Moveware Version 6.0 Release Notes

Moveware Version 6.0 Release Notes

Moveware Release Notes
Version 6.0
Upgrade Rollout: April/May 2015
Release Notes Generated: 04/10/14   ‑  06/04/15


215747         Event log for rate matrix in creditor/removal product rate setup tabs

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Creditor and/or Debtor Removal and/or Creditor Product Rates Tab. Added event log feature for rate matrix in the creditor/removals product setup. Previously, there was event logs for each rate setup but not for rate matrix (table on the right panel)

238969         Event log for payroll categories (AU Specific)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Employees >Payroll Admin. When a user adds/deletes/changes payroll categories an event log will be recorded.

Description of Usage: Event logging now available on payroll categories and in Employee Management‑>Pay Setup

246220               Added ability to keep old reminders and messages

Description of Functionality: In the past once a reminder or message was cleared the record was delete. We have now added the ability to keep these reminders and view them if required.

Description of Usage: There is a new system parameter called ‘Keep Deleted Reminders’. If this is set to Y it will keep any old messages and enable a button in the Reminder Popup called Show History so these archived items can be viewed.

246140               Removals Costings – Added Ability to Filter Removal Products by Branch

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Admisntration > ‘Company’ Set up > Removal Products or Debtors > Debtor Admin > Removals Products. Added System parameter ‘FilterRemprodByBrch’ to be able to filter removal products by branch in Lookups. When a product is set with Auto Add for Storage Accounts = ‘Y’, it would only add to storage accounts matching the branch filter if the system parameter is enabled.

Description of Usage: Set system parameter ‘FilterRemprodByBrch’ to ‘Y’ to use this feature.

242401         Added tooltips for Password Parameters in system parameter security

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Administration> System Set up> System Parameters. Added tooltip for system parameter security tab, password parameters

  • Password History – (Number of passwords in the history that cannot be reused)

  • Maximum password age – (no of days on top of expiry date when the password must be changed)

  • Minimum password age- (Minimum days before a password can be changed again)

  • Password Complexity restrictions- (not used for now)

243839         Workload Calendar ‑ New toggle

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Workload Calendar. Updated the code to display toggle check (Show Weights) to toggle between Messages and weights in Operations Workload screen.

Description of Usage: The user can test this functionality by toggling “Show Weights” to toggle between Messages and Weights. Also, displays accordingly if the weights are Kilograms or Pounds.

243385         Bug Fix ‑ Adding a new code through the codes lookup does not save

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Details & Codes Management. Fixed a bug where adding a new code through the add button on the codes lookup screen would not save if they user cancels out of the lookup.

Description of Usage: When the user adds a code through the add button on the codes lookup screen, clicks save and exits out of the codes management pop‑up and then click cancel in the lookup screen, the code added would no longer be there. This has now been fixed.

240069               New System parameter – To use numeric sequencing in Removal Plans Numbers

Description of Functionality: Add system parameter ‘UseNumericRPSequencing’ to use numeric sequencing of 1 alphabet + 2 digits for jobs instead of alphabetic. This allows for up to a total of 99 x 26 (alphabets) = 2574 sequence jobs instead of the standard 26 sequence jobs. Note that the alphabet is required to allow the user to distinguish between the sequencing and the job number. I.e. 100001A01 can be distinguished whilst 100001001 is harder to do so.

Description of Usage: Add system parameter ‘UseNumericRPSequencing’ to use numeric sequencing

243232         Bug Fix – Job Type Set Up ‑ Copy Update

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Administration>‘Company’ Set up>Job Type Setup. When copying a job type the copy function will now copy the destination, service, method and pack type

243249         New System Parameter ‑ Restrict Modification to Agent Records

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Administration>System Set up> System Parameters (Agents- Security). New System Parameter ‘EnableAgentModifySecurity’ which when set to ‘Y’ will require users to have security group ‘[‘ in order to modify agent details. Note: Agent details are still viewable without the [security group.

Description of Usage: Enable the system parameter and assign security group ‘[‘ to users who have the right to modify agent details.

243472         Rates Management ‑ Allow Exporting of Files to Desired Location

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Administration> ‘Company” Set up> Rates Management. Previously, there is no text field “Folder” nor lookup in Rates Management screen on click of “Export” button. Now, added a text field and look up icon to select a folder to export the file on desired location. The default location is “C:\temp”.

Description of Usage: The user can click on “Export” button of rates Management screen to select the fields and either choose the desired location to export the file or else the files are exported to default location (c:\temp)

244476         Added ability to set default start time and end time in the new appointment diary

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Administration> System Set up>System Parameters (Appointment Diary). Users can now set the start and end time in the Appointment Diary via the system parameter ‘AppointmentStartEnd’.

Description of Usage: The system parameter ‘AppointmentStartEnd’ takes values in the format of “Start Time, End Time; e.g. 08:00,20:00 to set the start time to 08:00 and end time to 20:00.

244539         Rates Management ‑ Currency Field Defaults

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors > Creditor Admin >Creditor Products ‑ Cost Rates and Charge Rates tabs and/or Administration> ‘Company’ Setup> Removal Products>Rates tab. Previously, the currency was blank on adding rates in creditor products. Now, the currency is defaulted to base currency in Creditor and/or Removal products.

Description of Usage: When the user clicks on Add button in Creditor Products screen, rates are added where currency is defaulted to base currency in Cost Rates & Charge Rates tabs in Creditor Products and in Removal Products‑>Rates screen.

245736         Event Log ‑ Added Employee Lookup

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration > System Set up >Event Log. Added an employee lookup to the employee filter on the event log screen. Previously, users needed to type in the user’s initials manually to filter the event log records.

Description of Usage: To test this feature, users need to select the employee filter in the event log screen, the field should be highlighted in light blue (similar to any other lookup fields) and allow users to double click to select an employee from a lookup screen.

247411         Added Wildcard Searching to Agents

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Agent Tables. You can now wildcard search on Name in Agent and Agent Lookup Screens.

Description of Usage: Enter an * followed by the text you want to search for within the Agent Name.

244740               Complete All and Uncomplete All buttons added

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Resources/ Materials. Two new buttons have been added ‑ Complete All and Uncomplete All.  The ‘Complete All’ button will mark all the materials visible on the screen as complete.  Similarly the ‘Uncomplete All’ will mark all the materials visible on the screen as uncomplete.  Previously users were only able to do this on a one by one basis.

Description of Usage:

The two button have been added next to the existing Complete button.  Users can filter the list to display just the materials they require to complete (eg filter by the job number) and click this complete button.  Moveware will then mark all the materials in the list as completed.

244543         Codes Management ‑ Promos ‑ Default Excl MoveQuote Value To Y (Anglo Pacific)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration > system set up > Codes Management. When adding new codes of type Promos, default the ‘Excl MoveQuote’ field to ‘Y’.

243925         Cost Centre Setup ‑ Show Export/Import Tabs Functionality

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up : Removal Management. The ‘Show Export/Import Tabs’ option under cost centre setup can be set to enable the ‘Export’ or ‘Import’ or ‘Both’ tabs in Removal/Jobs management. Designed for companies which do not use removal types that startwith ‘IM’ or ‘EX’ which the import/export tabs automatically display for.

Description of Usage: Simply set the option to ‘Y’ in Cost Centre Screen to enable to show the removal > Export or Import tab.

244041         Ability to delete Specific Folders for security purposes

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management. Folders that are created for each job can be set to delete automatically. This will run as part of the maintenance, and only on jobs that have been closed for more than 6 months. This is useful for deleting passports and birth certificate scans, etc., that are no longer needed.

Description of Usage: To enable:

  1. Turn on the system parameter: DELETECLOSEDFOLDERS to Y

  2. Add a code for each required folder as a ‘Directory’ code type (in codes management)

  3. Set the Extra field to DELETE to make this folder delete after the job has been closed for six months

241679         New Rate Calculation – Storage “SW” and “SWP”

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rates Management. New Storage Calculation/Rates “SW” and “SWP”

  • SW – Storage Weekly Full

  • SWP – Storage Weekly Part

Description of Usage: When used on a charge line with frequency M, F, Q, S or Y it will determine the rate as a weekly rate and charge to the full week.  SWP will work the same as SW but calculate the QTY to the part week.  For inventory based storage the calc type set in the charge line will determine the QTY to be used for inventory records charging a W rate. All other inventory charges will remain the same.

243535       New Rate Calculation – DS

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rates Management. Added a new calc type ‘DS’ which combines the origin distance and the destination distance this sets the Est Qty of the cost line as the total of the origin distance and the destination distance and thereby allowing a rate to be applied to this value.

243216         New Rate Calculation – Creditor/Removal Product Rate Calc Type ‑ QL & QK

Description of Functionality: Creditor/Removal Product Rates

New creditor & removal product calc types:

QL ‑ user entered qty * net lbs * rate

QK ‑ user entered qty * net kgs * rate

These calc types can be used in both cost & sell rates.


240463         Operational/ Daily Diary – New Functionality

Description of Functionality: Enhanced the approval and locking functionalities of the Operations Diary to be able to apply to other diaries, if required. E.g. Diary Actions of a Warehouse i.e. code W, can be set to go through the approval process, wherein the action when added by a user would be blue in colour to denote an approval is required, and so on. Diary Actions of Export i.e. code E, can be set to be able to behave just like any Operations Diary Action i.e. code O.

Description of Usage: The change has been made to be reflected on the daily Diary. To allow a diary other than Operations, to be APPROVABLE, set the default field of the code of that diary to ‘Y’. To allow a diary other than Operations, to be LOCKABLE and behave the same way as the Operations diary, set the default field of the code of that diary to ‘L’. Once the values have been set it is required to exit the Moveware application and login back again for the change to take effect.

240472         Operational/ Daily Diary- Sort Labour by Surname

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary. Added the feature to sort the labour list in the Daily Diary by surnam.

Description of Usage: Configure by setting the system parameter “DailyDiaryLabourBySurname” to Y.

241617         Operational/ Daily Diary – Volume column enhancement

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary. Added ability to change the actual volume as required by the user for a diary action in the daily diary. The same change shall be reflected on the daily dairy reports thus generated.

Description of Usage: The change has been incorporated on the Diary’s search and diary tabs. The user will need to set a system parameter ‘UseDiaryVol’ to turn the feature on/off. When turned on, a new column ‘Vol’ shall appear on the diary tab of the Diary. Here, the user shall be able to overwrite the volume being used for the report generated by Daily Diary. This change will also be recognized on the search tab’s Vol column.

The Vol column caters for the cubic meters/feet variations, which has been set via the system parameter (cf) for a user. If the value on the Vol column in the diary tab of the Diary is 0 then the originally set volume shall be used instead. The DailyDiary report has been updated to cater for the same changes along with the formatting (meters/feet).

242174         Operational/ Daily Diary – Disabled ‘remove all resources’ functionality from operational diary (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary. Disabled the ability to remove all resources from the daily diary by disabling the button for this feature.

242988         Operational/ Daily Diary- Notify Move Manager when diary action is completed by Ops

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration> System Set up>System Parameters (Daily Diary). New System Parameter ‘NotifyMoveManagerDiaryComplete’ which when turned on would send a pop‑up alert to Move Managers when Ops Manager completes diary actions from the Daily Diary screen.

Description of Usage: Ops Manager completes or incompletes a diary action through the daily diary screen. If this diary action is related to a job, it would then send the move manager of the job a pop‑up alert to notify them of the completion/uncompletion of the diary action.

237174         Operational/ Daily Diary – Hide Button Lock in Daily Diary

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary & Employees> Employee Management > User Details. Lock Button is hidden for users who do NOT have Security Group 5 (Operations Manager) to protect its use.

236820         Operational/Daily Diary – Notify Move Managers of future actions

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration> System Set up>System Parameters (Daily Diary). When the system parameter ‘AutoNotifyOfUnapprovedOpsDiary’ is turned on, a procedure will run overnight to produce moveware pop‑ups/notifications and/or emails of all operations diary actions happening in the future that have not been approved by Ops.

Description of Usage:

‘AutoNotifyOfUnapprovedOpsDiary’ = ‘Y’ to turn on Moveware Notifications/Popups only.

‘AutoNotifyOfUnapprovedOpsDiary’ = ‘E’ to turn on Email notifications only.

‘AutoNotifyOfUnapprovedOpsDiary’ = ‘B’ to turn on both Moveware & Email notifications.

‘AutoNotifyOfUnapprovedOpsDiary’ = ‘N’ turns off this feature.

242994         Operational/ Daily Diary – Vehicle fleet detail

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary. Added a new button to lookup fleet details on the big diary screen bottom right, the button is in the middle and looks like a book, when clicked it should bring up vehicle details. Note –Only works for vehicles, not labour

Description of Usage: To test go to Operational diary, click on a vehicle, click the book icon on the bottom right screen, it should bring up the fleet detail popup.

244699         Ability to set Search screens to refresh automatically at 2 minute intervals

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary. The ability for Moveware to automatically refresh the Search screens has been added to the Daily Diary and MoveConnect screens.  Once activated Moveware runs a timer in the background that triggers the refresh of the Search screen every 2 minutes.  Moveware has not had this ability in the past and this will only be activated by user input.

Description of Usage: In both the Daily Diary and MoveConnect screen users are able to press ALT+CTRL+T on their keyboard (that is press and hold the Alt, Ctrl and T keys at the same time).  Once this is done Moveware will ask the user if they want to set the Search screen to auto refresh every 2 minutes.  If the user selects Yes, then Moveware sets the background timer to run and will auto refresh the Search screen from that point on every 2 minutes.  To switch the function off the user must press ALT+CTRL+X, at which point they will be asked if the wish to turn the auto refresh off.

Users must be aware that when turning this function on they may lose unsaved information because one the timer hits 2 minutes it will refresh the Search screen.  Moveware encourages only using the function if the session of Moveware is used purely as a visual display (eg displaying the Daily Diary on the TV monitor for operations where no users are entering data in the session).   If users change menus the auto refresh will be disabled.

244821         Operational/ Daily Dairy – Operations approval completes ‘Ops confirmation received’ action (Cadogan Tate)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/Daily Diary. When an operational diary action requires operations approval, the existing “Ops confirmation received” diary action is completed when the operational diary action is approved. 

Previously the alert to notify the move manager when the operational action is approved is sent to the move manager is it up to the move manager to then complete the “Ops confirmation received” diary action manually.  This change automates this process so the move manager no longer needs to complete this action.

Description of Usage: The users will not see a change in the process of approving operational diary actions. The only change is that the diary action “Ops confirmation received” is completed automatically.

245511         Operational/ Daily Diary – Default Diary Branch Filter on a per User Basis

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/ Daily Dairy & Employee > Employee Management >User details. In Employee Management > User details under the field called ‘Ignore Defaults’ there is a new option for Daily Diary Branch. For any particular users if you set this value it will then mean there branch is blank when they open the Daily Diary

247345         Operational/ Daily Diary -Add Diary Address Lookup

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/ Daily Diary. Change made to allow two buttons for address lookup, from and to. When the button is clicked, it should prompt the user with debtor/creditor/agent lookup to find the appropriate address.

Description of Usage: To test Go to ops diary, click add diary, check there are 2 buttons for address lookup next to From and To fields respectively. When clicking on those buttons, a prompt should come up for the user to pick debtor/creditor or agent lookups, then fill the address to the from and to fields respectively.

246200         Bug Fix – Operational/ Daily Diary – Issue with Windows Region (De Han)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational/ Daily Diary. Daily Diary Issue with Windows Region Setting where Misc labour Time Logging was showing Hours Value Incorrectly.

240287         Operational/ Daily Diary – Vehicle Allocations field enhancement

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational Daily Diary. Previously in the Daily Diary when a user would assign a ‘vehicle’ to a diary action as a resource, it would update the ‘Vehicles Allocated’ field with the Inventory Number of the vehicle. This was an issue for user(s) as the user(s) would have a lengthier number which would take up too much space for the field and clutter it.

The ‘Vehicles Allocated’ field was being assigned either the inventory number or the inventory shortcut inconsistently. This Update ensures Diary Name field to be used instead, on the ‘Vehicles Allocated’ field of Daily Diary. Diary Name field has been added on the Inventory management as well as the Fleet Management screen for easily punching in the shorter name for any vehicle that the user may wish to address it in (limited to 8 characters). Bug fix for the inconsistency of the vehicles allocated field.

Description of Usage: The Diary Name field has been added which affects both the Fleet Management as well as the Inventory Management for Vehicles.

Bug fix: In order to have a consistent and comfortably visible vehicles comma separated list the user should update the Diary Name field of the vehicles and/or have shorter value for the inventory number for the vehicles.

244496               Diary Actions – Filter creation by Origin and added ability to create diary actions based on Origin/Destination code or region

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management. Added a system parameter ‘DiaryCountryCodeMatch’ to be able to either match destination codes on a job exactly to a destination code set against the diary action setup or to be able to match the region of the destination code on a job to a destination code set against the diary action before the diary action is created in the JTC or automatically. Manual add of a diary action will ignore this filter.

Added an Origin filter in the diary action setup to act the same way as the Destination Filter but against the origin code.

Description of Usage: Currently the default action (or when the above system parameter is turned off’, a diary will only get created (automatically or via JTC) when the COUNTRY of the destination code set against a job matches against one of the countries set in the country field of the diary action setup. When ‘DiaryCountryCodeMatch’ is set to ‘Y’

  • The diary action will get created if the DESTINATION CODE of the job exactly matches one of the country codes set against the country field of the diary action set

  • When ‘DiaryCountryCodeMatch’ is set to ‘R’,

  • The diary action will get created if the REGION of the destination code of the job matches one of the region codes set against the country field of the diary action setup.

Newly added Origin filter works the same way as above but against the origin side rather than the destination side

245603               Operations/ Daily Diary ‑ OnSite StartE field changes

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational Daily Diary. The functionality of the OnSite and the StartE columns on the Diary has been updated. Previously:

  • The OnSite column restricted the users to put in a valid absolute time, e.g. 0900, 900, 9:00, 10:00 etc.

  • The StartE column was more lenient in the time values entered.

This behaviour has been changed to allow users to

  • be able to add an OnSite time as a between time, e.g. 9‑10, or a time with AM/PM e.g. 10 AM, as the user may wish to.

  • be more limited towards the StartE time so that it can be used to better represent the start time of the crew

Description of Usage: On the OnSite column of the Diary Search tab a user shall be able to enter a range of time such as 9‑10, or time in 12‑hour clock format with AM/PM such as 10:00 AM, or as the user may wish to. On the StartE column of the Diary Search tab a user shall be able to enter time in hours such as 10 (for 10 AM), or in 24‑hour clock format such as  1000 or time with colons such as 10:00. Please note that although each of the mentioned formats will be accepted as valid times, the final format shall be as chosen by the following trigger: System Parameter ‑ SaveTimeAsInteger.

On the Time column of the Diary’s Diary tab a user shall be able to enter a range of time such as 9‑10, or time in 12‑hour clock format with AM/PM such as 10:00 AM, or as the user may wish to.

On the Start column of the Diary’s Diary tab a user shall be able to enter time in hours such as 10 (for 10 AM), or in 24‑hour clock format such as  1000 or time with colons such as 10:00. Please note that although each of the mentioned formats will be accepted as valid times, the final format shall be as chosen by the following trigger: System Parameter ‑ SaveTimeAsInteger.

246543               Operations/ Daily Diary -Custom check resource allocation for diary action on same day (Burke and Wills)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Operational Daily Diary. A user was able to allocate the same vehicle for more than one diary action on the same day. This behaviour has been modified to warn the user about the resource being allocated again on the same day for a different action.

Description of Usage: When a user allocates vehicles for a diary action on the daily diary and if the vehicle has been assigned to another job for the same day as well, then a warning message will appear to make aware and choose to either make the allocation or cancel it.

244838         Planner – Bold removal number if removal is for current user (Aussie Man and Van)

Description of Functionality: Bold the Number in the RHS table of the Planner if the current moveware user is the Salesrep on the Job.

245482         Bug Fix – Planner -Labour / Vehicle numbers (Aussie Man and Van)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Planner. Previously, the total count of “Vehicles” and “Labour” fields were incorrect in Planner screen for Aussie Man company. Currently, the total count display is working fine. The functionality description is described below: ‑

If the radio button

  • “Vehicles” is selected, it displays the total count of vehicles leaving the “Labour” value as ‘0’ as only vehicles info appears on the screen.

  • “Labour” is selected, it displays the total count of labour leaving the “Vehicles” value as ‘0’ as only labour info appears on the screen.

  • “Both” is selected, it displays the total count of “Vehicles” and “Labour” info as both appears on the screen.

Description of Usage:


  • Removals screen ‑ Select a job and in Diary tab pick up the diary actions which is of operation type. Assign the date.

  • Daily Diary screen ‑ Filter with the dates, assign Estimated Hours, Start Time actual with Onsite.

  • Planner screen ‑ Based on Daily or Weekly option,
    ‑‑ If the radio button “Vehicles” is selected, it displays the total count of vehicles leaving the “Labour” value as ‘0’ as only vehicles info appears on the screen.
    ‑‑If the radio button “Labour” is selected, it displays the total count of labour leaving the “Vehicles” value as ‘0’ as only labour info appears on the screen.
    ‑‑ If the radio button “Both” is selected, it displays the total count of “Vehicles” and “Labour” info as both appears on the screen.

231223         Bug Fix -Removals Diary ‑ Move next button on the job diary screen reviews calendar

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management > Removals > Removals Diary (Diary Based Resource Costing). On the Diary screen, click next button, user should encounter a warning if the next day is a public holiday, provided the information has been entered in Moveware.

Description of Usage: To test go to removal diary screen, click next button, check that the popup message comes up if the next day is public holiday in calendar setup

245362         Removals Diary – Change to address adding (DeHaan)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management > Removals > Removals Diary. Amended the add address function in diary page to append any additional addresses to the existing address. Previously it overwrote the information in there.

Description of Usage: To allow multiple addresses on one diary action.

245653         Bug Fix – Dairy Actions/ Removal Diary – When running JTC, do not add inactive diary actions

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Diary & Administration > ‘Company’ Set up > Diary actions and Job Type Set Up. Fixed when running JTC it adds inactive diary actions as well.

Description of Usage: Run JTC, check inactive diary actions are not created.

246123         Bug Fix -Removals Diary – Followup diary action updates on removal details tab

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removals Management > Removals Details tab  & Removals Diary. When followup diary action is completed, and followup date changes from detail screen, it should create a new diary action rather than changing the date of the completed diary action.

Description of Usage: When followup diary action is completed, and followup date changes from detail screen, it should create a new diary rather than changing the date of the completed diary.

246540         Appointment Dairy/ Removals Diary/ Operational Diary – Branch Filters cleared in ‘Function’ views (Momentous)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales>Appointment Diary / Appointment diary for everyone / Daily dairy ( F3, F4 , F6). Previously, branch filters were defaulted to “BKR” in the below screens

  • F3 (Appointment Diary in both views)

  • F4 (Appointment Diary for everyone)

  • Daily Diary

Change made so that the filters are removed in the above screens.

Description of Usage: The user can navigate to Appointment Diary (both views), Appointment Diary for everyone and in Daily Diary (small view) screens and check the branch filters will not be selected.

239686         Appointment Diary (New) ‑ Ability to add Timesheeting/Leave Records

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales>Appointment Diary or Appointment Diary (F3). A new button has been added to allow users to assign Timesheeting/Leave records.

Description of Usage: In the New Appointment (F3) Diary, select an employee and time slot. Click on the new timesheeting button (picture of selecting a head) which will prompt the user to add in the details of the Timesheeting/leave details. Users can also edit existing remcost records by double clicking on the record as they appear in the F3 diary. Note that timesheeting/Leave records will only appear if the ‘Show Resource Allocation’ toggle is checked.

245953         Bug Fix – Appointment Diary

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales>Appointment Diary or Appointment Diary (F4). Previously the Appointment Diary displayed addresses in the weekly description titles instead of the Name of Client / Company. Now Appointment Diary displays Name of client / company in the weekly description titles instead of the address. If the name of the client / company is missing then location is displayed.

246994         Bug Fix -Appointment Dairy – Survey Conflicts for P and W jobs

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Sales>Appointment Diary or when selecting a survey appointment through the removals details tab. Currently survey conflicts check from detail screen only checks for status I jobs. Now added the check for P and W jobs.

Description of Usage: For I, P and W jobs/removals, from the removal details screen, it should check for inspection conflicts.

Destination Service Provider

240827         Removals Management ‑ New Toggle to Copy DSP Items

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management. Users now have the option to copy DSP items via the ‘Copy DSP’ checkbox.

Description of Usage: In the Copy Removal dialog, select ‘Copy DSP’ toggle to copy the DSP items onto the new job.

Email & SMS

241912         Merge Field ‑ ‘For Every Invoice’

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration> System Set up > Report Configuration > Email Tab. Added email merge field of ‘For Every Invoice’ to be used in email report configuration. Similar functionality to the ‘for each cost option’ merge field so that users can create an email report that has details for all invoices done on the job.

Mainly a feature for companies that use move invoicing tab to quote, but can also be used for others if they need to show Actual invoices of a move on an email report rather than as an attachment.

241955         Contacts email address selection by Creditor/Debtor

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtor Management, Creditor Management & Agents. Previously, when the email dialog is loaded from Debtor Management / Creditor Management / Agents and the user clicks the address book icon, the list of available email address were not defaulting to the list of contacts associated to the current Debtor or Creditor or Agent.

Change made so when the email dialog is loaded in the above screens, email address default to the list of contacts associated to the current Debtor / Creditor / Agent.

Description of Usage:

The user can select a record in the below screens and the address list will filter according to the ids depending on Debtor / Creditor /Agent. The changes can be viewed in below screens:

  • Debtor Management‑> Search tab‑>Reports (on click of Address book icon in Reports dropdown)

  • Debtor Management‑> Details tab‑>Email icon (on click of Address book icon)

  • Debtor Management‑> Contact tab‑>Email icon (on click of Address book icon)

  • Creditor Management‑> Search tab‑>Email icon ((on click of Address book icon)

  • Creditor Management‑> Details tab‑>Email icon (on click of Address book icon)

  • International‑>Agents‑>Details tab‑>Email icon (on click of Address book icon)

242657         Automated Email ‑ Freight/Clearing Agent Fields Available

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Diary Actions> Automated Email. The Diary Action in Waybills to send automated emails was limited to fetch and fill the details of the Origin Agent, Destination Agent and the Dedicated Email. This has been extended to include the Freight Agent and Clearing Agent as well.

Description of Usage: A user can add and/or set a Diary Action connected to Report via the Report Configuration screen to template an email which would automatically fill the details of the aforementioned agents for a waybill.

243724         Multiple Print Update ‑ Allow static attachments to be included

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports>  Multiply Print Reports. Previously when sending reports as a multiple print email, it would drop static attachments set as a part of the report setup. This has now been changed so that static attachments automatically get included when sending multiprint emails.

Description of Usage: Add static attachments to report setups that allow multiple print such as invoices, statements, rate revision docs and they will get sent when multi‑print is run.

245201         Report/ SMS Configuration ‑ Add Dedicated Number functionality to SMS

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up : Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration > SMS Tab. Added an option of sending to a ‘Dedicated Number’ has been added the SMS tab. Previously SMS was not able to be setup with a dedicated number.

Description of Usage: This functionality works in the same way as the Dedicated Email functionality on the Email tab of Report Configuration.  To use the To No. field the To field must be set to Dedicated Number and the To No. field should be populated with a valid mobile number.  When the SMS is sent the mobile/cell number it uses is the one entered in the To No. field.

245571         Sending Email on Completion of Diary Action in Rate Request

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Rate Request > Diary Tab. Addition of email functionality on completion of a diary action through the Rate Requests module.  This has been standard functionality has the Removals Management module but not extended into Rate Requests.

Description of Usage: On completing diary actions through the Diary tab of Rate Request Management, if the diary action has been setup to run an email report on completion the email dialog will appear and the user can send the email.  The setup of the diary action is the same as if it was setup for a removal diary action.

246025         Bug Fix – Bond Register ‑ Alert Trigger

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management> Removal Diary screen & International‑>Bond Register‑>Diary tab. Previously, an alert pops up if the action was not completed in the Diary screen.

  • The alert stops appearing as soon as a date is entered in the field “Cleared” on the diary screen.

  • When “Customs Cleared” action is completed, it would automatically complete the “Customs Cleared Alert” as well.

  • Also, in Bond Register screen, on selecting the record and set to completed both “Customs Cleared” and  “Customs Cleared Alert” actions are completed unintentionally.

Description of Usage: Example ‑ If the user creates a Job Type ‑ Customs Alert and Customs Cleared Alert and if the date is not set, the alert “Not Customs Cleared” pops up. If the date is set, the action is complete and then alert disappears. In International‑>Bond Register‑>Search screen, if we select the record and “Customs Cleared”, navigate to Diary tab ‑ both “Customs Cleared” and  “Customs Cleared Alert” actions are completed.

246724         Merge Field – Load Type

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Administration‑>System Setup‑>Report Configuration > Email tab. Previously, <Ins By Desc> and <Load Type> merge fields were not present.The <Ins by Desc> and <Load Type> merge fields are included in Report Configuration as well as Paragraph screens. On double clicking <Ins By Desc>, it includes in the email when its generated.

Description of Usage: If we add the above merge fields in Report Configuration to one of the report and “Source” field set to “removals”, the changes can be viewed in Removals‑> Details screen on click of email icon when the report is selected from the drop down. The values of “Load type” and “Ins By desc” appears in the email screen.


244835         Security- Restrict User Ability to Delete Customer Records (Abels)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors Management & Employees > Employee Management > User Details. Only allow users with security group A access permission to delete customer records.

244781         Event Log-  Product field in Employee Management

Description of Functionality: Event logging has been added to the Product field on the Details tab of Employee Management.  Previously there was no event logging on this change.  The event is written a product is changed or cleared.

245248         New Field – Mobile Card Number field for Employees (Christchurch Removals)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Employees> Employee Management> User Details. A Mobile Card Number field has been added to the Employee Management > Details screen for Christchurch Removals.  The field replaces the Award field as used by other Moveware systems.  The field will write to Moveware merge fields for the employee records.

Description of Usage: On Employee Management > Details tab the Award field has been replaced with the Mobile Business Card (labelled MBC) for Christchurch Removals.  This field have merge fields within Moveware for User Mobile Business Card, Account Manager Mobile Business Card, Move Manager Mobile Business Card, Salesrep Mobile Business Card, Entered By Mobile Business Card.

247549         Event Log- Booking Agent field changes under Employee Management

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Employees> Employee Management. Added event log when upon change of Booking agent in employee management.

245853               Payroll -Leave accrual display

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Employees. Previously, the hours fields (Hol Hrs, Sick Hrs, RDO Hrs, LSL Hrs) in Pay Setup screen were enabled in Employee Management. System Parameter added ‑ “DisableHoursInPaySetup”  so that when the value is set to ‘Y’, the hours fields (Hol Hrs, Sick Hrs, RDO Hrs, LSL Hrs) in Pay Setup screen is disabled.

Description of Usage: The user can set the value of sysparam field “DisableHoursInPaySetup”  to ‘Y’ and see the hours fields (Hol Hrs, Sick Hrs, RDO Hrs, LSL Hrs) are disabled in Pay Setup screen. The changes can be viewed in Employees‑>Employee Management‑> Pay Setup tab

Financials/ Accounts/ Costing/ General Ledger/ Rates Management /Debtors/ Creditors/CRM

233058         General Ledger – Recalculate Opening Balances for Closed GL Years Only (Cadogan Tate)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: General Ledger > Setup > Years Tab. Moveware is able to close financials for particular companies using the G/L Closed field in the Company Setup screen. Further to this systems can be setup to only allow Opening Balances for accounts to be calculated only if the previously financial year is closed.

Previously if a user select to recalculate open balances for a year all accounts would be calculated.  Using a system parameter, Moveware systems can be set to only calculate the opening balances for accounts who have the previous financial year closed.  With the G/L Closed field, systems can now set which company(ies) are closed for a financial year.  This will allow systems to close off financials for one company at a time.  When this is done the opening balances for the next financial year for the accounts within the closed Company(ies) can be calculated.

Description of Usage: General Ledger > Setup > Years tab, when the user selects to close the financial year they are prompted with which company for which they would like to close.  They can select All companies or individual ones.  Once selected the system can set the G/L Closed date for the company(ies) selected.  When this is done the use can select to Recalculate Opening Balances.  With this function the user will be prompted to select which closed company they would like to recalculate the balances.  The user has to option to select All, which inidcates all closed companies.  Moveware will then recalculate the balances for the appropriate company(ies).

234777         Debtors -Place Debtor Invoice on Hold

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors Management. The ability to Hold debtor invoices has been added to Moveware. Previously this function was only available for creditor purchases but has been extended to debtors.  This will all users to flag DI transactions as on Hold (for invoices in dispute) which will lock the transaction from being receipted against.

Description of Usage: To set a DI transaction to Hold, user must go to Debtor Management and find the debtor of the transaction they wish to hold. Once the debtor is found the user can go to the Inquiry screen, find the transaction and click the Hold button on the right hand side.  There is a total field to keep the total of the Held transaction for the debtor.  To take the transaction off hold the user can select the transaction and click the Hold button.  This will remove the Hold status.

240138         Rates Management ‑ By Origin/Destination Postcodes

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Administration > ‘Company’ Set up >Rates Management. Change made to Rate Screens and Rate Finder to search on To and/or From post codes. Previously rates had to be based on origin or destination codes

Description of Usage: Enter Postcodes instead or Origin and Destination in Codes in Rates Management Areas.

240359         General Ledger –Enhancement made to the tracking of apply and processing journals

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  General Ledger > Journals. Looking at the journal entries one cannot ascertain what the original invoices were. The reference is the receipt number and the description is Apply and the Description of the original Journal. So we added functionality to write into the Details of each line of the journal the type of journal each line was and its journal number. Also added a button to click on that will pop up the original journal and then take you to the source transaction if desired.

Description of Usage: This facility is in DR and CP apply journals, as well as BD and EP journals. Also includes DI journals created in the van line write-off procedure.

241550         Debtors/ Van Line- New Notes field for Van Line Write off screen (NA Specific)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Van Line Screen. Added a ‘Transaction Notes’ field to the Van Line write off screen so users can make notes against each transaction line on this screen. Designed to work similar to collection notes in the Customer Ageing Screen

Description of Usage: User can record notes in reference to collection notes (or statement reconciliation, request for amendments) so that when the Van line clearing is run again those comments are easily available to them making the write off procedure easier.

245784               Accounts/ Creditors – Purchase Order select on add of new Purchase

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Creditors > Purchase. When a user adds a new Purchase Moveware looks for any existing Purchase Orders assigned to the creditor selected for the new Purchase.  When existing Purchase Orders are found the user is presented with the list of Purchase Orders for the user to select and convert to a Purchase.  Previously if the user selected OK without selecting a Purchase Order from the list, the first Purchase Order in the list would get selected and convert to a Purchase.  Now users must select the Purchase Order they wish to convert to a Purchase from the list for Moveware to convert the Purchase Order to a Purchase.

Description of Usage: The change affects Creditors > Purchase.  When the user selects add they are presented with a list of Creditors.  Once they select the creditor for which to create the Purchase, Moveware will check for existing Purchase Orders for that creditor.  If Purchase Orders are found the user is presented with a list of Purchase Orders.  The user must then select one, or select the “Combine on Purchase” toggle and select multiple Purchase Orders.

Clicking OK without selecting a Purchase Order will trigger a message asking the user if they wish to continue without a selected Purchase Order.  If they choose not to continue they will be able to select a Purchase Order from the list, or if they wish to continue they will be returned to the Purchase with just the creditor details entered.

245954               Rate Request ‑ ‘Show Client’s First Name Ticked by default (Celebrity)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  International > Rate Request. Upon add of a job, “Show client’s first name” field tick box is checked in by default in Rate Request screen.

245266               Accounts – Creditor Purchases and Debtors Invoice filter by number

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Creditor > Purchases & Debtor > Invoicing. In both the Creditors > Purchase and Debtors Invoicing screen the filters have been modified so that when user enter the Purchase or Invoice number the filter will ignore the other filters and filter solely on the Purchase or Invoice number.  This is in line with the Removals Management search when searching on removal number.

Description of Usage: Previously users could filter on the Purchase and Invoice numbers, however that filter would include all other filters.  This caused issues when the number was entered and no records would return because another filter had a value. 

245060         Debtors ‑ Debtor Code Field “Un‑editable” (De haan)

Description of Functionality: Debtor Code Field has been made “un‑editable” Previously user could manually change the debtor code as the field was editable.

244879               Debtors & Creditor ‑ Search by Email and Phone Number

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Debtor & Creditor Management. Added ability to search by Email and Phone Number in the Debtor/Creditor Search Screen.

Description of Usage: Added new Search filters that works as per standard filters.

241737         Debtors – Credit Card Formatting

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Debtors Management> Details > Banking & Administration> System or ‘Company’ Set up >Codes Management. Formatting added to the display of credit card details under the Customer Banking.  Systems are able to setup formatting for each credit card pay method to format the field in a method that is required. Previously Moveware would not format this display.

Description of Usage: For each Pay Method record in Codes Management a format can be added to the Other field.  For Visa and Mastercard the format should be XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX.  As card have different formatting each Pay Method can set setup to handle each method.

241834         Debtors – Added Address Field to Banking Dialogue

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Debtors > Details > Banking. New Field in Debtors ‑ Bank Address

241882         Debtors – Posting of zero value invoices

Found under / Set up: Debtors Invoicing & Admisntration > System Set up > System Parameters.

Description of Functionality: Allows the user to post zero value invoices, with the record appearing on the debtor account.

Description of Usage: Posting of invoicing through Removals‑>Invoicing and Debtors‑>Invoicing. Enabled/disabled through system parameter ‘Invoice Must Have Dollars when Updating’ set to .

246198         Debtors/CRM – Enhancements (Elliott International)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: CRM Management > Search. Previously, “Tariff” Debtor status customer records were included when the status filter is cleared for company beginning with “EI”. Now, excluded the Tariff debtor status when the status filter is blank for company beginning with “EI” in CRM screen.

Description of Usage: Clear the status filter in CRM screen of “Search” tab. The “Tariff” debtor status customer records should not appear.

243428         Costing/ Invoicing ‑ Enable addition and transfer of cost options to existing invoices (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Enhancement made to the Cost Invoicing screen to allow cost options to be added to an existing combined invoice.  Previously this was not possible. Further enchantment made to allow a single cost option on a combined invoice to be removed from a the invoice without the need to reverse the entire invoice.

Description of Usage: Sales > Cost Invoicing > changes made to the display of the screen.  Toggle added to display cost options already on an invoice. An ‘Add to Invoice’ field has been added to enter the invoice to which to add the cost option.  Users are able to select cost options on existing invoices as well as one the need to be added to an invoice.  The user can then enter the invoice number into the Add to Invoice field to specify the invoice to which they are to be added.  Cost option on existing invoices are removed from their current invoice and added to the other invoice.

A button has been added to the screen to remove the cost option from an existing invoice.  This will just remove the cost from the invoice and not allocate it to another invoice.

242067         Accounts -Bank Reconciliation ‑ Date Filter Enhancement

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Banking > Reconcile Accounts. Added new date filters for from date, so when reconcile toggle is ticked it will take into account the date range. By default, the dates from/to are set to six months from today.

Also resized the screen height to accommodate larger screen resolutions.

Description of Usage: Check that the Date From and Date To filters are present and defaulting to 6 months from today. Confirm that the reconciled toggle uses this date range for filtering.

242263         Debtors- Receipting ‑ Increase Width of Invoice Number column

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors Receipting. The columns have been modified to fit large invoice numbers.  Previously the column for invoice number was too small for companies running long invoice numbers.  This screen has been modified to cater for this.

242733         Event Log – General Ledger – Period open/close

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: General Ledger> General Ledger Setup. Added event log for opening/closing of G/L period.

242945         Debtors/ Corporates – Corp Only in corporate lookup (John Mason)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Details Tab. Corporate lookup should only display debtors flagged as ‘Corp Only’

Description of Usage: When click Corporate field in removal detail screen for corporate lookup, the lookup screen should show Corp Only, not Active

244833         Agents ‑ Allow Wild Card Search against Name Field

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management Agents. On the agent lookup screen, previously it was not accepting wild card search, this is now added so users can use ‘*’ for wildcard searches in the name field.

Description of Usage: Go to Agent lookup, type in * followed by some text, and see the agents that matches show.

242969         Event Log – Debtors/ Corporate – Removal Corporate Change

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Details. Added event log for corporate change on removal detail screen.

243326         Bug Fix – Creditors- Delete Irrelevant Purchase Approval Reminders (Anglo Pacific)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors> Purchases > Purchase Approval. Upon approval of the invoice, remove all outstanding popup approval reminders against the purchase.

Description of Usage: Go to purchase screen, add new purchase, a message should be sent to approver to approve the purchase (this is controlled by a system parameter). Send Reminder with Purchase Approval: set to 96 hours for AP. If the purchase is approved in the interim the reminder will never appear.

243762         Debtors ‑ New Order Field

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors> Debtors Management>  Details. To aid companies who have clients with the same order number, a new field ‘Order’ has been added in the debtor screen. When entered, this should populate onto removal and invoice records automatically when the debtors is selected.

244117         Accounts -Added warning message when putting receipt on RP

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Invoice >Receipts or Debtors >Receipting. When posting receipts, if there is an unapplied amount and the user enter a removal plan (RP) number ‑ a warning will appear if there are no won cost options on the RP, and will set the value to blank if user chooses not to use this RP number.

Description of Usage: Go to receipting screen, leave an unapplied amount and post. Enter an RP without any Won cost option, a warning message will appear.

246755               Bug Fix -Rate Request

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: International‑>Rate Request‑>Details screen. Previously, on adding a new Quote Detail for a new Rate Request, it was added to previous records instead of the new record.  Change made so when adding a new Quote Detail is not allowed unless the Rate Request record is saved. It pops up an error message saying save the record first if we try to add Quote Detail before saving the Rate Request record. Also, pop up error of “Job Type Creator” icon in Rate Request screen is fixed.

Description of Usage: The user can try creating a new Rate Request record and try adding a Quote Detail to the same record. It pops an error message saying “Rate Request is in add mode. Please save the Rate Request record first”. Also, on click of the “Job Type Creator” icon, it doesn’t display any error. This updated code can be seen in International‑>rate Request‑>Details screen.

241001              Accounts – New System Parameter to allow the update of certain charge lines on invoices from actuals instead of estimates

Description of Functionality: Added system parameter ‘UpdateInvoiceFromActuals’ to show a Red Refresh button on job invoice page which when clicked on, updates charge lines using the PCS calc type & any set to update from labour resources to update their qty and therefore value from Actuals Instead of Estimates.

244892         Event log – General Ledger – Changes to fields in Branch Management

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Branch Management. Event logging has been added to the following:

  • Branch G/L Code

  • G/L Cost Centres

  • Invoice Closed

  • Purchase Closed

  • Receipt Close

  • Payment Closed

  • Invoice Closed

  • G/L Closed fields in Branch Management. 

These changes will be written to the G/L event log and will use the branch code as the reference. Previously this screen was not logging such events.

245684         Accounts – Search on Bank Accounts

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Banking> Bank Accounts. Added filters to Banking Accounts screen to filter at the top of each field. There were no filters before in the Banking Accounts screen.

245852         Bug Fix- Calculator ‑ Fixed Entry Issues

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Calculator.

Fixed issue where the values resets on selected record row when a user presses the tab key to get to a cell and then performs a calculation ( by pressing Shift followed by ‘+’ ).

246261         Debtors -Multiple Approvers for DH (De Haan)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors >Debtor Approval. Expand Purchase Invoice Approval to allow multiple Approvers.

246773         Creditor – Purchase Invoice

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditors‑>Purchases. Previously, on selecting a file via paper clip icon on purchases screen, a copy of the file is not created if the file already exists. Also, an additional window is popped up on selecting the existing file. Change made so when on selecting of the existing purchase invoice via paperclick in purchases screen, it creates a copy of file with count numbers accordingly.

Description of Usage: Updated the code to always rename the file to include the purchase number and concatenate with Copy string if the file already exists on using paperclip to select existing file in the same directory in Purchases screen. Also, fixed the popup window which was appearing if the file already exists in the same directory (not part of the support request)

246820         Creditor-  Country Field set to Blank in Creditors

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Creditor Management > Details. Previously, upon adding a new record in Creditor Management ‑> Details screen, the “Country” field  fetches the substring of “Country” field present in User default screen. Change made so if “DefaultCreditorCountryBlank” system parameter is set to ‘Y’ then “Country” field is set to blank in Creditor Management screen. If “DefaultCreditorCountryBlank” system parameter is set to ‘N’, “Country” field displays the first 2 characters of “country” field in User default screen.

Description of Usage: Set the values of ‘DefaultCreditorCountryBlank’ and ‘sysparam‑spare8[8]’ fields to ‘Y’. If the user adds a new record in Creditor management screen, the “country” field defaults to blank.

247054         Accounts – Visma Integration ‑ Blank Cost Centre in TRA File (NFB)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Visma Integration. Fix Applied where no Cost Centres Department in Import File Moveware sets to ADM ‑ 90 Cost Centres.

Description of Usage: Visma Integration ‑ Fix Applied where no Cost Centres Department in Import File Moveware sets to ADM ‑ 90 Cost Centres

247637         Debtors ‑ Missing Order Field

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors Management. Fixed a display issue for debtor detail screen where the order field is hidden.

Description of Usage: Go to debtor detail screen, and check the order field is seen on screen (right bottom above contacts.

246384        Debtors- Added ability to auto‑select miscellaneous job types for certain debtors when running JTC

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > JTC  & Administration > ‘Company’ Set up >Job Types. Added ability to auto‑select job types for certain debtors when running JTC on a job.

Description of Usage:

  1. Under Administration ‑> Moveware Setup ‑> Job types, set those job types that should be auto‑selected for specific debtors to Auto‑Select = ‘Y’.

  2. For debtors that needs to have these job types auto selected when running the JTC, make sure that they belong to a customer group where the code linked to that group has the ‘Default’ field set to ‘Y’. i.e. if the customer belongs to group ‘Brookfield’, make sure that there is a code called ‘Brookfield’ of type ‘Cust Groups’ and has ‘Y’ in the default field.

  3. When running the JTC for any jobs with a debtor that satisfies condition 2) above, the job types selected in 1) should automatically be highlighted.

235753         Debtors – Notify Move Manager when invoice is approved

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Debtors Invoicing. When ‘NotifyMoveManagerInvoiceApproved’ system parameter is enabled and an invoice has been approved (the invoice approval system parameter needs to be turned on for this) by management, an automated pop‑up alert will be sent to the move manager/coordinator set on the job the invoice is linked to.

242997         Accounts -Bank Reconciliation Screen Speed Improvements

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Banking > Bank Reconciliation screen. Increased the speed it takes to complete the refresh process when refresh button is selected.

245105         Bug Fix -Costing – Approval

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. For companies using Cost (Quote) Approval it was noticed that when quotes used the option select filter (which means that when the user runs a quote it asks them to select for which cost option(s) they want to print the quote for) there was a bug where users were able to print regardless if the cost option was locked or not.

We have added a validation so that it will not allow the single quote to print if they’ve selected a cost option that’s not locked, or if they select ‘All’ (to print all cost option quotes on the move) and there is a cost option on the job that is not locked.

Description of Usage: Costing Approval must be in place and quotes in reports configuration must use filter ‘optionselect. ‘

242867               Agent Management ‑ Addition of Show Branch Field (KHZ)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: International > Agents > Details tab. A new Show Branch field added to Domestic and International Agents for Moveware to display the branch the Agent is associated.  Moveware still maintains the Branch field which links the agent to a branch in Moveware (e.g. the Agent is the Branch).  This field is just to display the branch for users to know which agent they should select from the lookups in Moveware.

Description of Usage: International > Agents > Details tab, a new field added above the Branch field to allow entry of a branch code to display for the agent.  Within the Agent lookups a new column with filter has been added to display the Show Branch field and filter on that field.

236320               Debtors- Removal Costings – Check Credit Limit On Save Or Posting

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management > Invoice Update. New system parameter CheckCreditLimitOnSavePosting ‑ Check Credit Limit On Invoice Save or Posting. When system parameter is enabled (‘CheckCreditLimitOnSavePosting’) it should check when an invoice is added or posted that the debtor is not over its’ credit limit, unless the moveware user has group A security.

Description of Usage: From invoice update and invoice screens, when posting or creating an invoice and the sum of the invoice total and customer balance exceeds the debtor’s credit limit, it should not allow user to continue the process unless user belongs to security group A.

246875         Debtors- Company Default (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management> Details. Now, on adding a new record in Customer/Debtor Management ‑> Details screen, the branch field is defaulted to ‘VIC’ and Company field is set to ‘1’. Previously, upon adding a new record in Customer/Debtor Management ‑> Details Screen, the branch field was not defaulting to ‘VIC’ including the company field set to ‘2’.

Description of Usage: The user can try adding a new record in Customer Management ‑> Details screen, branch will be defaulted to ‘VIC’ branch.

246385               Debtors- Corporates/CRM  ‑ Suspect Status Customers Now Appear When Filtering by Blank value (Olympia)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > CRM/Corporates  > Details. “Suspect” status customers are included in the list when the status filter is cleared in CRM screen for “Olympia” company.

Description of Usage: The user can navigate to CRM‑>Details tab and click on the “Corporate Customer lookup” icon which opens a window where the “Suspect” status  customers are included in the list for “Olympia” company.

Inventory/ Fine Art/ Object Management

241326         Fine Art Object Management ‑ Second Medium Field

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module. Added in Second Medium Field within Object Management with a Lookup List.

Description of Usage: Second Medium Field with a Lookup List. First Medium is like “Oil” and Second is “Canvas”. All Companies Field Label is “Med 2” but for MS ONLY Field Name is “On”.

243980         Feature to stop the effects of Rego Due/Service Due/Service Dates in Fleets & Daily Diary

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Inventory> Vehicles or Fleet Management & Operational/Daily Diary. Rego Due/Next Service/Service Due dates might not apply in certain situations. Users can inactivate the corresponding codes (Rego Due, Service, Service Due) to prevent them from showing up in the fleets screen as well as to prevent vehicles from turning pink in the daily diary screen. Within Codes Management  fields need to have ‘Hidden’ set in the ‘ Default’ field.

Description of Usage: Feature to stop the effects of Rego Due/Service Due/Service Dates in Fleets & Daily diary.

244807         Fine Art Object Management ‑ Changes in BCN Functionality

Limited Release – All UK companies using Fine Art Module except Cadogan Tate

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module.

  1. Changes made below for BCN: BCN field renamed to UCR ‑ UCR (Unique Customs Reference)

  2. New Field linked to CPC and BCN (UCR) Field. Just a Tick toggle or Y/N Choice next to UCR (BCN) field.  For general use, labelled as “Bond” to indicate that the Object is in bond with the MW Company ‑ unchecked indicates that it is not bonded with Moveware Company
    Bespoke Label for MS “MSPD”

  3. 3. BCN (UCR) Number generation, using CPC Code and Bond Toggle.

Case 1: If CPC = 71 00 001, 71 71 000, 71 51 000, 71 53 000  and “Bond” Field is checked or set to Y then create/allocate a BCN/UCR ‑ No Prefix. Green (Colour 17)  ‑ Ref and UCR Field. If the CPC = 71 00 001, 71 71 000, 71 51 000, 71 53 000 but the “Bond” Field is NOT checked or set to N the NO BCN/UCR should be allocated.

Case 2: If CPC = 53 000 011 and “Bond” Field is checked or set to Y then create/allocate a BCN/UCR ‑ BUT also the BCN/UCR should be prefixed with TAF Blue (Colour 32) ‑ Ref and UCR Field
If the CPC = 53 000 011 but the “Bond” Field is NOT checked or set to N the NO BCN/UCR should be allocated.

Case 3. If CPC = 53 000 D25, 53 53 003, 53 71 004 and “Bond Field is checked or set to Y then create/allocate a BCN ‑ BUT also the BCN/UCR should be prefixed with TA Pink (Colour 22)
If the CPC = 53 000 D25, 53 53 003, 53 71 004 but the “Bond” Field is NOT checked or set to N the NO BCN/UCR should be allocated. If the CPC is update in to another CPC not in the above the BCN Field should be reset to Blank ‑ with a prompt to “The CPC Code has changed do you want to remove the BCN/UCR. If the CPC is then updated back to one of the above then same logic applies but a new unique BCN/UCR should be assigned.

240576         Object Management Type Container New Field ‑ Security Seals

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Object Management Module. Add a new field to capture Security Seal Number.


244831         Bug Fix ‑ Fine Art Object Management – Inventory does not display from F12 Removals Screen

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module > Inventory Tab. From F12 screen, for Fine Art jobs change the inventory tab to display the Fine Art Inventory screen compared to the standard inventory screen.

Description of Usage: Select a job assigned to Fine Art Debtor, press F12. Navigate to the inventory tab, the correct inventory screen will appear.

244836         Bug Fix – Refresh Ability in Fine Art Storage

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Storage. Some enhancement for the storage inventory screen, added new red refresh button to refresh screen from master Inventory, same behaviour as from removal inventory.

Description of Usage: Go to storage inventory for fine art storage, check the red refresh button is on the screen, use red refresh button to refresh from master inventory screen to bring in any changes.

240936         Fine Art ‑ Non Diary Based Resource Costing

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Fine Art Module. Added ability to use Fine Art for non-diary based resource costing.

Description of Usage: Added the ‘green chair’ button in the removal diary for non-diary based resource costing so that users can assign specific objects to diary actions.


244569         Moveware SMS ‑ Prompt Users if Insufficient Credit

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: MoveSMS Module. When a client sends an SMS, an error message will appear if there are no credits available. Previously, the SMS was just assumed to be sent regardless of available SMS Credits. This requires a reinstall of the Moveware DLL on all PCs and servers that use Moveware with the SMS. Note: in the case of the DLL not being installed the system will still work as it has always worked, but no error message will be received.

244636         SMS Error Description

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: MoveSMS Module. The SMS module now contains detailed errors that may occur when an SMS does not send. These errors come straight from the SMS provider and will either appear directly to the user or in the case of automated SMS ‑ error appears in the MoveConnect screen. This requires MoveConnect (MWDLL.ZIP) to be reinstalled on all machines for changes to take effect.


247234         Modifying weight in Movesurvey to quote interstate

Limited Release (NA Companies including Techmate interface )

Description of Functionality: Movesurvey users are now able to modify the weight of a techmate quote without having to revert back to the main information page.

Description of Usage: Previously when running a techmate quote from Movesurvey the only way to modify the weight in order to quote different options to the client was to change the job weight in the information page of the Removal/Move/job.

244588               Move Survey ‑ Change to not update weight (John Mason)

Description of Functionality: Do not update weight on inventories imported. Done to resolve the problem with inventories that have weight updated ‑ some of them have a value of 0, it needs to be consistent at 0 since they don’t enter weight in Inventory Setup

Description of Usage: After move survey import, the inventories should all have 0 weight.


237437         Moveconnect Failure Monitoring and Notifications

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Moveconnect. The automated email notifications of mwconnect service failures were not getting picked up in the regular checks. The bug has been fixed, we can now detect the failed service and send an email notification to the Moveware Support, cc: the client, bcc: error@moveware.com. The notification will be sent once a day.The option can be set on/off via the ‘Check Web Service Periodically’ option of the ‘MoveTransfer’ area of System Parameters on Moveware.

Description of Usage: Change has been made in the MoveTransfer page of the Moveware Website project. An automated email notification shall be delivered to the client’s dedicated email address along with Moveware support and error email groups; this shall provide to react in a timely manner and reduce the work required to monitor the service. Please note that the notification will only be sent once a day if the service status is ‘Disconnected’ or if it turns to ‘Disconnected’ during a day.


243383               Web quote – Enhancements (Anglo Pacific)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: >Web Quote. For EXB store the quote URL in the costing comments:

‑       If Type = EXB and Branch = LFC
http://tools.1stcontactshipping.com/baggagequote.htm?email=<email>        &enquiry=<PrimaryFileRef>&quote=<SecondaryFileRef>
e.g. To view your quote please click here.

‑       If Type = EXB and Branch not = LFC

Baggage Shipping Quotation Page | Anglo Pacific World Movers ? email=<email> &enquiry=<PrimaryFileRef>&quote=<SecondaryFileRef>
e.g. Please click here to view your quotation.
<RemovalType>     If present then add to special requirements: ‘Removal Type: ‘ & <RemovalType>

If QUOTE STATUS = BOOK NOW and Branch not = LFC create an AP BOOK NOW diary entry:
‑       Date = current date
‑       Description = BOOK NOW <Type> <Method> <Dest Type> <File>
e.g. BOOK NOW EXB Courier ToDoor 123456/7.8

If QUOTE STATUS = BOOK NOW and Branch = LFC then create 1C BOOK NOW diary entry:
‑       Date = current date
–       Description = 1C BOOK NOW <Type> <Method> <Dest Type> <File>
e.g. 1C BOOK NOW EXB Courier ToDoor 123456/7.8
New Baggage job
Whenever a new baggage job is created then 4 new diary actions will be created. The date that is used for each diary action depends on how far in the future the move date is i.e. within 7 days, more by less than 35 or more than 35 days:

Diary event     Movedate less today < 7 days away       Movedate >= 7 and < 35 days away       Movedate >= 35 days away

1st follow up call     Rep=Sales rep
Date = 1st working day (incl today) Rep=Sales rep
Date = 1st working day (incl today) Rep=Sales rep
Date = 1st working day (incl today)
2nd follow up call    Rep=Sales rep
Date = Today + 3 days   Rep=Sales rep
Date = Today + 7 days   Rep=Sales rep
Date = Movedate – 28 days
3rd follow up call     Rep=Sales rep
Date = Today + 10 days Rep=Sales rep
Date = Today + 14 days Rep=Sales rep
Date = Movedate – 21 days
Original Movedate  Date = movedate    Date = movedate    Date = movedate

Removals / Removal Costing/Removals Storage/ JTC/ Rate Request

241943         JTC & Rates Management ‑ Est Move Date Shown on Multiple Rates

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > JTC. On the rate picker screen, when running JTC where there are multiple rates, there is now a field to display the Est Move date of the job.

Description of Usage: Run JTC and in the multiple rate selector, check move Est move date is shown.

241473         Removals – Added the ability to prompt the user to select the debtor when running the JTC

Description of Functionality:Found under / Set up: Removal Management> JTC. Added a system parameter called “Select Debtor When Running JTC” which adds a toggle called ‘Select Debtor’ on the JTC setup. When set to ‘Y’ and the job type is ran, it will pop up with a debtor lookup which sets the debtor on the cost option or Invoice depending on what is created.

Description of Usage: Turn on the system parameter ‘Select Debtor When Running JTC’ by setting it to ‘Y’. Go to the job type setups and set those job types that require the user to be prompted for the debtor when running the JTC to Select Debtor = ‘Y’. When Running the JTC and selecting a job type where the Select Debtor field in the job type setup is set to ‘Y’, the user will get prompted to select the debtor instead of having the debtor automatically defaulted from the Bill to in the job details screen.

242829         Removals – Validation for origin/destination codes on removal details screen

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Removal Details. Origin and Destination Codes now have values validated against the system’s Country Code List.

229900         Removals – Close Screen Update

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Removal Details Close. New Screen added to allow for bulk closing/updating of removal plans. Menu found under Administration > Utilities >Close Removals. Previously, there was no validations nor the conditions were satisfied to modify removal records accordingly.Now the Removals Close screen has the below fields to fill in and on click of “Modify” button, it modifies the removal records accordingly.

  • Timeframe ‑ A combo box to fill in the time range which fills in the date range fields (Date From and Date To).

  • Select By ‑ The user can choose the dates depending on if Date Entered / Date Surveyed /Date Uplifted / Date Delivered values.

  • Date From & Date To ‑ Fills the date range depending on the “Timeframe” value selected.

  • Branch ‑ Points to branch lookup.

  • Type ‑ Points to Job Type Creator lookup.

  • Status ‑ Points to Job status lookup.

  • Entered By and Sales Rep ‑ Points to Sales Rep lookup.

  • Move Manager ‑ Points to Move Manger lookup.

  • Volume From & Volume To ‑ These fields can have the range to filter ‘Net Meters’ field.

  • Invoiced ‑ The user can choose if the removal has invoiced or not.

  • Waybilled (Shipped) ‑ Points to shipment lookup.

  • Closed ‑ The user can filter depending on if the removal is closed or open.

Toggle Options

  1. Close Removal ‑  The removals are closed and r‑closed is set to ‘Y’ if it is checked depending on the filtering.

  2. Complete Diary Actions ‑ The diary actions are completed and dd‑completed is set to ‘Y’ if it is checked.

  3. Set as No Charge ‑ If it is invoiced and has a invoice number, the removal’s invoice status remains the same . If it is  not invoiced, the invoice status is set to ‘F’.

  4. Set as Waybilled (Shipped) ‑ The removal is shipped and r‑waybilled is set to ‘Y’ if it is checked.

  5.  Set as Status ‑ The removal is changed to the status entered in this field.

Details editor ‑ this editor will display the removal record counts depending on the changes made. The events are logged for each removal change.

Description of Usage: The user can select the filtering options, toggle checks and click on modify button to modify the removals. The modified removal count details are displayed in the ‘Details’ section.

239175         Removals – Ability to Auto‑Create Diary actions based on Tariff Debtor

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Removal Details (new Details Browser Screen). For Systems that use Tariff Debtors, there is now the ability to auto‑create diary actions upon save of a job for certain Tariff Debtors.

Description of Usage:

  1. Enable the ‘Use Tariff Debtors’ system parameter

  2. In Diary Actions setup, there is now a ‘Tariff’ field in the Auto Create section which allows users to enter in the debtor code of a tariff account.

  3. When saving a job, the diary actions with a tariff set will only get created when the tariff on the job matches the tariff set on the diary action.

239508         Removals Costings – Enhancement on System Parameter ‘Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked’ (Oman)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Removal Removals > Costing & Administration > System Set up > System Parameters. Enhancement on existing system parameter ‘Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked’ Allow editing Est and add cost lines for posted costings with posted invoices.

Description of Usage: Set sysparam to OM, set system parameter to Y . To test to Costing, post the invoice on the costing, and edit est cost, and add new cost lines.

239692         JTC ‑ Allow merge fields in creditor description & comments and removal product description

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Job Type Creator. Users can set removal/creditor product descriptions up with merge fields which will pull the job information when running the JTC or manually adding line onto cost option/invoice.

Description of Usage: When adding cost lines through either the Job Type Creator (JTC) or manually onto a cost option. Users can now use Removal/Rate Request merge fields in the cost description (i.e. creditor product description) and the cost details (creditor product comments).

When double clicking in the details of a cost line, users can now insert paragraph merge fields using the ‘insert’ button. When adding invoice charge lines through either the JTC or manually onto an invoice. Users can also use Removal merge fields in the charge description (i.e. Removal product description).

240399         Removals ‑ Booking Agent Changes (KHZ)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management. For debtors with type = Agent use debtor booking agent on job. For all other debtors use booking agent from branch.

240484         Removals – Pre‑population of contact details into a Removal when selecting from Lookup

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management Details tab (New Details Browser). When a Delivery Debtor is selected for the lookup list, the recorded email address is populated into the email field. When selecting a debtor/creditor/agent from the address table on a job, populate the fax number, attention to and email into the address details.

Description of Usage:

  1. Open Removals > Select Details tab.

  2. Double click in the Delivery debtor name field

  3. Select the required debtor from the Debtor Lookup, click the ‘OK’ button. Debtor email will be populated into the Delivery debtor email field.

  4. Open Removals

  5. Select Details Tab

  6. Double click in the first line of the address field

  7. Click Add to add a new address

  8. Click the first line of the address field to bring up the debtor/creditor/agent lookup

  9. Select Record and have its email, attention to & fax populate into the newly added corresponding fields in the address table

241504         Removals – Copying Removal Plans – Added ability to swap the origin address with the destination address

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management Removals> Details tab. Added a toggle ‘Reverse Address’ when copying a job and the ‘Copy addresses’ option is selected. This switches the origin address and the destination addresses, including access, contact and comments when they are copied onto the new job.

241722         Removal Costings ‑ Disallow copy of costing (Harrow Green)

Description of Functionality: Upon copy of a job, it should only allow users to move the costing to the new job, not copy costing.

Description of Usage: Go to removal detail screen, copy the removal, and check that the copy costing option is disabled.

241790         Removals ‑ Quote To Field Validation (Conroy NZ)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Details tab. Quote To field is compulsory for R jobtypes with a status of P or W.

242026         Removal Costings- Modification to how the ‘V’ rate type is used in finding sell prices

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Costing. An inconsistency was found between finding rates for purchase transactions (rates related creditor products) and sale transactions (rates related to removal products) in regards to how the ‘V’ rate type is handled. 

Previously when applying rates with the ‘V’ rate type for removal products through Costing, the quantity being used was always the volume of the removal plan.  However when finding rates for creditor products through Costing, the quantity being used was the volume related to the cost option header.  This meant issues occurred when tariff or sell rates were used with the ‘V’ rate type and the volume on the cost option was modified.  The tariff would not reflect the change to the volume, however any estimate costs linked to creditor products using a rate with rate type ‘V’ would reflect the change.

Now rates found for removal products that are assigned a ‘V’ rate type will reflect the change to the volume in the cost option header, in the same manner as the creditor product rates.

Description of Usage: This change will affect tariff and sell rates within Costing.  Removal product rates found for removal invoicing (not linked to costing) will not be affected as the volume used in this instance will be the same as the removal plan.  Now when changes are made to the cost option volume the tariff and sell rates will now reflect the change to the cost option volume for rates assigned rate type ‘V’.  This change only affects rates with rate type ‘V’.

242121         Removals Costings – Allow Posting of Agent Invoices on Removals set to No Charge (NC)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Invoicing. In the past Moveware has not allowed posting of invoices when the removal plan is set to No Charge (NC set in the Pay field within the Bill To section of the Removals Management > Details tab).  This is regardless of whether the invoice is flagged as an Agent Invoice.  Now when removal plans are set to NC systems are able to post invoices flagged as Agent Invoices.  However invoices to the client will not be able to posted.

Description of Usage: On removals plans that have the Pay field set to NC, when attempting to post invoices not flagged as Agent Invoice the user will continue to receive the message “Removal is set to No Charge ‘NC'”.  However when the invoice is flagged as an Agent Invoice, the user will not see this message as the invoice will pass this validation and be able to post the invoice.

242193         Removals- Set Corporate on Removals as the Selected Corporate Account

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Details tab. Previously when assigning a Corporate/CRM to a job, the system would default the Corporate/CRM to the corporate of the selected Corporate. The new system parameter ‘UseSelectedCorporate’ when turned on, will save the corporate as the one that was selected rather than its corporate.

Description of Usage: Previously when assigning a Corporate/CRM to a job, the system would default the Corporate/CRM to the corporate of the selected Corporate. The new system parameter ‘UseSelectedCorporate’ when turned on, will save the corporate as the one that was selected rather than its corporate.

247074         Record Service when running JTC to generate invoice

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Job Type Creator Invoicing. When running the JTC, changing the service on the JTC screen would previously only affect cost option rates but not invoice rates. A change has been made so that the invoice rates are also based on the JTC service rather than the job service; this service is also indicated on the invoice that’s created.

Description of Usage: A field has been added next to the cost ctr field on invoices to record the service selected on the JTC. This field can be changed until the invoice is posted. However, changing the service field on the invoice will not automatically refresh the rates on the charge lines based on the new service. The user would need to delete and re‑add any charge lines affected by the service.

242415         Bug Fix – Removals -Volume Change ‑ Clear value on Copy of Removal

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Details tab. When copying a job, ensure the volume change field value is also cleared.

242761         Bug Fix -Check Resources upon setting the removal status from W to P

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Details tab. When changing status from W to P, the system now checks if actual resources are already assigned. Previously checks were activated when status is set to C or L

Description of Usage: Set removal status from W to P, make sure actual resources already assigned on the job, and check that error message that appears.

242815         Removals – Validations of Dates (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> Details tab. Added validations to ensure pick up dates are always prior to delivery dates.

243231         Removals -New System Parameter ‑Allow defaulting of invoices to Cash  Sales

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management> JTC. New Toggle ‘Default to Cash’ to default the job type’s debtor against the invoice which is enabled when the ‘DefaultToCashOnJTC’ system parameter is turned on.

Description of Usage:Toggle defaults the debtor on costs option/invoice to the Default Cash account set against the user running the JTC if set, otherwise defaults to the default cash account set against the branch of the job.

243339         Removals – Pay Field Restriction (Packimpex)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Details. Only users with security group 4 can update the Pay Field in Removal Detail screen.

Description of Usage: To test go to removals detail screen, check if user is group 4, if not the pay field is disabled, otherwise it is enabled.

243368         Removals – Insurance Policy Number Default for NFBIR (NFB)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Details. When a user selected/updated the Insured by field to contain “NFBIR” the NFBIR default Policy Number is updated in Policy number field.

Description of Usage: To test – Select insurance NFBIR and check that default policy number has been updated in the policy number field.

243622         Baggage -Enhancement on system parameter – Diary Actions ‘assigned to’ set from Move Manager

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Baggage Module. Enhancement on existing system parameter ‘Diary Actions Assigned To set from Move Manager’. Now works also from Baggage Screen, upon winning a removal and creating the diary actions, set the assigned value to the sales rep if no move manager is available.

243736         JTC ‑ Hide the Pack Selection (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >JTC. Hide the pack day selection on the JTC.

243858         Removals – New System Parameter ‑ Excludes state from populating

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Details Removals > Details. New System Parameter to stop State populating when entering a Origin/Destination Code in Removal Management Origin and Destination Addresses.

Description of Usage: If client does not want the State populating in Suburb Line of Removals Management when updating the Origin and or Destination Code they can implement new System Parameter ‘ExcludeStateFromSuburb’.

  • ExcludeStateFromSuburb’ set to Y ‑ Stops both Overseas and Domestic Destinations from populating the State in the Suburb Line

  • ‘ExcludeStateFromSuburb’ set to D ‑ Only Domestic Destination are affected

  • ‘ExcludeStateFromSuburb’ set to ‑ I ‑ Only Overseas Destination are affected

244082         Removals – Default agent from branch (Grospiron)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management. When adding a new removal, default agent according to the type of job

  • Cost Centres DOM & LDR

    • Default both Origin and Destination Agents as Grospiron ‑ to be updated from Agent Linked to Branch of Job of the Job.

  • Cost Centres EUE and EUI

    • EUE : Origin Agent defaulted Grospiron‑ to be updated from Agent Linked to Branch of Job ‑ Destination Agent should  not be updated left  lank and will be updated by user manually

    • EUI : Destination Agent Field defaulted to Grospiron‑ to be updated from Agent Linked to Branch of Job of the Job ‑ Origin Agent should not be updated left Blank and will be updated by user manually

  • Cost Centres EXR and EXP

    • Origin Agent defaulted Grospiron‑ to be updated from Agent Linked to Branch of Job Destination Agent should not be  updated left Blank and will be updated by user manually

  • Cost Centres IMP and IMR

    • Destination Agent Field defaulted to Grospiron‑ to be updated from Agent Linked to Branch of Job of the Job ‑ Origin Agent should not be updated left Blank and will be updated by user manually

  • Cost Centres

    • EXT : Not to be considered both Origin and Destination Agent fields left blank

    • IND : Not to be considered both Origin and Destination Agent fields left blank.

Also when branch is changed the agents should change accordingly.

Description of Usage: Go to job detail screen, add new job and check for the agent default.

244161         Removals – Debtor Branch Defaults From Removal Management

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Details & Debtor Management > Details. When creating a debtor from removals management, the debtors branch should default to the branch of the removal, not of the user

Description of Usage: Go to removal management, pick a removal that has a different branch to the user, click add new debtor, check the branch is set to removal branch.

242544         Bug Fix – Removal Storage – Storage Date Bug Fix

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management  > Storage tab. Updated the code to pick the” Storage Date In” date field instead of the “uplift date” in Removals‑>Storage screen and if its blank then pick the “Uplift Date”. Previously the Storage Required box was picking the uplift date before.

Description of Usage: Select a job which has the status ‘W’ and enter the Uplift and Storage date in Removals‑>Details screen. On adding the storage account, the “Date In Store” field picks up the “Storage Date In” field in Storage tab of removals management if its not blank. If Storage Date In” field is blank, then it picks the “Uplift Date”.

244551         Removals – Import Validation change (Abels)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management >Data Import. For removal import from import screen, do not validate the phone number and email.

244619         JTC/ Removals Costings- Jobs Type default to be excluded or included in Job Revenue calculations

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management and/or Cost Options in Costings. Added the ability to be able to setup job types with a flag that defaults the cost option to be excluded or included in revenue calculation.

Description of Usage: Currently when the user runs the JTC, a prompt will popup asking the user if they wish to include the new job type in the sales revenue analysis. Added a system parameter called ‘Allow defaulting of Sales Revenue on JTC’ which when enabled, allows the user to set on the job type setup whether the job type is to be included in the sales revenue or not. When this is set, the popup asking if the user wants to include or exclude the cost option from the revenue when running the JTC will no longer come up.

244863         Baggage – New System Parameter ‑ Display Qty in Baggage inventory grid

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Baggage Management. New system parameter added to display the QTY column in Inventory grid on the Details tab of Baggage Management.  Previously this column would only display for Moveware systems setup to display weights instead of volumes.

Description of Usage: Set System Parameter ‘ShowBaggageInventQty’ to Y to display the column.  If the Moveware system is setup to display weights then the column will continue to display without the need for this system parameter.  To remove the column the system parameter will need to be set to N on these systems.

245098         Removals – Validate group for all status (Harrow Green)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Details. Validate Group field for all status, Previously was not validating for status I user enters a value in the number filter the list will use only that number to filter the records.

245342         Removals- Search Filter Additions

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Search. The user can filter with Status, Source, Destination and Collection Date fields in the Search Tab. Previously, the filters were working with all the above fields except Collection Date field.

Description of Usage: The user can enter the Status, Source, Destination and Collection Date field filters and the list appears accordingly.

245691         Removals – Search ‑ New “Title” Field or Art Fairs/Exhibitions

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management. Add in a new Search Filter for Title for Art Fairs/Exhibitions on Removals Management Search screen.

245698         Removals -Default Filters In Removal Search Screen

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management Removals & Administration> System Set up > System Parameters. Added 3 new system parameters:

  • DefaultMoveManager ‑ Default Move Manager Filter on Search Screen

  • DefaultBranch ‑ Default Branch Filter on Search Screen

  • DefaultType ‑ Default Type Filter on Search Screen

Description of Usage: When set to Y, these filters will default to user settings on removal search screen.

246199         Removals Costing – Ability to Cancel and Uncancel Cost Options when Sell Price is Locked

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Costing. It is now possible to Cancel or Un‑cancel a Cost Option even if the Sell Price is Locked.

246278         Removals -Type of Cover changes (Cadogan Tate)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management> Details. When selecting ‘Cadogan Tate’ as the ‘Insured By’, validate the ‘Type of Cover field’. Previously, there is no validation in the Type of Cover field at all.

Description of Usage: To test the validation, users need to select “Cadogan Tate” in the Insured By field and leave the Type of Cover blank, there will be an error displayed that the type of cover cannot be blank when trying to save the removal.

246311         Removals Costings > New Foreign Currency Columns in Costing tab

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Costing & Rate Requests > Costing. Added foreign currency Columns to costing, so that when a cost is entered using a currency that is NOT the system’s base currency, it will show both the Rate and Est Cost in their Foreign Currency values as well as the value in the local currency.

The new column are called ‘Rate (FC)’ and ‘Cost (FC)’ and are placed next to the Est Quantity column. These columns have a different shading colour for easy identification an they are only editable if the costing line has a foreign currency set. Previously the user had to click on the foreign currency toggle in order to see and edit rates that were set in a foreign currency. Now all is visible on the same screen, and the toggle is eliminated.

Note: Requires a minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 1024 in Moveware

Description of Usage: For those charge lines (creditor or Vendor products) that are being entered in a foreign currency, simply change the currency of it on the Currency Column and click on save. This will enable the user to enter values into the Rate FC cell and / or the Cost (FC). Once values are entered the Rate and Cost cells will be updated using the set conversion rate between the selected currency and the system’s base currency. 

The user can as before modify the exchange rate in use (note this only changes the exchange rate on the particular instance being worked on and not on the entire system). When you select (highlight) a costing line to work on that has a  foreign currency, the exchange rate will display on the top of the table, and can be modified accordingly. The system will calculate:

  • Est Quantity * Rate (FC) = Cost (FC)

  • Rate (FC) * Exchange Rate = Rate

  • Cost (FC) * Exchange Rate = Cost 

Where no foreign currency exists, the system behaves in the normal fashion where Est quantity * Rate = Cost

246470         Removals -Shipper Validation Changes for Globe (Globe)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management. Previously, for office removal type, upon selecting “Corporate” in “Quotes To” field in Removals Details screen , a validation message would appear saying “Shipper Name required” if it is set to blank. We have now removed this validation if “Quotes To” field is set to “Corporate” for Office removal type.

Description of Usage: The user can select a job which is of “OFF” removal type and set the “Quotes To” field to “Corporate” leaving the “Shipper Name” field blank. No error message will appear as Shipper Name is not required

246481         JTC – Allow Cost Option Density to populate based on Service Type when running JTC

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Costings  & Administration > System set up > Codes Management Type INT service. Instead of defaulting the density on the cost option to the same as the job density when running the job type creator, set it to the density value set against the service setup (under codes management).

246744         Bug Fix – Moving cost actual from one cost option to another

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Costings.  Fixed a bug when moving actual costs from one cost option to another. Previously the link from cost line to PO line would be gone, so the actuals disappear on destination cost option.

Description of Usage: Go to a cost option with actuals on it, use the blue move button above cost lines, select all, move to another cost option, check the have been moved correctly

246860         Removals – Rename Staff and Pack Type (Harrow Green)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up Removal Management > Details. Previously, for ‘FS’ jobs ‑ “Staff and “Pack Type” fields remained same in Job Details for Harrow Green company. Now for FS jobs, “Staff and “Pack Type” fields will be renamed to “From” and “To” respectively for Harrow Green company.

Description of Usage: On setting the “Type” filter to “FS” in Removals‑>Search screen, Staff and Pack Type fields are renamed to “From” and “To” respectively in Details screen.

247075         Removals/ JTC – new System Parameter ‑ Job Type Description To Invoicing

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management > JTC. Previously, when creating a new quote using the Job Type Creator, the comments do not populate in the invoice details field, as they do for costing. Now, the comments are populated in the details section of Invoice tab in Removals. Added a new sysparam ‘JobTypeInvoiceComments’ to display the comments.

Description of Usage: The user can select a job type and add some comments with tags in JobTypes. On adding that jobtype to a removal with ‘Invoicing’ toggle being checked, the comments are populated in the ‘Details’ field of Invoicing tab in Removals. The tags will be replaced with respective values.

247077         Removals Costings – Prevent the deletion of charge lines when cancelling invoices

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management > Invoicing. Added the system parameter ‘DoNotDeleteLinesOnCancel’ which stops the deletion of charge lines when cancelling invoices.

Description of Usage: Set DoNotDeleteLinesOnCancel system parameter to Y

247135         Removals- Post Code to be displayed before Suburb in Invoice From/To fields

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management & Administration > System Set up > Codes Management. Go to Codes Management, filter by Type country, for each country where post code needs to go before suburb, put Y in the field called ‘Other’.

Description of Usage: Setup as above, when invoice is created it should put post code before suburb.

247202         Removals – Follow Up Date Changes (Vic Leahly)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management. Previously the Follow Up date was not auto setting in Removal Details screen depending on the ‘Days Followup will default to after Survey’ system parameter This has been updated this accordingly.

Description of Usage: The user can set the “Days Followup will default to after Survey” value in System Parameters and select a Removal record which has the ‘Inspection’ status. Set the survey date to today and estimated move date to few days later. The followup date is set such that, surveydate + number of days mentioned to ‘Days Followup will default to after Survey’ value.

247283         Job Inventory Speed Enhancements

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management > Inventoiry Tab. On the Inventory tab of Jobs/Removals Management the list of furniture to pick from was slowing down the screen for clients who have a lot of furniture inventory.  This is generally associated with systems that have custom inventory lists for debtors.  Because the lists of inventory was getting large the screen was reading many records when it did not need to do so. 

Moveware now reads the records once and updates the custom debtor inventory list when the job is selected and not everytime an inventory item is added to the job.

Description of Usage: This change affects the Inventory selection list on the right hand side of the Inventory page in Jobs/Removals Management.  A red refresh icon has been added for instances where new inventory is added through Inventory Management and the list has not refreshed.  The change means the standard inventory list will be read when the Jobs/Removals Management screen is first loaded.  The list will not be updated until the refresh icon is selected or the Jobs/Removals Management screen is closed and re opened.  This change can mean the speed of the screen is increased as great deal, depending on the number of furniture inventory records in the system.

247353         Claims –  Enhancements made (Packimpex)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management > Claims. Previously, the Employees and Agents fields were mandatory when adding a claim but not mandatory when closing one in Removals‑>Claims tab. Also, the above fields were not mandatory when ‘Complaint’ and ‘Feedback’ were resolved (‘Y’ or ‘C’ values). Now, the above fields are not mandatory when adding a claim and mandatory when closing a claim / complaint / feedback in Removals‑>Claims tab for Packimpex company.

Description of Usage: When adding a claim, Employee(s) and Agent fields are not mandatory but it needs to be filled when it is resolved (Resolved = C and Type = Claim).Please note that when ‘Resolved’ field is set to ‘Y’ or ‘C’ and ‘Type’ field is ‘Claim’, both the fields are highlighted.

243693               Claims – Enhancements (Anglo Pacific)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management > Claims. Change Made to Make Amount Claim in Header Details Independent from Claim Details Do not update The Claim Header’s Amount Paid from Claim Detail record lines.

Description of Usage: Do not update amount paid from claim detail to claim header.

247376         Removals Costings – Enchantment to System Parameter ‘Allow editing of Est when the sell price is locked ‘

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up:  Removal Management & Administration >System set up > System parameters . ‘Allow editing of Est when the sell price is locked (Y/N)” system parameter has the option of ‘U’ Allows editing even after invoice is posted to U.

Description of Usage: Set system parameter to U. Go into costing and make sure invoice is posted to U, check that est cost is still editable.

247476         Removals – Resize Removals Management (F12) with Users Screen Resolution

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removals Management Pop Up (F12). When bringing up Removals Management Pop‑up (F12), resize the search, costing & review screen with the user’s screen resolution.


234979         Source Analysis Report ‑ New Toggle ‑ Include Blank Referral/Source

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. Added new toggle ‘Include Blank Referral’ ‑ when ticked should include blank ones even when filtering by a particular source/referral.

240288         Removals Summary Report ‑ New Job Type Filter

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. New ‘Costs Job Type’ filter added to the Removals Summary Report which allows you to filter removals by the job type creator type generated against the removal plan.

240360         New Storage Efficiency Report (Olympia)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. New Report Created to calculate Storage Efficiency (Usage vs. Revenue)

Description of Usage: The new report is called Storage Efficiency and includes a summary and a detailed version. These can be run by branch or individual location/s and include.

  • Storage ID

  • Storage name

  • Date in

  • Branch

  • Status

  • Last Account

  • Freq

  • Volume/weight of consignment

  • Volume of inventory/storage used. (if not allocated then assume 100%

  • Storage revenue per period

  • Storage rev per month

  • S/m3 based on total vol of consignment

  • S/m3 based on vol of invent used

The detailed version also includes

  • list of storage invent/locations

  • List of individual charges.

240697         Toggle to include Accruals with Actual, but no Est Costs (Grospiron)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. Added ‘Include Accruals with Actual but no Est Costs’ toggle to accruals reports which allows accruals with actual costs appear regardless of whether it has an estimated cost or not.

243006         Bond Register Report ‑ New Column

Description of Functionality: Added the OBL/MAWB colum to the Bond Register Report as per requirement by Australian Customs.

240888         Inventory Usage by Removal Report Update

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. Added Origin and Destination Region filters to Inventory Usage by Removal Report.

242254         Exclude Countries field now works with the Job Type Creator when creating Invoices

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Removal Management > Job Type Creator > Invoices. Fixed Job Type Creator so Invoices Created will use the Exclude Countries Field.

Description of Usage: Note you can edit the countries in the Removals Product Screen.

242315         Sales Analysis Changes (PSS)

Description of Functionality: Stopped certain Analysis reports from excluding Cancelled Jobs by default.

242619         Set print date on invoice report when unprinted only is ticked

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. When printing the invoice report and the unprinted only toggle is unticked, it should still set the print date when the report is printed.

244023         Storage ‑ New Merge Field

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports > Word Merges. Added a new merge field for “Identifier” field in Storage details screen for Storage Word merge reports.

246057         Salutation in Word Merges with Translations

Description of Functionality: Previously, the address and text fields display in reports were as below –

in text: Dear Mr Wilkins ‑ Geachte De heer Wilkins,
In the address: Mr A. Wilkins ‑ De heer A. Wilkins,

Now, the fields are updated and the display in reports looks like below ‑

in text: Dear Mr Wilkins ‑ Geachte heer Wilkins,
In the address: Mr A. Wilkins ‑ De heer A. Wilkins,

Description of Usage:

Files updated ‑ p‑wordquotenew.p in p‑createtemp procedure and p‑output‑end procedure. Also updated, quotenewfields.doc and Quote New Fields List.doc in Removals‑>Template folder.

  1. The salutation field of Mr can be changed to ‘heer’ in Dutch field and title field of Mr to ‘De Heer’ in Language screen.

  1. The code changes are made to replace the fields appropriately for title and Salutation in p‑wordquotenew file.

  1. Added 5 fields Salutation, ContactNameSalutation, Name Salutation, FirstNameSalutation, ToNameSalutation in the same order as displayed in the code in the middle and bottom section of the quotenewfields.doc  document.

  1. Open Quote New Fields List.doc and insert the merge fields appropriate to the above fields using ‘Mailing’ option.

  1. Open the document which the user is testing and replace {MergeField:Title} with  {MergeField:Salutation}. When the user opens the document, title is replaced with ‘De Heer’ in address field and ‘Heer’ in text field.

247130         Booking Agent New Updates

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports. Added ‘Job Date’ option into the ‘By Date’ filter for any reports which use the procedure ‘BookingAgentNew’ in Report Configuration screen.

246888               Ability to show debtor reports in CRM/Corporate Management Screen

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Reports Configuration. Previously, a debtor report can only be set to show in BOTH the debtor management screen and the CRM/Corporate screen. This funcationality now allows the user to set a report to show in the CRM/Corporate screen independantly of the debtor management screen and vice versa.

Description of Usage: In Reports Configuration Screen >Show in Debtor field:

  1. set to ‘D’ to show report in Debtor management screen only

  1. set to ‘C’ to show report in CRM/Corporate screen only

  1. set to ‘Y’ to show report in both Debtor management and CRM/Corporate Screens

  1. set to ‘N’ to NOT show report in both Debtor management and CRM/Corporate Screens.


241569         New System Parameter ‑ Restrict the ability to only be able allocate one RP/Storage Account per Storage Container

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Module & Removals Modules & Inventory : type containers. Add system parameter ‘StorageContainersUnique’ to restrict the ability to ONLY be able to allocate one RP/Storage Account per Storage Container.

Description of Usage: When the StorageContainersUnique system parameter is turned on, the system will no longer allow the user to assign the same storage container (inventory of type ‘storage’) to different RP/Storage accounts unless if it has been logged out on another storage account or completed on another job.

242772         New System Parameter ‑ Debtor Branch Must Match Storage Branch

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Module. New system parameter ‘DebtorBranchMustMatchStorageBranch’. When enabled, storage branch must match debtor branch.

Description of Usage: Go to storage management, change debtor on storage, check if the branches are different there is an error message.

242963         Storage Close Prompt Defaults Change (John Mason)

Description of Functionality: When entering a storage date out, the invoice popup screen should default the following:

  • Set the date out and close both the storage account and all charge details? YES

  • Set the date out and close the selected storage charge details only? NO

  • Set the date out for the selected inventory/locations linked to the storage account? YES

244293         Added ability to update storage rates in tax exclusive view

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Module >Storage Rate Revision. Show tax exclusive values in storage rate revision when updating rates.

245591         New Lookup Icon in Warehouse Screen

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Warehouse Management. New Icon on screen to lookup details of a removal or waybill.

Description of Usage: Use new icon to view details of removal or waybill.

246852         New System Parameter – Stop Storage Invoices getting created in A Status

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Module  & Adminstration> System Set up > / Set up System Parameters. Previously when using System Parameter “Use Invoicing Approval” the Storage Invoice would be created direct to A Status. Change made to create a new System Parameter “Create Storage Invoices On Status N” to stop them getting being generated on A status, they will be created to status N so the user will approve them to status A once checked.

246952         Search by Description Column in Storage Locations

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage > Storage Locations. A new filter has been added to the Storage Locations screen to filter the list of Locations by the Description column.  Previously this was not possible.  The filter has been added with wildcard ability.

Description of Usage: This change has been made in the Storage > Locations screen.  The main list will now have an extra filter for Description.  User can use this filter like the others, however they are also able to use the wildcard character (*) to search the contents of the description.

247045         Ability to Manually Push Project to Visma Global (NFB)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management &> Removals Management ‑Ability to Manually Push Storage and Project Files to Visma

Description of Usage: There is now a new Blue Arrow Icon in the Serach Screens of Project Management and Storage Management. By selecting this icon, will push/export the Selected Project to Visma Interface.

246864         Storage Management ‑ Inventory Images Update

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management > Inventory screen. Previously, there was discrepancy in running image from upload folder or debtor account. Hence the images were not uploaded. Now, the images will upload correctly in Storage Management‑>Inventory with the correct path being set.

241734               Create Storage Lines based on Costs Centre and Product Lookup Field (Harrow Green)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Storage Management. The Auto Add of Storage Lines now will also match on Cost Centre.


241404         New System Parameter ‑ Default type filter in Agent lookup to Blank

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Agents. Added a new system parameter to set Agent Type filter in Agent lookup to blank. Previously, the Agent Type filter will be set automatically to INT or DOM according to the code that was done specifically for each company.

Description of Usage: The change is in the agent lookup screen across the system where the filter at the top right of the screen will be set to blank if the system parameter is set to ‘Y’. The system parameter is called “Default type filter in Agent lookup to Blank” under Waybills section of the Other tab in system parameter setup. This needs to be set to ‘Y’ in order to set the default agent type to blank.

242940         Waybill Description Field Change (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module> Details. The ability to free-type values in the Description the field has been disabled. This has been replaced with a lookup table when selected.

Description of Usage: Note: List of available Waybill Descriptions is accessible from Codes Management > Code Type ‑ Waybill Desc

242948         Bug Fix -Waybill Costing (John Mason)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module> Costing. Include Profit for Waybill costing, so the sell price total displays correctly.

Description of Usage: Go to waybill costing, check that profit lines are shown and the price total is correct.

243467         Disabled Volume Change within a Waybill (Snapes)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module> Removals Tab. Users will no longer have the ability to change the volume of a removal from the waybill > Removals tab.

244383         Destination Summary ‑ Creating a Waybill Update (OSS)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Destination Summary. Prompt for the waybill departure date instead of defaulting to today’s date upon creation of a waybill from Destination Summary screen.

245828         Waybill Validation ‑ Vessel Name / Origin and Destination Agent (PSS)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module > Details Tab. Validate the following three fields:

  • Vessel name (disallow free text)

  • Origin Agent

  • Destination Agent

Description of Usage: In waybill screen, free type text in Vessel Name field, delete destination and origin codes and upon save, users will encounter error messages.

246147 & 242392         Bug Fix – Automatic Refresh of removal volume when on a waybill

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module. Enabled the automatic refresh of the volume of a removal on a waybill if the volume of the removal is changed through the details tab.

Description of Usage: Change the volume of a removal in the details either through the inventory tab or details tab. Check to see if the removal volume has automatically updated on the waybill it is assigned to.

246234         Send alert to Account Managers when the arrival date on a waybill is changed (TWW)

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module. When the Arrival date is changed on a waybill (not when it’s initially set), send an alert to the account manager of any jobs that are on the waybill notifying them of the change.

246332         Waybill ‑ Added 10 user customised spare fields

Description of Functionality: Found under / Set up: Waybill Module Details Tab & Codes Management. Added 10 Spare Fields which users can opt to show in the waybill details screen. Users can control their label, validation, lookups and show/hide them based on waybill types and branch.

Description of Usage: In codes management, waybill details (type). Set any of the spare1 ‑ spare10 codes active to show them in the Waybill Details screen. Do not change the code value of these codes. However, changing the values of the below will change properties of the fields shown in the waybill screen:

  • Label = Waybill field label

  • Default Type = Waybill field will only show if this field is blank or contains a matching waybill type

  • Exclude Type = Waybill field will only show if this field is blank or does not contain a matching waybill type

  • Branches = Waybill field will only show if this field is blank or contains a branch matching the waybill branch

  • Validation = Set ‘Y’ if field needs to be validated (i.e. not blank when saving waybill)

  • Post

  • Block

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  • Document

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