Moveware 8.9 Release Notes

Moveware 8.9 Release Notes


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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


To send reminders and emails when a Purchase Order is created or has its status changed in Removals and Waybill Costing based on the settings in Code Management.

In Codes Management, select Code Type = Employee Notify and find the PO Status option. You may need to add one if it does not already exist:

Code Value: PO Status
Description: PO Status Change
Other: Email, Reminder
– The Other field can be set as ‘Email’ or ‘Reminder’ or if both are required then ‘Email,Reminder’.

Next Field (1): From Status of Purchase Order
– The Next Field (1) can be left blank or use the value of the PO status from. For example, if a reminder or email needs to go to a user when a PO status is changed from Approved to the value entered in the field below, the value put in this field should be ”Approved”.

Next Field (2): To Status of Purchase Order
– The Next Field (2) is the to status of PO such as ‘Filled’ or ‘Ordered’ or Filled,Approved’ based on the statuses used by each company.

Next Field (3) – Branch/Show Branch
– The Next Field (3) can be left blank or ‘Branch’ if PO branch to match with employee branch. ‘Show Branch’ if PO branch has to match with Employee Display Branch.

The user can select the costing lines in Removals/ Waybill > Costing tab , click on post button, set the creditor and create a PO which sends the reminder or email as well.


We have added the ability to the Event Log to to capture changes made to a number of fields in the Diary Actions setup. Previously, changes made to those particular fields could not be seen in the Event Log.

In Administration > Diary Actions, select a diary action to configure. Changes made to the following fields will now also be recorded in the event log:

Create Directory
Rate Request Only
Security Group
Use in Dest Sum
MW Setup
Assign to Actual User
Special Items


We have added a scroll bar to the System Parameter > Help field which allows users to move up and down the field to find more information about the System Parameter. This field is defaulted as read-only and cannot be edited. Previously, the ‘Help’ field was not scrollable.

In Administration > System Parameters, select one of the System Parameters and find the ‘Help’ field.

You will see a scroll bar which can be used to move up and down to read more details about the System Parameter selected.


We have added the feature to be able to use the New Wiki Help when a user presses F1.

Previously it was navigating to http://help.moveware.com.au. Now the user will get directed to https://wiki.moveconnect.com or directly to the subpage of the particular screen the user was on.

On all screens > press F1 > https://wiki.moveconnect.com is opened on each page, depending on which screen the user is on.

376782 *

Instead of using ‘Rego’ or ‘Service’ under Employee Management > Notify, users can now use ‘Fleet Notify’ to control which employee gets a notification for vehicle service or rego dates. In addition, notifications can also be received for container certification dates.

In Code Management > ‘Vehicle Service’ code type, select the code ‘Rego’ and ‘Service’, enter ‘Fleet Notify’ into the ‘Notify field’.
For containers certification, first make sure that the code type ‘Containers’ already exists. If not, create it under ‘Code’ type (if you can’t create a new Code type, please contact your Account Manager).

Once that is done, select ‘Containers’ type, then create a new code called ‘Certification’. Once that is done, enter ‘Fleet Notify’ into the ‘Notify’ field. In the ‘Prior Days’ field, enter the number of days prior to the due date for the notification to be sent out.

Still in Code Management, switch to ‘Employee Notify’ code type, add a new code called ‘Fleet Notify’.


In Employee Management > User Details > Notify, there is a new option called ‘Fleet Notify’. Select this for the employee as desired.
Finally, in Fleet Management, for each of the vehicle that needs to have notification sent, make sure the ‘Display Branches’ is set up to include the branch of the employee.

Similarly, in Operations > Inventory > Container, make sure the ‘Display Branches’ is set up to include the branch of the desired employees.

398236 *

We have added a new System Parameter called “Truncate Inventory CuFt volume to a whole number”.

If the inventory volume is in Cuft, then this System Parameter will allow the volume to truncate into a whole number (for example 10.9 becomes 10).

Enable System Parameter “Truncate inventory CuFt volume to a whole number” = Y


Description: Truncate inventory CuFt volume to a whole number
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

391895 * (Enhancement - Altair Exports Removal Transfer)

A new data transfer for exporting removals into Altair compatible xml files, then encrypt as .gpg files and send to designated sFTP repository. Only removals that has 'Altair' as the beginning of the  bill-to name, and have not yet delivered will be exported. The user can set the number of days prior to today as a date filter of the export. Removals that has been successfully exported and sent will be flagged and will not be export again.

In Windows > Data Transfer Setup, add a new entry with the following settings:

Type: Data Transfer
Template: N
Status: Active
Code Value: Export Removal Altair
Description: Altair Removals Export
Automate: MWC

In the Settings table, use the '+' button to add the following fields:

ArchiveErrorFolder: A folder of your choice. This is the folder where the gpg files will be sent to if the system was not able to send out the file via sFTP.

ArchiveFolder: A folder of your choice. This is the folder where the gpg files will be sent to if the system was successful in sending out the file via sFTP.

AutoRunFreq: Daily

AutoRunTime: (if every hour) 00:00,01:00,02:00,03:00,04:00,05:00,06:00,07:00,08:00,09:00,10:00,11:00,12:00,13:00,14:00,15:00,16:00,17:00,18:00,19:00,20:00,21:00,22:00,23:00

DateFrom: (Capture Altair removals that are delivered in the last 45 days) today;-45D

DateTo: today

Extension: xml

Filename r-file_


Folder: A folder of your choice. This is the folder where the gpg files are placed before they are sent out via sftp.

FTPPassword: Enter the password to access the ftp site

FTPUrl: Enter the url to the ftp site

FTPUsername: Enter the username to access the ftp site

LastRun: No need to enter anything, the system will update the time when it runs the data transfer.

NoConvert: true

NotifyType: Removal Export

NotifyTypeError: Removal Export Error

Procedure: ex-removal-altair

Silent: true

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


A new System Parameter has been added to allow users to set the default sender’s email address on the Electronic Banking screen. This default email will be used when sending a Remittance Advice.

Find the System Parameter ”Default Email Remittance Sender Email in Electronic Banking” and add the default email address in the Value field. The system will always populate the email set as the System Parameter’s value as the sender’s email when sending a Remittance Advice on the Electronic Banking screen.


We have added the ability in Moveware to create Event logs when users are making changes on the Sales Budgeting screen.

Previously the ‘View Events’ button was not available on this screen.

On the Sales Budgeting screen, Moveware will create Event logs when the following changes are made:
– Assign value
– Edit value
– Use ”Clear” button to delete one line
– Use ”Clear All” button to delete all records whole this screen


Users can now set new creditor status in Code Management using the code type of ‘Cred Status’.

On any screen that allows users to choose a creditor status from the ‘Status’ combo-box, the list of available statuses in the combo box will be populated from the hardcoded statuses, plus statuses pulled from Code Management ‘Cred Status’ code type.


Users can now set new Customer status in Code Management using the code type of ‘Cust Status’.

On any screen that allows users to choose a customer status from the ‘Status’ combo-box, the list of available statuses in the combo box will be populated from the hardcoded statuses, plus statuses pulled from Code Management ‘Cust Status’ code type.

First, in Code Mangement, check if ‘Cust Status’ is available in the ‘Type’ field. If not, select type ‘Code’, then click the ‘Add’ button. Enter ‘Cust Status’ into the ‘Code Value’ and ‘Description’ fields, then click ‘Save’. (Note: If you can’t add a new ‘Code’ type, please contact your Account Manager to add it for you)

Once ‘Cust Status’ becomes avilable as a Type, the user can add new creditor status. Select ‘Cust Status’ type, then click the ‘Add’ button. Enter desired status into ‘Code Value’ and ‘Description’ fields, then click ‘Save’.


In Purchase Update > Detail tab, the Folder icon next to the Details field will appear in red if the folder contains a file whose name matches the number of the Purchase or the Invoice selected.

Previously, this functionality was only available on the Purchase Update > Search screen.

Previously it was navigating to http://help.moveware.com.au. Now the user will get directed to https://wiki.moveconnect.com or directly to the subpage of the particular screen the user was on.

This feature works in conjunction with the System Parameter ”Use Reference Numbers in Shared File Directories”. Enable the System Parameter and the Folder icon on the Purchase Update screen > Detail tab will show as red when a file in that folder contains number of the Purchase or Invoice selected.


A new System Parameter has been added to prevent Moveware from assigning numbers to new invoices with the numbers from the current GL year set in Company Management.

Below are the available settings for this System Parameter:

If this is set to ‘Y’, then Disable Company Current Invoice Calculation From Current GL Year

if this is set to ‘N’, it will show a prompt, asking if the user wants to change the current invoice number.

When selecting ‘Yes’ to the prompt, it will change the current invoice number. If selecting ‘No’, it will not change the current invoice number.


A new System Parameter has been added to not allow creating a Purchase Credit Note without a value in the ”Invoice #”. If there is no value, the system will display an error message.

When the System Parameter is enabled, click on the ‘Create Credit Invoice using selected Invoice’ button on the Purchases screen:

If there is an invoice number > show a confirm message to create a credit note.

If there is no invoice number > show an error message.

Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries


Rates & Costing

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


We have added a new toggle on the Rate Request screen to expand the Email From/To fields and hide the Fax field instead.

This toggle is next to the Fax (Agent From) field. When the toggle is ticked:

– Expand Email field both Agent From and Agent to
– Hide Fax field both Agent From and Agent to

When the toggle is unticked:

– Email field show as default
– Enable Fax field

If you want the toggle to be defaulted when opening the Rate Request screen, there is a new System Parameter that controls this called ”Hide Fax in Rate Request on Load”.


A new System Parameter called ”Enter Costing Values as Tax Inclusive by User” has been added, which enables a new user setting to allow the default view to be set.

This is an override for the System Parameter ”Enter Costing Values as Tax Inclusive” to work based on a user level which can be set individually in the Employee Management.

Administration > System Setup > System Parameters
Enable System Parameter ”Enter Costing Values as Tax Inclusive by User”


Employees > Employee Management > User Details > Setting > ‘Default Display Tax’
Set the value to blank, Inclusive or Exclusive.

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries


Removals (Jobs)

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


A new System Parameter has been added to hide the ‘Delete all Date Records for this Removal’ button on the Removals screen > Diary tab.

When this System Parameter is enabled, Moveware will hide the ‘Delete all Date Records for this Removal’ button (the red cross icon) from Removals > Diary.

This System Parameter can also be configured based on Security Groups by adding Y, followed by a comma-separated list of user security. For example, if the System Parameter’s value is set to ”Y,3,5”, only users within the Security Group 3 (Branch Manager) and Group 5 (Operations Manager) will be able to see the ‘Delete all Date Records for this Removal’ button” button.

Please note that this System Parameter will not affect the system in which the Diary-Based Resouce Costing is used as the button will always be hidden.


We have added the ability to perform the location code lookup in the Location field. Until now it was only possible to add text manually.

On the Removals screen > Details tab > double-click into the Location field and the Location lookup will appear. Users can select a location from the list then click OK and Save.


We have added a new toggle to the Order column on the Removal/Baggage Search screen to perfom a ‘Wild Card Search’.

When the toggle is checked, it will perform a search for orders that contain the keyword. (Wild Card search)

When the toggle is unchecked, it will perform a search for orders that begins with the keyword.

Note: This toggle works together with the toggle ‘Include Agent Reference field on the Import Tab in Search’. When both toggles are checked, it will perform a search for P.O Number field OR Agent Reference field that contains the keyword.


We have developed a new feature to warn users when they attempt to link a Removal to a closed Storage Account.

If the storage account is closed, the user will receive a validation message.

In Removals Management > Storage tab, click the ‘Add’ button to add the Removal to an existing Storage Account. If the user selects an account that has been closed, they will receive an alert asking ”The storage account selected is closed. Do you wish to continue adding this removal plan to this storage account?”. If select ‘Yes’, Moveware will proceed to link the closed to account with the Removal.


We have added a more detailed message on the Event log when a costing line is getting deleted.

The system now records the values of Estimate, Sell, and Actual (if those are not 0). If the cost is in a foreign currency, it will show both, the local and the foreign amounts.

Previously, the Event log only showed that the Costing line has been deleted.

On the Removals screen > Costing tab > delete Costing line > confirm message appears > Yes > check Event log


We have added new Email merge fields:




When using these merge fields in an Email report, they will pull the value from the ‘Attention’ and ‘Email’ fields under the ‘Bill To’ section on the Removal Details screen.

Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration > Email Setup


A new System Parameter has been added to display the ‘Spare2’ Removal Details field filter on Removals Search screen.

Administration > System Setup > System Parameters

Enable the System Parameter ”Show Spare2 Removal Details Field Filter in Search Screen”


A new System Parameter has been added to allow the Comments field on the Diary Action screen to use merge fields.

When the System Parameter is set to ‘Y’, users can add removals and waybill related merge fields into the Comments field of a Diary Action. This will allow the Diary Action to pull information from the removal and/or waybill when it is being added into the diary.

400131 *

We have added a new Event Log when a user is changing the Agent on Waybills > Jobs > Client Details.

Waybills > Jobs tab > Client Details

– Double click into the ‘Agent’ field and choose the Agent from the lookup > Save > Event Log will be created.

394679 *

The report “Tax Setup” will now additionally display data from the following fields on the Tax Codes screen:
Customer, Supplier, Removal Product, Supplier Product, BAS Code, Valid From, Comp, Branch, CC, Selection Option, Charge Type and Alternate Code

The report will display the data coming from the fields on the Tax Codes screen.

(Administration > Company Setup > Tax Codes)

The fields on this screen are related to System Parameter “Use New Tax Code Setup”
To run the report navigate to Reports > Other > Administration > Tax Codes

392864-071C *

We have added an Additional Agents button on the Waybill Details screen to open a dialog for assigning Additional Agents.

The dialog will display the set of fields that code Type = 'Waybill details' and Code value = AdditionalAgent1 to AdditionalAgent5 and status = 'Active'.
The label field will change to follow the code description.

We have added an Additional Agents button on the waybill details screen to open a dialog for assigning Additional Agents.

The dialog will display the set of fields that code Type = 'Waybill details' and Code value = AdditionalAgent1 to AdditionalAgent5 and status = 'Active'.
The label field will change to follow the code description.


Set code record that
Type = 'Waybill details'
Code value = AdditionalAgent1 to AdditionalAgent5
Status = 'Active'.

396020 * - New sys param to see Tax ID field on Invoicing screens (Removals and Debtor)

A new System Parameter has been added to the Show Invoice Line Tax ID field on the Removals invoicing screen and Debtor invoicing screen and change when selecting each invoice line.

The user can enable the System Parameter to see the Tax ID field for every user.
The user can enable the System Parameter with setting user security group to allow a specific group of users to see the Tax ID field.

397895 * - Advanced search on the Removals Search to get the Agent lookup of Booking Agent field

On the Removals Search screen, we have added the possibility to get the Agent lookup when doing an advanced search and selecting the requested record from there, instead of typing it manually into the Value field.

Removals > Search screen
-click on the binocular icon to do an advanced search
-select 'Booking Agent' in the 'Field' drop down
-double click into the 'Value' field > Agent lookup will pop up

Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries



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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


We have added a new System Parameter to activate a new button on the Daily Diary screen when using Moveware on a high resolution (1600×900 and above). This button allows users to store attachments in a single operations diary folder.

To set this up, find the System Parameter ”Activate Daily Diary Attachment Folder”. Specifiy the location where the attachments should be stored in the Value field, followed by the and tags. For example, users may add C:\Moveware\Daily Diary\\ as the System Parameter’s value. This means when clicking the folder button on the Daily Diary screen, Moveware will follow the path set and open a folder based on the branch and date of the diary action selected.

In case none of the diary actions is selected, Moveware will populate a folder with today’s date, and the branch will be either the one being filtered for on the Daily Diary screen or the user’s branch when the filter is left blank.


Added the ability to map the value from ‘End’ field in Labels screen so that it can be passed into ‘Labels’ crystal reports.

In ‘Labels’ crystal reports, insert the field ‘wkreport.wkr-amt1’ from the database tree. This will pull the ‘End’ value from the Labels screen.

390028 *

We have added this feature for Operations Managers to ‘Close’ or ‘Caution’ the days with multiple branches. Previously it was only possible to ‘Close’ or ‘Caution’ the days for a specific branch.

User must have Security Group 5 to use this new feature.

Navigate to the Daily Diary screen > click ‘Modify Daily Notes’ button.

To Close/Open Days with Multiple branches:

Assign a date where you would like to Close or Open.

“Right Click” on the Red Cross button and select Close or Open.

When the branch dialogue pops up, select multiple branches.

Click “OK”

For Caution/Open Days with Multiple branches: same above one but use the Yellow Cross button.

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


We have added a new feature to hide reference and type of Inventory on the Storage > Locations screen. This will affect the ‘Inventory Stored in Selected Locations’ section.

Disable the System Parameter ”Container Or Storage In Single Location”

As a result, Moveware will hide both reference and type on the Storage screen > Locations tab > ‘Inventory Stored in Selected Locations’ section.


The System Parameter ”Show Both Import and Export Jobs in Bond Register” can now accept a list of job types in the ‘Value’ field. This allows the Bond Register screen to show job types other than ‘Import’ or ‘Export’.

Previously, only Import jobs or ‘Import and Export’ jobs could be shown.

Go to Administration > System Setup > System Parameters

In ”Show Both Import and Export Jobs in Bond Register”> Field: Value, enter ‘N’ for Import jobs only, ‘Y’ for Import and Export jobs, or a comma separated job type list, ie: COM,IMA,EXA

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries


E-mail & SMS

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


We have added a new filter called ”Status” to the Creditor/Debtor Address Book.
This filter will default as Active, so it will only show active Creditors/Debtors.

At the same time, we added a new toggle to filter the Contact Status of the Creditor, Debtor or Agent contacts.

  1. Filter Combo ”Status”

– Default as ”Active” on load of Creditors/Debtors Address Book.
– Select the status e.g ”Inactive” or ”Hold” from the drop down
– This filter is for Creditors/Debtors Address Book only

  1. Toggle ”Hide Inactive Contact”

– Ticked bu default, on load of Address Book
– When ticked it will hide inactive contacts
– When unticked it will show all Contact Status and grey out inactive contact lines
– This toggle shows for Creditors/Debtors and Agents Address Book only


To send reminders and emails when a Purchase Order is created or has its status changed in Removals and Waybill Costing based on the settings in Code Management.

In Code Management, select Code Type = Employee Notify and find the PO Status option. You may need to add one if it does not already exist:

Code Value: PO Status
Description: PO Status Change
Other: Email, Reminder
– The Other field can be set as ‘Email’ or ‘Reminder’ or if both are required then ‘Email,Reminder’.

Next Field (1): From Status of Purchase Order
– The Next Field (1) can be left blank or use the value of the PO status from. For example, if a reminder or email needs to go to a user when a PO status is changed from Approved to the value entered in the field below, the value put in this field should be ”Approved”.
Next Field (2) : To Status of Purchase Order
– The Next Field (2) is the to status of PO such as ‘Filled’ or ‘Ordered’ or Filled,Approved’ based on the statuses used by each company.
Next Field (3) – Branch/Show Branch
– The Next Field (3) can be left blank or ‘Branch’ if PO branch to match with employee branch. ‘Show Branch’ if PO branch has to match with Employee Display Branch.

The user can select the costing lines in Removals/ Waybill > Costing tab , click on post button, set the creditor and create a PO which sends the reminder or email as well.

382532 * (Country Merge Field Translation)

Country merge fields were pulling thel translation through based on user interface and was not translating correctly. This is now changed to be based on the client language.

The change impacts e-mail templates, such as the survey confirmation e-mail in which there was a text that said: 'your upcoming move from xxx Country to xxx Country'. This e-mail was sent in Dutch to Dutch clients and the Country wouldn't traslate correctly.

This is working correctly now. No change in Settings is required.

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries


Bug Fixes

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


When adding/changing the Destination Code on the Removals screen, Moveware previously was including Destinations with the same description that were set to ‘Inactive’ when checking for duplicates.

This has been fixed in the 8.9 version.

If the system finds an active Destination, it will ignore the inactive ones and only prompt the message if it found another active duplicate.

Changing/Adding Destination Code on the Removal Details screen > Status filter is set to ‘Active’ in the lookup.


Previously ‘Rate Inclusive of Tax’ was not included when importing rates or bulk updating rates. This is now added in two places – a new column called ‘Tax Inclusive’ in the spreadsheet template, and new toggle boxes in the ‘Update Rates’ pop up screen when the ‘Update Selected Rates’ button is pressed.

Note that this is only applicable for ‘Removal Products’ and ‘Creditor Products’.

For updating the ‘Rate Inclusive of Tax’ using spreadsheet, users can ‘Export’ a spreadsheet template first. This template now has a new column at the end called ‘Tax Inclusive’. Enter ‘Y’ for yes or ‘N’ for no. If the cell is blank then no changes will be made to the ‘Rate Inclusive of Tax’ option.



For updating the ‘Rate Inlcusive of Tax’ using ‘Update Selected Rates’ (Bulk updates), click either the new ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ toggle box next to ‘Rates Inclusive of Tax’ label. Note that toggle boxes will only show when ‘Rate’ is selected in ‘Select Charge Type’.

399329 *

On the Daily Diary screen, when the AM/PM daily header is selected and no branch filter is applied, the system was showing the ‘Notes for the day’ from other branches, including ones where the employee did not have the right to access. This has been fixed.

Only notes from branches with ‘read access’ will be shown.

These are branches that are from Employee > User Details, where ‘Read’ = ‘Y’.

400805B *

The new VAT Number Column/Filter on the Debtor Management > Search Tab was not clearing when using the Refresh/Clear Filter Icon. This has been fixed.


402362 *

400992 Bug Discovered from Change on Ticket 360065.

Prior to the change on ticket 360065, The Profit Margin and Option Total Line and anything with a sort order higher than these line items were NOT selectable when adding Costing Lines to a Cost Option. The adjustment in the code caused this function to be knocked out and therefore users were able to select Expense GL Line Items as well duplicating the Profit Margin and Option Total Lines in the Costing Card. The code has bNeen re-instated.


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Description of Functionality

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Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

397671-033B *

We have added new filters called ‘Method’ and ‘Service’ to the “Jobs Profit & Loss” report.

Those fields are also available in the ‘Group by’ list.

Use the new filters as required in the Reports > Analysis > Job Profit & Loss report.

399360 * (Enhancement - Added tariff filter to invoice summary report)

We have added a new tariff filter to the Invoice summary report.

This filter allows client to filter invoices by specific tariff accounts when printing the report.

The user must use the "Agent" filter in the Report Configuration of Invoice Summary report.


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