The settings in the Administration module Moveware are key to configuring the adaptability of the system. Using System Code Tables and System Settings means that the system can be tailored to run in many different ways. These settings allow your company to tailor Moveware to meet your needs without the outlay or expense of in-house development. This is a large benefit of the continual evolution of Moveware as it works with a wide range of businesses and caters for almost any moving scenario.
Moveware Setup: This area maintains all of the standard code tables used within Moveware. Generally, the areas covered in Moveware Setup are moving or industry-related
System Setup: Contains the Main “System” type functions such as User Administration, Report Configuration, and Menus. Generally, these settings are not Removal or Industry based.
Utilities: Access to miscellaneous utilities that perform specific tasks for when required in maintaining or changing the database. These should generally not be run by unqualified personnel.