusive of tax. The toggle arrow on left (All values displayed inclusive of tax) can be toggled to see the total with tax inclusive and tax exciding value.
251441 Enable Multiple Select for Filtering in Destination Summary
Description of Functionality: Multiple selection of the group list on the right hand side of the Destination Summary has been enabled. Users are able to change the filter combo box above the filter list on the right hand side of the screen to display the group breakdown. Then they are able to select multiple group records to filter the main list. To select multiple records the user must press an hold the Ctrl button on the keyboard and click the records with the mouse. To then filter the main list the user must select the new Filter button at the bottom of the group list.
Also with this change the branch filter on the main list has been extended moved up a line and enable to be multiple selection.
Description of Usage: Previously users were only able to double click records in the group list to filter the main list. This would only allow one group to be filtered at a time. Now users are able to filter the main list to reveal all the records for multiple group selects. For example users are able to show Branch grouping and then select multiple branches to view in the main list.
252003 File filter added to Removals lookup from Waybill
Description of Functionality: When adding a removal to a waybill the user clicks on the Add button in the Removals tab of Domestic and International Waybills. This pops up a lookup of all the removals available for selection. In this lookup a File filter has been added so that users can enter a file number and find the correct removal plan.
Description of Usage: Previously there was not filter for the File field on this lookup.