Moveware Version 8.4 Release Notes
Moveware Release Notes
Version 8.4
Upgrade Rollout: October/November 2018
Release Notes Generated: 10/03/18 ‑ 16/09/18
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
305167 - Added reminder messages to employee if new files are added/updated on code release to database. | Added reminder message to employee if new files are added/updated on code release to database which will help the employee notify the code is updated. Codes Managment > Employee Notify - Add 'System Update' and Save. | The user can set the below settings to get the reminder message in their Moveware session when code is released. The user can go to below screen and see if new files are added or existing files are updated if code is released. |
308206 - Additional option (Paid) on Modify Removals screen | A new option on the Modify Removals screen has been added to increase efficiency to bulk paid Removals. An example would be, to EXCLUDE all invoices that have NOT been paid in a certain timeframe so that Removals are not accidentally closed when they still have outstanding transactions. | Use this to filter removal records to modify by 2 options:
312348 - New System Parameter - 'WindowsExplorerStayOnTop' - To set the windows explorer window to stay on top on clicking folder button in Moveware. | Added a new system parameter to set the windows explorer window to stay on top on clicking folder button in Moveware. Previously, on clicking the folder button in Moveware screens, the window opened in a different window and when switched between applications, there is a possibility of missing the above extra window opened. Code: WindowsExplorerStayOnTop | The user can click on the folder button on any of the screens in Moveware which opens a windows explorer on top of existing Moveware screen opened. The user can switch between various applications and click back on Moveware application where the windows explorer window remains on top. The user can select a file or cancel the window. |
315516 - Movetransfer Changes for AMG Group |
System parameter details below: Code: WaybillDescSetFromCountry
When this is selected, the next sequence number will start from Z-A instead of A-Z as per norm. System parameter details below:
For system parameter enter the following:
This system parameter requires a diary action of key action ''movetransferDelDate'' to be created. |
317737 - Fixed Mobi paragraphs displaying in Moveware application. | Fixed Mobi paragraphs displaying in Moveware application. Previously, paragraphs which are meant to display for Mobi are displayed in Moveware. Set the Mobi Paragraphs in Paragraphs screen (Mobile = Y) | The user can set the Mobile field in Paragraphs to 'Y' stating it's a Mobi Paragraph. These paragraphs are not displayed in Paragraphs lookup in Moveware application. |
318168 - Added new email merge field for Removal Export Agent Instructions | Added new email merge field 'Export Agent Instructions' for Removal Export Agent Instructions | Report Configuration > Email Setup |
327117 - New System Parameter - 'DisplayRatesOnFilterOrRefresh' - To not load Rates records on initial openning of tabs in below screens due to speed issues. | Added a new system parameter which when enabled will not load any Rates records in all 4 tabs of Rates screen and loads the records only when clicked on Refresh button or any of the filter field is clicked enter key. Previously, when Rates screen is opened, user had to wait for the screen to return the records (too slow) before they can interact with it. Code: DisplayRatesOnFilterOrRefresh | The user can enable the below system parameter, open the Rates screen, click on any of the tabs will not return any records. Click on Refresh button or click any filter field or double click on Filters to select from lookup and click Enter key which will return the records. This is done due to the records not loading so that the user isn't waiting for the screen to return the records before they can interact with it. |
327310 - Bug Fix - Fixed display of locked/changed record message display based on user sessions working on same record. | Fixed display of locked/changed record message display based on user sessions working on same record. Previously, when two users were working on same record making changes and saving, the record would display incorrect session details in message popup. | The user can open different Moveware sessions working on same removal record and if the record is locked, the user session details locking the record is displayed in message popup window. |
327416 - Change Postcodes menu to be frame (from dialog) | This allows users to go to other screens when the Postcodes screen is open. Previously the user had to close the Postcodes screen before going to another screen. |
327964 - Fix gap and cursor issue on the Mobi Setup screen | Previously, the Mobi Menus, Reports and Codes tab had a gap and cursor issue with certain screen resolutions. We fixed the gap and resized Mobi Code browser (right hand browser in Reports tab) Menu Name : Mobi To enable Mobi screen please set the Mobi menu status to be 'active'. | Mobi screen will located under Administration > Moveware Setup > Mobi |
328796 - Bug Fix - Updated the validation message to DD/MM/YY if this format is used. | Updated the validation message to DD/MM/YY if this format is used. Previously, if the Estimated Uplift Date field format is incorrect, the validation message displayed referred to MM/DD/YY. Code: sysparam-spare3[12] | If the user updates the field with incorrect format and click on save button will display the correct validation message for systems using DD/MM/YY date format |
328986 - Extend Limit Characters For Address Fields | Extend the limit of characters for any address fields to be 100 characters in screens where an address can be entered. | The limit characters changes for the following screens: |
329615 - Record Locking Admin - Enhancements | New buttons to Find Lock User New.
| Administration > Utilities > Record Locking Admin > Select one of the new buttons |
317311I - Bug Fix - Fixed reposition error display on adding a new job type with lightning icon. | Fixed reposition error display on adding a new job type with lightning icon. Previously, if a job type is already existing and a user adds a new job type, reposition error is displayed. | The user can click on lightning button, select a job type, check diary & costing toggle and click OK button. This adds a new row in costing header browser without any errors. |
326785 - New System Parameter - Enable ability to disable alerts per session | Ability to disable alerts per session on Notes pop up screen. Code: EnableAlertPerSessionToggle | When the system parameter is enabled it will show checkbox 'Snooze alert for this session' on the right-hand side of the screen. |
329422 - Mobi - new setting ''Show Large Barcode Button'' | New setting ''Show Large Barcode Button'' to display a larger Scan Barcode button in Inventory Check Off screen. To set in Moveware: To set in Mobi: | The scan barcode button in Inventory Check Off screen. Previously the Barcode button was at the top right of the screen on the Title bar which caused the size of the button to be tiny on some devices. With this new setting, user will be able to move the button to the Check Off menu instead to make it bigger. |
304538 - New System Parameter - Act Est Percentage Alert | When set to Y, default to 80%, otherwise user can set the percentage in the system parameter. Code: ActEstPercentageAlert | Turn on the system parameter, when the actual value reaches the set percentage of estimate on a diary action, it will pop up a warning message. This is done through diary action '''Actual Time Breached'', the diary action will be automatically created when actual reaches % of estimate, and the diary action is setup to have a reminder. |
315522 - New Email Merge Fields - Floor Field and Map Ref field | In Report Configuration E-mail Tab the following e-mail merge fields have been added.
| The newly created email merge fields can be used in email templates drawing information from Removal Management Details Tab into the email template, as per standard Moveware functionality. |
315894 - Bug Fix - Fixed line breaks/huge space in between table and text in reports and dupliacte signature. | Fixed line breaks/huge space in between table and text in reports. Previously, when QUote International report is emailed as attachment, huge space is displayed between 'Quote Summar' text and table. Also, fixed signature dupliactes when changed from signature combo-box. | The user can select the 'Quote International' report from drop down where the report is displayed alright without any extra spaces before the table. The user can also change the signature from comb-box where the signatures are replaced and not duplicated. |
315951 - Adding branch security to Search tab of Outlook Inbox screen to not display emails based on security set in Employee management. | Adding branch security to Search tab of Outlook Inbox screen to not display emails based on security set in Employee management. Previously all emails are seen by user even though they do not have permissions to that branch. Code: sysparam-spare2[19] = 'Y' | The user can set the branch security in Employee Management > User Details tab and set the Read/Write columns to 'N' or 'Y' based on the security required. The user can sync the emails where the user will not be seeing the emails diary action branches which do not have permission. |
317117 - New Mail Merge Fields for Storage and Storage Debtors | New Mail Merge Fields For Storage and Storage Debtors. Storage Debtor First Name For those merge fields, note the Email Source needs to be 'Storage' (Report Configuration > Email > Source). | Add the Merge fields to the Email Template |
317608 - New System Parameter - 'VerifyFromEmailAddress - To set the from email address (sentonbrhalf) when email is sent from mail box and not email account | To set the from email address (sentonbehalf) when email is sent from mail box and not email account. Previously, if email account is not configures in mailbox, email is sent via outlook would not send an email and bounces back to inbox. Code: VerifyFromEmailAddress | The user can set the email address in User Details right table, Send Mail Using outlook = Y, the email account is not configures in mailbox where the email sends successfully without bouncing back. |
318260 - Bug Fix - Fixed Paragraphs lookup based on system parameter 'DisplayOnlySMSParagraphs' | Fixed Paragraphs lookup based on system parameter 'DisplayOnlySMSParagraphs'. Previously, all paragraphs were listed in SMS lookup. | The user can set the below system parameter to 'Y', set the default field of Paragraph records to 'SMS' and click on Paragraphs button in SMS screen which will filter only the records set as 'SMS'. |
318330 - Bug Fix - Fixed contact tab records displaying email diaries not related to RP numbers | Fixed contact tab records displaying email diaries not related to RP numbers. Previously, email sent/received diary actions in removals contact tab displayed records not related to the RP number opened. | The user can check the waybill toggle where the email entries include both emails sent from waybill and in removals. When the toggle is unchecked, emails sent from waybill is hidden. |
318544 - New Waybill Email Mail Merge - CRN | Added a new Waybill email merge field 'CRN' | In Report Configuration Screen > Email Setup, Select and add 'CRN' |
318584 - Bug Fix - Fixed signature not changing automatically when changed in signature option of emails screen. | Fixed signature not changing automatically when selecting in signature drop down menu of emails screen. Previously, when signature is selected in signature option, the signatures did not change in email screen when clicked on reply button. | The user can select an email record, click on reply button, change the signature from signature option drop down menu where the signatures will be changed accordingly. |
319372 - Bug Fix - Fixed long email signature to be sent withouyt any errors | Fixed long email signature to be sent without any errors. Previously, if signature is too long, will display an error when user tries to send it. | The user can select an email signature which is long and try sending an email. The email is sent without any errors. |
320733 - Bug Fix - Fixed item error displayed on adding the text more than 32000 characters in contact tab. | Fixed item error displayed on adding the text more than 32000 characters in contact tab. Previously, on adding a new diary action 'Email Received' with long text and saving will display an error. Fixed Attempt to exceed maximum character error on changing the subject of long email diary action and saving in Contact tab. | The user can click on 'Add' button, enter the long text and click on Add button on left where there is no error. The respective diary action is added. The user can change the subject text of email diary action having long text and click on Save button where there is no error of ''Attempt to exceed maximum number of characters''. |
321711 - Bug Fix - Fixed email body getting cut for html editor systems when email is synced and linked to create diary. | Fixed email body getting cut for html editor systems when email is synced and linked to a removal. Previously, when a long email is synced, linked to a removal the email body is getting cut when viewed in Contact tab. Code: sysparam-spare9[13] = Y | The user can sync a long email which is more than 32000 characters, link to a removal using the drop down box, click on 'create diary entries' button which creates the 'Email Received' diary action to the removal selected. The editor body of contact tab displays the whole email body text synced through Outlook Inbox screen. |
322616 - Merge Field Extension - Added the ability to add merge field and display survey time based on condition. | Added the ability to add merge field and display survey time based on condition. Previously, user was able to set and display just the Survey Time in reports but now it allows the time to display based on condition set in report configuration. | The user can set the below format text in report configuration email tab in body section. If Survey Time is less than 12 o clock then time value displayed is Survey Time + 2 hours. If Survey Time is greater than equal to 12 o clock then the time value displayed is Survey Time + 4 hours.
324426 - Extended System Parameter to link only removal records matching the email address when synced with outlook | Extended System Parameter to link only emails to removal matching the email address when synced with outlook. Previously, setting the below system parameter to 'Y' would not link any records. Code: sysparam-spare9[3] | The user can set the below system parameter to 'N' and sync the outlook emails which links all the emails to Removals/Debtor/Creditor/Agents/Waybill matching the email address, subject accordingly. If the below system parameter is set to 'Y' and sync the outlook emails, the records are linked only to removals matching the email address and removal plan number with subject. If the below system parameter is set to 'R' and sync the outlook emails will link only the removals matching the email address and not debtors/creditors/agents. |
325907 - Bug Fix - Fixed email reports to convert the HTML tags when HTML editor is enabled. | Fixed email reports to convert the HTML tags when HTML editor is enabled. Previously, when the companies enable HTML editor, view the report email text in email screen, the URL link text is displayed along with actual URL rather than just URL text. Code: sysparam-spare9[13] = Y | The user can enable the below HTML editor system parameter which displays the popup to convert the report HTML tags, click on 'Yes'. The URL link text of email body in Email Setup tab of report Configuration is converted URL link text without the actual URL. |
326671 - New screen 'Recent Email' on Address Book to show/edit user recent email list. | Added new screen 'Recent Email' in Address Book to allow users to edit their recent emails list. In this screen, user be able to select the email and delete the email from the recent email list. | Address Book > select Recent Email from selection list
327188 - Security - Added security check on assigning removals plan number when outlook emails are synced | Added security check on assigning removals plan number when outlook emails are synced. Previously, when outlook emails are synced, the records are linked to removals where the user did not have access to view those removal plans. | The user can sync the outlook emails (Inbox/Sent) where the emails are linked to the removals where the user have access to the branch linked by removal. |
327851 - Bug Fix - Fixed signature combo box to be displayed. | Fixed signature combo box to be displayed. Previously, the user could not select the signatures as the combo-box is hidden when email screen is opened. | The user can click on MoveTransfer button which opens the email window and signature combo-box is displayed. |
306814-020 - Bug Fix - Fixed Date Uplift merge fields with advance condition formatting set in report configuration. | Fixed date merge fields with advance condition formatting set in report configuration. Previously, when Date Uplift merge fields are used with advance condition formating of days and equal/not equal to etc will not merge the dates as expected. | The user can set the below date merge field conditions in the report configuration and click from removals report drop down where the dates are displayed accordingly.
319290-078 - New System Parameter - 'LinkRemovalUsingFile' - To link the outlook emails with removals matching the removal File Number | Added a new system parameter to link the outlook emails with removals matching the removal File Number. Previously, the outlook emails linked to removals matching removal plan number or email address. Code: LinkRemovalUsingFile | The user can sync the outlook emails where the records matches to removals File Number with subject of email record. |
317403 - New System Parameter - 'DisplayMMInRemovalsLookup- To display Move Manager column in removals lookup. | Added a new system parameter to display Move Manager Column in removals lookup. Code: DisplayMMInRemovalsLookup | The user can click on 'Link To removal record' button where the removal lookup dialogue is popped. If the below system parameter is enabled, toggle above MM column is checked, Move Manager (MM) column is displayed and SalesRep Column is hidden. If the below system parameter is disabled, toggle is not checked, SalesRep Column is displayed and Move Manager column is hidden. |
318384 - Enhancement - Resize Email Window Base On User Screen Resolution Settings | Automatically resize Email window based on User Screen Resolution settings. To set user screen resolution: | The height of Email window size will be approximately 80% of user screen resolution. |
327861 - New System Parameter - To build the mail box accounts from employee field to fix the Outlook Inbox screen delay. | Added a new system parameter to build the mail box accounts from employee field to fix the Outlook Inbox screen delay. Previously, when user opens the screen, takes a while to build the Folder combo-box and user must wait for the entire screen to load. Code: DoNotLoadOutlookMailBox | The user can enable the below system parameter, open the below screen and see a red refresh button beside 'Folder' combo-box. The combo-box list is empty on first time they open the screen. Click on the red refresh button which builds the list from outlook accounts. Close and open the screen again. Drop down the combo-box list where the user can select the desired inbox/sent items to view the emails. |
304856 - Flag Timesheet codes to be excluded from the Operations Timesheets screen | Timesheet codes are setup in Moveware and can be assigned to employees for a period of time to flag them as on leave, sick, training, etc. These allocations then display in the Daily Diary to indicate the employee is unavailable for selection during these times. When these are allocated to the employee they then flow through to the Operations Timesheet screen. In the past Moveware did not have a method for allocating Timesheet codes to employees that would just flag them as unavailable and not have this flow through to the Timesheet. Moveware has now made this possible. | To setup a Timesheet code to not display in the Operations Timesheet, go to Administration > Codes Management. Filter the list by Type = 'Timesheet'. On the screen is a field labelled 'Excl from TS'. Set this field to Y to exclude the current code from displaying the Operations Timesheet. Once this has been setup, employee can be assigned this timesheet code to mark them as unavailable in the Daily Diary and have this allocation not flow through to the Timesheet. |
318383 - New System Parameter - 'SetSecurityOnEmployeeFolder' - To display employee management folder based on security groups. | Added a new system parameter to display employee management folder based on security groups. Previously, employee management folder is visible to all users. Code: SetSecurityOnEmployeeFolder | The user can set the below system parameter with comma separated security groups and the user logged in has the above security group will have the visibility of employee folder else the folder is hidden. If the below system parameter is set to blank or 'N' then the folder is visible. |
307666 - Added ability to Import Foreign Currency Journals | We have added an extra column to the General Ledger CSV import to allow foreign currency journals to be imported. If you leave the extra column blank it will assume it is a local currency journal only | The change has occurred in the General Ledger > Journals screen. We have modified the import CSV dialogue box and the accompanying import procedure to cater for foreign currency journals |
307720 - Tax on Finance Charge - Receipting and Payments | In the past, when a user creates a debtor receipt or a creditor payment, they have been able to allocate a finance charge to the journal, however the finance charge was never created with a tax component. In many countries and regions of the world the finance charges are applicable to tax and must have a tax component. Moveware has added this ability to both the Debtors Receipting and Creditor Payments screens. | In Debtors Receipting and Creditor Payments, Moveware has always had a Finance Charge field to enter the amount of the charge. Now a Tax Code field has been added for users to select the tax code to be used when processing the receipt or payment. The tax code for the finance charge will default to that of the General Ledger setup for the Finance Charge control account. The sub code can be setup with a Tax Code, which flows through to the general ledger accounts. Users can manually adjust the Tax Code selected on the Debtors Receipting and Creditor Payments screens. |
314848 - New System Parameter - 'DisplayCancelReasonWindow' - To display Cancel/Un-Cancel reason window on cancelling the Invoice | Added a new system parameter to display Cancel/Un-Cancel reason window on cancelling the Invoice. Previously, the above functionality was present only on Cancel/Un-cancel of Purchase and to keep it consistent added for Invoice. For system parameter enter the following: | The user can enable the system parameter and click on yellow cancel/un-cancel button to cancel the invoice which on confirming will display the Reason window. The text entered will be logged in event logs. If the system parameter is disabled, the above window is not displayed. |
314978 - Set up the default screen for fields in customer Management to set default values on Add and Copy. | Set up the default screen for fields in customer Management to set default values on Add and Copy. Setting in Default Screen for Print Statement and Print Invoices fields. | The user can add or copy the debtor in details tab such that Print Statement and Print Invoices fields are displayed as 'E'. |
316743 - Modified System Parameter - UpdatePOApproverOnPOApprovedDateChange | Existing system parameter UpdatePOApproverOnPOApprovedDateChange. From purchase approval screen, previously if the system parameter is set to R, users are restricted and cannot see purchases under another user. This is now changed so any user can see purchases under another user, however they cannot approve the purchase unless it is their own purchase. Code: UpdatePOApproverOnPOApprovedDateChange | From purchase approval screen, users can change the filter for sales rep and see anyone's purchases. Approval of someone else's purchase is still restricted if system parameter is set to R |
316881 - New System Parameter - Allow multiple final approvers on Purchases | A new system parameter has been added to extend the final approver functionality and allow multiple final approvers. In a previous version of Moveware the ability to have a final approver on a purchase was implemented. This meant that a purchase was not approved until the allocated final approver approved the purchase. The original design only allowed for one final approver. This parameter now allows for multiple final approvers. Several Moveware clients have purchases that cover multiple removals across multiple branches. In these instances, the move managers of these removals need to first approve the charges and send these onto their allocated final approver to finish off the approval process. Due to there being multiple branches there are in many cases multiple final approvers required to approve elements of the purchase. Therefore, multiple final approvers need to be allocated to the purchase. Code: AllowMultipleFinalApprover | When this parameter set to Y the Final Approver field on the purchase is expanded. Users can append to the final approver list. Final approvers are not able to begin approving the purchase until all the first level approvers have completed the first level approval process. Once each final approver approves the purchase they will be removed from the list of final approvers until the last final approver is left. Once the last final approver approves the purchase, the purchase then become approves. The last final approver will remain on the purchase while a history of all the final approvers is kept on the purchase. |
317707 - Bug Fix - Fixed send-records error when creditor lookup is opened and a row is selected. | Fixed send-records error when creditor lookup is opened and a row is selected. Previously, when a row is selected in creditor lookup and clicked on OK button will display an error. | The user can select a row from creditor lookup, click on OK button to select a creditor. |
318004 - Task Calendar - Enabled filters in Task Calendar of CRM screen. | Enabled filters (Branch, SalesRep, Comp, and Type) in Task Calendar of CRM screen. Previously, these filters are visible only in Appointment Diary (for everyone) screen. | The user can view the filters even in CRM screen along with Appointment Diary screen. |
318143 - Extension of System Parameter - Send Reminder with Purchase Approval | To be used in conjunction with system parameter 7[3] (sysparam-spare7[3] When the system parameter is turned on, purchase approver set in Purchase screen should get notifications when they have purchases to approve. Code: sysparam-spare8[29] | When create new purchase and add purchase approvers, all purchase approvers should get notifications. The trigger is to modify purchase approvers on a purchase, any additional purchase approver should get notification. |
318860 - New System Parameter - To set Default CRM Account Manager Filter to User | Added a new system parameter 'Default CRM Account Manager Filter to User' to set Default CRM Account Manager Filter to be the User in the CRM Search screen. Code: CRMSearchDefaultMGRtoUser | CRM Management > Search screen |
319326 - New System Parameter - to include Invoice Revenue Date in Accounting and Period Close Dates | Enhancing System Parameter Use Rev Date On Invoice so that the Revenue Date Field will be validated in line with the Accounting and Period Close Dates. Code: UseRevDateOnInvoice | Set System Parameters Set the Debtor Invoice close date to the 30/06/18 in Accounting Close Dates. Input 25/06/18 into the Revenue Date field and the System will warn the user and automatically updated the Date to 01/07/18 which is the next available Invoice Date in an open period. |
319699 - Bug Fix - Fixed 'No Customer available' error and Invoice Name field to be hidden. | Fixed 'No Customer available' error and Invoice Name field to be hidden. Previously, on opening the screen above error is displayed along with Invoice Name field displaying in details tab. | The user can open the below screen without any error displayed. |
319869 - Validation - Added validation for Account date prior to branch close date on posting the purchase. | Added validation for Account date prior to branch close date on posting the purchase. Previously, user is allowed to post the purchase even if Account date is set to prior to branch close date. Code: ValidateCloseDateOnSave = Y | The user can set the Approve Date and click on post button which displays the validation message if Account date field is prior branch close date. |
320821 - Bug Fix - Fixed binocular button to open storage lookup if Ref column is assigned to a storage in Purchase Approval screen. | Fixed binocular button to open storage lookup if Ref column is assigned to a storage in Purchase Approval screen. Previously, if detail line (Ref column) is assigned to a Storage record, no lookup is opened. | The user can select a detail line and click on binocular button which open Removals/Waybill/Storage lookup accordingly based on Ref column assigned. |
321005 - New System Parameter - To display removal records linked to both Parent and child in CRM jobs tab. | Added a new system parameter to display removal records linked to both Parent and child in CRM jobs tab. Previously, when user is in Parent record, removals record linked to just the Parent record are displayed and not the children. Code: CRMJobsChildLink | The user can enable the below system parameter, when the user selects the Parent record in CRM > Search screen, removals records linked to both Parent and child are displayed in Jobs tab based on the 'Corporate Jobs Only' toggle. If the toggle is checked, removals either with Third Party field or Corporate fields linked to Parent/Child CRM record are displayed. If the toggle is un-checked, then removals Bill To linked to either Parent/Child are displayed. If the user clicks on the children CRM record, then removals linked to just that record are displayed. |
321027 - Added Group filter in the Linked Accounts lookup. | Added Group filter in the Linked Accounts lookup. | The user click on the 'Linked Accounts button, choose one of the radio button. The 'Choose Linked Children' lookup is opened with Group filter next to Address lookup to filter the records accordingly. |
321261 - New System Parameter Update - Send reminder With Purchase Approval | Added more options for the 'Send Reminder with Purchase Approval' system parameter, can now be set with four options; N - no notification Code: sysparam-spare8[29] | When purchase is approved, if system parameter is set to Y, send both email and reminder, if set to A send reminder only, if set to E send email only |
321970 - Disable Special Tax Popup Message | Default Function when I or E was included in the Tax Case Code then the user would get a warning to check with Accounts/Finance, this was designed specifically for one client and therefore we have created a system parameter to override. Code: DisableSpecialTaxPopup |
323107 - Invoice Update - New Costing Tab | For systems that generate Invoices from Costing, Moveware has added a Costing tab to the Invoice Update screen. The Costing tab will display the Cost Option(s) that were used to create the selected Invoice. If the selected Invoice was not created from a cost option, then the Costing tab will be disabled. | The Costing tab will display all the cost options used to create the invoice. If systems are using Combine Cost Invoicing, then all the cost options for that specific invoice will be displayed. If the cost options are from different removals/jobs, then a Removal/Job column will be displayed in the Cost Option Header to indicate which removal/job it relates. If the cost option(s) are from the one removal/job, then the Removal/Job column will not be displayed. The Costing tab is read only. No changes can be made to the cost option from Invoice Update. User must go into the removal/job and adjust any costing required for the invoice. |
323425 - New System Parameter - To point attachment folder to job folder when created purchases from costing tab | Added a new system parameter to point the attachment folder to the job folder when creating purchases from costs in removals management screen. Previously, when clicking at attachment icon in the dialogue to create a purchase from costing tab it is displaying the creditor attachment folder. Code: POAttachUseRPFolder | The user can enable the below system parameter. |
323642 - Bug Fix - Purchases screen where order date and by disappear | From Purchase Invoice screen, convert a purchase order into purchase and save the purchase invoice, the Order Date and By disappear, this was only happening for companies using multiple or final approval, this is now fixed. Code: sysparam-spare7[3] | Turn on system parameter 'Use Purchase Approval' to M or F, From Purchases screen, convert a purchase order into invoice, and make some changes and save, the Order Date and By should remain the same as on the purchase order |
323714 - Bug Fix - Where two users could post the same purchase invoice | This is now fixed from Purchase Invoice screen, there is now a check before posting to see if the same purchase invoice has already been posted to General Ledger, and disallow posting again | From Purchase Invoice screen, post a purchase invoice, if the purchase invoice is already posted by another user recently, and the screen hasn't refreshed. The posting should not be allowed as the actual purchase invoice was already posted |
324274 - Reset approver and date when purchase invoice is reversed to N | For companies using purchase approval, if a purchase is reset to N, either from A or from U, the approver and approval date will be reset to blank, the user will need to enter approver again and get it approved before they can post again. Code: sysparam-spare7[3] | From Purchase Invoice screen, if a purchase invoice is reversed to status N, then the current approver and approval date will be cleared |
326446 - Bug Fix - Added branch security in missing places of queries. | Added branch security in missing places of queries. Previously, users were able to see the History records of removals even when they did not have permission for that branch. | The users can set the branch security in Employee Management and click on History tab in Customers Management where the removal records are displayed of branches where users have permission to see. |
326547 - Bug Fix - Fixed Rates and Value columns fetching values with taxed twice. | Fixed Rates and Value columns fetching values with taxed twice. Previously, when Invoice charge line is added the rate and value fetched incorrect values when 'Rate Inclusive of Tax' field is checked in Rates management. Code: sysparam-spare8[8] | The user can add Invoice charge line in below screens for the removal product in Rates Management where Rate Inclusive of Tax field is checked which adds the Rate value with the value set in Rates Management and no Tax on top of that value. |
327998 - Bug Fix - fixed journal type to reversal instead of reverse | Found a bug in journal type setting, where it was set to 'Reverse' but should be 'Reversal' to be consistent with the system, this is now fixed | From Journal screen, filter by 'Reversal' and see all reversal journals, they should not be 'Reverse' |
328208 - Resizing Debtor Ageing Screen for all resolution to use same sizing as the Debtor Management screen. | Previously, the Debtor Ageing screen was displaying as screen resolution 1024 x 768. Window > Change User Defaults > Screen resolution | Debtor Ageing screen (Debtors > Debtor Ageing) |
328423 - New Control Account - Card Surcharge | A new General Ledger Control Account has been added to Moveware. The Control Account is called Card Surcharge. Any account created with this control account will be used when processing online payments direct into Moveware. In the past Moveware has used the Finance Charge control account, however these type accounts don't specifically apply to credit/debit card charges. It was determined that a unique Control Account was required for credit/debit card charges processed online. | In General Ledger > Setup, the Linked field now has an option of Card Surcharge. Set this on the account required for specific credit/debit card charges that incurred through processing online payments. |
280921-083 - New System Parameter - to activate new date fields for invoice | New system parameter called 'InvoiceShowServiceDate' has been added. The system parameter will activate new fields on the Invoice screen depending on the parameter value based on the conditions described in the Usage section. Code: InvoiceShowServiceDate | InvoiceShowServiceDate = 'Y' then shows both From and To Service dates If InvoiceShowServiceDate also contains a V (eg SV or YV) then the service dates will also validate on save (not blank). |
317311P - Bug Fix - Fixed owing amount when invoices are combined with partial payment of same customer and same branch. | Fixed owing amount when invoices are combined with partial payment of same customer and same branch. Previously, owing amount calculation is not calculated correctly. | The user can select the invoices with same debtor, Source (src) = R with one invoice being partially paid. Click on 'Combined Selected Invoices as Single Invoice' button and click OK again which combines into single invoice and Owing field is the sum of all the combined invoices owing amount. |
317311T - Bug fix - fixed multiple invoice print from invoice update screen | When printing multiple invoices from the Invoice Update screen, if the user hits Cancel, the invoices are still getting printed, this is now fixed | From Invoice Update screen, select multiple invoices to print, then click on Cancel, no invoices should be printed |
317835 - Allow negative value for volume in invoice charge lines | As it is possible to enter negative volume from storage charge lines, the volume field in invoice charge lines has been changed to allow negative values as well | In Invoicing menu or Invoice screen, there should be no error message for invoice charge lines with negative volume carried over from Storage module. |
319323 - Internal Billing Sequencing | Ability to have different Internal Invoice Sequencing when doing Intercompany Billing. Code: UseIntercompanyInvoicing | Setup System Parameter With this parameter set to Y users will get access to the Project and Project Branch fields on the invoice screen. These fields also rely on the setup of the Debtor to display, but without this parameter they will never display. Debtor/Customer The Project fields relate to jobs performed by other branches within Moveware. When invoicing the internal debtor/customer the invoice can reference the job number used by the other branch, and also identify the other branch to which they are charging. These fields can be manually edited and are not validated to valid removal plans and branches in Moveware. This is so external projects or branches to Moveware can be used in this system. Invoice Numbering There are few fields to take note of: |
324690 - Bug Fix - Extended number of digits in Currency Exchange Screen | Currency exchange rates now extended to 12 digits | From Currency Exchange screen, if exchange rate is 12 digits, Moveware should not generate any errors |
330207 - Cost Invoicing - Column sorting and holding selection | For system who use Combine Cost Invoicing, a few enhancements have been made to the screen in 8.4. First column sorting has been enabled on all columns, and the selecting of the cost options has been enhanced to hold the selected after the list has been filtered. |
330296 - New Validation - Customer Type to be modified based on the User Security Groups | Added new validation on Customer Type field based on specific user security group (Security Grps field) in Codes management. Codes Managment > Cust Type In Security Groups field - Set the employee security group. | User can set a required security group in a field called 'Security Grps' in Codes Management for Cust Type record type. User will get a validation message when Customer Type field is modified and if the user's security group do match the security group set for that Customer Type record. The users who have the security group for the Customer Type set will be able to modify the record and save it. |
330299 - New System Parameter - To copy the invoice file to specific folder based on branch. | Added a new system parameter to copy the invoice file to a specific folder when user PDFs the invoice. Previously, the invoice file is just copied to Debtor and removal folder linked to that invoice. Code: CopyInvoiceInSpecificFolder | The user can set the necessary folder path in below system parameter value and save. The user can click on PDF button in Invoice screen which saves the file in removal, debtor folder (if system parameter 'Save Invoices to Debtors Folder Structure' is enabled) and to the specific folder path set in the below system parameter with respective branch of invoice record. |
313271 - Ability to Mass Change Fine Art or Asset Management Objects Status & Filter by Inactive Objects from Job Inventory | In the mass object edit screen for fine art/asset management jobs, we have added a new 'status' selection to allow users to set mass objects to 'Active' or 'Inactive'. A new toggle in the Reference/Barcode header column of a fine art or asset management job will allow user to filter by inactive items only. The user can then clear out those items from a job. |
318457 - Bug fix from receipting screen regarding discount tax | Previously from Receipting screen, Discount tax is not included in the receipt journal, this is now fixed so it works the same as from Apply screen. Need to set up discount control accounts and tax accounts. | From Receipting screen, receipt an invoice with tax, and give it discount, discount tax should then be generated in the journal entry |
323422 - Added missing event logs to track location changes | Additional event logs have been added where they were previously missing on change of location of Fine Art/Asset Management Objects. Users should be able to use the event logs to track changes of locations to the objects | An event log should be created each time an object's location changes |
327954 - Removals Inventory - New feature to show Inventory Checklist View | Added new feature to show Inventory Checklist view (Mobi) in Removal Inventory screen | Removal Management > Inventory tab (for both Inventory and Object view):
294047 - New System Parameter - Hide Waybill Charge Tab | A new System Parameter has been created, to hide the Waybill charge tab, since it has been replaced by the Costing functionality in Moveware. Code: HideWaybillChargeTab | When this parameter set to Y, the tab ''Charges'' in the ''Waybills'' screen will be hidden. |
316006 - New System Parameter - 'DisplayTruckRequired' - To display Trucks Required column in Daily Diary screen. | Added a new system parameter to display Trucks Required column in Daily Diary screen. Previously, this column is visible for all companies. Code: DisplayTruckRequired | The Trucks Required column is visible only if the below system parameter is enabled else the column is hidden. |
316736 - Modified System Parameter - Lock Ops Diary Type | When this system parameter is set to Y, user closes or cautions a day for a particular type if diary(for example operations or sales), and add notes, previously the notes was added for ALL diary actions on that day, this is now fixed so only diary actions of the selected type will have the notes updated. Code: LockOpsDiaryType | From Ops Diary, click notes icon, then close or caution the day for a particular type of diary, add notes, the notes are only created for that type of diary |
317984 - Bug Fix - Fixed survey hours assigning more hours when database is using period. | Fixed survey hours assigning more hours when database is using period. Previously, assigning survey hours with period would set the survey time for more hours rather than set hours in removals details. Code: sysparam-spare8[21] | The user can set the survey hours in removals details and view in Appointment Diary which would display the correct survey hours. |
318399 - New System Parameter - to show only unused resources in Ops Diary | Added a new system parameter 'Show unused resources in Ops Diary' to provide the ability to display only unused resources in Ops Diary. When clicking the Name column header of Resource, the record will be filtered by these following orders:
Code: ShowUnusedResources | Ops Diary > Vehicle/Labour browser > on click of Name column header |
320357 - Bug Fix - Fixed creating duplicate appointments on updating the status each time. | Fixed creating duplicate appointments on updating the status each time. Previously, the appointments synced to outlook each time the status is changed. If there are multiple attendees, send on behalf permission needs to be set. | The user can add the survey appointment and change the status, where the appointment are not duplicated. |
320658 - New System Parameter - to Enable Quick Paste Resource on Ops Diary. | Add new system parameter to Enable Quick Paste Resource on Ops Diary. Previously, when a user copies allocated resources via the Copy button, they need to click on diary action and then click Paste button and click OK to the prompt message to be able to paste resources. But with this new system parameter 'OpsDiaryQuickPaste' enabled, user can paste the resources by right click on selected diary action and it will bypass the prompt message (except if there are error messages). Code: OpsDiaryQuickPaste | Big Daily Diary screen. |
321779 - New System Parameter - 'TimesheetAllocationStatus' - To allocate removal plan to labour in Timesheets based on removals status. | Added a new system parameter to allocate removal plan to labour in Timesheets based on removals status. Previously, labour can be assigned any removal plan status. Code: TimesheetAllocationStatus | Set the below system parameter as blank or 'N'. Add Operation diary actions to various removal plans of different removal status which are displayed in Daily Diary screen. Assign Labour from right side (double click) for each removal plan displayed in Daily Diary. The Labour is highlighted in green for the ones assigned. Open Timesheets (ctrl+T), double click Removal Plan filter or enter the removal plan number on right side, a lookup is opened and select a removal plan. Set the system parameter to W/W,P or with any Other status and select a removal plan from table. If the removal status matches the system parameter setting status, then it should add else should display an error message that it cannot be added. |
322338 - Bug Fix - Payroll | In Payroll, if the time sheet is posted, it should lock that week so that in Ops Diary screen, it is not allowed to add that resource to any day of that week. | Post a payroll time sheet for one labour, go to Daily Diary and try to add this labour resource to any day of the week, this is not allowed |
324191 - Toggle for showing all Job Types in the KPI screen | We have added a checkbox to toggle whether or not all job types are shown in the KPI screen. | The change is a toggle next to the Type dropdown in the KPI screen. The checkbox is shown if there exist custom KPI measurements, if not the checkbox is not shown and the screen functions as it does currently. With the checkbox ticked you will be able to select from all job types, without it ticked users will only be able to select from the custom KPI's that have been created. |
324876 - Bug Fix - in rate request combined cost option | From Rate Request, add a cost option, when adding additional cost option to be combined to an existing option, and any details changed from JTC compared to original cost option, rates need to take into consideration of the new parameters such as service or destination code, not existing parameters. | From rate request screen.
327204 - New System Parameter - to Enable Quick Paste Resource on Ops Diary | Added a new system parameter to Enable Quick Paste Resource on Ops Diary. Recently, when user copy allocated resources by Copy button, they need to click on diary action and then click Paste button and click ok on prompt message to be able to paste resources. But with this new system paramater 'OpsDiaryQuickPaste' enabled, user can paste the resources by right click on selected diary action and it will bypass the prompt message (except error message). Moveware Resolution setting at 1600x900 or higher Code: OpsDiaryQuickPaste | Daily Diary screen with resolution at 1600 x 900 or higher |
327583 - New System Parameter - to Allow Operations user to Assign/Unassign Ops Diary from Removal Diary screen | Added a new system parameter 'AllowOpsAssignOpsDiary' to Allow Operations users to Assign/Unassign Ops Diary from Removal Diary screen. Previously, only Administrator (user with group 'X') can Assign/Unassign Operation Diary. Code: AllowOpsAssignOpsDiary | Removal Management > Diary tab Example:
327760 - Extension of System Parameter - to show only Last Name | There is a system parameter called ''Show Last Name in New Appointment Diary'' to control how Appointment Diary screen displays job detail. The extension added more option to allow user to display Last name only on the screen. Code: ApptDiaryShowLastName | The Appointment Diary screen will show only the last name of the client when system parameter 'ApptDiaryShowLastName' is set to 'L'. Setting the parameter to 'Y' will display Postcode and Last name |
328178 - Fixed the 'Replace Concat Error' when lot of Items are added from the lookup in Inventory tab. | Fixed the 'Replace Concat Error' when lot of Items are added from the lookup in Inventory tab. Previously, when all Items are added from Object lookup and clicked Ok button, displays 'Replace concat 32000' error and records are not added. | The user can click on Add button in Inventory button, select the records and click ok button which adds all the selected records without any error. |
328933 - Added security on deleting diary action with closed date. | Added security on deleting diary actions with closed date. Previously, even if the date is closed in Daily Diary, users without Ops security were able to delete diary actions. Code: sysparam-nodatewarning Code: sysparam-spare[13] | The user can click on Yellow Note Button, select a date, click on Red Cross Button and OK to set closed date. The users without Ops security will not be allowed to delete the diary action set for that date. |
329221 - New System Parameter - 'SetDiaryNotConfirmedWithClient' - To set the diary On Site column with color if attempted to contact but not confirmed. | To set the diary 'On Site' column with colour if client was contacted but not confirmed. Code: SetDiaryNotConfirmedWithClient | The user can enable the below system parameter, select a diary record and click on 'Time or Action Confirmed with Client' button which will display a Yes/No window to confirm. Click Yes. The user can again select the same record, click the above button again which displays Yes/No window to new option if attempted but not confirmed option. Click Yes. The user can again select the same record, click the above button again which displays Yes/No window to Unconfirm. Click Yes. |
329349 - Bug Fix - Fixed initial display of vehicles/labour records if the below system parameter is set as V/D | Fixed initial display of vehicles/labour records if the below system parameter is set as V/D. Previously, when the below screen is opened, no records are displayed unless user clicked on refresh button in Vehicles/Labour table. Code: DailyDiaryDefaultSort | The user can set the system parameter to V/D, open the Daily Diary screen and Vehicles/Labour records are displayed accordingly. |
322775H - New System Parameter - Removal Costing Diary Displays Diary Column | Removals > Diary (Companies using Diary Costing) System Parameter | Enable the system parameter and then it'll appear on the removals > diary tab |
320632 - New System Parameter - Resource Skip totals on Costing | Previously when updating Resources on Moves with many Cost Options (10 or more) the new costs of the resources would need to update the costs on each of the pending cost options. In certain cases, the calculations to update all totals on each Cost Option could cause the system to lock for upwards of 5 minutes. This System Parameter will cause the Moveware system to only update either the status ''W'' Cost Options, or the first status ''P'' cost option, and not update any additional cost options. Code Value: ResourceQuerySkipCostsTotal | This change has occurred in the Costing screen, Users do not need to do anything different. |
327136 - New System Parameter - Display the date/diary lookup when adding resources | In 8.4 Moveware has added the ability to assign resources to diary actions through the Resources tab of Removals Management. This has been added to the calendar icon on that screen. An extension to this is displaying the diary action lookup when resources are added to the removal. By default, the diary action lookup does not display, however with this system parameter enabled user will be prompted to select a diary action when they add resources through the Resources tab of Removals Management. Code: ResourcesSelectDateOnAdd | When this parameter set to Y, if a user adds resources through the Resources tab of Removals Management, they will be prompted to select the diary action to allocate to the resource(s). If the user adds multiple resources, all the resources will be assigned to the same diary. If the user does not want to assign the diary action, they can select Cancel from the lookup and the default allocation of the date will be set against the resource (as Moveware has done in previous versions). When the parameter is N, users will not be prompted to select the diary action when they add resources, but they can allocate the diary action through the calendar icon after the fact. |
318329 - Bug Fix - Fixed deleting both Expenses pay category lines on deleting in Employee Pays tab to balance the journals. | Fixed deleting both Expenses pay category lines on deleting in Employee Pays tab to balance the journals. Previously, journals were out of balance displaying incorrect balance in report. | The user can add Time sheet and Expenses Pay Category in Pays tab (select 'Superannuation') which adds two lines of rows. Select the Superannuation line and click on 'Delete' button which deletes both lines and hence balancing the journal when report is PDFed or previewed in Reports screen. |
329135 - New System Parameter - 'SetActualHrsInPayrollTimesheets' - To fetch actual hours when timesheets are posted for payrolls | Added a new system parameter to fetch actual hours when timesheets are posted for payrolls. Previously, even though actual hours are available, Moveware fetched estimated hours. Code: SetActualHrsInPayrollTimesheets | The user can enable the below system parameter, add Base Hours from Additional drop down, set the Hours column, post the timesheets. The total number of hours in Allocation and Payroll tabs should match. |
308411 - New Calculation Type ME | When using this calculation type on removal product, it should mark up from Est. rate and value. Add new rate type 'ME' in Codes Management (by Admin user only) | Set up in removal product rates, 1.5 is 50% markup from estimated cost. From Costing Screen, add a new costing item with removal product rate setup as ME, the price rate and price will be marked up from estimates |
309733 - New System Parameter - 'CopyCostAccrual' - To maintain the Accrual value on copying the cost option. | Added a new system parameter to maintain the Accrual value on copying the cost option. Previously, on copying the cost option, the Accrual is set if creditor product Accrual field is set to 'Y' else set as 'N'. Code: CopyCostAccrual | The user can enable the below system parameter, copy the cost option where the new copied cost option costing records will copy the Accruals value from the cost option costing records which are copied from. |
314023 - Validation - Updated Origin/Destination code of Rates to be validated by checking Postcodes, codes State, codes Postcodes or in Destinations | Updated Origin/Destination code of Rates to be validated by checking Postcodes, codes State, codes Postcodes or in Destinations. Previously,the code is checked for validation only on Postcodes or from destinations. | The user can add a record, set the valid origin/destination code and click on save button where the code is saved if the code is in Postcodes/Destination/ Codes > State/ Codes > Postcodes section. If it is not present or not linked to a inventory, will display the validation message. |
317513 - Bug Fix - Fixed invoice posting twice by different users | The original bug was difficult to reproduce, the fix is aimed at not allowing the same invoice to be posted twice, both from Invoicing screen and Invoice Update screen when two users are logged in and trying to post at the same time. | When first user posts the invoice the second user should not be able to. |
317734 - New System Parameter - 'CostStatusQUnlockOriginal' - To set cost locking of original cost option to N when a Q cost option is created. | Added a new system parameter to set cost locking of original cost option to 'N' when a Q cost option is created. Previously, the cost locking is still set as 'P' if the Q cost option is created. Code: CostStatusQUnlockOriginal | The user can enable the below system parameter 'UseCostStatusQ', add a new cost option. Click on 'Lock Sell Price' button which creates a copy of cost option and sets the original cost locking to 'N' only if cost option status is 'W'. If the below system parameter is disabled, the cost locking is set as 'P' itself. |
318019 - Bug Fix - Fixed cost locking based on new system parameter created when cost option is locked. | Fixed cost locking based on new system parameter created when cost option is locked. Previously, the cost is locked even if the cost option status is 'P' and fixed to lock only to do for cost option status 'W'. Code: CostStatusQUnlockOriginal | The user can add the cost option, set the status to W, lock the sell price where the Q cost option is created and the original cost is locked. |
318306 - New update criteria - Weight | Added a new update criterion for Weight. When removal weight is updated, this carries through to Costing so any cost type involving weight such as NL will have the qty updated. The same works from Rate Request and the red Reprice icon from Costing should also include weight now. | Change the weight on the removal and select update costing. Cost lines with calculation type involving weight will be updated. The same process applied to Rate Request. |
319516 - New System Parameter - 'DoNotUpdateCostPurchaseBranch' - To not update the costing branch if purchase is created and posted | Added new sytem parameter to not update the costing branch if purchase is created and posted. Previously, once the purchase is created, posted and if user updates the removal branch, costing branch is updated as well. Code: DoNotUpdateCostPurchaseBranch | The user can set the system parameter to 'Y' and update the removal branch where the costing branch is not updated if purchase is linked and posted. If the system parameter is set as 'N' the costing branch is updated. |
322702 - Bug Fix - Fixed rates value setting for removal products based on Origin and Destination set from JTC. | Fixed rates value setting for removal products based on Origin and Destination set from JTC. Previously, when user runs the JTC, rates of removal products are set based on removals origin and destination codes and not from the JTC fields set. | The user can run the Job Type Creator, select the Type from left section, update the destination/origin fields and click on 'Ok' button which set the rates based on the recent destination/origin fields. |
323990 - New System Parameter - To Disable Rate Request Description Lookup On Rate Request Quote Details. | Added a new system parameter called 'DisableRateRequestDescLookup' to disable Rate Request Description lookup on Rate Request Quote Details screen. Previously, the user can double click on the charge line (Description column) to choose product from lookup screen. Code: DisableRateRequestDescLookup | When the system parameter is enabled, then the Rate Request Description lookup on the Rate Request Quote Details screen will not show. |
324627 - Bug Fix - Commission job type do not show rate selector | Previously when adding commission job type from JTC, it does not show rate selector, but when adding manually or updating from Removal then it does. Two methods were working differently. This is now fixed. Also the same should work from Rate Request as is from Removals. Code: sysparam-spare10[7] | From Removal or Rate Request screens, add a new cost option where job type commission is set to Y, no rate selector will show. Add a manual cost line, no rate selector will show, update from Removal screen, for example update the destination code, costing is updated, and no rate selector is shown |
324845 - Bug Fix - Fixed the html tags getting stripped on running Job Type Creator. | Fixed the HTML tags getting stripped on running Job Type Creator. Previously, on creating the cost option, HTML tags are stripped where the user is unable to view the URLs. | The user can add a cost option where the Inclusions text is set with HTML tags in Job Type > Other tab. Click on yellow note pad to display Costing Details dialogue, click on 'Clear' button where the html tags are not stripped. |
326169 - New System Parameter - Allow Add Cost When Price locked | If it is enabled, the user can add a costing item even if the cost option is locked. However, it will not affect the Sell and Estimate fields. If the system parameter Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked is set to ''Y'' as well, it will update the Estimate field also, but not the Sell. Code: AllowAddCostWhenPricelocked | From costing screen, lock a cost option and add a new costing item, this is allowed but sell and estimated rates are not updated unless system parameter 'Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked' is set to ''Y'' then estimated is updated. |
326231 - New System Parameter - Hide Zero Value Invoice on Job Type Creator | A new system parameter has been added to hide the Zero Value Invoice toggle on the Job Type Creator popup. This parameter can be set based on a combination of Branch and Type, making the toggle hidden for specific branches, types of jobs or a combination of both. Combined with this new system parameter the existing system parameter ''Default Combined Job Types to (Y)es'' has been enhanced to allow for setting based on branches, types of jobs or a combination of both. Code: JTCHideZeroValueInvoice | When this parameter set to Y the Zero Value Invoice toggle will hide from the Job Type Creator Screen. |
327103 - Destinations: New function Import/Export on Destinations screen | Add new function to allow users to Import/Export destination records | Administration > Company Setup > Destinations:
327415 - Rate Screen - Enhancements | Changes to the Rate Screen
| For #3, the filters will filter any records that have distance/valid from equal or more than filter value |
327945 - New System Parameter - Packing Cost Calculation based on Materials Calc Type P only | Added a new system parameter for calculation type ''PPH,PCH,PWH'' to consider only packing material with calc type set to 'P'. Code: PackCostBasedOnSP | For only calculation type ''PPH,PCH,PWH'' , user can now set Moveware to pull values from removal resources only when the items have calculation type set to 'P' (Supply and Pack), so the packing materials that are flagged as 'S' or Supply Only won't be considered in the calculation. |
319290-078 - New Rate Calculation Type - DEA | A new rate calculation type using Actual density as the break point in a variable matrix and using the found rate as the net 100 lbs rate. This is useful for North American companies which charge different rates based on actual density (calculated from Net Lbs divide by Net Cuft) and net 100 lbs. | Use calculation type DEA as you would normally for NL calculation type, however, use actual density as the break point instead of Lbs. |
318053 - New System Parameter - Stop Warnings on Update of Diary on Non LV Costings | A new system parameter has been added to stop warnings about sell price changing on locked cost options when modifying diary dates/hours on diary based resource costing when the diary is not linked to a cost option of when the cost option is not using Labour/Vehicle costing. Code: StopWarningsOnNonLVCosting | When this parameter set to Y the warning 'The sell price for this cost option has been locked. Changing the date, time or hours will not update any sell rates. Do you want to continue?' will no longer come up when the user is modifying diary actions that are not on the cost option or if the cost option has its L/V costing toggle unchecked. |
328797 - Fix date filter showing incorrectly when product has multiple rates (on hold - wait for answer Doug) | Previously, when adding a charge line on Removals Costing screen and the product had multiple rates, the Rate Selector screen would pop-up, but the date filter showed the Estimated Move Date. Now, the date will be pulled from the date when the Cost Option is created and compare it with the field Rate Valid From (set in Rates Management). | the Rate Selector will pop-up if the product has multiple rates. |
262983 - Default Screen - New screen to set field values and labels on adding/copying a record | Default screen is added a interface to set the default values on fields in add or copy of Removal/Debtor/Creditor/Agent/Waybill. | This screen is used by Moveware users only to avoid any incorrect setting of the values.
Example For b-rpdetail.w - Road`[type;sw;IM]Sea`[type;sw;E]Rail which when added/copied by default value is set as 'Road', if Type starts with 'IM', valuse is set as 'Sea' and if Type starts with 'E', value is set as 'Rail. |
304490 - Enhancement to Debtor Job Type to work in Rate Request | Enhancement to Debtor Job Type to work in Rate Request, previously Job Type setup within a Debtor Account would only work in Removals Management, this functionality has been expanded to work in Rate Requests. Job Type in Debtor becomes active when using Tariff System Parameter. | Ability to Customise Job Types at the Debtor/Tariff Level will now work in Rate Requests |
305741 - Event Logs - Removal Close dialogue details event logging when status is set to Cancelled/Lost. | Removal Close dialogue details event logging when status is set to Cancelled/Lost. Previously, when removal is closed, no details of reason, company and details are recorded in event log. | The user can set status to C/L, fill in the Reason, Company and Details fields, close the removal, save in the pop up window where the removal status is set to Cancelled/Lost. Click on the event log button where 2 event logs are logged - status change and reason of closing the removal. If the removal is not closed, the removal status is reverted back to previous status without setting to Cancelled/Lost. |
310732 - New System Parameter - Link Diary Actions to Invoices | This system parameter was designed to link a Diary Action to an Invoice. This will allow companies that charge on a per-day basis to verify that specific invoices have been paid, and that those days do not require any follow-up with the client. When a Diary Action is linked to an Invoice that Action on the Daily Diary (Dispatch) screen will have the client name background changed to be a bright green, this will allow the Operations team to know that the work has already been paid for. Code Value: DiaryLinkInvoice One must also setup the following in Codes Management: Code Type: Code | To utilize the Diary Link to Invoices a user will be required to select the chain linkage button from the Daily Diary (Dispatch) screen after highlighting a Diary Action. Once the desired Diary Action has been selected, and the Link button has been clicked - the User will be able to select the desired Invoice (associated with the assigned Job) to complete the process. The Diary Action Client Name will now be backlit in green. |
311430 - New System Parameter - Show Biller Attention in Cost Invoicing | A new system parameter has been added to display the Attention column for the debtor on the Cost Invoicing screen. The Attention to display can be set to display the Attention field from the Removals Management > Details tab, or the Attention setup in Debtor Management > Details tab. Code: CostInvoiceShowAttention | There are 2 options available to make this column visible. Y will display the Attention from the Debtor linked to the cost option. R will display the Attention from the Removal linked to the cost option. When the user is running a screen resolution of greater than 1200 pixels wide, the column will display to the right of the Biller column. However, on the smallest resolution a toggle is available to display either the Biller or the Attention column. |
312604 - Set copied Diary status to incomplete | Set copied Diary status to incomplete when copying Removals and Diary actions to sequenced removal. | Removal Management > Details screen > Copy button |
312893 - Bug Fix - Unassign minimum or maximum value from rates | Several versions back Moveware added a system parameter 'DontSetUsedRate' - 'Dont Set Used Rates on Costing' when the rate is found. This parameter allowed systems to use a sell rate when a cost was created, but after the initial defaulting of the sell rate it would be unlocked so the users could edit the value (the cost was not locked to the rate). When this happened, if the rate used had a minimum or maximum set, this minimum or maximum would be held for the Sell and would apply for every edit of the Sell price. There was no way of unlocking the minimum or maximum from the Sell. Code: DontSetUsedRate | With this change Moveware has added an extra step to the unlocking process of the Sell rate when 'DontSetUsedRate' system parameter is enabled. The previous behaviour of having the minimum and maximum values of the rate apply after the cost has been added remains, however users are now able to click the ''Unlock Sell Price (Tariff) for Select Cost'' button (padlock icon) to then unlock the minimum and maximum from the Sell. Further to this, 'DontSetUsedRate' can now have a value of C. Then the system parameter is C, once the cost is created and a rate is used to default the Sell price the minimum and maximum are also cleared from the Sell. This means the minimum and maximum values for the rate are not applied to any future edits of the Sell price. |
313605 - New System Parameter - Removals Corporate field can only be assigned by using lookup | Added a new system parameter to only allow Removals Corporate field to be set by selecting from Corporate lookup, not typed in. Code: RPCorpSelectOnly | In Removal Details screen (both old and new version):
314109 - New System Parameter - Stop Waybill ETA date updating the removals uplift date | Added a new system parameter 'DisableUpdateImportRPUpliftFromETA' which stops the removals uplift date on Import jobs being overwritten with the ETA date upon saving the waybill record. Code: DisableUpdateImportRPUpliftFromETA |
314529 - Added Copy feature along with Move for removal inventory items. | Added Copy feature along with Move for removal inventory items. Cost Centre Fine art/New Furniture Cost Centre field = N | The user can add few inventory records, click on blue arrow button which displays the window with radio buttons (Copy, Move). The user can enter the removal plan number or select from lookup, select the radio button options. If 'Copy' is selected, inventory items are copied across the removal plan number typed. If 'Move' is selected, inventory items of existing removal plan number are copied across the removal plan number typed. |
315121 - To set the Name fields of new Address record to removals Client's Name fields. | To set the Name fields of new Address record to removals Client's Name fields. Previously, on adding a new address record, Name fields are set to blank values. Default Screen setting for Title field. | The user can double click on Address line, add a new address record where the First, last names are filled with removals client names. On checking the toggle, full name is populated as well. |
315143 - New System Parameter - to default ''Mgr'' Filter on Sales Follow Up Screen | A new system parameter has been added to set a default filter for the field 'Mgr' to use the current logged in user on the 'Sales follow up' screen. Code: 'DefaultSalesFollowuptoUser' | When this parameter set to Y, the Mgr field on Sale Follow up screen is defaulted to the logged in user. |
315202 - New System Parameter - Validate Follow Up Date when Status is P or I | A new system parameter has been added to validate the field ''Follow Up Date'' when status is P or I. Code: sysparam-spare6[41] |
316200 - Bug Fix - Fixed validation message displaying in loop on selecting the diary and domestic waybill error. | Fixed validation message displaying in loop on selecting the diary and domestic waybill error. Previously, on selecting the Opportunity diary and clicking away will display the validation message even if the values are not modified. | The user can select the Opportunity diary and click on a different row where the valiadtion message is not displayed if no values are changed. If the values are changed and the row is changed or saved, 'You cannot add or modify an Opportunity' message is displayed. |
316248 - Event Log - Updated Invoice Created event log with ciinv text. | Updated Invoice Created event log with ciinv text when invoice is created. Previously, user would get confused with Invoice Number and unique ID ciinv event logs. | The user can add a new invoice where the event log will update with ciinv description and if the same invoice is posted, Invoice Number description event log is added. |
316762 - Bug Fix - Fixed diary actions auto creating based on status set and when removal status is changed from I to P. | Fixed diary actions auto creating based on status set and when removal status is changed from I to P. Previously, on changing the removal status from I to P, diary actions with setting as 'W' status is created in diary tab on running the JTC. AutoCreateDiaryUsesJobTypes = Y | The user can change the removals status from I to P and save the record where the Job Type screen is displayed. The volume field is filled and clicked OK button where the diary actions with status 'P' for that job type are created. |
317157 - Bug Fix - Fixed Survey Hours field input numeric error message display on saving the removals | Fixed Survey Hours field input numeric error message displayed on saving the removals. Previously, on saving the Survey Hours field in removals would display 'input Numeric error'. Code: sysparam-spare8[21] | The user can set the Survey Hours field with comma/full stop (1.1/2,1) and save the removals record which will save the Hours with comma if the below system parameter is enabled. |
317236 - Enhancement for Customer/Creditor lookup | Extended display of customer/creditor balance to 15 digits, so it can accommodate balances up to 999,999,999,999,999.99 | From Customer and Creditor lookup, the balance display should be correct for balances up to 15 digits |
317374 - Fixed cursor position to set on Name field when new removal is added or copied. | Fixed cursor position to set on Name field when new job is added or copied. Previously, when a new removal is added/copied, cursor is set to browser Details header. System Parameter | The user can click on Add/Copy button where the cursor position is set to First/Surname field based on system parameter 'sysparam-spare5[13]' set. If the above system parameter is set to 'Y' then cursor it set to First Name else set to Surname of Client. |
317434 - Ability to Search by Object UCR/BCN in Removals Management | An Object UCR/BCN search filter has been added in Removals management that allows users to find the first job with an object containing the UCR/BCN being searched for | To find the first job with an object containing the UCR/BCN filter:
317867 - Speed improvement - invoice event log | Improved speed performance on invoice event log after the event log change which now includes both before and after posting of the invoice | The speed was slow previously when looking at event log of the invoice, this is now improved |
317951 - Bug Fix - Fixed event logs when a removal is closed/cancelled/lost and status revering if error in closing the removal. | Fixed event logs when a removal is closed/cancelled/lost and status reverting if error in closing the removal. Previously, status did not change when removal is cancelled and not closed. | The user can set the status to cancelled/Lost without closing the removal where the removal is set to the above status. The event logs are logged accordingly. If there is an error when removal is closed, the status is reverted back to original status. |
318009 - New System Parameter - Set Method, Service and Dest Type from selected Cost Option | Previously, one check was in place when creating a sequence for an alternative shipment method (e.g. copying a sea job to create a new sequence for an air variant), which in turn would not pull through the correct method, service or destination type. The new release has extended and updated the check to remove the issue in the sequence linked job. | Standard Operations |
318361 - Branch Address - Display Branch address along with removals Delivery address. | Display Branch address along with removals Delivery address. Previously, only removals delivery address of each removal is displayed. | The user can select the removals records, click on map button which displays the Branch address on left along with removal delivery address. |
318388 - New System Parameter - to auto create Claim job type when adding new Removal claim record | Added a new system parameter 'AutoCreateJTClaim' to allow auto generation of Claim related job type creator options when adding a new Removal Claim. The Claim Job Types must be set in the system with descriptions beginning with 'Claims'. Code: AutoCreateJTClaim | Removal Management > Claim tab > on adding new Claim |
318408 - New System Parameter - Allow edit of diary branch for diary-based resource costing | A new system parameter has been added to allow the branch of diary actions linked to an invoiced cost option to be modified if the diary action has no resources allocated. In some instances, a diary action needs to be modified so it can display in the diary of a different branch. This parameter allows the diary to be modified once it is invoiced. Code: AllowEditDiaryBranch | When this parameter set to Y, if the diary action does not have any resources allocated, the branch of the diary may be modified once the linked cost option is invoiced. If resources are allocated the branch may not be modified. This change only affects systems running Diary Based Resource Costing. |
318413 - Format - Updated Transit field to hold 100 characters | Updated Transit field format to hold 100 characters. Previously, only 20 characters can be saved by user. | The user can click on 'Modify Cost Details and Options', can type in 100 characters and click on Ok button. |
318480 - Fix sequence getting set incorrectly when creating new job | When creating a new job from new job management screen, sometimes the sequence is set when it should not be. This is fixed. | From new job management screen, add a new job, check that there is no sequence. |
318542 - Bug Fix - Updated event logs description of Delivery field if changed. | Updated event logs description along with the Delivery Time if changed. Previously, the description did not give enough details and no event log for Delivery Time field. Delivery field should be set to active in codes management > Removals Details. | The user can update the Delivery Date and Time, save it which will add an entry to event log with Delivery Time and Date. |
319313 - New Validation - To validate if new Labour record is added/updated from Resources tab | Added new validation to check if new Labour record is added/updated from Resources tab. Previously. Labour records are added from Resources tab having the records coming up in Operation Diary screen. Code: sysparam-spare5[5] = 'N' | The user can try adding/updating the record with inventory type set as 'Labour', click Save button which will display the validation message to user that 'Inventory Labour type cannot be added/updated from Removals screen'. |
319961 - Bug Fix - Fixed weight display of item in inventory tab. | Fixed weight display of item in inventory tab. Previously, weight field displayed weight of case rather than item. | The user can view the weight field of item in Inventory tab. |
320101 - Bug Fix - Fixed users displaying in assignee column Users lookup in diary tab. | Fixed users displaying in assignee column Users lookup in diary tab. Previously, if the system parameter is enabled, Users Lookup do not have any records in lookup. System Parameter | The below system parameter is enabled/disabled where the Assignee column (diary tab) Users Lookup will display the users according to the branch filter set. If the system parameter is disabled, Approver Lookup (costing tab) with Lock Sell Price Button, will display the users of that branch. If the system parameter is enabled, then Approver Lookup will display the users matching the display branch. |
320902 - Bug Fix - Fixed selection boxes getting selected automatically on leaving the Branch fill-in while removal is copied. | Fixed selection boxes getting selected automatically on leaving the Branch fill-in while removal is copied. Previously, costing/inventory selection boxes are selected on leaving the branch field. | The user can click on 'Copy' button, uncheck costing and inventory check box, check the two checkboxes again, change the branch and click on the selection box to select the values accordingly. |
321232 - Bug Fix - On updating the Type/Branch field, Agent To Contact and Email fields are updated based on Type selected. | The Agent To contact and email fields are updated based on Type field set. Previously, the contact and email fields are set as default even for Export and Import types. | The user can set the branch and type fields in Agent To section, if the type selected is an import, email and contact fields are set with Import details. If the type selected is export, contact and email fields are set with export details. If it is neither, default contact and email details are set in Agent To section. |
321673 - Bug Fix - Fixed refreshing of first record on clearing the private data in DSP tab. | Fixed refreshing of first record on clearing the private data in DSP tab. Previously, other records except first record set the DSP fields to 'XXXXX' immediately on clearing the private data using red cross button. | The user can select a DSP/DSI cost centre removal, select the first record on left section, click on ''Clear Private Data'' button where the fields are cleared and set to 'XXXXXX'. |
322164 - Bug Fix - Fixed Phone and Fax values to be updated if they are selected from customer lookup. | Fixed Phone and Fax values to be updated if they are selected from customer lookup. Previously, if the customer is selected from the lookup, phone and fax would not update if both the values are set in customer. | The user can double click on the client/delivery fields where the customer lookup is opened. The customer record which has both Phone and Fax set is selected and the numbers are displayed in Phone field. |
322250 - Set the default values of removals details tab on copying of a removal plan. | Set the default values of Status as 'P', copy the Client and Delivery Address of removals details tab on copying of a removal plan. Previously, on copying of a removal plan would copy all the fields as it is. | The user can click on 'Copy' button which would set the Status field as 'P', copy the Client and Delivery section as it is, set the Entered by who ever as logged in, Entered Date as current date. All the other fields are set to blank where the user can fill in. |
322597 - Bug Fix - Fixed auto generation of Initials with combination of First Name, Last Name along with alphanumeric characters | Fixed auto generation of Initials with combination of First Name, Last Name along with alphanumeric characters. Previously, clicking on blue arrow next to Initials field displayed error as it had exhausted the combinations. | The user can enter the First/Last Name or both fields, click on Blue arrow which auto populates the Initials without displaying any error. |
322657 - New System Parameter - to populate Removal Insurance details from Storage when creating new Removal from Storage | Added a new system parameter 'RPInsCreatedfromStg' to populate Removal Insurance details from Storage when creating new Removal from Storage. Code: RPInsCreatedfromStg | Storage Management > Details tab > button 'Create Removal', Removal Insurance details will be set from Storage. |
322949 - New System Parameter - Validate Won Cost Option For Purchase Posting | When this system parameter (Validate Won Cost Option For Purchase Posting) is turned on, and system parameter 'sysparam-spare[3]' is also on, posting a purchase invoice will validation the removal to see if there are any W options. If not, the validation will fail and the purchase invoice will not be posted. Code: Validate WonCostOptionForPurchasePosting | From Purchase Update or Purchases screens, post an invoice, the validation will process. If the removals linked to purchase lines do not have W options, the purchase invoice will not be posted. |
323114 - Claims Management - Resolved lists items can now be customised using Code Management screen | Claim Resolved lists can now be generated from code management. Previously, we hard code the list of Claim Resolved options as:
With this new feature, the Claim Resolved lists will be generated as the previous items including any codes of type 'Claim Resolved' added to the client system. | Removal Management > Claim tab Example:
323352 - MovePartner - Restrict Inventory View | For systems running MovePartner for their Asset Management clients, Moveware has added the ability for specific online users to be flagged to have View Only restrictions applied to their inventory list. With this restriction the online user is only able to view the inventory and not allocate or request it. When the online user logs into MovePartner they can view the inventory through the Inventory menu. However, they do not get access to request the inventory to be moved or allocate it onto a move. | To set this on an online user, go to Debtor Management and filter the list to find the Debtor where the user works. On the Details tab in the Contact section at the bottom, double click the user to bring up the Edit a Customer Contact dialog. At the very bottom of the diary is a Restrictions field. In here enter the letter I. |
323412 - Bug Fix - Cost option total sell rate | Fixed a bug where cost option sell price rate is getting calculated from tax code when no rate is found, it should be calculated from price | Go to Costing Screen, the cost option total sell rate should be the same as sell price when no rate is found, and not calculated from tax code instead when the amounts are different |
323440 - Bug Fix - Volume setting from Removal and Export tab | Fixed a bug that from removal detail screen and from export screen the calculations for Vol/Weight are not consistent. It should be consistent now. | When changing Vol/Weight from Removal Detail screen, and from Export screen, they should end up with the same calculations |
323662 - Bug Fix - Fixed System Error display on DB server for first removal when diary tab is clicked. | Fixed System Error display on DB server for first removal when diary tab is clicked. Previously, when first removal row is selected, diary tab is clicked, System Error is displayed and Moveware session crashes. | The user can select the first removal row and click on Diary Tab where there is error and the Moveware session is not logged out. |
324003 - Agent To lookup to display DOM type records if 'Default Self to Agent To in Rate Request' is enabled. | 'Agent To' field to lookup to display DOM type records. Previously the lookup displayed 'INT' type records. Code: sysparam-spare10[4] | If the below system parameter is enabled, user can double click on Agent To field where the records are displayed based on 'DOM' type. |
324123 - Bug Fix - Fixed Postcodes fields to update once the removal is created after updating the webquote. | Fixed Postcodes fields to update once the removal is created after updating the web quote. Previously, when web quote is updated, removal is created but the postcodes are not updated. | The user can update the web quote of '0P' type with client and delivery postcodes, click on link button up the top where the postcodes are updated on the removal created. |
324294 - New System Parameter - Allow Create Removal Without Debtor from Rate Request | When the system parameter is on, even without debtor on a cost option, removal will be created from rate request. However, no invoice will be generated. Code: AllowCreateRemoval | From Rate Request, set status of a request to W to create removal, even without debtor on the cost option, removal will be created, no invoices will be generated in this case. The user will need to set the debtor, then manually update cost option again to generate invoice |
325070 - Bug Fix - Fixed Reset Event log to log only when there is a validation error on cancelled/lost staus set. | Fixed reset Event log to log only when there is a validation error on cancelled/lost status set. Previously, on saving the cancelled/lost status removal. Reset event log is logged all the time even if the fields are not updated. Code: sysparam-winloss | The user can set the removal status to C/L, click on save button. 'Reason for Lost/Cancelled' window is displayed to enter the details for cancelling/losing a removal, set the Closed field to Yes, click Ok button. If there are any validation errors displayed, the removal is set back to previous status, logs the Reset event log. If there are no validation errors, the status is set to the status changed by user, 2 event logs are logged - one for change of status and the other for details describing the reason to cancel/lost. |
325545 - New System Parameter - Do Not Round Measurements in Costing and Removals | This was done for the calculations of the Export tab, Import tab, Removals Details and the Cost Option header. This will allow system to not round at some point and round at another or round/not round everything.
Code: 'DoNotRoundMeasurements' | Y - no rounding for all calls. |
325655 - Bug Fix - Fixed Validation property to go through all the settings set in the field. | Fixed Validation property to go through all the settings set in the field. Previously, only one condition is validated and not all. Default Screen settings set as above based on the screen and field where the validtion needs to be done. | The user can set the validation property using below settings to validate for field not to be blank as well as not set as 'MWA' using '&&' symbol. [Date Survey;co;1]not blank&≠MWA When the user tries to save the removal plan, above field will display a validation message if the field is blank or if the field is set as 'MWA'. |
326065 - Speed improvement - Planner screen | Some speed improvements on Planner screen when loading resources | Improved speed on Planner screen on loading resources |
326387 - Bug Fix - Fixed warning with buffer query and updated the event logs when Review Type is changed. | Fixed warning with buffer query and updated the event logs when Review Type is changed. Previously, when Review Type combo-box is changed and saved, no event logs are updated and also displays a buffered warning error. | The user can change the Review Type Field, click on Save button where the event log is updated when viewed under that Review Type. |
327015 - New System Parameter - To default Debtor/Creditor Lookup Branch filter with the Costing's Branch Value | Added a new system parameter 'DebtorLookupByCostBranch' and 'CreditorLookupByCostBranch' to default Debtor/Creditor Lookup Branch filter from Costs Branch. Code: DebtorLookupByCostBranch Code: CreditorLookupByCostBranch | Removal Management > Costing screen
327290 - Bug Fix - Fixed replied Discussion texts not displaying on right side section. | Fixed replied Discussion texts not displaying on right side section. Previously, when discussion text is added and replied using yellow notepad button, the replied texts are not visible on right side editor section. | The user can add a discussion record in below screen, click on yellow notepad to reply to a discussion and the texts are displayed on right side editor section. |
327327 - Update function for System Parameter 'OpsDiaryCollapseCostTypeLookup' | To collapse the list of Vehicles and Labour in the Daily Diary screen. Code: OpsDiaryCollapseCostTypeLookup | To collapse the list of Vehicles and Labour in Daily Diary screen system parameter equals the following value:
327564 - Bug Fix - Fine Art containers added to jobs will now appear correctly in its object history/log tab | Previously in Object Management history/log tab of a Fine Art container, it will only show jobs where the container was added as a container of an Artwork or Component, but now when the container has been added by itself to a job or storage account. This has now been fixed. | When a Fine Art container is added individually onto a job and/or storage, the reference of that job/storage will now correctly appear in the History/Log tab of that container in Object Management |
328525 - Address Book - Modified functionality for Use Selected | When using the address book for selecting email addresses in Moveware, users can select an employee, agent or debtor to include in the email they are writing. There are 2 methods to select the email address. First the user can double click the record they require, which will pull the email address straight into the email address field. Second is by right mouse clicking the record to select it and then using the Use Selected button to pull in all the selected records. The functionality of the latter method has been modified. In the past when a user selected an employee, agent or debtor that record was flagged as being selected. That meant that all other users in Moveware also had that employee, agent or debtor selected when they loaded the address book. If other users select Use Selected they would get the employee, agent or debtor that was selected by other users. This leads to incorrect selections of email addresses from the address book. | This change ensures that now whenever the address book is loaded, there are no initial selections until the current user make the selection. Any previous selections will be ignored and only the records selected once the dialog is displayed will pull through the Email field when the Use Selected button is clicked. |
328995 - Extend Limit Characters for Costing Fields and Costing Approval for Approver. | Extend limit of characters to enable to display as 11 digits for any costing fields which display as number. Extend limit characters to enable to setup a value up to 20 digits for Costing Approval for approver. | On Costing Header screen, any costing fields can display value up to 11 digits. On Employee > User Details > Setting browser on the right side, can setup Costing Approval Value up to 20 digits. |
329406 - Bug Fix - Update Tariff when manual type customer code in Bill To field | Fixed an issue manual type customer code in the Bill To field of Removals Management > Details screen. Previously, the system did not automatically update Tariff Account when type in customer code on bill to field. The system filled the Tariff account only when selecting from a customer lookup or type in customer name. | Standard Operation |
329407 - Added ability to customise auto-creation of diary actions based on removal customer type | Certain diary actions can now be auto-created based on the customer type set on the job. This can be customised using the 'Filters' in diary action setup using the format of 'CustomerType:Type1;Type2'. If a diary action should be created regardless of the customer type, then simply do not add this filter to the action. | In Diary Setup, go to a diary that is being auto created (i.e. Auto Create = 'Y') that needs to be created based on the customer type of the job. In its Filters, simply add 'CustomerType:Type1;Type2;Type3' where Type1, Type2 & Type3 are valid customer types that the diary action should be created for. Each type needs to be separated by a semi-colon. If there are existing filters already setup against the diary action, then simply separate that with a comma. Create a job that satisfies the auto-create requirements and notice that the diary action will be added if the customer type matches one of those set in the filter. If the customer type does not match any set in the filter, then the diary action will not be created. |
329408 - New System Parameter - Default Diary toggle in JTC based on diary records in Rate Request | A new system parameter has been added for when the Job Type Creator (JTC) is run for Rate Requests, to default the Diary toggle base on the diary actions already on the Rate Request. This is to reflect the standard behaviour of the JTC when it is run through Removals/Jobs Management. Code: RateRequestJTCDiary | When this parameter set to Y, if the Rate Request already has diary actions that aren't of key actions Survey, Followup, or Email, or are not auto create diary actions, then the Diary toggle on the JTC will be selected by default. With this parameter not set to Y the standard behaviour is to have the Diary toggle not selected by default (except for companies De Haan and Grospiron). |
329449 - Add Tax Case Lookup | Added the ability to see the Tax Case for a Costing Header, Costing Line or Invoice in the Removals and Rate Request area | This change affects the Removal Costing and Invoice tabs as well as the Rate Request Costing tab. There has been a new tab added to the Rate Lookup that will show the associated Tax Case if it has been set |
317311V - Bug Fix - Fixed decimal error on updating Sell/Sell Rate column in Costing tabs | Fixed decimal error on updating Sell/Sell Rate column in Costing tabs. Previously, on updating the above columns would display a decimal error not allowing to save the value. | The user can enter the Sell/Sell Rate column and press on tab/enter key which saves the values accordingly. |
319290-078 - Bug Fix - Fixed Map Ref field label position in removals details screen. | Fixed Map Ref field label position in removals details screen. Previously, when label is set in Default Screen for 'Map Ref' fields, label is chopped off. Code: ShowContactInRemovals | Moveware user can set the label in Default Screen for Map Ref fields and the label name is reflected beside Map Ref fields without chopping off. |
319290-078 - Ability to create spare removal fields on the fly and to assign diary actions to any removal field | For Moveware systems using the 'New Details Browser', we can dynamically add fields to the right hand browser of removals management. This allows the user to add spare fields as required. For Moveware systems using the 'New Diary Assigned To Functionality', users can create roles based on any Removal field on the right hand browser. | To create a dynamic spare field, simply create a 'Removal Details' code with the Field prefixed with 'Link_'. E.g. if you're creating a field for a Marketer, simply create a code of type 'Removal Details' and field equal to 'Link_Marketer'. You may then set the description of the code to whatever you would like to be displayed as the label of the field. To utilise the Diary Assign to, simply set the 'Assignable' field of the corresponding 'Removal Details' code to the Moveware database field (you may need to consult Moveware support for the field name). If you are using a 'Link_' field, then simply set this field to 'lkvar1'. |
319290-078 - New System Parameter - to Show Percentage Allocations on the Claims screen | When the system parameter is enabled, the system will show Pack %, Origin %, Freight %, Destination % and Other % fields on the Removals Claim screen and Claim Details screen. Code: ClaimShowPercentAllocation | When the system parameter is enabled, system will show Pack %, Origin %, Freight %, Destination % and Other % fields on Removals Claim screen and Claim Details screen. |
314773 - Allocation Date to Resources through Resource tab | A modification has been made to the setting of the date on Resources through the Resources tab of Removals Management. The calendar button previously allowed for user to select a date from the calendar look-up to then assign to the resource. This has been modified so the users now select from a list of diary actions on the removal. Code: ResourcesUseCalendarLookup | The process for setting the date remains, through the ''Set date for multiple items'' (calendar icon) button. However now a new dialog appears displaying the list of diary actions on the removal. The dialog has a list on the left that allows for the user to update different types of resources. The list includes Selected, All Packing, All Office, and All Crate. The Selected will only update the current selected records in the Resources tab, All Packing will update all the Packing resources, All Office will update all the Office resources and All Crate will update all the Crate resources (systems running the Crating Module will not be able to update Crates through the Resources tab). Users are still able to select multiple records to update (holding the Ctrl or Shift buttons and selecting the records). For system who do not wish to have the ability to allocate the resources to diary actions, the system parameter 'ResourcesUseCalendarLookup' has been added to keep the previous functionality of using the calendar lookup. The default functionality is to select the diary action. |
316600 - Added ability to attach documents to existing diary action on job. | Moveware Removals Management > Diary Moveware users have diary actions setup where the online users can download and upload documents through MoveClient. The issue appears however, when the Moveware users receive the documents directly. An example is receiving a Passport Copy document by email which needs to be attached to Passport Copy diary action. At the moment the users have to use the attach document button (paperclip) in Removal Diary to do this, but that adds a separate diary action that isn't setup for the required purpose. This behaviour has been updated so that when the moveware user selects the diary action and hits the paperclip icon, if the selected diary action is setup as an attachment or document in Diary Action Setup (Document = A or Y) then the user would be prompted, if the document is to be added to the selected diary action. If so then the document would now get added against the diary action selected, such that the document should now appear on the portal for download. Prerequisite - The selected diary action must be setup with Document as Attachment or Document (A or Y). | The behaviour has been added by default and the users can select to not attach the document to the selected diary action by selecting 'No' on the prompt 'Do you want to attach document to the selected diary action?' |
318358 - New System Parameters - To set the Fill Selected toggles based on branch and cost centre in Customer lookup. | To set the Fill Selected toggles based on branch and cost centre in Customer lookup. Previously, only one toggle is mostly selected in Customer lookup when opened from below fields. System Parameter 1 - CheckTogglesForClient, Values = N/U/D/C/B | The user can set the below system parameters with the values (values can be set with branch and cost centre) and double click in Client First/Last Name, Delivery, Corporate, Bill To, Tariff fields where the Uplift/Delivery/Corporate/Bill To check box are ticked. The user can set with multiple values (UB) to check more than one toggle. Also, can set up based on branch and cost centre. If the system parameter is not set or do not match the conditions, it falls back to prior toggles set with default. Example 1: CheckTogglesForClient = UB,DOM:U will check just Uplift toggle for DOM type and for all others both Uplift and Bill To check boxes are ticked when double clicked from Client field. |
318359 - New System Parameter - Show Week Column in Job Diary | A new system parameter has been added to show the Week (W) column in job diary. This value is derived from the diary date and indicates the week of the year for which the date occurs in. E.g. 12/04/18 will show '15' in the week column. Code: ShowDiaryWeek | When this parameter set to Y, an additional W column will be visible in the job diary tab to show the week of the year that the diary date falls in. |
318855 - Fixed rate request branch change updating agents | When branch is changed, if default agent is set on the branch, this agent will update either from or to agent depending on system parameter 'Default Self to Agent To in Rate Request' as well as company specific code. Basically it should behave the same way as adding a new rate request. Code: sysparam-sparechar10[4] | If Default Self to Agent To in Rate Request is set to N, changing the branch will not update to agent, unless the rate request is IM type or companies with special hardcode. |
326859 - Updated business logic around the MoveClient system parameter 'Display sequenced jobs separately in MoveClient' | Previously, the system parameter 'Display sequenced jobs separately in MoveClient' when set to 'N' could be used to display the sequenced jobs clubbed together as one primary job which would contain the Diary, tracking, quotations related to all the sequenced jobs on the MoveClient portal. This behaviour has been changed. Now, if the system parameter is set to 'N', then the MoveClient portal would display all the jobs in the sequence and each of those jobs would only contain its own related information. Code: MoveClientMultipleJobs | The system parameter 'Display sequenced jobs separately in MoveClient' must be set to N. |
329817HA - Bug Fix - Fixed Net Feet field to not disappear once set and saved on removal copy. | Fixed Net Feet value to be set without disappearing when removal is copied. Previously, when user entered the value in Net Feet field, clicked on Save button will make the entered value disappear displaying the validation message ('Must enter Net Feet). | The user can add a new removal, enter the Net Feet value, save the record along with other details will not display validation message for Net Feet. |
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
329817HR - Bug Fix - Fixed Floor field renamed to 'Map Ref' when the below system parameter is enabled. | Fixed 'Floor' field being renamed to 'Map Ref' when the 'ShowContactInRemovals' system parameter is enabled. Previously, when the below system parameter is enabled, Floor field is relabelled to 'Map'. Code: ShowContactInRemovals | The user can see the Floor field in Removals for Details screen. |
330855 - New System Parameter - To set the Service as blank when removal is created from Web Quote. | Added a new system parameter to set the Service as blank when removal is created from Web Quote. Previously, if Service is blank in XML document, Service field is set as 'FCL' when imported from WebQuote interface and removal is created. Code: SetServiceToBlank | The user can enable the below system parameter, select the XML document where Service is not set, create the removal plan. The user can check in the new removal plan created where Service is set as blank. |
302441 - New System Parameter - 'RemovalsDiaryNoColour' - To disable removals diary colouring. | Added a new system parameter to set the diary action description background colour. Previously, diary action description could only be set with just red colour if it is not completed. Code: RemovalsDiaryNoColour | The user can set the Colour field in Diary Action setting to a number or by selecting from the double click lookup. Add the above diary action in removals diary where the background colour is displayed accordingly. |
320017 - Bug Fix - Fixed attempt to exceed 32000 characters while sending email for report. | Fixed attempt to exceed 32000 characters while sending email for report. Previously, when volume merge field is used with long emails during the calculations, displayed the above error. | The user can select the report, click on PDF button, check Email as Attachment, Ok where the email body is displayed to send to appropriate email address. |
320443 - Ability to be able to delete the Report by type (Defaults, Favourites,? Scheduled, All) by delete button on User Maintenance screen. | Ability to be able to delete the Report by type (Defaults, Favourites,? Scheduled, All) by using the new delete button (red cross) on the User Maintenance screen. | On User Maintenance > Report Setup screen (Administration > System Setup > Users), the browser on the right bottom corner showing the report and report type. When a user presses the delete button (red cross) then a pop-up message with a dropdown menu will show, where you will be able to delete the Report by type (Defaults, Favourites,? Scheduled, All). |
320539 - New System Parameter - Restricting Docket Printing if Invoice created under RP is not paid | Added the ability to restrict docket report from printing if an unpaid invoice is found. Code: DoNotPrintDocketIfUnpaid | Upon enabling and setting in the system parameter, docket report on a job cannot be generated if there is an unpaid invoice assigned to the selected job. |
321000 - Claims Report - New Report Filter - By Agent, By Employee | The 'By Agent' filter and 'By Employee' filter have been added on the following report | Claims reports can be filtered by Agent and Employee |
321176 - Bug Fix - Exclude cancelled invoices at all times unless the report is filtered for status C specifically | The following reports will exclude cancelled invoices at all times, unless the report is filtered by status C. So leaving 'Inv Status' filter blank should not show cancelled invoices. Invoice Summary | Standard Operation |
322841 - New Word Merge 'Branch Website' | New word merge 'Branch Website' will pull the branch website based on branch record.
User can set or remove the branch website for any Word Document that they want to use this word merge.
| Word merge 'Branch Website' will pull the branch website based on branch record. |
324440 - New Report - Proforma Invoice Summary Report | Highest usage for financials, but it could also be used for operations to locate jobs that should be invoiced - given that the user has a invoice on a job with delivery date x, but the invoice has not been invoiced yet (similar to Non-Invoiced Jobs report). | The report produces information in the same format as the Invoice Summary report, and can be easily added to the Proforma Invoice Summary report through Excel to produce combined information of all Proforma invoices in a period, and all invoices that were delivered during a period to produce a more comprehensive summary of income in a period. |
325107 - New System Parameter - Use Revenue Date On Invoice | A new system parameter has been added for enabling the revenue date on the Invoicing screen. Code: 'UseRevDateOnInvoice' | On the Reporting screen locate the Invoice Summary report or Removals Invoicing Summary report and select the date filter as ''Revenue date''. |
325137 - Ability to control the trays to print to by report by branch | Clients will sometimes want certain reports to print to certain trays on a specific printer, such as invoices, quotes, etc to letterhead trays. This is now achievable by inputting in properties in the report filter of reports for which this is required. The property is in the format of {Default Tray#,Branch1[Tray#],Branch2[Tray#],Branch3[Tray#]} Please note that this Tray# is a number that does not necessarily correspond to the tray number for which you see in printer setup. It is a paper source number that is hidden from users so will most likely require some trial and error to find the correct number corresponding to the tray you wish to print the report on. The following website may be a starting guide on the numbers to try: | Say for example if a company has 2 branches, BRA and BRB. Each branch has a printer that is of a different make and model to the other branch. The company wishes for the docket/worksheet to print to the middle tray on BRA's printer and to the lower tray on BRB's printer. To set this up:
325787 - Pay Day Category Totals by Employee Report - Update. | Change of the calculation logic to show a record of deduction category and salary sacrifice allowance. | Standard operation. |
327687 - Bug Fix - Fixed address to fetch from diary while mapping. | Fixed address to fetch from diary while mapping. Previously, removal address is fetched rather than diary address. | The user can select the diary record, click on the map button, address fetched is of diary if it is not blank else removal address is fetched. |
319290-049 - Ability to enter multiple groups for customers and creditors | Previously a customer or creditor can only be assigned to 1 group. We have now introduced the ability to add multiple groups by comma separating the values in the group field of customers and creditors. Users can then search or run reports using any of the groups assigned to the customer/creditor. | Go to any customer and creditor, double click in the group field and select multiple values from the lookup. These values will be saved against the record as comma separated values. Running a report or searching by any of the groups assigned to the customer/creditor will return the customer/creditor. |
313171 - Enhancement - Changes to Outstanding Transaction report | Previously the Outstanding Transaction report did not include accounts that do not have any transactions for the financial year. A new toggle is added on the report to show those accounts so the opening and closing balances can total correctly. | Run the Outstanding Transaction report and tick the toggle to include all accounts, the report will show accounts without any transactions for that financial year as well. |
316331 - New System Parameter - Waybill inventory maintain ACW as vol weight | A new system parameter has been added to maintain the ACW calculation as a volume/weight calculation. By default, Moveware will set the ACW value for the individual waybill inventory to the greater of the calculated ACW and the actual kilograms. This parameter has been added to prevent this from happening of the ACW can reflect just the calculated value. Code: WaybillInventMaintainACW | When this parameter is set to Y the ACW will never be updated with the kilogram value and will maintain it calculated values based off the volume of the inventory. |
321883 - Enhancement - Diary triggered report enhancement | When a diary is completed, a report can be triggered to send as email, this has been enhanced so that emails can be set for different branch/type/language etc. The conditions are as follows:
| Complete a diary action to send the report, check that the correct report is picked up depending on branch/cc/language |
324342 - Bug Fix - Update of Instructions in Waybill > Removals tab | When a user selects the green refresh icon on the Waybill > Removals tab, the details of the removals on the waybill update into the Client Details sections at the bottom of the screen. However, for waybills where the Type did not start with E, the Instructions would not updated. When adding a removal to a waybill these Instruction do populate, therefore it was deemed that these Instructions should update regardless of the type of waybill. | In Waybills > Removals tab, click the green refresh icon. The details from the Agent Instructions on all the removals will populate through to the Client Details section. |
319087 - New System Parameter to default either Move Manager or Salesrep into Rep Field on Storage Account | New System Parameter to default either Move Manager or Salesrep into Rep Field on Storage Account when creating Storage ID from a Removal Plan. Code: RPStroageDefaultRep | Set System Parameter to M and create a Storage Account from within a job and the Move Manager will be copied across into the Rep Field on the Storage Management Details Tab. Set System Parameter to S and create a Storage Account from within a job and the Salesrep will be copied across into the Rep Field on the Storage Management Details Tab. Note: If either the Rep or the Move Manager are blank on a job nothing will be copied across. |
319119 - Added Display Branch to display in Storage Invoicing screen if the Display Branch parameter is enabled. | Added Display Branch field to display in Storage Invoicing screen if system parameter 'Show Display Branch in Removals Management' is enabled. Code: sysparam-spare5[45] = Y | The user can enable the below system parameter and display column along with Display Branch filter is displayed which filters the records accordingly. |
319335 - New System Parameter - Storage Invoice Date is Revenue Date | This new System Parameter is linked to the existing System Parameter: ''Use Revenue Date On Invoice''. When ''Use Revenue Date On Invoice'' is enabled it displays an extra field in the Invoice screen for a Revenue Date. Previously for Storage Invoicing this Date was either left Blank or had to be manually completed by the user. The new System Parameter ''Storage Invoice Date is Revenue Date'' defaults the Revenue Date on the Storage Invoice to the same Date at the Invoice itself. Code: StgInvDateUseRevDate | First System Parameter: ''Use Revenue Date On Invoice'' must be set to Y. Parameter ''Storage Invoice Date is Revenue Date'' needs to be set to Y, then create a Storage Invoice from Storage Invoicing and the Revenue Date will equal that of the Invoice Date. |
319466 - New System Parameter - Convert Title Language for Storage Account | To convert the title when creating a storage account from the removal plan. Code: ConvertTitleLanguageForStorageAccount | To convert the title when creating a storage account from the removal plan. |
319871 - New toggle - Added new toggles to display/hide Inventory with Date Out set. | Added new toggle to display/hide Inventory with Date Out set. Previously all Inventory records are displayed in lookup which makes the user hard to find the Inventory with/without Date Out set. | The user can add the Inventory records in Inventory tab, set the Date Out. Click on Add button (right side under Items Stored in Inventory Item table), a toggle 'Exclude Inventory with Date Out' is displayed which by default is checked and Inventory records with Date Out set are hidden. If the above toggle is unchecked, all the Inventory records are displayed with red background colour in Item column if Date Out is set. |
322226 - New System Parameter - 'StorageShowOutstanding' - To display outstanding value of the invoices from the storage account. | Added a new system parameter to display outstanding value of the invoices from the storage account. Code: StorageShowOutstanding | The user enables the below system parameter where 'Bal' field is displayed next to Order Number field which displays the outstanding value of the invoices from the storage account. If the outstanding balance is positive, then 'Bal' field is red background, if outstanding balance is negative then 'Bal' field is green background. If outstanding balance is 0 then no colour set. |
322733 - New System Parameter - 'SetStorageStatusClosed' - To set the storage status as Closed on updating the Date Out field. | Added a new system parameter to display popup and set the storage status as Closed on updating the Date Out field. Previously, the popup is displayed only when storage charge line Date Out column is filled. Code: SetStorageStatusClosed | The user can set the below system parameter to 'Y', update the Date Out filed, a popup is displayed asking if the user wants to close the Storage. If selected 'Yes', will set the storage status field to 'closed'. Click on Save. If the below system parameter is set as 'N', no pop up is displayed when Date Out field is updated. |
326185 - New System Parameter to show Agent Code in Agent list in Location Management > Grid | New system parameter to show Agent Code in Agent list in Location Management > Grid Code: LocationGridShowAgentCode | Once the parameter is on, Agent code will be included in the agent list under Location Grid screen. |
327134 - Resizing the screen along with adding extra fields and debtor column. | Resizing the screen along with adding extra filters and Customer Name column. Previously, Customer Name column is not included, only single Revision group and Storage Group can be selected. Screen Resolution:- 1400 X 900 and above. | If the screen resolution is set less than the below settings, it will display as current resolution with none of of the below changes. The user can set the screen resolution to below and open the screen where below changes are available:
329075 - Bug Fix - Fixed Qty column fetching incorrect value for month when Rate is blank for a container in Locations | Fixed Qty Column fetching incorrect value for month when Rate is blank for a container in Locations. Previously, Qty Column fetched incorrect value as the date picked up even if the rate is blank in Locations tab for containers. | The user can select a storage record, set the date and click on 'Calc Storage' button which calculates the 'Qty' column value accordingly. |
319290-078 - New System Parameter - Create Purchase from Storage | A new system parameter has been added for a storage purchasing feature. Code: 'CreatePurchaseFromStorage' | When the system parameter is enabled, the purchase screen will show in the storage management screen. |
311359 - Storage Account screen allows combined storage invoices | From Storage Account screen, when tick Stg Acc Only toggle, previously this was not showing combined invoices, now it should | Go to Storage Account > Account tab, and tick Stg Acc Only toggle, check Moveware shows combined invoices |
323098 - New System Parameter - Enable Partial Invoicing of Storage Inventory and Locations | A new system parameter has been added to introduce a button in the Locations tab of Storage Management which will invoice/credit storage inventory and/or locations going out on a particular date. Code: STGLocationsPartialInvoice | When this parameter set to Y, it will introduce a calculator button in the Locations tab of storage management. After the user sets the date out on all of the containers/locations that are going out on a particular date, he/she can click on the button and the system will automatically pick up the containers going out based on the 'date out' field. |
327928 - Added Apply Tab to Storage Management | For users with Security Group A, we have added the Apply Tab to Storage Management so they can apply credit notes to the invoice easily. | Apply Tab should be available in Storage Management screen. |
318117 - Invoice import for MW | Under Invoice Update screen, if the import fails validation, the system will not import any invoices. Previously, the invoices that pass the validation would be imported. | From Invoice Update screen, import invoices for Moveware type only. If validation fails, no invoices are imported |
326782 - New System Parameter - Create Diary instead of Removal on MoveQuote receival | A new system parameter has been added for MoveQuote, whereby upon receiving a MoveQuote, a diary action is created instead of a Job/Removal. This is to free up clutter of the removals screen of inquiries that may not necessarily lead to a job. Code: MoveQuoteCreateDiary | When this parameter set to Y, Moveware will create a diary action of code and key-action 'Web Inquiry' and relevant fields will be saved against individual fields of the diary. This is an alternative of the generic method which is creating a job/removal upon a MoveQuote receival. |
316962 - New System Parameter - Use to remove data in Object Update Import | Currently the 'Update Objects' import for Fine Art will delete corresponding object data for any columns left blank. A new system parameter has been added so that if a column is left blank in the import file, it is assumed that the corresponding Moveware data should be left unchanged. If the Moveware data needs to be deleted then should be entered in the column. Code: ObjectUpdateImportBlankTrigger | When this parameter set to Y, the 'Update Objects' import for Fine Art will leave Moveware data unchanged for any columns left blank. Use the trigger in columns to delete the corresponding object field. |
313697 - New System Parameter - To use Port Lookup in Route Destination field for Air Waybills | A system parameter UsePortLUForWBAirRoute has been add to use the Port lookup in the Waybill/Manifest Details screen when the Service is set to 'Air'. Previously Moveware would use the Destinations lookup. Code: UsePortLUForWBAirRoute | When the system parameter is set to 'Y' Moveware will display the Ports lookup in Route Destination field rather than the Destinations lookup for Air Waybills/Manifests. |
316089 - MoveTransfer button in email screens to display all the files related to the record. | Previously, MoveTransfer button is available only if waybill record is available. The Move Transfer button is visible all the time in email screens which when clicked will display all the files related to that record. | The user can click on email button in any of the below screens which displays files based on the record.
317008 - Enable OBL/AWBL field for all cost centres to enter the data. | Enable OBL/AWBL field for all cost centres to enter the data. Previously, this field is enabled only for few cost centres. | The user can view that OBL/AWBL field is enabled so that data can be entered and saved to waybill record. |
319517 - New System Parameter - to Prompt to update Removal Agent from Waybill on Dispatch | Added a new system parameter 'To Prompt to update Removal Origin and Destination Agent from Waybill on Dispatch' to provide a prompt to update Removal Origin and Destination Agent from Waybill on Dispatch of Waybill if user wishes to have it performed. Code: PromptUpdateRPAgentOnDispatchv | Waybill Management > Details screen > toggle Dispatch |
321333 - Validation Message - Updated validation message to be user friendly. | Updated validation message to be user friendly. Previously, the user could not understand why the Container is invalid when clicked on Save button. Code: CannotEditContainerNumber = Y | The user can enter the container details, if the container selected is a template, the validation message is displayed accordingly. |
321759 - New System Parameter - Allow Removal on Multiple Waybills To Update Waybill Packages | A new system parameter called 'RPPackageUpdateMultipleWaybill' has been created to allow the system to update the ''Packages'' field in the Waybill screen for multiple Waybills. Code: 'RPPackageUpdateMultipleWaybill'. | When enabled, the system updates the packages on the first waybill with the earliest waybill departure date. If multiple departure dates is found, updates the first waybill with the earliest waybill number. |
322355 - New System Parameter - to Hide Waybill Charge tab | Added a new system parameter 'HideWaybillChargeTab' to Hide Waybill Charge tab. Code: HideWaybillChargeTab | Waybill Management > Charge tab |
325896 - New System Parameter - 'DisplayWaybillFields' - To enable and show middle column waybill fields if type field is changed. | Added a new system parameter to enable and show middle column waybill fields if Type field is changed. Previously, based on the waybill type, some waybill fields (in middle column section) are hidden. Code:DisplayWaybillFields | The user can enable the below system parameter, change the waybill Type field, all the middle section fields like are visible and enabled so that the user can enter the data. |
328965 - Bug Fix - Fixed waybill field (OBL Release) to enable based on system parameter. | Fixed waybill field (OBL Release) to enable based on system parameter. Code: DisplayWaybillFields | The user can enable the below system parameter and the field is always enabled for all cost centres. |
319290-078 - New System Parameter - 'DisplayWaybillFields' - To enable and show middle column waybill fields if Type field is changed. | Added a new system parameter to enable and show middle column Waybill Fields if Type field is changed. Previously, based on the waybill type, some waybill fields (in middle column section) are hidden. Code: DisplayWaybillFields | The user can enable the below system parameter, change the Waybill Type field, all the middle section fields are visible and enabled so that the user can enter the |