Moveware Version 6.2 Release Notes
Moveware Release Notes
Version 6.2
Upgrade Rollout: April/May 2016
Release Notes Generated: 10/09/15 ‑ 10/03/16
245614 Added Customer/CRM contacts import (Olympia only)
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to import past contacts for customers/CRM into the customer management ‑> contacts tab
Description of Usage: Under Administration ‑> Utilities ‑> Data Import ‑ > CRM Contacts
Import contacts and they should appear under the corresponding CRM contacts tab
252956 Report Configuration ‑ Fixed sorting of report configuration columns
Description of Functionality: Fixed sorting of report configuration columns to sort ascending, descending and default order.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on header of each column present below filters and it sorts ascending, descending and default order.
255031 System Parameter ‑ Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked ‑ Security Based
Description of Functionality: The system parameter: Allow Editing of Est when Price Locked, now may be controlled by a security group. If systems want to allow the editing of estimate costs once the price has been locked, they are able to now extend this further and only allow users with certain security groups the ability to do this.
Description of Usage: Previously in Moveware this system parameter was only ever able to be set as on or off, which would apply to all users within the system. So when enabled any user was able to edit the estimates once the price was costed for the cost option. Now systems can be setup to enable this system parameter for specific security group(s). This change allows for the system parameter to be enabled across all users OR enabled for specific security groups. Below is an example of how to enable the system parameter:
Disable for all users in Moveware: N
Enable for all users in Moveware: Y
Enable only for users with security group X: N,X:Y
‑ In the above the setting is split into 2 parts by a comma. The first part says the standard behaviour for this parameter is disabled (N), and the second part says for security X enable this parameter (X:Y).
Enable for users with security group X,Y or Z: N,X:Y,Y:Y,Z:Y
‑ In the above the setting is split into 4 parts by a comma. The first part says the standard behaviour for this parameter is disabled (N), and the second part says for security X enable this parameter (X:Y), the third says to enable for security group Y (Y:Y) and the last says to enable for security group Z (Z:Y).
Enable for all users except ones with security group X: Y,X:N
‑ In the above the setting is split into 2 parts by a comma. The first part says the standard behaviour for this parameter is enabled (Y), and the second part says for security X disable this parameter (X:N).
255677 New System Parameter ‑ To calculate insurance value based on volume of the move when imported via XML
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to calculate insurance value based on volume and round it up.
Description of Usage: System parameter ‑ ‘To calculate insurance value based on volume of the move when imported via xml.’ The user can test this by importing xml file and checking the insurance value of newly created removal plan.
255803 Read incoming Support Request replies
Description of Functionality: Support Request emails are now read constantly via the mwconnect service running in MoveSupport now. Every five minutes or so the support email is checked for unread emails which get downloaded on the support server (GBDC server) under ‘F:\temp\Moveware\mwsupport\mwconnect\’ folder as ‘reply<unique ID>.txt’
This file is then read by the service to check which request it belongs to. The following are the checks it does:
are there any attachments
is the sender ‘’ ‑‑ won’t be imported
subject of the message for the following: RE/FWD/Anything apart from Undeliverable>:<support request #> ‑ <subject>
e.g. RE: 245245 ‑ This is a testbody of the message for the following:
Usual replies to Support requests begin the replied to email contents from support in the following two patterns (as seen from the emails on support)
From: Support
From: Support <>
On <Date Time>, Support <> wrote:
Any test before the above phrases have been considered to be added as the message of the replied email and added to support. The support request number is then updated with a ‘Notes’ message containing the message as abstracted from the body (described above) with the subject (as above) from the user (if found via the email address of the sender else ‘Support’) and Status turned ‘Active’
Description of Usage: The body and subject need to be kept in the pattern described above for testing this feature
Company/Region Affected: Moveware Support
255869 Data Import Screen‑ Added Identifier field in Storage Import
Description of Functionality: Added new column to import the identifier field when performing a storage account import.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by importing storage csv file in above screen and see “Identifier” field at end. On clicking on “Create” button, storage account is created. When checked in Storage Management screen for the imported record, Identifier field has a value saved.
255929 Event Log Update ‑ Adding, editing and deleting contact records
Description of Functionality: Added event logs for adding, editing and deleting contacts.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a contact with first name and last name, click on the event log icon in contacts screen as well as in Details tab of above screens. Edit the contact screen with Work Phone, Mobile, email address and web user details and the events are updated. The events are also logged when a contact is deleted.
256222 Event Log Update ‑ Payment Terms on Invoice
Description of Functionality: System now event log on changes to the payment terms on the invoice
256294 Redirection of sensitive reports to branch folders
This affects:
‑ No companies, no areas, unless this code is explicitly set.
‑ To enable: Turn on UseMyDocs and set a Branch Docs code.
Description of Functionality: Added “Branch Docs” code type, for saving reports to a folder path that is external to the Moveware standard attachments folder path (applicable only to non‑removal, non‑debtor, non‑creditor, non‑waybill reports only.) Previously, these reports were saved to the user’s My Documents folder. Use in conjunction with the “UseMyDocs” system parameter.
NOTE: Existing reports run from Removals, waybills, etc., will not be affected.
Description of Usage: To turn this on:
First set the UseMyDocs system parameter to Y
Add a new code of type ‘Branch Docs’
In the CODE, use the branch code for this entry
In the DESCRIPTION, set the folder path that is required. If this is a network path, set the full path, rather than a mapped drive path.
For a global system default, use the system company code as the CODE value. This will be used for all codes that do not have a branch.
If these codes to not exist, the standard default of the My Documents folder will be used.
257097 Added ‘include waybill details’ toggle to Modify Removals screen
Description of Functionality: Added new toggle to update the fields of removals with or without waybill details in the given time frame and filters in Modify Removals screen.
Description of Usage: Requires Moveware Admin access. The user can test this by setting a time frame along with filters and by checking “On a Waybill” toggle & “Set as Waybilled (Shipped)” which sets removals fields as shipped if waybill details exist.If “On a Waybill” toggle is not checked and “Set as Waybilled (Shipped)” is checked, then all removals within specified timeframe is updated with or without waybill details.
257203 Reminders ‑ Receipts
Description of Functionality: Added ‘Send Receipt’ message window to pop up on clearing reminders rather than clicking on each reminder.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by sending a message to yourself by checking ‘Request Receipt When read’ checkbox. On clicking of any screen, reminder screen is displayed and on clicking that message and clearing reminders, ‘Send receipt’ message window is displayed to send a receipt or not.
257329 New Marketing flag on Baggage Management Screen (Excess International Only)
Description of Functionality: Marketing flag available on both removal and baggage management screens.
257340 Additional methods to Open File Attachment in Removals Contact Tab
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to double click to open a File Attachment
257592 ‘Removal Details’ codes viewable by users with security group ‘Z’
Description of Functionality: Removal Details is made visible only for users having ‘Z’ security group in codes management. Also fixed an exploit where users can access these codes without having the security group Z simply by filtering by the code or description value.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a user having ‘Z’ security group and ‘Removal Details’ is displayed in ‘Type’ combo‑box in codes management.
257610 Record Bond Discharge date for Fine Art (Martinspeed Only)
Description of Functionality: When a fine art object is discharged from Bond, record the discharge date and show it as a tooltip when hovering over the CPC code.
259607 Storage Group filter for Storage Insurance Summary Report
Description of Functionality: Added a new filter for Storage Group filter for Storage Insurance Summary Report
256560 Fixed ClaimRPID merge field to pick up correct value
Description of Functionality: Fixed ClaimRpid merge field to pick correct claim id value when claim record is selected. Previously, only the first claim found was used regardless of claim record currently selected.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting claim which has more than one and clicking on Claim ‑ Send Claim from Email report which has ClaimRpid merge field in subject which merges the correct claim id value.
257690 Added a new field ‘Do Not Email’ (Olympia Only)
Description of Functionality: Added a new field ‘Do Not Email’ to the Claims Screen
258256 Fine Art ‑ Bug Fix
Description of Functionality: Object lookup from a diary action invent: sometimes a previously entered storage ID remains in the lookup below so the Object did not display properly. A refresh has been applied to resolve the Filter populating incorrectly.
253263 New System Parameter ‑ To allow locking of cost options if assigned debtor`s status is not active
Description of Functionality: To prevent users from locking cost options when the assigned debtor is not on status active.A pop‑up message is displayed.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To allow locking of cost options if assigned debtor’s status is not active. The user can test this by clicking “Lock Sell Price” icon for cost options if no debtor assigned or assigned debtor status is not active in the above screen. The message will appear and notify user that they cannot lock cost option.
254285 New button ‘Clear’ to clear costing details and replace with default job type details
Description of Functionality: Added a button ‘Clear’ to clear costing details and replace with default job type details.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by enabling system parameter and clicking on ‘Modify Costing Details & Options’ button on top of costing tab. Edit the details and click on ‘OK’. Click on Modify button again and click on ‘Clear’ button which erases the edited details and replaces it with default job type details text. On changing the combo‑box of language would have converted the text to respective languages (if System Parameter ‑ ‘Enable Multi‑Language Support’ is used). If this system parameter is not used, editing the details and clearing it will replace it with English version. It doesn’t matter what language is set in details tab.
254583 Bug Fix for Automatic Apply of Credit Note to Invoice
Description of Functionality: If the system parameter ‘Automatically Apply Credit Note to Invoice’ is enabled, when posting the credit note and the invoice is applied, it should now show green as paid if the outstanding is 0. Previously it would still show as red (unpaid) regardless of outstanding amount.
Description of Usage:
‑ Enable the system parameter ‘Automatically Apply Credit Note to Invoice’.
‑ Go to invoice screen
‑ Create a credit note for an invoice then post the creditor note
‑ Check the original invoice now shows as green as paid (provided the credit note value was unchanged)
254760 Hiding Balance column in lookup, disabling Add button and tabs based on security for Classic Moving company
Description of Functionality:
The Balance column is hidden for classic moving company based on security and status column is extended to cover up the space. Previously, balance is displayed for all users.
Disabled Add button in customer lookup based on security.
In invoicing tab, few tabs related to Debtors are disabled if no debtor access based on security.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on customer lookup icon where ‘Balance’ column is hidden along with toggle. For other companies it is displayed. This works only if security group is not set to ‘D’. The user can test this by logging in as a user who does not have security access and double click on Client, Bill To and Corporate field in Removals > Details screen The Add button is disabled. The user can test the third scenario by selecting a user which has no security group matching ‘D’ and clicking on debtor information icon and see that few tabs are disabled.
Company/Region Affected: Classic Moving & Storage ‑ Singapore
254761 Costing ‑ Hiding Creditor Lookup Balance column
Description of Functionality: The balance column is hidden in creditor lookup and status column is extended
Description of Usage: Note this occurs only if users do not have access to security group ‘D’.
Company/Region Affected: Classic Moving & Storage ‑ Singapore
255673 Corrected indenting of description on invoice tab
Description of Functionality: Fixed indenting of description on invoice tab when values are updated. Previously, it was disappearing.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding records in invoice details table (beginning with *), update the quantity column and press up/down arrows. The description is indented. The user can switch tabs and come back to invoice tab or add a new record. The indenting will remain unchanged as expected.
Company/Region Affected: Williamson
256330 MOM invoice security
Description of Functionality: New custom user security added for Momentous:
‘>’ for ability to post CR invoice
‘&’ for ability to create CR
Description of Usage: Add the required security to user’s account from the Employee > User details tab.
Company/Region Affected:Momentous
256493 Enabling refresh button for Martin Speed Only
Description of Functionality:Enabled refresh button on invoice tab to update the operator field value to be the removal’s move manager.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ Use Move Manager On Invoice. The user can test this by setting the system parameter ‘Use Move Manager On Invoice’ to ‘Y’ and on clicking the refresh button next to waybill field will update the Operator field to removals move manager. If the system parameter set to ‘A’, it updates to removals account manager else it sets to sales rep value.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
256624 Validation on Invoice/Account Date
Description of Functionality: Added validation such that Invoice/Account Date is validated against Company/Branch Invoice/Purchase closed date. Also fixed the auto cancelling of an entire transaction when copying the invoice record in removals. Previously, if the user is going through pop up options it would cancel the entire transaction if user’s clicked cancel for a particular process of the transaction.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by saving a new or existing record where Invoice/Account date cannot be prior to Company/Branch Invoice/Purchase close date. A message is popped up. The user can test in removals > invoicing by clicking on copy button and going through the popup windows. If clicked OK at the end, saves the transaction directly. If clicked cancel, cancels directly.
256852 Creditor Product ‑ Do not update Est from Act if Act is 0
Description of Functionality:For companies using creditor product setting ‘Update Estimated from Actual’, do not update Est from Act if Act is 0
Description of Usage:This can be tested from either costing screen or purchase screen, when the creditor product is set to E (update act from est), check that the Estimated is updated from actual only if actual is none zero
256901 Fixed accessing certain lines on the costing screen (1376 x 768 resolution)
Description of Functionality: Fixed costing lines for 1376 X 768 resolution to click and edit on last line of costing screen in table. Previously, the last line of costing was not selectable.
Description of Usage: The user can test this be setting the above resolution and clicking at the last line of costing table which is editable.
256922 Event log ‑ To update cost option number
Description of Functionality: Added validation and event log on cost option number.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by entering and saving duplicate cost option number which displays the validation message. If the cost option number is not a duplicate, saves and adds an event log.
256990 Removed Delivery Date validation based on Service Type and Bill To field
Description of Functionality: Removed Delivery date validation for service type beginning with LTS Prep and ‘Bill To’ starts with Cartus or Brookfield.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking PDF button, if Service Type begins with LTS Prep and delivery date is blank and the biller is not Cartus or Brookfield ‑ show validation message.
Company/Region Affected: Armstrong
257120 New system parameter ‑ Don’t Set Used Rates on Costing when the rate is found
Description of Functionality: New system parameter ‘Dont Set Used Rates on Costing when the rate is found’; when enabled it will allow users to still change the rate on costing even when there is a rate found in the system.
257372 Double‑clicking on the selected creditor product lookup will behave the same as clicking Add
Description of Functionality: Currently when double clicking on a creditor product when adding a purchase line, it functions to expand or collapse the creditor product to show any inventory assigned to the creditor product (through creditor products ‑> inventory tab). For companies that do not use this feature, double‑clicking on a creditor product in the lookup screen will act the same way as clicking on the ‘Add’ button.
257444 New System Parameter ‑ To allow users to create purchases and purchase orders from costing
Description of Functionality: Fixed system parameter warning message to display on creating purchase or purchase order if status is not ‘W’.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‘To allow users to create purchases and purchase orders from costing, without the cost option set to W.’ The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’, clicking on invoice button which will pop up a warning (‘Status is not W. If clicked on Yes to continue). It will go ahead and either display other errors or continue in the creation of the purchase or purchase order.
257725 Added new calc type BMI which uses the Size field of the job as a rates measure
Description of Functionality: New Calc type BMI uses the Size field on a removal converted to a decimal as the measure in a variable rate matrix to determine the charge/cost associated with the product
Description of Usage: User BMI calc type to use Size field in Removals details as the measure for which the rates are based on
257892 White and Co ‑ Quick receipting security
Description of Functionality: White and Co now requires security group A for local currency quick receipting
Description of Usage: Go to invoice screen and confirm only group A user can use the quick receipting button
Company/Region Affected: White and Co
257893 New System Parameter ‑ For Systems experiencing issues selecting last line in a browser
Description of Functionality: Due to a bug with Progress (Program Moveware is developed by), certain users may not be able to select the last line in the costing screen if it sits at the very bottom of the costing screen. As a workaround we have added a system parameter ‘Turn on if experiencing issues selecting last line in a list’ which will not populate the very last line in the cost option so that the user can select the last line shown in the costing screen.
Description of Usage: If any user is experiencing issues with clicking on the last row in the job costing screen and have tried different screen resolutions to no avail, turn on the system parameter ‘Turn on if experiencing issues selecting last line in a list’ which will blank out the last line in the costing screen so that the user does not need to click on the last line ‑ this is a temporary work around for this issue
258072 New System Parameter ‑ ‘Set New Tax Default To No’
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to set updating of new tax code default to NO. Previously, it is set to ‘Yes’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on yellow note (modifying costing details), updating the branch and click Ok. When the ‘New Tax Rate’ pop up message is displayed, it is default set as ‘No’ on setting the system parameter to ‘Y’.
258344 New System Parameter ‑ to set from address field to blank
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to set From address field to blank on add of a new invoice record. Previously, it was usually populated with the removal address.
Description of Usage: System Parameter is ‘To set From address field as blank on adding a new invoice in Invoice screen’ The user can test this by enabling the system parameter and on adding a new invoice record where from address field is set to blank.
258988 Removal of New Tax Rate message
Description of Functionality: Fixed New tax rate pop up message display which was still displaying even when tax rate is not changed.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by reversing the invoice ‑ clicking on red arrow and “New Tax Rate(s) found” message is not displayed.
259350 New system parameter ‑ Use Multiple Setting of Non Applicable diaries in Job Diary
Description of Functionality: New System Parameter ‘Use Multiple Setting of Non Applicable diaries in Job Diary’. When enabled, allows users to select multiple diary actions by double clicking in the S(elect) Column, then use the non applicable button to update all of http://them.To reset back to Active, user needs to do one by one as how it used to work, without having to double click the S column
Description of Usage: For removal diary for diary based resource costing
Double click on the S column of the diary action to select
When done, use non applicable button to update all
To reset back to Active, need to do one by one
259478 Removing scrollbars in Invoice dialogue
Description of Functionality: Increased width and height of the dialogue frame to remove scrollbars from invoice screen. Previously, dialogue screen is displayed with scroll bars on top.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by opening invoice dialogue (binocular icon) where scroll bars are removed.
259548 New System Parameter ‑ Select Creditor For Each Cost Line in JTC
Description of Functionality: Added new system parameter ‘Select Creditor For Each Cost Line in JTC’, upon activation when selecting rates, it should always prompt the user to select the creditor on the creditor product if multiple rates are found for different creditors. Previously if the creditor has been selected once all other cost lines with the same list of creditors will just assume to use the same creditor
Description of Usage: From Costing screen, add a new cost option, check all the cost line rates popup for the user to select if they are setup with multiple rates even if the creditors lists are the same for all the creditor products
259633 Fixed Currency Rounding in invoice created from costing
Description of Functionality: Fixed a bug related to invoice lines created from costing and the currency rounding isn’t applied. The rounding is set in codes management, of type ‘currency’, this needs to be applied to the invoice while generated from costing
Description of Usage: Generate an invoice from costing and check the currency rounding is working as intended. The currency rounding is setup in codes management of type ‘currency’
259894 New System Parameter ‑ Use Thousand Separator In Costing Screen
Description of Functionality: When this system parameter is turned on, it should display the thousand separator in the removal costing screen for Est Cost/Price and Act Cost columns
Description of Usage: Turn on system parameter. Go to Removal cost screen, check the thousand separator is turned on for est cost, price and act cost columns. This feature should work with companies using dot as thousand separators as well
244743 HG specific ‑ Operations Diary, change employee status
Description of Functionality: Daily diary now has 3 different statuses ‑ Active, Pending and Inactive. The user is able to change any of the labour resource statuses using the blue arrow ‑ popup should appear for the user with the option to select the other 2 statuses to change to.
Description of Usage: From Daily Diary, navigate to a labour resource, select the labour resource and click on the blue arrow to change employee status, the user is able to change from
Active to Pending or Inactive
Pending to Active or Inactive
Inactive to Active or Pending
The choices can be selected from the popup window with radio buttons. The user can also cancel the status change using cancel button
Company/Region Affected: Harrow Green
245356 Diary Action Setup ‑ Message field length increased
Description of Functionality: Increased character length of Message field to 300 characters
251639 New System Parameter ‑ To allow zero-hour resource allocation in diary
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to allow zero-hour resource allocation in diary.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To allow zero-hour resource allocation in diary’. The user can test this by clicking on ‘+’ icon on bottom to add an action and set the hours’ combo box to 0.00 or set the same start time and finish time as same. No prompt should appear.
253181 New System Parameter ‑ Multiple branch filter in resource
Description of Functionality: From daily diary, when user uses multiple branch filtering, this branch filtering should also be applied to the resource screens as well so that the resources are also filtered by branch(es).
Description of Usage: System parameter ‑ Use Multiple Branch Filtering in the Daily Diary. From big diary (daily diary), filter by multiple branches and check that the filter carries through to the resources on the right, and the resources are filtered also by multiple branches
253549 Double Clicking on a Diary Action behaviour update in the Daily Diary (Higher screen resolution)
Description of Functionality: In the higher resolution Daily Diary, we have added the ability to view all Warehouse and or Ops Actions via double‑clicking the selected diary action. Previously this feature was only available in the smaller/low resolution Daily Diary View.
If you are filtered on the Warehouse Diary this will display all Warehouse Diary Actions and if double‑click in a Diary Action this will then Filter on that RP and or Waybill and display all warehouse Diary Action related to that RP and Waybill. Where it is a Waybill is will show both Waybill and RP Warehouse Diary Actions of the RP’s that are linked to the Waybill.
If you are filtered on the Operations Diary this will display all Ops Diary Actions and if double‑click in a Diary Action this will then Filter on that RP and or Waybill and display all operations Diary Action related to that RP and Waybill. Where it is a Waybill it will show both Waybill and RP Warehouse Diary Actions of the RP’s that are linked to the Waybill.
254148 Display Tasks for all branches by default in the Task Diary screen.
Description of Functionality: When viewing the Task Diary, the user by default will see only tasks that are assigned to the user’s own branch. However, some departments may work across multiple branches. To avoid having to clear the branch filter each time they load the Task Diary, a feature has been added that will clear the branch filter, so that users from specified departments can view all tasks.
Description of Usage: In Codes Management, filter by type = Department. Select the Department that you wish to affect. In the Comments field, enter ‘cleartaskbranch’. The default branch for all users in that department will now be blank when viewing the Task Diary. These users will now see tasks across all branches by default.
254192 Fixed Planner tasks to be edited only by users with Operation Manager security permission
Description of Functionality:Earlier only the users with operation manager privileges were able to see the ‘+’ button to add tasks for the vehicle/labour resource, though the other users could double click on the task and edit or even delete them. This behaviour has been modified and the double click on the middle table has been disabled for users without Operations Manager permissions. Only the users with Ops Manager privileges will be able to double click and get the popup to edit/delete tasks.
This change will also be reflected on the jobs where double click on a job would popup to modify details. This would only be possible for users with Operations Managers permissions.
Description of Usage: To test the feature out, login to Moveware as a user without Operations Manager permission and open up the planner. Locate a task on the middle table and double click on it. The user should not encounter a popup. Try the same with a user with Operations Manager permission and the user would get a popup to edit/delete tasks.
254391 Anglo to rerun diary creation when Removal won
Description of Functionality: When removal is won, from removal management, now it will re‑add diary actions from the job type, to match the same behaviour as the baggage screen.
Description of Usage: Go to removal management, find a removal with cost option, set removal status to W, check the diary actions of the JTC are now added in that are setup to auto create for status W
Company/Region Affected: Anglo
254645 Alert pop up in Ops Diary
Description of Functionality: Corrected alert to pop up in above screen when RP is accessed in fill ins.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by filtering RPID(partial length) which has an alert set, when clicked on that removal plan, alert pops up. When RPID (full length) is filtered, then no alert.
254725 Adding tasks to a vehicle or labour for Spanish Users Issue
Description of Functionality: Fixed adding tasks to a vehicle or labour for Spanish users.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on ‘+’ icon to add a task, choose a task and click Add (Nuevo in Spanish). The task is added.
254858 Fixed Diary Actions dates that Include Weekends
Description of Functionality: Fixed child dates with/without weekend dates with variance calculation upon creating a new job in removals screen. Previously, dates were calculated incorrectly.
Description of Usage: Settings in Diary Action ‑ Survey Reminder SMS Diary action with Include Weekends field = N, Variance = ‑1. The user can test this by creating a new job by setting survey date as Monday (16/11/15) and save it. Once saved, the diary actions created, Parent diary action Survey will set to survey date 16/11/15 and child diary action Survey Reminder SMS is set to 13/11/15 as weekends are not included. Both Survey and Survey Reminder SMS diary actions are set to auto create.
254877 Daily Diary ‑ Ability to Hide ‘Clear All Assigned Resources’ Button
Description of Functionality: Added new system parameter ‘Daily Diary ‑ Hide the Clear All Assigned Resources Button’ which when enabled will hide the ‘Clear All Assigned Resources’ button
255005 Branch Security changes on Planner Screen
Description of Functionality: System Parameter ‑ Use Multiple Branch Filtering in the Daily Diary needs to be set to Y. This will enable the ability to select multiple branches for filtering. The layout of the screen should change a little when this is set to Y (for screen resolutions greater than 1600 in width)
The screen needs to display all the inventory that is available for the branches filtered. So what it does is look at the Display Branches setting in the inventory setup to determine if the inventory should display based on the branches entered in that field. If no display branches are entered, then it will filter based on the Branch field in the inventory setup. If that is blank the inventory will display across all branches. If the user wants to share a vehicle across three branches, all branches should be set in the Display Branches field. Then if any one of the branches are entered in the branch filter of the Planner the inventory will display. The branch filter also determines the removals that will display. So if the removal branch is one of the branches entered in the branch filter then it will display also.
255309 Corrected weekly view in planner
Description of Functionality: In Planner screen, if the user toggles by weekly view, the right hand side should display all jobs for the week, rather than just the job for the daily view
Description of Usage: Go to planner, toggle by weekly view, check that all jobs for the week are on the right hand side
255597 Removal Priority shows on planner
Description of Functionality: Previously the removal priority was not displayed on the planner tabs, functionality has been changed to show the priority
256180 New System Parameter ‑ To default the estimators toggle in the appointment diary
Description of Functionality: When enabled, this will default the ‘Estimated Only’ to checked when Appointment Diary is opened.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To default the estimators toggle in the appointment diary.’ The user can test this by opening Appointment Diary screen (F3) and ‘Estimators Only’ toggle is enabled when System parameter is set to ‘Y’
256216 New system parameter ‑ ‘Set the date on add of a diary action.’
Description of Functionality: Diary actions can be configured to have parent diary actions with variance of dates ‑ to be set on a date before/after the parent record. When these diary actions are added automatically they will be generated with the appropriate dates. Although take note, when the diary action is added manually the dates of the parent diary actions were needed to be modified and only then the dates would get auto generated on the child diary actions added. This behaviour has been modified to generate the dates even on manual add of the diary action as long as the parent record does exist.
Description of Usage: This feature is controlled by the use of system parameter ‘Set the date on add of a diary action.’ by setting it to Y or N as required. To test this feature the user would require diary actions set up with the parent‑child relationship, a removals job with the parent record already added with date and the parameter set as required. Add the child diary action by clicking on the ‘Add’ button on the Removals>Diary screen, and the date should get populated if the parameter is set to Y.
256284 Daily Diary ‑ Extended hours combo box field and lookup value to 24
Description of Functionality: Daily Diary ‑ Add action at bottom and add diary action on top (‘+’) icons. Extended hours combo‑box field and lookup value to 24. Previously was only displaying up to 12 hours
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking the ‘+’ icon and combo‑box hours’ field which displays till 24.0. Also when double‑clicking on the ‘HrsE’ and ‘HrsA’ columns, lookup displays values up to 24.
256285 New System Parameter ‑ Send an alert to the user assigned to the diary action
Description of Functionality: Added reminder pop up to assigned users when a diary action is completed.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ Send an alert to the user assigned to the diary action if completed by a different user. The user can test this by selecting a diary action and completing it which sends a reminder to users which are assigned. If the assigned user contains with the user who is completing the diary action, no reminders are set.
256746 Drop Down List to populate pre‑defined discussion subject in Contact tab
Description of Functionality: Added a drop down list to display pre‑defined discussion subject set in codes management. Also, added auto‑populate functionality of email list based on user input to To/CC/BCC/From email address field.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting up discussion subjects in codes management under discussion type. When ‘Discussion is selected either in displaying or adding from left hand side list, arrow button is displayed on right side of ‘Subject’ (Removals > Contacts) field or beside ‘Comment’ field (on adding a new record) where the user can select accordingly. The button is not visible for other types. The second enhancement can be tested by clicking note button on discussion type, on typing the email address in ‘To’ field, will display the matching email list if the user has entered in the past which works similar to other email screens.
257123 Auto Create Diary Actions ‑ Updating date changes
Description of Functionality: A new system parameter has been added to Moveware to control how automatically created diary actions set the date of a diary action if it already exists in the diary of the job. The system parameter DiaryAutoCreateIgnoreUpdateExists: Auto created diary actions ‑ do not update date if action already exists may have three settings:
N ‑ Same functionality as in previous Moveware versions. If the diary action is flagged as Auto Create = Y then the date of the diary action will always update based on the parent given in the diary action setup.
Y ‑ The date of the auto created diary action will be updated if the diary action exists in the diary but ONLY if it has a blank date. If the date is already assigned to the diary, it will not get updated.
A ‑ The date of the auto created diary action will never get updated once the diary action exists in the diary.
Description of Usage: Previously Moveware will always update the date of the diary action with the default date (based on the Parent set against the diary action). If the job was in the same status as the auto create setting and the job was saved the date would update.
257446 Appointments ‑ New six-minute duration
Description of Functionality: Added 0.1 (6 minutes) duration to set appointments.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting up an appointment or adding a diary in contacts tab and setting the duration field to 0.1 which sets to 6 minutes.
257993 Diary Daily Notes update on Operational Workload message
Description of Functionality: Previously when users create diary notes for the day it is updated on the Operational Workload and displays the message there as well. Now when this diary note is cleared off the Operational Workload would still retain the message for the day. This behaviour has been changed to reflect the current status for the Diary Daily Notes entry.
Description of Usage: To test this feature please make sure that the system parameter to use new workload is set to ‘N’
258141 Fine Art ‑ Screen Update
Description of Functionality:
Reference Filter Added and Assigned/Unassigned Toggles to the Bottom of the screen
Item Count ‑ Users can manually do a Total Count of All/Assigned/Unassigned
Edition Added as a Column.
Third Toggle added and toggled moved to Bottom for Object on a Job/Diary Actions All/Assigned/Unassigned
258216 Fix for non‑applicable diary actions
Description of Functionality: Previously when a diary action is set to non‑applicable, and the job status is changed (typically set to W), the diary actions will become active again. This is now fixed so that when job is W the diary actions remain as non‑applicable
Description of Usage: From job diary screen, set a diary action to non‑applicable, modify the removal status (if not diary based resource costing) or cost option status (if diary based resource costing) to W, and confirm the diary actions remain as non‑applicable
258677 Auto create of Uplift diary action based on Lookup Type
Description of Functionality: When a removal is saved on status W and a date is entered in the Uplift field on the Details tab, and the removal is yet to have a diary action with key action of Uplift added, Moveware creates the diary action in the Diary tab. Currently Moveware selects the action that it thinks is best suited. However, this current selection does not allow for systems with Uplift key actions that are specific to the type of move.
Description of Usage:Now when the diary is created from the Details tab, Moveware will use the same selection process as before however with an extra check for the Lookup Types for the diary action. An Uplift key action with the move type of the current move (e.g. EX) in the Lookup Filters will be given higher precedence than the diary action without the move type or no Lookup Types listed.
258704 Replacing ‘?’ as blank in comments field
Description of Functionality: Fixed comment field beginning with ‘?’ to set as blank. Previously, if comments begin with ‘?’ diary actions will disappear. The user need to avoid entering ‘?’ in comment field as Moveware (more specifically Progress software) treats ‘?’ as null field.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by entering ‘?’ in comment column and saving it or clicking enter key where ‘?’ is replaced with blank. The user need to avoid entering ‘?’ in comment field.
258795 Diary ‑ Pop up message to override the existing file
Description of Functionality: Upon copy of a file in the removals shared folder in the diary tab, pop up a message if file already exists
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on paper clip icon and copying files to removals shared folder. When the same file is copied again, a pop up message is displayed with a request to override.
259031 Updating text in Sales/Appointment Diary Details field
Description of Functionality: Fixed details text when editing and sending it through appointment diary screen. Previously, updated text were not displayed.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding an appointment and clicking on Ok. Open the same appointment and edit the text which when sent with synching outlook will update the text in outlook calendar.
259275 New System Parameter ‑ Enforce Ops Diary Security in Big Diary
Description of Functionality: When this system parameter is turned on, the system should check user permission in big diary when they assign/unassign resources to diaries, only allowing users with groups O and 5 to do so.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ Enforce Ops Diary Security in Big Diary. Open the Big Operations Diary, assign/unassign resources to diaries while testing with a user with/ without security groups O and 5. Confirm the error messages pop up to say users do not have permission if they do not have groups O or 5.
259617 Martin Speed ‑ Allow survey estimated cost allocation
Description of Functionality: Previously if Diary Based Resource Costing is on, then only diaries on the cost option is allowed to have estimated resources allocated from diary resource tab, now MS survey diary action is allowed to have estimated resources allocated even if it is not on a cost option.
Description of Usage: Go to removal diary, find a survey diary action, and allocate estimated resource using the diary resource panel. This is allowed when there is no cost option on the removal
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
254124 New System Parameter ‑ Don’ update removal phone/email from DSP
Description of Functionality: New system parameters:
Dont Update Uplift Phone/Email From DSP
Dont Update Delivery Phone/Email From DSP
When set to Y, do not update Phone Email from DSP to removal uplift/delivery
Description of Usage: Set up system parameters, go into DSP tab, and change the addresses phone/email.Confirm the removal uplift/delivery phone/email hasn’t been updated, but addresses have.
257337 Added an alert to Account Manager upon addition of numerous Houses in DSP
Description of Functionality: In DSP, we’ve added an alert to Account Manager on removals when a user adds in ten or twenty houses.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by either clicking on house icon and adding 10 records or by adding a new record and adding to houses. The message is sent to Account Manager once it reaches 10th or 20th houses added by user. Note: The message is not sent for 11,12,13 ‑ 19th addition of house records.
249718 Email ‑ Ability to Create Custom Subject Templates
Description of Functionality: A new feature has been added to Moveware to allow systems to setup a standard email subject template. The template will apply to emails sent from locations within Moveware that are not linked to a report. These locations within Moveware include Removals Management, Baggage Management, Debtor Management, Creditor Management, Domestic & International Waybills, Domestic and International Agents and Rate Request Management.
In the general Moveware version, currently when sending emails from Removals Management the subject is auto populated with the Removal Plan number. The idea behind this change is to allow systems to expand this to include other details about the move, like the client’s name. These templates can be setup through Paragraph Management and different templates can apply to different sections of Moveware.
Description of Usage: To make use of the feature, systems must first setup templates for the Email Subject. The process to do this is as follows:
‑ Go to Paragraph Management and click the ‘Add’ button to add a new code or the ‘Copy’ button to make a copy of the existing code.
‑ Select the ‘Email Subject’ option from the drop down for Code Type.
‑ Once the Email Subject is selected the Code Value field will change to a combo box and only allow the code value to take certain values. Each of these values represent the location in Moveware where the Email Subject will be applied.
For example, if Removals is selected then the Email Subject template will apply in Removals Management and Baggage Management. Note only one template can be created for each location in Moveware. Once the Code Value is selected and the details entered into the Paragraph field the user can save the record. Below is an example of an email template for Removals Management, where the email subject will display the removals plan number and the clients name.
Code Type = Email Subject
Code Value = Removals
Paragraph = <RP> ‑ <Client>
Once the Email Subject has been set for the required area, the template will be available for use in Moveware. e.g. For the above example, when users click an email button from Removals Management > Details tab the subject will display like: 100001 ‑ John Smith.
251818 New System Parameter ‑ Contact tab enhancements
Description of Functionality: Customised email subject line for Armstrong (removal plan number ‑ client name ‑ discussion subject) and address book is hidden for other companies. Also, added email address to display with entry on right and sends email only for ARMS or if system parameter ‘To send email in contact tab’ is enabled. Also, added a new system parameter ‘To display only discussion diary type in contacts tab.’ to display only discussion type in contact tab.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To send email in contact tab. The user can test this by enabling the system parameter and clicking on Add button on add diary dialogue box which sends an email if system parameter is enabled and also email address is valid. The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’ and opening the diary tab where the contact toggle is checked and contact tab displays only discussion type.
System Parameter ‑ To display only discussion diary type in contacts tab. The user can test this by selecting ‘Discussion’ in above screen and clicking yellow post icon on top where the comment line displays the customised subject line. The address book is visible. For companies other than Armstrong, address book is hidden and the subject line is just the comments text.
Company/Region Affected: Armstrong
252352 Email System Update ‑ Email signature logos appearing as attachment
Description of Functionality: Earlier when sending emails out of Moveware using the DLL library in some cases the embedded images in an emails would appear on the email as well as an attachment on the email. In some other cases the images wouldn’t appear in the email at all and would show up as attachment. This would mostly be related to emails with signatures having logos or images.This behaviour has been changed to always show embedded images in the email and not as attachment when using DLL.
Description of Usage: Please ensure that the system parameter ‘Send Automated Email Through Moveware DLL’ is ‘Y’ to be able to use this feature. Also ensure that the latest version of the mwdll has been installed for the user. Please contact support to have this scheduled for you.
To test the feature, send an email with image in either the signature or the email body by Window > Send Email option. Please note that the users with email server settings setup for ‘server’ and not using ‘serviceurl’ would be limited at this point to jpg, jpeg, png and gif files only.
253395 Emails Sent From Reports ‑ Minor Bug Fix
Description of Functionality: For some users when a mail was sent out of moveware using an Outlook signature containing images, it would be delivered without the image. This has been fixed and should produce an email similar to the Window > Send Email option.
Description of Usage: Please note that this fix is only for the users facing trouble with the mails going out of Reports.To test it out, go to the Reports window, select a report and send it as email.
253402 New System Parameter ‑ Allows defaulting of outlook signature by branch
Description of Functionality: The new system parameter ‘Allows defaulting of outlook signature by branch’ allows the user to select a default outlook signature by branch/display branch.
Description of Usage: Turn on the system parameter ‘Allows defaulting of outlook signature by branch’ then follow the steps below:
Go to Employee Management, find your own user profile and go to the User Details tab.
At the bottom right hand corner, there is a branch/signature list. Click on Add to add a new default signature.
It will prompt you to select a branch for which the default signature will apply for. If this is going to be a default signature for all branches, click cancel at this point.
It will prompt you to select the default outlook signature for the selected branch. You can either select one here or click cancel and then it will pop up with a HTML editor for which you can create your own signature within Moveware to use for this branch.
Please note that as the signatures are located on individual workstations, unless if you know the name of the signature for the user that you’re setting the default signature for, you would need to do this on each users’ workstation to set their own default signatures. Individual users who do not have permissions to access Employee management can also do this themselves in the ‘Change User Defaults’ option under the Window menu in Moveware and then click on the ‘Signature’ button.
253914 Ability to cancel email after spell check for report email
Description of Functionality: From report email ‑ if the email runs spell check then the user is given an option to cancel the report email after the spell check is completed.
254448 New System Parameter ‑ Do not allow state abbreviation replacement
Description of Functionality: Corrected delivery address state abbreviation (Australia only) and fixed the Invoice Outstanding merge field displayed in SMS screen. Previously, display values were incorrect.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ Do not allow state abbreviation replacement. This applies only to Australia, and will ensure states such as VIC, NSW, QLD will remain as‑is instead of being replaced by the actual state name ‘Victoria’, ‘New South Wales’ etc.
254467 Outlook Inbox ‑ Attachment Preview enhancement to open files
System parameter required: ‘Preview Attachments in Outlook Inbox’
Description of Functionality: In Moveware v6.0 we added the ability to preview the attachments before downloading to make sure it isn’t just a signature of the sender, or any other unwanted file. This ability has been enhanced to be able to open up the attachment and view it. This can be done by selecting any one of the listed attachments and then clicking on the binoculars button. Please note that this is requires the system parameter ‘Preview Attachments in Outlook Inbox’ to be set to ‘Y’.
Description of Usage: To test the feature, please make sure that the system parameter has been set. On the Outlook Inbox window, select an email with attachments on it by double clicking on the Sel column (it would turn from blank to Y); Next link it with the appropriate removal, waybill etc. Tick the Download attachments checkbox (untick the bypass selection popup, if applicable). Now click on the post icon to create diary entry. This should take the user to the attachments preview dialog. The user should be able to select one attachment at a time and click on the binoculars button to view the attachment.
254548 Added Last Contact Column in CRM/Corporate screen
Description of Functionality: Added a Last Contact column in the CRM/Corporate screen which will allow the user to filter by corporates that were last contacted within a date range OR that were not contacted within the date range
Description of Usage: When contacting a debtor via Moveware and the contact is logged in the debtor/CRM contact screen, this last contact date is recorded and can be filtered for in the CRM/corporate search screen. The user can also search for any contacts that were outside of the specified date range by checking the toggle next to the Last contact date filters
254902 Fixed disappearance of special characters when sending mail from UTF‑8 supported database
Description of Functionality: The users with the database updated to support UTF‑8 special characters were facing issues when sending email with the special characters in the mail body. The main issue noticed was that the special character would disappear after a spell check and the recipient would receive mails without the character. This behaviour has been fixed to make sure the characters in the mail body go through as intended by the sender.
Description of Usage:To test this, head to the Send Email window and enter the required fields. Enter the special characters in the mail body and perform a spell check and send the mail. The recipient should be able to receive the complete mail with the special characters in the mail body. Please note that the users with UTF‑8 supported database should have the system parameter ‘Is this database a UTF‑8 Database?’ set to Y.
255165 Validation on email ‘To, CC and BCC’ fields
Description of Functionality: Validation on the TO/CC/BCC field to only display if To, CC and BCC fields are all blank. Previously, the ‘To’ field was always mandatory.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by entering the email address in CC or BCC fields leaving To field blank and click Send. The email is sent successfully.
255382 Fixed substring error on adding a paragraph in Email dialog
Description of Functionality: In the email dialogue we fixed the substring error which appears when adding a paragraph to existing text where this is no signature selected in the Signature combo box.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking the email icon, selecting the signature combo box to blank. Type in some text and add a paragraph. No error will display.
255640 Embedding Photos in Survey Confirmation emails
Description of Functionality: Added new email merge fields to allow users to embed the employee user’s photos to send in emails generated from Moveware.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by using email merge fields such as <Salesrep Image>, <Move Manager Image>, <Entered By Image>, <Corp Acc Manager Image> or <Account Manager Image> fields in the Report Configuration screen > Email Tab. The images the merge field is looking for is the photo saved against the employee in employee > management.
255878 Incorrect email address used on automated emails if user has multiple branch email addresses
Description of Functionality: Fixed automated email for users linked to 2 branches.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a user which is linked to 2 branches and when the automated email is sent, it fetches the correct email address.
256094 Signature when replying to previously sent emails
Description of Functionality: Previously when a user ‘A’ had sent an email to x and the same user ‘A’ tried to reply, the signature section at the end of the previously sent email would get modified by the signature combo box. When user ‘B’ attempts to reply to the same message, it would add a new signature up top before horizontal line and then modify that bit with the combo box. This has been resolved to make it always appear on top before the horizontal line. Please note that this change affects only the users with Use HTML editor system parameter turned on (set as ‘Y’).
Description of Usage: To test the feature, open Removals > Diary and find an email sent entry with and without the sender as the logged in user.When sender is the same user it would have previously not displayed the selected signature on the top of email, whereas with the new change it would now display the signature on the top of email body.
256121 Internal Phone Book ‑ Users should have access to company employee emails from all branches
Description of Functionality: We’ve corrected the issue where branch security was also restricting users from accessing the list of email addresses of user in the same company but from a branch they do not have read and/or write security access to.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on F5 and choose Employee option.
256319 New System Parameter ‑ Use conventional reply to sender in Diary
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to include From and To email address, excluding the user email itself when selecting ‘Reply to all’ option while sending an email.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘Use conventional reply to sender in Diary’. The user can test this by enabling the system parameter and clicking on Reply All button in Contacts tab, user email should be excluded from the email list.
256576 Fixed Signature length in email bug
Description of Functionality: Fixed a bug which occurs when the signature exceeds the length of message body.Error message “REPLACE/CONCAT may not result in data >32000 bytes (11678)”.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by having a long signature and clicking on reply to icon on top of diary tab and there are no bytes exceeding error message.
257023 MoveClient Login links with multiple email addresses in Clients/Delivery field
Description of Functionality: Earlier when a removals job had multiple emails addresses in the Client/Delivery field the client could only log in using the first email address. Also the website merge fields like <Website Account> for such jobs would create link which would redirect to Moves Summary instead of the tab required. This behaviour has been changed and now the clients would be able to log in using any of the ‘Client or ‘Delivery’ email addresses. The merge fields would now create the link to redirect to the required tab.
Description of Usage: To test the feature, the user would have to turn the system parameter ‘Check other removal emails in Clients and Delivery details when validating a user’ to ‘Y’. If the parameter is Y, then the other emails entered in the Clients and Delivery email address fields separated by semi‑colon will be matched with the entered username on the MoveClient portal. Please note that the merge field does NOT require the above system parameter to be turned on.
257074 Reply To email address filed to exclude other email address
Description of Functionality: Fixed ‘Reply To’ field to fetch only email address which is sent from excluding other email addresses. Previously, other email addresses were included.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a diary action of email which has To, CC and BCC email addresses and clicking on ‘Reply To’ button which fetches the email address which is sent from excluding other email addresses.
257136 New Functionality in Invoice Sent through Multi Print for Storage Invoicing
Description of Functionality: When sending Invoice through Multi Print when they are successfully sent through the Multi Print/Batch Emailing they are flagged as sent. There is a new Toggle in the Invoice Report setup ‑ “Unsent Only”, which will then only display the Invoices that have not been sent.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257638 Bug Fix with Automated Emails sent to Destination Agent
Description of Functionality: Previously when an automated email was set to be sent to the Destination Agent, if the Destination Agent was not found the system would send to the Booking agent details instead. This behaviour has been modified to set the diary action as failed instead, no email would be sent.
Description of Usage: To test this feature the automated email must be set for the user. Get a Diary Action with linked Report to send to Destination Agent. Set the Destination Agent on the job to be blank in Removals > Details. Check the status of the diary action on Removals Diary screen.
257824 Added Branch Logo merge field
Description of Functionality: Earlier when setting up auto emails the users would have to manually get the signature branch images. This has now been automated with Branch Logo merge with field which would fetch the logo for the signature of the respective branch and add as required along with the anchor tag referencing the website related to the branch, so that clicking on the logo would redirect to the website of the branch.
Description of Usage: To set this feature please make sure of the following:
Branch Logo appears for you on the merge field options (this is just for the convenience and would still work if manually typed like other fields)
Branches (Branch Management) > Setup tab > Report Footer Logo field has the correct location of the image to be used for the branch signature image.
After the above have been set the user should be able to add the above merge field at the required location on the Email setup tab of the Report Configuration of the auto email. When this auto email goes through the Branch Logo merge field should be replaced with the image as required.
Company/Region Affected: Asian Tigers
257912 Added ‘Reply All’ button in places where there is a reply button
Description of Functionality: Wherever there is the option to reply to an email, there is now a button next to the reply button to Reply All.Clicking on the Reply All button replies to the previous recipients and any CC recipients.
Description of Usage: The Reply All button will be visible in the following places:
Job Diary
Waybill Diary
Rate Request Diary
Customer/Debtor Contact Tab
Creditor/Vendor Contact Tab
Outlook Inbox
Job Contacts Tab
Clicking on the Reply All button replies to the previous recipients and any CC recipients as opposed to simply just the recipients as with the Reply button
258191 New Email Merge field for ‘Client Language’
Description of Functionality: New Email Merge field for ‘Client Language’ made available
258212 Fixed country code translation in report emails
Description of Functionality: Fixed country code translation in report emails for origin and destination code. Previously, Country in subject line is translated incorrectly.
258226 Waybill Diary for reports using waybill consignee
Description of Functionality: Previously when an email is sent (whose report setup uses ‘Waybill Consignee’ as its Source), the email diary actions is created only against the removal, the email diary action is not created against the waybill module as well. The change is to also add a waybill diary record of the email event if system is setup to use waybill diary (diary tab is visible in waybill module)
Description of Usage:From waybill screen, send email from a report which is set up to use ‘waybill consignee’ as its email source (in report configuration > email tab). After email has been sent, confirm the waybill diary is recorded on the waybill diary tab, provided the tab is available in Moveware System.
258385 Fixed Rate Request Email merge field values
Description of Functionality: Fixed Internal Notes and employee full name merge fields. Previously, the merged values were incorrect.
Description of Usage: The user can test this setting the merge fields in rate request report and by clicking on report drop down list in rate request details screen, values are displayed accordingly.
258512 Filtering of Paragraphs based on exclude removal types field set in paragraphs
Description of Functionality: Fixed issue where paragraphs set to be excluded for a particular type (in Paragraph Setup Screen) were still displaying on the lookup on a removal which is part of the paragraph’s excluded type list.
258651 New System Parameter ‑ to display ‘Reference’ field as blank in email popup
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to setting the ‘Reference’ value to blank in the email pop up screen. Previously the reference would be the removals number / waybill / storage ID etc. depending on where the email button was selected.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To switch off Reference field coming through emails.’ The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’, completing a diary action where Reference value is blank when email is sent.
259022 Added new Email Merge fields
Description of Functionality: Added new email merge fields to convert to respective values: ‑ Port Origin Code, Port Dest Code, Rate Request Total Only, Rate Request Total Currency Symbol, Rate Request Total Currency.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting these merge fields in report configuration and opening the report to display merged values of above fields.
259032 Storing long email text in Additional Notes field
Description of Functionality: Fixed additional notes text display when a long email is sent.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by sending an email and view the full email which is saved in Additional Notes field.
259047 New System Parameter ‑ No moveware signature
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to have blank signature in email screens.
Description of Usage: System Parameter is ‘To set blank signatures for all users in email.’ The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’ to set blank signature for all users. If the system parameter is set to ‘N’ and you wish to set this up for a particular user only – set the specific user’s Employee > User Details > ‘Use Outlook Signature’ to ‘B’. In Codes Management > Employee Details ‘Use Outlook Signature’ need to have value ‘B’ (Blank).
259113 New System Parameter ‑ sort contact records in descending order
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter to provide the option of sorting the removal contact records in descending order.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To sort contact records in descending order’. The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘D’ which sorts contact records from latest to earliest date. If set to ‘N’ it sorts from earliest to latest date.
259130 Single selection of records in Outlook Inbox
Description of Functionality: Removed multiple selection of records when linking removal records using lookup. Previously, multiple records were highlighted but only the last item was selected.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting multiple records in lookup but it selects and highlights single record in lookup.
259184 New System Parameter ‑ to decide the blank lines prior to the signature in emails
Description of Functionality: Fixed substring error which was displaying on adding a paragraph. Also a new system parameter to set blank lines between signature and email body. Previously, blank lines are displayed before signature.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘How many lines to be added prior to the signature when emailing.’ The user can test this by setting an integer number in the system parameter which decides the blank lines between signature and email body.
259414 DSP Email Addresses now available in Internal Phone Book
Description of Functionality: Added DSP email addresses of people in email selection list. Previously, the list included Client, Delivery, Origin Agent, Destination Agent, Booking Agent, Entered By, Move Manager, Claim, and Corporate IDs.
Description of Usage: The user can test this if system parameter ‘Enable Destination Services Provider (DSP) Functionality’ is set to ‘Y’ and if DSP email address of people is not blank. On click of the arrow beside To / CC / BCC fields, list of email addresses is displayed where DSP email addresses are included.
259994 Logging email diary action regardless of ‘Update’ field value set when sending a report email
Description of Functionality: Logging email diary action regardless of ‘Update’ field set in Diary Actions when sending a report email. Previously, email sent diary action entry is not updated when an email is sent.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by sending an email through report drop down list, refresh the diary screen and email sent diary action is logged.
254562 HG Specific Exception to Branch Security
Description of Functionality: Removed branch security access for Harrow Green
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking F5 and observing that all users are visible in Employee and Branch combo‑box value.
Company/Region Affected: Harrow Green
256724 Employee Username (Salesrep initials) auto generation and validation
Description of Functionality: Extended auto generation of Username (Salesrep initials) with characters and numbers. Also validation added to the modification of the field to exclude any non-alphanumeric characters such as &, %, $, #, @, etc.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on the blue arrow in above screen and unique 3 characters are generated. Following is an example:
First Name ‑ Training Last Name ‑ Account
Note ‑ Initially takes first character of both first and last name then first two characters of first name and then first two characters of last name joined with numbers 1‑0 and A‑Z.
257191 Bug Fix ‑ ‘Years Worked’ in Employee Management
Description of Functionality: Previously if there is a start date entered in Employee Management, it would automatically calculate Years to be the current date ‑ start date regardless of whether Date terminated is entered. We have made a fix so that if date terminated is entered, it will calculate “Years” as Date Terminated ‑ Start Date.
Description of Usage: If a terminated date is entered in employee management, the system will calculate Years worked to be from the start date to the terminated date, otherwise it will calculate from the start date to the current date.
258166 Event Log Update ‑ Debtors
Description of Functionality: When Account Manager/Account Rep is changed, event log the change.
215747 Event Log Update ‑ Added in additional Event Logging for Rates Management
Description of Functionality: Added event log feature for changes in the rate matrix in the creditor/removals product setup. Previously, there was event logs for each rate setup but not for rate matrix (table on the right panel)
251652CB New system parameters ‑ Limit One Credit Note Per Invoice & Invoice Must Be Positive
Description of Functionality: New system parameters:
Restrict One CR Per Invoice
When enabled, only allow credit note to be created if none exists. This only takes effect when creating credit note for the invoice directly, not when users creating a credit cost option.
Invoice Must Be Positive
When enabled, ensure all invoice lines result in a positive value. Ensures in these cases a credit note should be generated instead. Only applies to manual invoices and not invoices created from cost option
Description of Usage:
Enable the system parameters
Go to invoice and create a credit note, then create another one, the system should prevent this from happening.
Add an invoice line and add a negative amount so the total of the invoice is negative, the system should not allow the user to save this line
252013 Ability to assign an auto‑increment value for customs ref when user selects to do so on a Job.
Description of Functionality: We have added an ability that will assign an auto‑increment number to the Customs Ref field on a job when the user selects to do so. As the number would auto‑increment, it would be unique which is required for removals submitted to customs and other third‑party officials but is not needed for every job.
Description of Usage:
Double‑click in the customs ref to assign a new number
Once assigned, the user cannot double‑click on the field again to assign another number
User should not be able to type into or delete anything in that field
The assigned number should auto‑increment for the next job
User can set a starting number under administration ‑> system setup ‑> setup start numbers and change the Value for ‘Customs Reference’
Company/Region Affected: Ward
253316 Invalid account message clarification
Description of Functionality: From Invoice or Purchase screen, when a user adds a new line item and the G/L account is invalid, the user would encounter an ‘Error: <account> is invalid’ message. Moveware has now expanded this error message to say ‘Company, Branch, Cost Centre, GL Sub code combination <account> is invalid on invoice/purchase line <desc>’, the detail depending on the company’s current G/L setup (System uses a combination of Company/branch/cost centre for their general ledger accounts).
253438 Added calc type ‘RT’ for removal products that applies rate against invoice total
Description of Functionality: We have added the calc type ‘RT’ for removal products so that the rate is applied on the total of all charge lines on the same invoice that is not of calc type RT. This is useful for credit card surcharge where a % rate is applied against the total of the invoice.
Description of Usage:
Create a removal product (e.g. credit card surcharge)
Add a rate to the removal product with calc type ‘RT’ and a rate.
Add the new removal product to an invoice with a value and it should automatically assign the total value of the invoice as the QTY of the new charge line
Change any existing lines of the invoice and the charge line with the RT rate should automatically adjust its QTY to match the total value of the invoice (inclusive of tax) excluding itself
Note that this is used for manual invoices or invoices that is not generated from cost options, for costs generated invoices, this should be done on the creditor side which already has RT (and other appropriate calc types available)
253609 Setting default General Ledger Year field in Inquiry screen
Description of Functionality: On load of the General Ledger inquiry screen, default the Year filter to be the company’s current G/L year value, the company year being the company the moveware user belongs to. i.e. the Year is determined by the branch of the user, it’ll find the company linked to that branch and uses the company’s current G/L year.
253619 New System Parameter ‑ The branch filter of Debtor/Creditor lookup is default set to G/L account record
Description of Functionality: Set the branch filter of Debtor and Creditor lookups based on the Bank Account selected.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ The branch filter of Debtor/Creditor lookup is default set to gacc record of bank account branch in Receipt/Payments screen. The user can test this by selecting a record in Account combo‑box in above screens and click on Debtor or Creditor field’s arrow box on right side. The branch filter is set depending on the Bank Account branch value and the records are filtered. Note ‑ Debtors lookup filters including blank value branches.
253873 Customer BSB field to NAB’s aba file export file
Description of Functionality: Added customer’s BSB field to NAB’s ABA export file.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a record where the customer has a BSB and account number in the above screen and click on Save button. The BSB of customer is exported in detail records.
Company/Region Affected:Region ‑ Asia Pacific
254292 Added reminders for Recurring General Ledger Journals
Description of Functionality: Added reminders for General Ledger Recurring journals.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a recurring journal and clicking on post icon in above screen. Employees who are part of the ‘General Ledger’ Notify Group (seen in Employee > User Details) will have reminders created with a date being the due date.
254408 Changes to Budgeting Screen
Description of Functionality: Added ability to mark up/down selected budgets by a user specified percentage in the budgeting screen.
Description of Usage: In the General Ledger Budgeting Screen:
User clicks ‘Mark Up/Down’ button.
From that, they can add a % mark up or mark down to all selected values.
User can select multiple lines by holding Ctrl and clicking on the lines.
Users can also select/deselect all using New buttons at the bottom of the screen.
254440 New file/attach buttons on invoice
Description of Functionality: Added a file folder icon and an attachment icon on the debtor invoice screen, which works in the similar fashion as the icons available on the purchase screen.
Description of Usage: When file folder icon is selected, it opens up the debtor folder for documents. When attachment icon is selected, the user can attach files to the invoice/debtor
254631 Purchase Attachment Lookup Change
Description of Functionality: Added functionality so the Attachment Lookup now searches for Purchase Number and Client Invoice Number by default.
254866 Debtors Search ‑ Filtering by Prospect amendment
Description of Functionality: Corrected a bug where filtering by debtor code and checking the ‘include prospect, suspects etc.’ will still exclude the prospect accounts.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by checking the toggle status, enter a debtor code of status prospect and confirm the search results has not excluded the debtor account.
255178 New System Parameter ‑ Final Approver Field on Purchase
Description of Functionality: New Final Approver Field in Purchase. Controlled by System Parameter “MultipleApprover”. Value = F (Previously Values were just Y or N) now we have added F which enables ‘Multiple Approvers’ as well as the ‘Final Approver’ field. Opens up a secondary Approver field in the Purchase screen which gets set after the First/Initial Approver/s have approved the Purchase Invoice. Can be manually or automatically set based on the last First Approver to Approve the Purchase Invoice. The Final Approver can be assigned per employee in Employee Management > Employee Details and to also define someone as a FINAL Approver can set an Employee as a Final Approver is also setup in Employee Management>Employee Details.
255179 Screen Resolution Fix for Purchase Approval Screen
Description of Functionality:Screen Resolution Fix for Purchase Approval Screen, screen was not resizing based on native screen resolution.
256012 New System Parameter ‑ ‘MoveCustomerFiles’ and ‘MoveCreditorFiles’
Description of Functionality:Event Log Added when Moving a Creditor Invoice from one Creditor to another using the Blue Arrow. Previously the move was not record in the event log of the Creditor Invoice. New system parameters added:
Move Invoice related files when debtor of the invoice changes (MoveCustomerFiles)
Move Purchase related files when creditor of the purchase changes (MoveCreditorFiles)
When enabled the files are moved when debtor/creditor changes on invoice/purchase.
Description of Usage: Enable system parameters. Go to invoice/purchase screens, and change debtor/creditor, check the files are moved accordingly to the new folders
256061 Invoice date Correction on Copy, Creation of Credit Note
Description of Functionality: Previously when an invoice is copied or a credit note is created from an invoice, the date is reset to today’s date which is not the desired behaviour. The date should be the branch/company invoice date if that is set, to match the same behaviour when the user raises a new invoice. Only if the company/branch invoice date does not exist should today’s date be used.
Description of Usage: Setup an invoice date in branch/company. Go to invoice screen, copy an existing invoice. Check the date is set to invoice date
256229 Issue with finance charges going into the wrong account
Description of Functionality: From receipting screen, when there is a bank charge the charge should go into the same branch/cost centre as the bank account’s branch/cost centre setup/Currently it would send the bank charge to the first bank account the system finds
Description of Usage: Post a receipt with some bank charges, confirm the bank charges have gone into the correct account with the same branch/cc as the bank account
256593 Bank BSB format setting in codes management
Description of Functionality:Added BSB format to be set dynamically from codes management depending on country code.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting a format to BSB Format field in Codes Management under Country Type (e.g. XXXXXXXXXX) for a specific country code and BSB field in Banking Account screen can hold that many characters.
256671 New System Parameters ‑ Mass update invoice exchange rates and mass unlink invoices from cost options
Description of Functionality: The ability to unlink invoices from cost options, and then update the exchange rate of the invoices (not the cost options), has been added to the Invoice Update screen. Two System Parameters have been added:
‘MassInvoiceExRateUpdate’ which allows update of exchange rate on mass invoices
‘MassInvoiceUnlink’ which allows unlink of mass invoices from cost options
Description of Usage: To activate these features, the System Parameters must be given a Value of Y. Once activated, two buttons will appear on the Invoice Update screen. The Mass Invoice Unlink will add the ‘invoice unlink’ icon to the top of the Invoice Update screen. When the user selects invoices from the screen, and clicks this icon, a message will appear advising that these invoices have been unlinked from their respective cost options. The Mass Invoice Exchange Rate update parameter will add a green dollar sign symbol to the top of the Invoice Update screen. When the user selects invoices from the screen, and clicks this icon, a pop‑up will ask for the modified exchange rate. The user should input the desired exchange rate, and click ok. Please note that this will only update the Invoice exchange rate, not the cost option exchange rate. This allows for updating the exchange rate at the date of the invoice, while not changing the exchange rate on the costing tab, allowing the exchange rate at the time of quoting to remain intact.
256675 Added ability to copy journal lines in the journal creation screen
Description of Functionality:Under General Ledger Journals ‑ New Tab, users can now highlight existing journal lines and copy the exact journal line with the Copy button. This will create a new journal line with the exact same Account, Name, Type, Value, etc. as the highlighted journal line
Description of Usage: Under General Ledger ‑> Journals ‑> New Tab, user can now highlight a journal line and click copy to create a duplicate of the highlighted journal.
256678 New System Parameter ‑ Skip Entering Reasons For Voiding Journals
Description of Functionality: Currently when voiding a journal, the user is required to Enter a reason for voiding the journal. The new system parameter ‘Skip Entering Reasons for Voiding Journals’ will allow users to void the journal without having to enter a reason.
256849 Creditor Management ‑ Show unposted Purchases Toggle
Description of Functionality: Previously the ‘Show Unposted Purchases’ Toggle in Creditor Management > Inquiry Tab only displayed “N” Status Invoices and was not adjusted to include the new Status A. The Toggle has now been adjusted to include both Status N & A Purchases
256918 New system parameter ‑ Run Earnings Calculation for balance reports
Description of Functionality: When system parameter is enabled, will always run balance sheet calculations upon running those financial reports, otherwise the balance sheet calculations are run overnight provided MoveConnect is running. The overnight calculations are usually done overnight originally to increase speed generation of report.
257055 Fixed mismatched error when voiding journal in bank rec screen
Description of Functionality: Fixed mismatched number of parameters error when clicked on void button (red arrow) in above screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on red arrow button which is present on top and there is no error displayed.
257377 Purchase Update ‑ Added ‘Created By’ column and “Entered By” filter
Description of Functionality: Added “Created By” column with a filter and “Entered By” filter to purchase update screen. Also screen will resize based on moveware screen resolution.
Description of Usage: The user can see the new columns and filters added in purchase update screen. Also, resizing of screen takes place based on screen resolution selected under Window > Change User Defaults.
257585 Validation of Quantity and Rate
Description of Functionality: Added Quantity and Rate fields validation on Saving of the record.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a record which has zero values on Quantity or Rate and clicking on Save button (either on top or bottom), will display a validation message.
Company/Region Affected: Harrow Green
257769 Bank Deposit screen file export change for UK Region
Description of Functionality: From bank deposit screen if the invoice is a manual invoice (Invoice Source ‘M’) then the reference value defaults to debtor code, which is then exported to the bank file under the ‘reference’ column
Description of Usage: From bank deposit screen, check if an invoice is a manual invoice that the other reference field is set to debtor code and that is exported to bank file for UK clients
Company/Region Affected: Region ‑ United Kingdom
258095 Extend First Part of Debtor Code Search to Debtor Invoicing
Description of Functionality: Previously in Debtor>Invoicing when searching on Debtor Code it had to be an exact match. Now paired with ‘sysparam‑exactdebtorcode’ set to N you can type the first part of the code. Note: The screen with only load 50 debtor records to maintain the speed in the screen load ‑ so you may have to enter at 3 character to display the Invoices with debtor that codes that begin with the data you have inputted.
258396 Fixed buffer error when ‘Show Unposted Purchases’ is checked.
Description of Functionality: Fixed buffer error appearing upon selecting “Show unposted Purchases” tick box.
258573 New system parameter ‑ Move File Not Exact Match for debtor and creditor
Description of Functionality: System parameter to be used together with ‘Move Purchase related files when creditor of the purchase changes’.It should find partial match (match on purchase number or order number only) for the creditor invoice/order when creditor is changed and move the files to the new creditor folder. When disabled (by default), it requires exact match ‘Purchase xxxxxx’ or ‘Purchase order xxxxxx’ for files to be moved
Description of Usage: Enable system parameter ‑ Move File Not Exact Match for debtor and creditor. From Purchase/Purchase order screen:
Change creditor
Check files are moved to new folder on partial match (match on invoice number or order number)
259271 Invoice Update Export ‑ Custom Change
Description of Functionality: Invoice export changes for company 6 to include the debtor code
Description of Usage:
From invoice update
Export GRO
Check for CSU branch debtor is exported
Company/Region Affected: Grospiron
259560 White and Co ‑ Electronic Banking File Change
Description of Functionality: White and Co only. Slight change to electronic bank file to following format
6019280101593109960192800000000 00000062608ACTIVAIR (UK) LTD WHITES & CO ACTIVAIR (UK) LTD 160224
Description of Usage: Electronic banking screen, create bank file
Company/Region Affected: White and Co
254349 Diary Actions to run based on ‘Removal only’ field set in Diary actions.
Description of Functionality: Updated diary actions to create based on ‘Removals Only’ field set in Diary Actions. Previously, even if ‘Removals Only’ field is set to ‘N’ diary actions were created on rate requests after the job type creator is run.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by running the job type creator where diary actions are created only if ‘Removal Only’ field is set to ‘N’ in Diary Actions setting.
254546 Updating Rate Request branch field as branch of Destination Agent
Description of Functionality: Updating ‘Agent To’ field updates branch field if the updated agent’s branch has a value.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by updating the agent which updates branch field if updated agent’s field is set. If it is not set, then branch is not updated.
Company/Region Affected: Transworld NZ
258701 New System Parameter ‑ Show Both Import and Export Jobs in Bond Register
Description of Functionality: By default the Bond Register screen shows only Import jobs. A new system parameter ‘Show Both Import and Export Jobs in Bond Register’ has been added to show Export jobs as well
Description of Usage: Turn on the system parameter and you should now see Export jobs in the Bond Register screen
246667 Updating the Price format to store bigger numbers
Description of Functionality: Updated Material Cost and Sell Price format to 99,999,999.999 along with increasing the font for fields in Rate Matrix tables with the use of the ‘RateMatrixFont’ system parameter. Increased format of Rates, Markup, Minimum and Maximum columns to fit larger numbers in Debtors and Creditors Rates tab.
Description of Usage: The user can set ‘RateMatrixFont’ system parameter value to ‘Y’ such that the font size of Variable Rate Matrix tables font size to set to Font 12 to view all the digits. If the value is set to ‘N’ the font size is default where the digits are cut off if the number is huge. The user can enter up to 7 digits in Rates, Markup, Minimum and Maximum columns of Rates tab in Debtors and Creditors screen.
247661 Changes to Standard Clearing BCN/UCR in Object Management
Description of Functionality: UCR/BCN should only get assigned when the MSPD Toggle is checked as well as the CPC matching the criteria. Previously when the CPC is changed to a NON Controlled CPC the user is prompted to remove/change the UCR Code. Now if a user changes the CPC Code the UCR is not remove. If a user changes the CPC Code to a valid CPC Code that would set/update the UCR/BCN then they should be able to update using the standard method.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
250722 Data Import for Fine Art ‑ Object Import
Description of Functionality: New Data Import Template created to be able to Import Fine Art Object, with the ability to create Components and Cases at the same time.
251963 Ability to modify multiple Asset Management Items
Description of Functionality: Added the ability to select multiple asset management items in the Debtor ‑> inventory tab and then change specific properties of the selected items at once
Description of Usage: On an Asset Management Debtor, go to the inventory tab:
Double click to select the products/items they want to change or filter them on the screen and click the select all button.
Click the mass change button to the left of the select all button.
Enter the changes
Click OK
252091 Added Column Sorting to the Object Lookup List & Job Inventory List for Fine Art / Asset Management
Description of Functionality: When looking up Fine Art or Asset Management objects pick list, users can sort the list by clicking on the column headers. Users can also click on the column headers on the fine art/asset management job inventory screens to sort by columns.
Description of Usage: Click on the headers in Object Lookup to sort by the columns
254320 Database Setup ‑ Ability to update Cost Centres across the whole system
Description of Functionality: Updated pass to change cost centres in Removals, Waybills, Storage, Rate Request, Costing and invoicing from one cost centre to another.
Description of Usage: Database Setup is only available to Moveware Admin users. The user can test this by clicking on ‘Update Cost Centres on all records’ and clicking on run where old and new values of cost centres need to be entered and click on Run button. The cost centres in above listed will be updated to new cost centre value.
254501 Bug Fix ‑ Fixed Vehicle lookup sort order; Added ability to filter by/out costing items in the inventory
Description of Functionality: Previously, vehicles showing in the vehicle lookup was not sorting by the sort order specified in the inventory setup backend. This has now been fixed.In the inventory lookup for things such as vehicles, labour, packing, etc., there is now a Costing combo‑box which will allow the user to filter by cost types. By Default, it will filter on Costing Item = ‘N’.
Description of Usage: To Test the vehicle sort order, the user can set the sort order in vehicles under Inventory Management and bring up its lookup from anywhere in Moveware and see that they are sorted according to the sort order specified rather than Alphabetically. To Filter out/by costing items: Bring up the inventory lookup, there will now be a costing item combo‑box which the user can use to filter out/on costing items
254837 Inventory screen cannot click on last line
Description of Functionality: Corrected issue where users were unable to select the last record line on the browser nor able to click on the down button
Description of Usage: From Inventory screen, confirm you can click on last line of the browser and can use the down button
257104 Location Lookup defaults for John Mason
Description of Functionality: Upon loading the location lookup button, uncheck the ‘show own locations’ box and default the agent filter to be ‘John Mason’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on the location lookup button, observe the ‘show own locations’ toggle is unchecked and Agent filter is set as ‘John Mason’. For other companies, toggle is checked and fill‑in is set to Agent which is set against the user in Employee Management.
Company/Region Affected: John Mason
257137 Prompt when creating Components from an Artwork when in a Job or Storage Account to Add them to the Job/Storage Account you are in.
Description of Functionality: Prompt when creating Components from an Artwork when in a Job or Storage Account to Add them to the Job/Storage Account you are in. When in a Fine Art Job and you open an Object ‑ you can create components from the Master Object the system will prompt you add these components to the Job as you create them.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257234 Fine Art Object Lookup through Removals Management Inventory
Description of Functionality: A Toggle has been added to the Object Lookup next to Storage ID Filter when a Storage ID is entered into the Storage ID Filter you will see all Objects both in and out in that Account and you can use the Toggle to HIDE the Object that are out. Moveware holds the previous Storage ID, if the Object has been moved between Storage Account it will not show as an out Item in the current search.
257375 New System Parameter ‑ Control Inventory lookup’s default Inventory Type on load
Description of Functionality: For the Purchases Inventory value lookup, we’ve added a new system parameter to allow the inventory lookup to display a certain inventory type by default if desired. Currently the lookup displays a list of all inventory types. Handy for Moveware systems that primarily creates purchase lines for solely vehicles, packing or furniture items etc.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To default inventory type in Inventory lookup.’ The user can test this by setting the system parameter value to a valid inventory type. e.g. Packing, Furniture etc. On double clicking on inventory column, the inventory lookup will set the inventory type combo box to the value set against the system parameter and therefore will filter the inventory list accordingly. If the system parameter value is set to blank, ‘N’ or is set to an invalid inventory type, leave the inventory combo type to blank and display all inventory on lookup.
257376 New System Parameter ‑ Inventory Lookup to hide inventory that are set as costing items
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to hide costing items in inventory lookup.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‘To hide inventory that are set as costing items.’ The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’ and clicking on Inventory column. Inventory lookup is opened where inventory items which has costing default field set to ‘Y’ are hidden.
257514 Advanced Search for Fine Art/Asset Management Module
Description of Functionality: In the Object Management module for Fine art (or Asset management), there is an advanced search option on the top left hand corner which allows the user to include additional search options to filter on the objects they’re after.
Description of Usage: In Object Management, click on the funnel button at the top left hand corner of the screen to bring up extra filters for searching
257519 Object Management ‑ Automatic Selection of P Drive when attaching Pictures to Objects.
Description of Functionality: Object Management ‑ Automatic Selection of P Drive when attaching Pictures to Objects.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257701 Prevent User from Locating an Object that is Fully out of Store from Storage Management
Description of Functionality: Prevent users from locating an object that is fully out of store from Storage Management. If a User tries to locate an Object through Storage Management Inventory using the assign location icon and the selected object has a Date Out they will not be able to update the Location. Note ‑ this does not prevent the location of an object that is on a Job only through Storage Management Inventory
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257921 Added colour coding for the container fields on Artworks/Components in Fine Art
Description of Functionality: There will now be colouring on the container description based on the logic below:
If there is a Container on a Container ‑ Highlight Pack/Container Field Red
If there is more than one Object Inside a Container and NO Container on a Container then Highlight the Pack/Container Field Purple
If there is both of the above ‑ Multiple Objects in a Container and then also a Container on that Container then highlight the Field Yellow
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
258020 Filter for Day Column in Inventory Management
Description of Functionality: A filter for the Day column has been added to Inventory Management > Cost Rates tab. The filter performs a wildcard search (Days column can be allocated with a list of days) to return a list of all the rates flagged for the day selected in the filter.
Description of Usage: This filter was not previously available in Moveware
258516 Fine Art ‑ Stock Client Ref Made available on Container
Description of Functionality: Stock Client Ref Made available on Container
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
258523 Fine Art ‑ Added Validation when updating the Location of the Contents of a Master Container Record
Description of Functionality: Added validation to update the contents of a container to match the container when saving the container from the master record.
258653 Rate Import Export Spreadsheet ‑ for Inventory Rates Import Fixed
Description of Functionality: Rate Import Export Spreadsheet ‑ for Inventory Rates Import Fixed. Previously when you export Rates from Type Inventory and selected “Price” it did not Export the Debtor Code Assigned to the rate and the Entity was described as the Creditor. This has now been resolved and the Column Heading updated to Creditor/Debtor.
258688 Data Import ‑ Container Import Validation
Description of Functionality: For Data Import for type ‘Container’, if column 14 is filled with the value ‘storage’ the validation needs to check for existing inventory of type storage, otherwise perform a check against existing inventory of type ‘container’ as per usual.
Description of Usage:
Go to data import > container.
Fill column 14 with ‘storage’ to import storage inventory rather than container inventory
Check the validation works correctly for checking existing inventory in the system
259078 New system parameter ‑ Group Same Removal Products On Invoice
Description of Functionality: When enabled, if a cost line is not included in the cost option on invoice, then if there are multiple cost lines of the same removal product, they should be grouped together on invoice (as long as they have the same tax code and rate, otherwise they should still be grouped by removal product and tax rate). If they are part of the cost option removal product this is already grouped together
Description of Usage: System parameter ‑ Group Same Removal Products On Invoice. When there are multiple cost lines of the same removal product and are not part of the cost option removal product, they should be grouped together on invoice
259516 Fine Art Object Lookup Enhancements
Description of Functionality: Previously, when adding an object through object lookup, it will default the search on the last added object number without highlighting it. We have made a change so that if the last added object was a component, it would default the search to look for the corresponding Artwork in the Part of filter so that users can add all artworks and components at the same time to the Removal/Storage. It will also automatically highlight the last added object so that the user does not need to manually do so.
Description of Usage: To see the new changes:
Go to a fine art job, click ‘Add’.
In the Object lookup, click ‘Add’ to create a new Artwork.
After clicking Save and OK, the object lookup should automatically filter by the newly created Artwork and automatically highlight it.
Click ‘Add’ again and create a Component linked to the previous Artwork.
After clicking Save and OK, the object lookup should automatically filter by the part number of the Artwork linked to the newly created Component so that the user should be able to see both objects that were created. The last created component should be automatically highlighted
243187 Dashboard ‑ New Dashboard Options Feature
Description of Functionality: Moveware users are able to apply different settings to their Dashboard charts such as type, break by, group by, branch, status etc. for the reports to reflect accordingly. Though there was no way of saving certain settings as defaults based on the user logged in like the ability to set their own favourites.
Description of Usage: Login to the Dashboard on MovePortal and find the chart to apply the default settings. Click on the ‘Dashboard Options’ toggle and choose from the different options available to change the settings. Click Apply and Save to save the settings as default for that chart and apply it.
253454 Ability to Close Rate Requests
Description of Functionality: Similar to Removals, we have added the ability to close off Rate Requests so that they’re hidden by default when opening up the rate request search screen.
Users can then filter for closed rate requests using the new Closed Filter in the rate requests screen.
Description of Usage:
In the rate request search screen select the rate request that needs to be closed
Click the blue tick at the top right hand corner
Click ‘Yes’ to the confirmation prompt
Refresh the rate request screen if needed be and the closed rate request should not show if the C column filter is set to ‘N’ which is the default setting
254437 New System Parameter ‑ To disable debtor active status alert
Description of Functionality: Removed alert appearing on sales rep’s Moveware when debtor’s status created by Sales Rep is changed to active.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To disable debtor active status alert. The user can test this by changing the status to ‘Active’ and hit ‘Save’. Log in as the salesrep who created the debtor, alert will not appear when system parameter is enabled.
254652 New System Parameter ‑ To decrease the font size in Variable Rate Matrix tables
Description of Functionality: Users can now set the font size in Rate Matrix tables depending on system parameter (To decrease the font size in Variable Rate Matrix tables.).
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To decrease the font size in Variable Rate Matrix tables. The user can test this by setting system parameter to blank or ‘N’ which will take default font size. If the user sets in a number less than 28, font size is set accordingly and if it is greater than 27, the system will cater to default font size.
255047 CRM Search screen ‑ New First Name filter
Description of Functionality: Added first name filtering on screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by searching parent names in first fill‑in which automatically displays the children under it. The second fill in text will filter first name of matches records of both parent and child. Wildcard searching (i.e. ‘*’) can be used for both fields.
256417 Ability to display Agent comments upon selecting Agents in lookup screen
Description of Functionality: Added a new pop up message to check with operations with agent selected has a comment ‘<check ops>’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting an agent from the lookup and if the agent selected has a comment containing <check ops>, then a pop message appears if agent comments is not blank. If Yes is selected, then the agent field is filled.
259584 Debtor Code update ‑ Moveware Freezing
Description of Functionality: Fixed freezing of debtor upon updating debtor code.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by updating the debtor code value and saving it. There is no freezing of the screen nor user is required to log out of moveware session due to excessive delay.
259614 Fine Art ‑ New Field to hold NIRU Number in Debtor, Creditor and Agent Tables
Description of Functionality: New Field to hold NIRU Number in Debtor, Creditor and Agent Tables
241974C New System Parameter ‑ Default Job Address Lookup to Agent or Creditor
Description of Functionality:
Added the System Parameter ‘Default Job Address Lookup to Agent or Creditor’ which defaults the lookup to type ‘Agent’ (when system parameter is set to A) or ‘Creditor (when system parameter is set to C) when the user double‑clicks in the name field of either the origin or delivery sections of the job. By default, with the system parameter turned off, it would default to a debtor lookup.
Added the system parameter ‘Default Job Country Code to Entity Country Code’: this allows you to default the job country code based on the entity selected. This can be assigned by Branch and/or Cost centre. The system parameter value basically needs to be in the format of Brch1[CC1:Y;CC2:N],Brch2[CC1:N,CC2:Y].
Description of Usage: For ‘Default Job Address Lookup to Agent or Creditor’, set system parameter to either ‘A’ or C’ to default the lookup to Agents or Creditors respectively. Otherwise it would default to Customers. For ‘Default Job Country Code to Entity Country Code’, set the system parameter to ‘Y’ so that when the entity selected on the job has a country code; it would overwrite the country code of either the origin or delivery depending on which has been selected.
245758 New system parameters to enhance removal copy behaviour
Description of Functionality: New system parameters:
Option to Copy Addresses when Copying Removals
Option to Copy Diaries when Copying Removals
These will appear in the Job Type Creator popup screen when a job is copied. Values:
H ‑ Hide
D ‑ Disable
N or blank ‑ default behaviour
New System Parameter ‑ Removal Copy Status
Status (W, P etc.) for allowed copy statuses (If a removal doesn’t have an allowed status then it cannot be copied)
N or Blank ‑ default behaviour
245822 Correct missing delivery date
Description of Functionality: Added in the nightly procedure to run to fix missing delivery dates on W jobs that have a delivery diary action with a date set
Description of Usage: To be run automatically overnight to fix missing delivery date on Won jobs
Company/Region Affected: Anglo
250627 Removed validations on Priority field for EU jobs
Description of Functionality: Removed validation on priority field for L23 branch, EU jobs.
Description of Usage: The user can test this on a removal which is assigned to branch L23, an EU job and priority is blank. Upon save of the record, validation message is not displayed. It gives the validation message for priority on LRM jobs on status >= P.
Company/Region Affected:Cadogan Tate
250803 Auto‑populate name and other additional information when the collection/delivery address is selected
Description of Functionality: In Removals Screen, when a different address is selected from the list of addresses on the job, it now populates the name, address, access, contact, phone and email instead of just the address details.
Description of Usage:
Double click on the first line of the address of a job to bring up the addresses on the job.
Select an address different to the one that is currently populated in the origin/delivery address & click select.
Instead of just the address fields populating into the origin/delivery address, the name, access, contact, phone & email are also populated
250812 Automatic apply of search name when hitting enter
Description of Functionality: In removals details screen when entering a customer name in the collection/delivery/bill to fields, hitting enter would automatically bring up the customer lookup with the name pre‑populated into the name filter. Note that the feature where it would populate the debtor when the correct debtor code is entered still remains.
Description of Usage: Press Enter key when entering a customer name in the collection/delivery/bill to field of removals details to bring up customer lookup defaulting the search to the typed name.
252115 New System Parameter ‑ Show Coloured Tabs in Removals Management
Description of Functionality: Added colouring of tabs in Removals Management if record/data is present.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘Show Coloured Tabs in Removals Management’. The user can test this by scrolling through records and tabs are coloured if removal related record is present.
252392 New System Parameter ‑ To display Claims records payment details rather than damaged/missing items
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter for claims details to display claims payment details instead.
Description of Usage: System Parameter = ‘To display Claims records payment details rather than damaged/missing items.’ The user can test this by enabling the system parameter and clicking on claims tab, the display shown is modified with the new columns
252700 Automatically update customer type from Bill to
Description of Functionality: From Removal Detail Screen, when a customer (Bill to) is selected, it should automatically update customer type field on the right hand side. This will only take effect if the system parameter for customer type is blank (which is used to set the default combo list values) and the customer type comes from codes management. Otherwise the customer type lists for removal and for customer will potentially differ causing issues.
Description of Usage: Go to removal management screen, select a customer, check the customer type is updated on the right hand side
252748B Added ability to import fax items to diaries
Description of Functionality:
Display the Consignor and Consignee in the comments field in the imports tab ‘Items for Import’ section.
When looking up the Diary Action from the Import Tab ‑ Default to Imports and display to Consignor a Consignee as above if diary action is blank use Details Tab Origin Name and Destination Name.
Description of Usage: In the Job Diary, highlight any import fax diary (any diary of key action ‘Import Fax’) and click on the Modify Existing Task Details button to bring up a screen catered to the selected Import Fax
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
252753 Invoice Screen
Description of Functionality: When posting the invoice (assign number), the system should check if the cost option is still on R and update its status to P. Previously the Cost Option Status would remain on R and cause issues where Costing Sell Prices could be adjusted/updated after invoice was posted.
252844 Booker Agent ‑ Default to waybill origin agent
Description of Functionality: Fixed Booking Agent to default to waybill origin agent for EX job types if modified.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by changing Booking Agent field for IM or EX job types of ‘GRP’ service, the field is default set back to waybill origin agent.
Company/Region Affected: KHZ
253231 New System Parameter ‑ Default Show Combo Box in Corporate Search Screen to ALL
Description of Functionality: System Parameter to default CRM Module “Show” Filter located at the bottom of the CRM Search screen to “ALL”
When set to N = Filter defaults to “Corporate” when set Y = “All”
System Parameter Code Value = DefaultCRMShowComboToAll.
System Parameter Description = Default Show Combo Box in Corporate Search Screen to ALL
253256 Validation on Revenue E field
Description of Functionality: Added validation to ‘Revenue E’ field to be mandatory on removals of status ‘W’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by changing the status to ‘W’ with empty or 0 value in Revenue E field in the above screen. Validation error appears.
Company/Region Affected: Blue Lion
253357 Fixed Removal Uplift Date for Import Job Types
Description of Functionality: Fixed uplift date for import (Type IM) removals to fetch ETA on the waybill if uplift diary action is absent in diary tab. Previously, uplift date is reverted back to blank.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding an uplift diary action in diary tab and setting a date. This date is assigned to Uplift Date field in Removals > Details screen. If the diary action is deleted, then Uplift Date field fetches ETA (Arrival) date from waybill tab. If both are absent, it fetches Date Entered value.
253607 Bug Fix ‑ Fixed Labelling Issue in Removals search when users’ system is set to non-English interface
Description of Functionality: Corrected Name and Bill To labelling when user is using a non‑English interface. Previously, it would toggle to English language. Also spread out the filters at the bottom of the Removals Management based on screen resolution
Description of Usage: The user can test this by logging in as a user where the language is set to a language other than English and toggle in the above columns. The ‘Name’ column is toggled between ‘Name’ and ‘Delivery Name’ whereas ‘Bill To’ column is toggled between ‘Bill To’, ‘Company’ and ‘Tariff’.
253608 Validation of Phone number
Description of Functionality: Added an extra option to system parameter to validate for uplift phone and mobile number.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ Validate Uplift Phone Number. On setting the system parameter to ‘M’, validates uplift phone and mobile number. It displays an error if both fields are empty.
253649 Agent Contact Lookup Modifications
Description of Functionality: Added Filters and fixed default Sort order
254281 Payment Details icon on Baggage screen
Description of Functionality: Added Payment Details icon, located left of Order field.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by entering payment details by clicking on the icon and saving it.
254434 New System Parameter ‑ To disable Booking Agent default to waybill Origin Agent
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter to not set removal booking agent to waybill origin agent.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To disable Booking Agent default to waybill Origin Agent. The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’, when Booker field is selected, it updates with selected agent value. If set to ‘N’, when user selects and saves in booker field, it updates with waybill origin agent as default.
254578 Default rep filter to user logged in in purchase approval screen
Description of Functionality: If system parameter ‘User Purchase Approval’ is set to Y, the purchase approval screen should filter on load of the screen by any purchases whose sales rep matches the user. Note the above only applies if the user has access to security group ‘A’
254657 Removals Resources Screen Resizing
Description of Functionality: The Resources Tab of the Removals Management screen will now resize based on the user’s screen resolution set in Moveware (under Window ‑> Change User Defaults). This will allow the user to see more information in the columns which may be previously cut short by the limited width.
Description of Usage: Resolution greater than 1024 x 768 will automatically trigger the resizing/expanding of the columns in the Resources tab
254666 New System Parameter ‑ Escaping Ampersand in MoveSurvey Sync
Description of Functionality: Please note: This is a release note for a previously undocumented feature. By default, the ampersand (&) character is converted during a web sync to ‘and’. This was done to handle xml code data. We now have the facility to process the & character. To enable this, set the ‘Escape Ampersand’ to Yes.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘Escape Ampersand’. Enable the ‘Escape Ampersand’ (set to Yes) to send the & character as an &. Set this to No, or leave it blank, to continue having the & character sent as ‘and’ (This is the default behaviour.)
254710 New System Parameter ‑ Show contact instead of map ref
Description of Functionality: Enable this system parameter to show this field in place of the ‘Map Ref’ field in Removal > Details tab.
254752 Anglo FRF rate ‑ restrict to update actuals
Description of Functionality: From both removal costing and waybill costing, do not allow FRF rate cost line to be updated with actuals, as this can only be done through FRF rate in waybill costing by using the rate split icon. To provide this ability to other companies, we have a new system parameter ‘UseFTFRate’. The FRF Rate can be found in waybill costing screen, this can be split across the all won cost options on the waybill, and update each removal cost option with a new cost line FTF Rate where the est rate is updated. To setup, add a new creditor product with FRF Rate
Description of Usage: Go to waybill costing and enter FRF rate and apply to cost lines, check that the removals are updated with FRF cost line with the est rate. Cost lines cannot be updated individually for the FRF rate/value/qty, the same applies to removal costing screen as well
Company/Region Affected: Anglo
254805 New System Parameter ‑ To set Origin and Destination Agent based on removal agent field
Description of Functionality: Updating Origin and Destination fields based on system parameter and job types.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To set Origin and Destination Agent based on removal agent field. The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘N’. On updating Agent field, Origin or Destination fields are NOT updated. When system parameter is set to ‘Y’ and if job type begins with ‘IM’, Origin Agent is updated else Destination Agent field is updated.
254892 Deleting claim record based on security and Notify field
Description of Functionality: Deleting claim record based on security and Notify field.
Description of Usage: If the user has security group X, then they should be able to delete the claim record. If no X security group but has Notify selected as Claims then it still allows to delete the record.
254895 New system parameter ‑ Match Day in Removal/Creditor Product Rates
Description of Functionality: Added new system parameter ‑ Match Day in Removal/Creditor Product Rates. Now all companies have the ability to use day lookup in removal/creditor products setup, previously this was only available to certain companies. Also previously the rate day look up only matches on single days, now it has the ability to match multiple days using a comma separated list, setup in the day field in removal/creditor products rates via rates management screen
Description of Usage: To test new system parameter, turn on system parameter. Set day field in Creditor/Removal products setup screen, pick which day to use, this can be U for uplift etc.Go to costing and add the creditor product and check that the correct rate has come through. To test multiple day in rates, go to rates management screen, enter a comma separated list in day field and check the rates come through according to the day field setup
255025 When diary is deleted, the key action should update removal date to blank
Description of Functionality: When a diary is deleted, if the diary action is linked to a value in removal details screen via key actions, the date in removal details should also be cleared.
Description of Usage: Go to diary, add a diary action for one of ‘delivery’, ‘uplift’, ‘pack’ etc. key actions that has a corresponding date in removal detail screen. Set the diary date, and check the date is correctly set in removals detail screen. Now delete the diary action and check the date is now blank in removal details screen. This change should not affect when user manually set a date in removal detail screen
255184 Event Log Update ‑ Deleting resources
Description of Functionality: Added event logging when users delete resources from the removal resources tab.
255187 Ability to automatically create attachment subfolders for removal or waybill
Description of Functionality: We’ve extended the custom removal/waybill subdirectories to have the ability to create the directory either in removal and/or waybill. Previously any directories added in codes management were created in removal/waybill attachment folders.
Description of Usage: Go to codes management, filter by code type ‘directory’. For each code of type ‘Directory’, enter ‘R’ or ‘W’ in the ‘Default’ field to set the directories to be created for only removal or waybill records.
255192 Fix for System Parameter ‘EnforceUpdateSecurity’
Description of Functionality: The standard behaviour should be to enforce update security for debtors but not for creditors, so if the system parameter is:
Blank/N/D: Enforce debtor not creditor
X: Do not enforce for both sides
Y: Will enforce on both sides
C: Will enforce on creditor only
Description of Usage: Check the setting for the system parameter and check if the user has security group U, testing each setting for system parameter as listed above
255226 New System Parameter ‑ Create Removal Folder from Moveware Interfaces
Description of Functionality: When a removal is created in moveware, the removal subfolders are created based on the setup in codes management (Code type ‘Directory’). This is not happening for removals imported from moveware interfaces / XML. The new system parameter ‘Create Removal Folder from Moveware Interfaces’ will allow these subfolders to be created when the user navigates to the detail screen of the selected job.
Description of Usage: Standard behaviour, note this works only for new removals imported
255236 Setting Removal Booker field to blank for new records
Description of Functionality: Fixed Booker field to set blank only for new removal records and not to the existing records based on system parameter ‘DisableBookingAgent’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by changing the booking agent value, exiting the screen and opening again. The Booker field will still be set to the value chosen in the past. Previously, it would default to employee’s Booking Agent value.
255254 HRA field value display
Description of Functionality: Display HRA field value as a description of the value from Codes Management instead of displaying its code value
Company/Region Affected: Grospiron
255291 New system parameter ‑ ‘Measurements on web portal in Inches’
Description of Functionality: Users who may want to use different dimension units on the web portal from their moveware would now be able to do so with the switch of a system parameter. For example, users who use inches (Measurements entered in inches ‑ ‘Y’) and cubic feet (Volumes Entered in Cubic Feet ‑ ‘Y’) may want to display dimensions in mm and metre cubes on the web portal instead. The users will be able to do so by changing the value of system parameter ‘Measurements on web portal in Inches’ to ‘M’
Description of Usage: To verify the change, the users must have web portal access to the Inventory. The users with the following settings:
Measurements entered in inches ‑ ‘Y’
Volumes Entered in Cubic Feet ‑ ‘Y’
The above settings display the measurements in inches and volume in cubic feet. If the user would like the web portal to display the dimensions in millimetre’s and cubic metres instead then the system parameter ‘Measurements on web portal in Inches’ should be changed to ‘M’. If the user would like the web portal to display the dimensions in centimetres and cubic metres instead then the system parameter ‘Measurements on web portal in Inches’ should be changed to ‘C’
255445 New Removal Email Merge Fields ‑ Corporate Account
Description of Functionality: Removals > Details, Reports or email. Added Corporate merge fields for Corp Acc Manager email and below in reports.
Corporate Account Manager Position
Corporate Account Manager Department
Corporate Account Manager Phone
Corporate Account Manager Mobile
Corporate Account Manager Email
Corporate Account Manager Mobile Business Card
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting the fields in report configuration in To, CC and BCC fields as well as in Message body. Run the reports to see the merged values of above fields.
255499 Bug in Creditor lookup
Description of Functionality: On creditor lookup, the status should default to ‘Active’, this was the case in 6.0 and was removed unintentionally in 6.1
Description of Usage: From creditor lookup, check that the status is defaulted to ‘Active’
255577 Added Serial No field to the removal search tab
Description of Functionality: Serial no ‑ as seen in the inventory tab on an inventory item is now a search field
Description of Usage: To search on serial no., ensure a serial number is set against an inventory item (this can either be an asset management inventory item or a removal inventory item) and then try search in the search tab on that No. Also Note that the Job TYPE field (i.e. cost centre) must also contain data
255583 Bug fix from cost option header, creation of new debtor
Description of Functionality: When adding new debtor using debtor lookup from cost option header, it would not create the new debtor account. This has now been rectified.
Description of Usage: From costing screen:
Click debtor button from cost option header to assign debtor
From debtor lookup screen add a new debtor
Confirm that the debtor exists after adding
255619 New System Parameter ‑ Create a diary action when the status of a job changes
Description of Functionality: The new system parameter can either be set to create a diary action and can also create automated emails to specific users and/or send Moveware alerts to the Sales Rep on the removal when the status of a Removal changes. It can also be set to send out a standalone alert to an associated user of the Removal without creating any diary actions. The system parameter accepts the following values:
Y ‑ Automatically create a diary when Removal Status Changes
N ‑ Do not create a Diary or alert when Removal Status Changes
M ‑ Create an alert only to the Move Manager of the Removal (if different to the person changing the job status) when the Removal status Changes
S ‑ Create an alert only to the Salesrep of the Removal (if different to the person changing the job status) when the Removal status Changes
A ‑ Create an alert only to the Account Manager of the Removal (if different to the person changing the job status) when the Removal Status Changes
E ‑ Create an alert only to the Entered by Person of the Removal (if different to the person changing the job status) when the Removal Status Changes
Description of Usage:For the system to automatically create a diary action when the removal status changes, set the system parameter to ‘Y’.
For the system to automatically send an email to any email address, set the system parameter to ‘Y’; find all of the diary actions codes (under diary action setup) that begin with ‘Status Change’ and set up their automated email configuration. If the diary actions are not present, simply change a test job to all the different possible statuses after switching the system parameter on for the system to automatically create these diary action codes. Setup the Automated Email reports as per normal with the Source set to ‘Removal’ and the ‘Email To’ to either a dedicated email or any of the existing removal user merge fields such as <Move Manager>, <Sales Rep>, etc. When the status of a Removal changes, an automated diary action should automatically be created to send an automated email to the user as set in the linked Report configuration.
For the system to automatically create an alert to the salesrep on a Removal when the Removal status changes, perform the same actions as for setting up the automated email, however, instead of setting the automated email to ‘Y’, set the Reminder flat to ‘Y’ and Date to either ‘Assigned’ or ‘Diary’. When a Removal status changes, the system will automatically create a diary action which triggers the sending of a Moveware alert to the salesrep on the Removal.
For the system to automatically sent an alert to any of the users on the removal when its status changes without creating any diary action, set the system parameter to M (Move manager), S (Salesrep), A (Account Manager) or E (Entered By). When the status of a Removal changes, it should automatically send a Moveware Alert to the corresponding user on the Removal without creating a diary action.
255647 Validation on Client RUT field
Description of Functionality: Added validation to Client RUT field if field is used by client.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by typing an invalid RUT number and click Save. Error message will display, otherwise no error message when RUT number is blank or when a user types in a valid RUT number.
255658 New System Parameter ‑ Default the Diary toggle in the Job Type Creator to be checked by default
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to default the diary toggle in the Job Type Creator to be selected.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ Default the Diary toggle in the Job Type Creator to selected.
255680 Flag cost lines on Invoice tab when quote accepted
Description of Functionality: When a MoveClient user accepts the quote ‑ the Moveware users can be notified by messages and diary actions being created with the update on the quote. The MoveClient may or may not accept all of the quote options and the options not accepted come under as the Excluded options on the messages and diary actions. It is up to the Moveware user how they wish to proceed with the excluded options. Though for their convenience the Invoice tab would now reflect the status of the selected cost options with colour coding on the ‘O’ column. The user should then be able to take action as required.
Description of Usage: When MoveClient user accepts quote by clicking on the Accept quote button, the user would be presented with the quote options out of which the user would be able to pick as required by clicking on the check box and then clicking on Select button. When this procedure is finished, the Moveware user would be able to view the selected and excluded quote options on the Invoice tab for that invoice. The selected quote options would have the ‘O’ column marked with a green background colour, whereas the excluded option would have this column coloured in red.
255783 Sort Advance Filter Options
Description of Functionality: In version 6.1 of Moveware advanced filter options were added to the Removals Search screen which allowed the system to expand the available list of filters. However, due to many Moveware systems customising the labels of fields this meant that the list in the advanced filter options may appear out of alphabetical order as the list is sorted by the original label.
Description of Usage: In this version of Moveware we have added an extra system parameter that will allow system to filter the list of advance filters by alphabetical order, ascending or descending. The system parameter is called ‘SortAdvanceFilterAlpha’ – ‘Sort the advanced query options in Removals Management by alphabetical order’. The options that can be used are Y for ascending order (A‑Z), D for descending order (Z‑A) or N which will use the sort order of the Removal Search codes records (previous sort order).
255799 Corrected Claims Management Tooltip
Description of Functionality: Previously in the Search screen in Claims Management, the tooltip on the first filter field is “Enter Claim Number” whereas this column is actually the Type (i.e. Claim or Feedback or Complaint). This has now been rectified.
255890 Added line separator for removal detail screen for Precision
Description of Functionality: For the removal detail screen (new job screen), added line separators on the right hand side for easy viewing
Description of Usage: Go to removal detail screen, check that there are line separators for right hand side grid.
Company/Region Affected: Precision Removals
255978 New System Parameter ‑ To hide credit card button
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to hide credit card button from the Moveware system if desired.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To hide credit card button. The user can test this by setting the system parameter to ‘Y’ and confirm there is no credit card button in above screens. Also, no credit card detail fields in banking screen of Debtors > Details. Note: Credit Card button is visible only for Aussie Man Company in invoicing screen.
255987 Removals ‑ Cs Column to Display Cost Option Status
Description of Functionality: The Cs column in the search screen (which indicates the move’s costing status) of the removals menu has been updated to function differently. Previously, The Cs column would display either N or Y. It would always display as ‘N’, unless all cost options on the job had a linked invoice that was posted to the GL, or the cost option had been fully locked (not just price locked), in which case it would display as ‘Y’.
Moving forward, this column will be used to indicate the status of a move’s cost option so that users can search and filter based on cost option statuses. In moves with multiple cost options, if at least one move is on status ‘R’ which means approval has been requested and is pending, regardless of the status of the other options, this column will display as ‘R’. Otherwise, if all cost options have been approved and locked, setting them with a status of ‘P’ (price locked), this column will display as ‘P’. And in the case that all options available are still in status ‘N’ (new), the column will display as ‘N’
Description of Usage: This will be automatically updated following the release for all users of all companies. It will affect only the Search tab of the Removals menu.
256165 New System Parameter ‑ Ability to make the Booking Agent field mandatory
Description of Functionality: Users can now set their system to require the Booking Agent upon save of a removal plan.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To disable the defaulting of the booker agent on add of a new job
System Parameter ‑ Validate Booking Agent
The user can test this request by setting system parameter (‘To disable the defaulting of the booker agent on add of a new job.’) and (‘Validate Booking Agent’) to ‘Y’ or comma separated job types.
On adding a new removal, Booking agent is set to blank for all job types if the first system parameter is ‘Y’ else depending on comma separated values, Booking Agent is set to blank.
On saving the record, error message is displayed to have Booking Agent as mandatory field. This happens again based on second system parameter value ‘Y’ or comma separated job types.
256425 New system parameter ‑ Validate volume field in Job Diary
Description of Functionality: New system parameter ‘Validate volume field in Job Diary’ to be used in conjunction with ‘Use volume field in diary’. When enabled it will validate volume against any operational diary actions that have a date set. This can be used to apply for specific branch / cost centres.
Description of Usage: Go to Removal diary screen and save a diary without the volume set, error message will appear if diary has date set and is an operational diary action.
256453 Validation for Account Manager field
Description of Functionality: Added validation for Account Manager field. On ‘W’ status, only users with security group ‘V’ can modify the value. The validation is only for Olympia.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by changing the status to ‘W’ and attempting to edit the Sales Rep field on a user account without security group ‘V’. A ‘Insufficient Access’ error message will appear.
Company/Region Affected: Olympia
256537 Validation on Booker on creating new RPs
Description of Functionality: Added a validation for Booker when adding a new job of status ‘W’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a new job and clearing the booking agent, set the status to ‘W’ and save it. Booker is validated only for ‘W’ status.
Company/Region Affected: Cadogan Tate
256569 Load diary action to pick Removals Move date
Description of Functionality: Fixed Move date when run though job type creator. Previously, move date was getting erased.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting a date in Move Date field in Details browser, adding through JTC. The Load diary action in diary tab sets the move date in details tab without erasing.
Company/Region Affected: American Moving
256594 Cost Invoicing screen defaults
Description of Functionality: Default filter for cost centre to IMP on load of Cost Invoicing Screen, leave all other filter fields blank as per normal.
Description of Usage: Go to cost invoicing screen, confirm the screen filters by cost centre ‘IMP’ on load
Company/Region Affected: John Mason
256862 New calculation type AR ‑ a variable rate that auto reprices when the user changes the Qty
Description of Functionality: New AR calc type which works similar to E but with variable rates that is able to update itself (automatically reprice) when the user changes the Qty field in costing.
Description of Usage: Use Calc Type AR (instead of E) if the rates need to update automatically when the user manually changes the QTY field in costing
256875 Added Mobile and email fields in Quick Entry Screen
Description of Functionality: Added mobile and email fields and hidden Access field only to Conroy company.
Description of Usage: Observe on the Quick Entry screen that the Mobile fields are visible to both origin and destination. Email field should be visible in Destination only. Access field is hidden.
Company/Region Affected: Conroy NZ
256963 New System Parameter ‑ To fetch one insurance value without adding up the insurance value
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to evaluate single insurance cost lines without doubling up the removal insurance value.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To fetch one insurance value without adding up the insurance value. The user can test this by enabling the system parameter and add multiple insurance Creditor Products to the costing page, the valuation on the details page is same.
257105 Booking Agent screen‑value bug
Description of Functionality: Fixed Booking Agent screen‑value bug which was reversing to employee agent value when adding a new removal. Previously, assigning a ‘Bill To’ value and changing the Type field would also change the booking agent set. The reason why the Booking agent code differs is due to the same debtor being assigned to more than one agent (under Agent > Details > Debtor field). Since we are finding the first record in the code, the incorrect record may be selected. This has now been rectified.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a new job, assigning a Bill To field and changing the type will leave the booking agent field unchanged.
257154‑079 Enlarged Variable Rates Display
Description of Functionality: Administration > Moveware Setup > Rates Management. For users running screen resolutions greater than 1368 wide, Moveware will now display the full variable rate table including the Min and Max columns. Now users can edit the full details available in Moveware.
Description of Usage: Previously Moveware would only display the Base, Unit To and Rate columns for the Variable Rate Matrix section in Rates Management.
257204 Shipping Method and Service Selection Boxes Validation Added
Description of Functionality: Added validation to Service and Method fields on pending status. Previously there was no validation for this particular company.
Description of Usage: The user can test this for pending removals where ‘Service’ and ‘Method’ fields are empty, validation messages are displayed on saving the removal record.
Company/Region Affected: Cadogan Tate
257436 New System Parameter ‑ To allow exact match on suburb to postcode
Description of Functionality: Added a new system parameter to allow exact match on suburb to postcode. Previously the setting of postcode was based on anything that began with the suburb used, which can set the incorrect postcode.
Description of Usage: Enable the system parameter ‘To allow exact match on suburb to postcode’
257439 New System Parameter ‑ Ability to default country code’s Domestic/Overseas filter in lookup to blank depending on job type
Description of Functionality: Updated system parameter functionality to set Domestic and Overseas Type combo‑box to blank depending on list of job type values set against the system parameter.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To default country code filter in lookup to blank if no job type is set.’ The user can test this by setting comma separated list of cost centres to the system parameter value field. In removal details screen, double click on the country code field to bring up the country code lookup list. This will clear the ‘domestic/overseas’ filter and therefore display all country codes if the removals are one of the job types listed on the system parameter.
257463 Additional Date filters on the KPI screen
Description of Functionality: Have added the following additional date filters for the KPI screen:
Date Pack
Date Unpack
Date Entered
Description of Usage: In the KPI screen, click on the button on the date label to filter by different dates. Previously these dates included Uplift, Delivery & Survey, it now also includes Pack, Unpack & Entered.
257544 Rate Revision Screen Default to Tax Exclusive
Description of Functionality: The rate revision screen now defaults to tax exclusive, previously it defaulted to tax inclusive
Description of Usage: Go to storage rate revision, check that the default display is tax exclusive
257753 New System Parameter ‑ Set booking agent as branch booking agent.
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter to set booking agent to branch booking agent when adding a new removal. Previously, Booking Agent would default to the Moveware user’s Booking agent designated under Employee Management.
Description of Usage: System Parameter is ‘To set booking agent as branch booking agent’
257879 Packimpex Validation for Removal Types
Description of Functionality: From detail screen we’ve added a validation on branch; if branch is not linked to cost centre error message is displayed. Unless both job type and banch start with DS (old functionality)
Description of Usage: Go to Removal detail screen. Check branch/cost centre validation for branch/cost centre not linked in cost centre setup, an error message should come up
Company/Region Affected: Packimpex
257954 MoveClient ‑ Hide Accept Estimate button on Won jobs
Description of Functionality: Earlier when a job status was changed to Won (W) in Moveware the users would still see the ‘Accept Estimate’ button on MoveClient Portal. This behaviour is now modified to check the status of the job on Moveware and hide the button so no further changes can be made online on the acceptance of quote and related invoice.
Description of Usage: To test this feature please find a job with status P and estimates generated for the user. Check that the Accept Estimate button is visible to the user on the MoveClient portal. Now change the status of the job to W and hit save. Login to MoveClient portal again and check the accept estimate button. It should not appear anymore.
Company/Region Affected: Olympia
257976 New system parameter ‑ Update Pack Type from Costing
Description of Functionality: When enabled this will update packing type in detail from costing when status is set to W
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘UpdatePackTypeFromCosting’. Go to Cost Option and add packing type, set removal to W, and select the cost option, check that the packing type in detail screen is updated to that on the cost option
257984 Issue in Address Table in Removals Management
Description of Functionality: Found issue where the Address Table in Removals Management were pulling the Client/Collection “Name” into the Delivery Address and not the Name from the Delivery Address. Rectified and the Delivery Address updates/displays the correct Name as per what the user enters into the Delivery/Destination Name Field.
257987 New system parameter ‑ Don’t Clear Pay Field On Copy of Removal
Description of Functionality: When enabled, copying a removal does not clear out the existing pay field value
258000 Fine Art ‑ Restrict assign/unassign objects to diary actions when diary is completed
Description of Functionality: Users can no longer double‑click to assign or unassign objects to completed diary actions in the Removal diary screen using the chair icon for Fine Art/Asset Management
258059 Filtering of questions in Quality Review document
Description of Functionality: Fixed filtering of questions based on user selection of review type on printing/emailing reports. Previously, all questions were displayed without filtering.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a review type and select preview or print or email to display the related review questions and ratings.
258086 Added Google Maps Button for Extra Address Dialogue in Jobs/Removals
Description of Functionality: Added the google maps button in the extra addresses dialogue in Jobs/Removals.
Description of Usage: The extra address is accessible by double‑clicking in the address field in the details page of the job/removal. Clicking on the google maps button opens up google maps in your default internet browser defaulting to the address that is highlighted.
258119 New System Parameter ‑ Update Qty From Calctype If No Rate On Cost Line
Description of Functionality: When enabled on, should update cost line est qty field from the calc type (e.g. NM, NF) even when there is no rate round on the cost line, when updating cost option total (e.g. volume)
Description of Usage: Turn on system parameter in codes tab. Go to Removal Cost screen, set one of the lines calc type to NM (NF or any other that might depend on volume/weight of cost option), update volume/weight on cost option header, select yes to update cost line, check that cost line est qty field is updated according to new vol/weight entered on the cost option header
258237 HG ‑ Deletion of contacts
Description of Functionality: Deletion of contact details/files/events for HG Removals whose corporate account is set to ‘Ministry of Defense’. Jobs older than three months should have this information cleared, this is an automated process.
Description of Usage: Automated process to clear contact information on ministry of defense jobs older than 3 months
Company/Region Affected: Harrow Green
258250 New System Parameter ‑ Restrict Closing of removals
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter to restrict closing of removal if there are any incomplete or non‑applicable diary actions. Previously, list of incomplete diary actions was displayed.
Description of Usage: System Parameter is “To restrict closing of a removal if any diary actions are incomplete or not‑applicable”. The user can test this by setting the system parameter to below examples with expected results.
1 ‑ N :‑ Standard setting if this functionality needs to be disabled.
2 ‑ Y :‑ For all branches and cost centres.
3 ‑ IMP:Y = For all branches with Cost Center as IMP
4 ‑ N,MEL[STG:Y;IMP:Y],SYD[IMP:Y;EXP:Y] :‑ For branches MEL having cost centre as STG and IMP. Also, with branch SYD having IMP and EXP as cost centres.
The list of diary actions is not displayed unless user completes the diary actions manually. Then Removal can be closed.
258255 New System Parameter ‑ MoveSurvey ‑ Inserting spaces between duplicate room numbers
Description of Functionality: In Moveware Inventory Screen, when a room is set to have a default quantity, the default behaviour is to not have a space.
The ‘insert room space’ system parameter inserts a space between these rooms, so it becomes:
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3
Bedroom 4
Description of Usage: This only occurs in the Moveware inventory screen. Turn on the ‘insert room space’ system parameter to enable this change.
258421 Density and Net Gross Bug Fixes
Description of Functionality: Fixed density field to set branch density on adding a new rate request record. Fixed Net/Gross Markup issue where Markup was being passed from Details Tab to Cost Option Cost Option Weight Matrix was adjusting independently based on its Service
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding a new rate request record and density field is set to branch density value by default.
258534 New system parameter ‑ Show DSP Diary
Description of Functionality: When activated, the diary screen will show all diaries including all DSP diaries as well. Currently it excludes DSP diaries when filter is blank.
258628 New System Parameter ‑ Show Cancelled & Lost Jobs in KPI Screen
Description of Functionality: New system parameter ‘Show Cancelled & Lost Jobs in KPI Screen’ has been added to show Cancelled & Lost jobs in the KPI screen which are not shown by default.
Description of Usage: Turn on the system parameter ‘Show Cancelled & Lost Jobs in KPI Screen’ to see cancelled & lost jobs in the KPI screen.
258703 New system parameter ‑ Use DSP Booker
Description of Functionality: When turned on, it should display ‘Instructed By’ instead of ‘Booking Agent’ on removal detail screen, with the look up displaying a list of debtors rather than agent
Description of Usage: Go to removal detail screen, confirm the booking agent is replaced by Instructed By fields
258868 Pop up message for linking to cancelled cost option
Description of Functionality: Added a pop up message when an invoice is linked back to cancelled cost option. Previously, the user was not notified about this event.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking on unlink/Link button in Invoicing tab which pops up a message that it cannot be linked back.
258883 Fine Art Ability to Search on SWI through Job Inventory Tab and Diary Lookup when Copying Object
Description of Functionality: New Field Added in Job/Removal Inventory Tab to be able to Filter/Search in DD‑ID (SWI) Number. New Field also added to search on DD‑ID Number in Storage Inventory Tab and Storage ALL Inventory Tab ONLY. Searching on DD‑ID.SWI Storage Date In or Warehouse Date Out. In addition, the Object Copy the Diary Lookup has been adjusted to display and search on SWI
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
258952 Net lbs, Previous Net lbs field value
Description of Functionality: Fixed previous Net Lbs field to update old Net lbs value when updated to a new value as designed. Previously, ‘Previously Net Lbs’ field was updating with the new value entered in ‘Net Lbs’ field.
Description of Usage: On updating Net lbs field value and saving the record, previous Net lbs field is saved in Previous Net lbs field.
Company/Region Affected: Armstrong
259128 Duplicate Purchase Warning ‑ Costing
Description of Functionality: In previous versions of Moveware there has been a warning message that appears when entering a value into the Invoice # field on a Purchase. If the Invoice # entered already exists in the system for the creditor assigned to the purchase, then a warning appears detailing which purchase this invoice number appeared. However, this duplicate check message was not running from the generation of a Purchase from the Removals Management Costing tab.
Description of Usage: Now Moveware will throw the same warning message from the dialog to create a purchase from Costing. Once the user enters a value in the Creditors Ref/Invoice # field and an existing purchase is found with that same Invoice # the warning message will appear.
259363 Proper case for first name in Removals Screen
Description of Functionality: Proper case for first name in removal management
Description of Usage: When in removal management, the first name will save as proper case (capital followed by lower case)
Company/Region Affected: Grospiron
259404 New System Parameter ‑ Validate VAT number in Debtors Management
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter to validate VAT Number for EU debtors.
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ ‘To validate VAT number for EU debtors’. Enable the system parameter to ‘Y’. If the VAT number field is blank and user tries to save the debtor record, display the validation message if debtor record is from EU.
Company/Region Affected: Region ‑ Europe
259555 New System Parameter ‑ Auto‑Save changes in Detail sections without prompting
Description of Functionality: Enabling the new system parameter ‘Auto‑Save changes in Detail sections without prompting’ suppresses the prompt asking if users want to save changes when leaving detail fields in the Diary/Resources/Costing tabs of removals management tabs
Description of Usage: Set the ‘Auto‑Save changes in Detail sections without prompting’ System parameter to ‘Y’ to enable the feature. You can also set it to suppress only in certain tabs by setting it to the following:
D = Suppress message and Auto‑Save in Diary only
R = Suppress message and Auto‑Save in Resources only
C = Suppress message and Auto‑Save in Costing only
You can also use a combination of the above, e.g. setting the system parameter to RC will suppress the message and auto‑save in Resources & Costing but not Diary. Standard parameter will also work:
Y = Suppress messages and Auto‑Save in all tabs
N = Do not suppress message and prompt user to save when leaving the details fields
259657 Auto create diary action date based on weekends field
Description of Functionality: Fixed auto create diary action date based on weekend field set in diary action configuration. Previously, the date was set to weekend date even if the weekend field was set to ‘Y’.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting the diary action’s Auto create field to ‘Y’, weekend field to ‘N’ and Parent field as ‘Date Surveyed’. If the removal on ‘W’ status is saved, the diary action picks up the day next to weekend based on days’ variance set.
259694 Removed Validation of shipment for Excess International company
Description of Functionality: Removed Validation of shipment field from baggage screen for Excess International Company.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting the shipment status to ‘R’ for this company and hit save. No validation error message will appear.
Company/Region Affected: Excess International
259721 New Feature to update costs (re‑find rate as well as recalculate tax based on cost option date)
Description of Functionality: From cost option, click on yellow folder icon to bring up the cost option header, change the cost option created date (only if system parameter Use Today For Cost Option Date is set to N). When click OK, the system should prompt the user with ‘Date has changed, do you want to update costs?’, when selected Yes, then the system should re‑find rates for all cost lines and recalculate tax based on the new date entered
259741 Fixed updating of email details on completing diary action
Description of Functionality: Fixed email details updating in rate request diary when diary action is completed.
Description of Usage: The user can test this completing a diary action linked to an email, the email details entry is updated when the email has sent successfully.
259763 Deleting messages if diary action is set to not‑applicable
Description of Functionality: Deleted reminder messages if diary action is set to not‑applicable.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting diary action to not‑applicable which is set as a reminder message. The reminder pop up is not displayed.
259859 Cancelling the Purchase should reset the Costing’s invoice status
Description of Functionality: Resolved issue where the costing’s invoice flag was still set as invoiced when cancelling the linked Purchase and user selected the option to not delete the charge lines.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by creating a purchase from costing, cancel the purchase and select the option to not clear the charge lines from the purchase. Confirm the purchase number is reset to blank.
259932 Fixed Type field to set selected value from lookup
Description of Functionality: Fixed Type field to pull in selected value from lookup.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by double clicking on Type field and selecting a value from lookup. Press enter and click again to select again. Type field is updated with latest value.
248288 New System Parameter ‑ Remove date from filename when attached to monthly storage invoice and statements
Description of Functionality: Upon enabling the ‘Save Invoices to Debtors Folder Structure’ system parameter, storage invoice PDF files will be saved in Debtors folder for companies running report builder. Previously, no files are saved in the Debtor folder. The file in debtor folder is saved without date. Previously, the filename is saved along with the date
Description of Usage: System Parameter for filename = To remove date from filename in attaching monthly storage invoice and statements. The user can test this by having SRC column set to ‘S’ (Storage) and click on PDF icon in Debtor invoicing screen. The Invoice file is saved in both Debtors folder as well as in Storage Clients. On enabling the system parameter, the user can test the filename by checking in debtors’ folder and filename is saved without date.
250796 Reports ‑ Enabling/Disabling of Excel/Word icons from print selection
Description of Functionality: Added ability to enable/disable excel/preview/email/word image buttons for specific reports.Previously all options would be displayed provided the report was created by Crystal Reports.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by adding “cropt[‘word,excel’]” in filters field in report configuration screen for a specific report. When this report is opened, excel and word image buttons are enabled leaving the others disabled. Print button is enabled for all options. Other options are ‘excel/preview/email/word’.
253032 Invoice/Statement Reports ‑ “Select Language” Filter to default to Language of the Debtor
Description of Functionality: When generating Invoice/Statement Reports “Select Language” Filter defaults to Language of the Debtor
Company/Region Affected: Grospiron
253327 Reports ‑ New Timeframe options
Description of Functionality: In the Reports screen, we added two new timeframe options:
‑ Last 3 months
‑ Last 6 Months
254638 Reports to filter by selected rate request cost option
Description of Functionality: From Rate Request Screen, when running reports from this screen, we allow users to use report filters ‘optionselect’ and ‘selectedoption’, which behaves the same way as seen in removals screen. When optionselect is in the report filter, printing the report should bring up a pop up which allows users to select which cost option(s) to print on the report. When selectedoption is in the report filter, the report will run only for the selected cost option in the costing screen
Description of Usage: To test:
In Report Configuration screen, make sure one of the filters are added.
Save and run report from rate request screen, report should generate based on the report filters added
254643 Profit and Loss Reports ‑ Calculates balances overnight in daily maintenance
Description of Functionality: Calculates balances overnight in daily maintenance. Previously, it used to calculate every time the report was run which can make it slow.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting Profit and Loss report and clicking on Preview button in above screen to load the report and observe that it is faster compared to the past
254912 Movers Trading Club (UK) Report Update
Description of Functionality: Consignee Number Added to the Moveware Standard Report ‘Movers Trading Club (UK)’ as per the request of Moore. Consignee number is now displayed prior to the BL Number column on report.
Company/Region Affected: Region ‑ United Kingdom
256881 Event Log Update ‑ Report Configuration
Description of Functionality: Log an event for any changes to the following fields in report configuration screen:
Report Filters
Max Group
Def. Group
Sort Groups
CR Groups
257650 Added Wild Card searching to Report Configuration
Description of Functionality: Wild Card Searching is now available in Report Configuration.
257857 Cheque Print Report Enhancement
Description of Functionality: The report is able to display cheque reference for quick payment records by using reference field from the transaction, even there is no creditor invoice assigned.
258198 Added <Now> merge field to use as Time Stamp for report names
Description of Functionality: Adding the <Now> merge field to any report configuration’s ‘Save As’ field will convert this merge field to the date and time in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMM when running the report.
Description of Usage:
Go to a report, e.g. invoice and set it’s Save As field to invoice_<Now>
when PDFing an invoice, it will by default set the PDF file name to invoice_YYYYMMDDHHMM.pdf (e.g. if you were running the report on 01/01/2017 at 15:30 it would save the invoice as invoice_201701011530.pdf)
258253 New Report ‑ Storage Efficiency Report
Description of Functionality: Storage Efficiency Report have been added.
Description of Usage: This report provides clients with information pertaining to all storage accounts in status active, completed, and/or hold (selected using filtering options) and contains:
The date the goods were brought into storage (Date in)
The total cubic feet indicated in the Storage Details tab of the account (Consignment volume)
The total inventory volume based on the vaults assigned to the storage account (Inventory volume)
The percentage of consignment volume which has actually been allocated to storage (Efficiency)
The storage revenue per month
The storage revenue per consignment volume
The storage revenue per inventory volume
258682 Booking Agent Summary New report
Description of Functionality: Fixed Closed by date filter to for reports.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting Booking Agent Summary New in Sales tab, Timeframe set to ‘Last Year’ and ‘By Date’ set as ‘Closed’. Records are displayed on preview. The records may not display on mentioned Agent example (given by client) as it may not match the booking agent/branch etc.
259559 KHZ Inventory Listing Report change
Description of Functionality: Set up 2 new reports for KHZ
BO ‑doc Household inventory Friesland
BO ‑doc Household inventory ‑ signed Friesland
To add Item Value to the Original report and rename as new reports
Description of Usage: Run report from Removal Detail screen drop down
Company/Region Affected: KHZ
259616 Ability to have unique Diary ID in Report ‘Save As’ Name
Description of Functionality: Ability to have DDID in Report Save As Name. In Report Configuration ‘Save As Name’ enter Report name and include DDID Merge field ‑ <ddid>
241734 Update to add of Storage Lines
Description of Functionality: The Auto Add of Storage Lines now will also match on Cost Centre
Company/Region Affected: Harrow Green
241974F Clockwork Storage Invoicing Monday to Sunday Billing Branch ESL Only
Description of Functionality: Storage Invoicing Monday to Sunday Billing Branch ESL Only. Automatically apply Last Accounting Date to previous Sunday on Storage Invoice Billing. Where a Last Accounting Date on a new Storage File is mid‑week, when For example, if an Account was created on the 10/09/15 with a Date in and a Last Accounting Date of 10/09/15. When the File is Invoiced through Storage Invoicing Moveware overrides the Last Accounting Date of 10/09/15 to the previous Sunday of the Date ‑ In the example 06/09/15 ‑ the File and New Container will be Invoiced from the 06/09/15 and not the 10/09/15.
If a Container comes in Mid Cycle on an existing Storage Account ‑ the Last Accounting Date is calculated from Date in and will be set to the Previous Sunday from the Container Date in. No Manual user intervention is required as long as the Date in is set correctly on the new Container then the system should work correctly.
Company/Region Affected: Clockwork
241974N Ops Changes ‑ Trade Storage Diary
Description of Functionality: For Diary Action:
Trade Storage In
Trade Storage Out
Goods Inspection
When the Diary action are created they start as “Instructions Received”. Once they have been approved they update to “In Progress” (Using Moveware standard Approval Process/Icon). Once the have been completed they update to “Completed” (Using Moveware standard Completion Process/Icon). By default, for Trade Storage Diary Branch ESL ‑ we only show uncompleted which ignores the Date Range completely and shows all uncompleted diary action regardless of date. Branch Filter is Blank by default for ESL Employee on the Trade Diary.
Company/Region Affected: Clockwork
241974O New System Parameter ‑ Auto Add for Storage Account options by Branch or Cost Centre
Description of Functionality: New System Parameter ‑ RemprodStgAuto ‑ Auto Add for Storage Account options based on (B)ranch or (C)ost Centre. If you set the system parameter to B, then a list of Branches will be displayed in the Removals Products screen. If you set the system parameter to C, then a list of Cost Centres will be displayed in the Removals Products screen. This is a multiple select field. Without this system parameter set to B or C then the old combo box with Y or N options is displayed.
247321 Storage button and Invoice filter added to Invoicing and Storage Management screens.
Description of Functionality: Added ability to find storage records based on invoice value filtered. Also, added storage button to view storage information in invoicing screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by clicking in Invoice filter and selecting an invoice line where storage records are short listed which are linked to selected invoice. One or more storage records can be linked to a single invoice. Storage button is visible only for storage invoices. On click of this button, storage information will pop up.
249406 Warehouse Lookup Update
Description of Functionality: General Release for everyone: When system parameter ‘Look Up Location Area’ is enabled, in Warehouse Management location lookup should be based on AREA not CODE, otherwise default behaviour is to use CODE
Below feature for John Mason only: Do not validate location if there is already inventory in the location upon add of new inventory.
Description of Usage: When typing in location field at the bottom of screen, area should be used if system parameter is set to Y, otherwise code should be used. When area is used, the list still shows the codes, but it allows the user to type in the area to see all the location.
JM only when add new inventory there is no validation to check if location already has other inventory
Company/Region Affected: John Mason
253185 Update Sales Rep field in Storage Management from Move Manager Field on linked Removal Plan
Description of Functionality: When a Storage Account is added through Removal Management the Sales Rep field on the Storage Account is updated from the Move Manager field on the Removal.If the Move Manager is updated the Sales Rep on the linked Storage Account is also updated. This only works with the Removal that is linked to the Storage Account in the ‘Reference In’ Field on the Storage Account. If the Reference is changed to another Removal the Sales Rep will be updated accordingly.
Company/Region Affected: Dehaan
253783 Added ability to filter by emails to customers sent from Storage
Description of Functionality: When an email is sent from storage, it will record the storage ID against the contact log that is created against the debtor on the storage so that users can filter by all emails sent regarding the storage account.
Description of Usage:
Send an email to the debtor via a storage account.
Go to Debtor Management and find the corresponding debtor
Go to Contacts tab and filter by the storage account number in the Refer column
User should only see emails that were sent from that storage account.
Please note that this will only work for emails that are sent after the new release has been implemented; previous emails would not have the corresponding storage number logged.
255239 Bug Fix ‑ Error Messages when Adding a Storage Container to a Storage Account via Locations Tab
Description of Functionality: Bug Fix ‑ Fixed bug causing error Messages when Adding a Storage Container to a Storage Acc through Locations Tab
255456 Event Log Update ‑ to record changes of each field in Storage Locations Screen
Description of Functionality: Added event logs to record changes of each field in screen.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by changing each field, save it and click check event logs. The field changes are recorded accordingly, along with location code.
255462 Storage Close ‑ Notify Users of event
Description of Functionality: Added a change where select users can be notified when storage accounts are set to Closed.
Description of Usage: To set a user to be notified, under Employee Management > Users tab make sure they have ‘Storage Close’ selected in the Notify field.
255868 New System Parameter ‑ To Restrict Deletion Containers/Object and Removal of Storage Date Outs
Description of Functionality: System parameter is ‘RestrictStorageObjectDeletion’, note users with security group X and 6 can still delete. If date out is set, then nobody can delete
Description of Usage: System parameter ‑ RestrictContainerDateOutEdit. Set the value to one of the following depending on requirements:
Y ‑ both
C ‑ container
O ‑ object
N ‑ no validation
this one checks branch also
For users’ X and 6 in storage object (Martin Speed)
For users’ X in storage inventory (Cadogan Tate, crl)
256227 Bug Fix in Container Cost Types Rates not picking up Debtor Assigned
Description of Functionality: When Adding Rate against a Storage Cost Type Inventory Item and assigning a debtor, these rate were being picked up correctly when adding Storage Containers to a Storage account for the assigned Debtor, this has now been resolved and rates work accordingly.
256257 Removal resource calc type lock
Description of Functionality: If a storage resource is committed, then the calc type should not be modified from the removals resource tab
Description of Usage: Go to removal resource tab, for storage resource that is committed, check that the calc type cannot be edited
256283 Storage Location ‑ Date Out Custom Change
Description of Functionality: In storage location, when date out is put in and it is same as last invoice date, then do not ask user to generate invoice/credit note, previously user is forced to create invoice
Description of Usage: Go to Storage Location tab, put in a date out for one of the storage container lines and ensure the value is the same as last invoice date on the storage charge line. Confirm no invoice popup appears. Try with a different date and confirm the pop up appears.
Company/Region Affected: Cadogan Tate
256543 Modified the All Inventory tab in Storage Management to cater for Fine Art & Asset Management
Description of Functionality: The ‘All Inventory’ tab in Storage Management previously had a screen catered for domestic household storage only. We have now changed this screen so that companies that are using Fine Art & Asset management modules can change the view to cater for corresponding inventories.
Description of Usage: In the storage management All Inventory tab, change the view at the top left hand corner to ‘Fine Art’ or ‘Asset Management’ to show the tab in a view that caters to the selected type
257140 Warehouse Out Condition Removed for MS
Description of Functionality: Warehouse Out Condition Removed for MS. Previously it was required that the item had to be assigned to a container for it to be considered a ‘storage item’ and therefore, be set with a date out. This condition has been removed for Martinspeed, therefore any Objects linked to a Diary Action with a Key Action of ‘Warehouse Date Out’ will be updated with a ‘Date Out’ in the Storage Account.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257160 Old Ref Filter Added to Storage Management Inventory Tab
Description of Functionality: Old Ref Added to Storage Management Inventory Tab
Description of Usage: Users can now search on Old Ref in Storage Management Inventory
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257235 New System Parameter ‑ Default Storage Account Name to Debtor Instead of Client
Description of Functionality: New system parameter ‘Default Storage Account Name to Debtor Instead of Client’ defaults storage account name to the removal debtor name instead of the removal client name when adding a new storage account on a removal
New system parameter ‘Validate Storage Identifier Field’ which validates the storage identifier field on Save (when system parameter is set to Y) and/or Add (when system parameter is set to A) of storage account
257348 New System Parameter ‑ Storage Invoice Up To Date Remains as Entered Date
Description of Functionality: Previously when using Q, S & Y Frequencies in Storage, the storage invoiced up to date at the end of the month that is closest to the quarterly, semi‑yearly & yearly date with respect to the used Frequency. New System parameter ‘Storage Invoice Up To Date Remains as Entered Date’ will force the Storage Invoiced up date to match what has been entered in ‘Create Invoices Up To’ date rather than the end of month date as it previously did.
Description of Usage: Set system parameter ‘Storage Invoice Up To Date Remains as Entered Date’ to Y. When invoicing storage account using frequencies Q, S, Y, notice that it will invoice up to the date entered in ‘Create Invoices Up To’ field rather than the default end of month date
257513 New System Parameter ‑ Manually Calculate Fine Art Inventory Totals
Description of Functionality: New system parameter ‘Manually Calculate Fine Art Inventory Totals’ is used to allow the user to manually calculate the totals for fine art/asset management objects in a storage account. Useful if the system is slow to load the storage inventory screen due to significant number of items.
Description of Usage: When the system parameter is enabled, instead of the system automatically calculating the totals on a storage inventory tab, the user will need to manually trigger the totalling using the totals button at the top of the screen
257517 Locating Objects through Storage Management Update
Description of Functionality: Previously when Re‑locating Objects through Storage Management and the user chooses not to set a Date Out ‑ user would encounter an “Action Cancelled” Message. Now the user can go forward and re‑locate the item without setting a Date Out.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
257526 New system parameter ‑ Use Minimum Storage Value
Description of Functionality: When enabled, storage detail lines should bring in the minimum value in the background to be used in storage invoicing.
Description of Usage: System parameter ‑ Use Minimum Storage Value. Add some lines in storage management where the rate has a min value set. Go to storage invoicing, if the min value is greater than the invoice value then the min value is used instead while invoice run is run, the user can see this as red, and can use the ‘calculator’ button to modify this value before creating the actual invoices
257754 New System Parameter ‑ Show G/L code against charge lines in Storage Management
Description of Functionality: Added a system parameter ‘Show G/L code against charge lines in Storage Management’ which adds a column to show the G/L code in the storage charge line section. This column will be view only and will need to be edited against the removal product G/L code if it’s incorrect. Added a filter for Storage Invoice Details in the storage management search screen.
Description of Usage: In Storage Management, Search screen: New filter at the bottom to search for anything entered in Invoice Details. Turn on ‘Show G/L Code against charge lines in Storage Management’ System parameter to display G/L code in storage management charges section, this will display as a view only column
257845 Accounts tab is now only shown/hidden based on security group
Description of Functionality: Accounts tab is hidden based on security. Previously, Accounts tab were visible for all users.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by selecting a user which doesn’t have the security set to either ‘A’ or ‘D’. The Accounts tab is disabled for these users.
257915 New System Parameter ‑ Stop the Auto Search in Storage Account Filter
Description of Functionality: Previously when typing in the storage account filter in the storage search screen, the system would automatically start filtering as the user types. With the new system parameter turned on, the system would only perform the search when the user hits ENTER after typing in the search name. Added system parameter ‘Stop the Auto Search in Storage Account Filter’ which when turned on will stop the auto search as you type in the storage account filter in the storage search screen
257927 Speed Improvements in Object Management
Description of Functionality: With the addition of search filters in Object Managements, users should also see some speed improvements in this area as well
257997 New System Parameter ‑ Do not prompt for Date Out when moving Object from Storage to Job
Description of Functionality: New System parameter ‘Do not prompt for Date Out when moving Object from Storage to Job’ will prevent the system from prompting the user to set a date out when copying a Fine Art/Asset management object from storage to a removal
Description of Usage: Previously when copying a Fine Art/Asset Management object from storage to a removal, it would prompt the user to set a date out. Set the system parameter ‘Do not prompt for Date Out when moving Object from Storage to Job’ to ‘Y’ and the system will no longer prompt the user to set the date out when performing this action
258192 Clear Search Filters and Selected Items when user changes Storage Account
Description of Functionality: Clear Search Filters and Selected Items when user changes Storage Account. Clear any search filter including the Selected Filter Y/N when user leaves the Storage Account and reviews another Account.
258589 Removed vertical scrollbar
Description of Functionality: Fixed vertical scroll bar displaying in the storage screen. Previously, the user was not able to see the other tabs when scrolled up and down.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by setting the remote desktop resolution with 1368 X 768 and login with user having 1368 X 768 resolution, no scroll bars in the screen.
258887 Storage Attention and Additional Contact fields not to be updated from Removals upon creation
Description of Functionality: When new storage is created from removals, the Attention and Additional Contact fields are updated from removal.This is now left blank.
Description of Usage: Go to Removal Management, storage tab, add new storage from removal, check that the Attention and Additional Contact are left blank
Company/Region Affected: Dehaan
259216 Added ability to apply rate revision to storage insurance values
Description of Functionality: Users now have the ability to rate revise storage insurance values to account for currency inflation
Description of Usage:
In the storage rate revision screen, tick the ‘Insurance Only’ toggle
The ‘Update Ins Value’ toggle will now appear, check this toggle
Apply the rate increase and click create to view the new storage insurance values.
Click the Update button when happy with the new values
259319 Enhancement to system parameter ‘Restrict Container Date Out Edit’
Description of Functionality:When system parameter is set to value Y or C, in storage location tab it should also check if a container is on another job or removal and restrict the modification of the date out field.
Description of Usage: Go to storage location tab, edit date out, if the container is on another job or storage, it should restrict the edit of the date out
259409 Fine Art ‑ Security Group V can move goods into and out of Bond.
Description of Functionality: ONLY user with Security Group V can move goods into and out of Bond. Goods in Bond are any Object with the Bond Toggle Checked on the Object Record.Users that do not have security group V and attempt to add an Object onto a Job that is in Bond will be prevented and a Warning will Pop Up
Moving an Object using the Blue Arrow in Storage Management ‑ when copying/moving object to another Account/Job if any of the selected Objects are in Bond then the FULL action is cancelled/restricted, and users are not being able to move ANY of the selected Objects if even just one of them is under Bond Control.
Adding through the Object Lookup in Removals Management has the same restriction, users can not add any object onto a Job if they are in Bond. So if they have selected multiple Object and one is on Bond then then the whole action is cancelled. Warning ‑ ‘Objects you have selected are under Bond, TA or TAF’ ‑ you have insufficient security rights to move these Objects. Please check with the Bond Team.
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
259463 Identifier field filtering in Storage
Description of Functionality: Corrected filtering by ‘Identifier’ field in Storage Management. Previously, filtering by Identifier field would result in blank records.
Description of Usage: The user can test this by entering some text in the ‘Identifier’ field and storage records are filtered accordingly. Note ‑ Filtering works differently for Olympia.
259885 Default Storage Group on the ADD of a Storage Account to ‘New Acc’
Description of Functionality: When Adding a Storage Account through Storage Management or Removals Management Storage Tab to ‘New Acc’
Company/Region Affected: Martinspeed
248202 New System Parameter ‑ Use Percentage Against Removals in Waybill Costing Distribution
Description of Functionality: Currently when assigning costs in waybill costing across Removals on the Waybill, it is distributed by the volume of the Removal against the overall volume of the Waybill. Users can now manually assign a % against each Removal on a Waybill and distribute the cost of the waybill against the Removals using this assigned %.
Description of Usage: To use this feature:
Set the system parameter ‘Use Percentage Against Removals in Waybill Costing Distribution’ to ‘Y’
Go to a Waybill with multiple Removals and go to the Removals tab, there should now be a %Cost column in that screen
Attribute the Cost % for each Removal in that column, ensure that the total Cost % across the Removals sum up to 100%
Go to the Costs tab on the Waybill and you should see the attributed %Cost against each Removal cost line
Select multiple cost lines of different Removals and attribute the cost using the Lightning bolt button as per normal
The cost attributed to each Removal should correspond to the % Cost entered in step 2
252507 Added alphanumeric validation to validate waybill fields
Description of Functionality: Added alphanumeric validation to validate below fields on saving the waybill record. Vessel Number, Voyage Number, OBL/AWB, House Bill, Booking Reference, Container Number, Seal Number
Description of Usage: System Parameter ‑ To check value entered is alphanumeric. The user can test this by enabling system parameter to ‘Y’ to validate the above fields on saving waybill record. The fields should contain alphanumeric values without white spaces else the system throws an error.
253484 Move Manager field added to Removals tab in Waybills
Description of Functionality: The Move Manager has been added to the Client Details section on the Removals tab in the Domestic & International Waybills screen. The field is not editable and displays the detail that is entered against the Removal.
Description of Usage: The Move Manager field appears below the Name in the Client Details section of the Removals tab in Domestic & International Waybills.
256029 Waybill ‑ Prevent shipped status to be updated back to ‘Y’
Description of Functionality: Some client Moveware Systems have a different set of shipped status for a removal which gets updated based on waybill status. Upon despatch of a waybill, the default behaviour is to set the shipped status of every removal associated with the waybill to status ‘Y’.
This update could happen as soon as the user switches between the Waybill and Details tab on Removals Management screen. This is not ideal for Moveware Systems which do not use this status (e.g. use of ‘D’ for delivered instead of ‘Y’), so the status will be overwritten to ‘Y’ incorrectly upon despatch of a waybill.
This behaviour has now been restricted by using system parameter ‘Skip shipped status to be updated to SHIPPED if job is on any status mentioned here.’. The value on this parameter will be checked before the Shipped status on a removal associated with a waybill is updated and if it matches with the current status it will NOT get updated.
Description of Usage: To test this feature, go to a removal with a confirmed waybill and the Shipped status of ‘Delivered’ (or other customised status) on Removals Management screen.Now go to the ‘Waybill’ page and then return back to the ‘Details’ page. Check the Shipped status. It should still be ‘Delivered’ (or other customised status).
256395 Added a lookup to display Inland Freight Contact
Description of Functionality: Added a lookup to display contacts upon double clicking Inland Freight Contact field.
Description of Usage: Available on systems which use the Inland Freight Agent fieldThe user can test this by double clicking on ‘Inland Freight’ and contacts related to agent are displayed.
257981 Waybill invoicing error
Description of Functionality: Upon creation of an invoice from waybill invoicing screen, if the cost centre is blank (user cost centre is blank in employee management) then the system throws an error and backs out of the creation of the invoice. This is now resolved to allow user to add the cost centre after the error and still save the invoice
Description of Usage: Go to waybill invoicing screen. Add new invoice, make sure the user doesn’t have a default cost centre set in employee management, so that the system throws up an error invalid cost centre. The user is then allowed to put in a valid cost centre and save the invoice
258559 Waybill carrier field display
Description of Functionality: Fixed waybill carrier field display on initial loading of record. Previously the carrier value was not displayed.