Fine Art
The Fine Art module has been designed to support and assist in tracking the movement of Fine Art Objects between you and your customers. Objects can be associated/linked with a Debtor/Customer. They can also be standalone.
There are 3 distinct types of Objects: Artwork, Component, and Container.
The type is used to categorise objects. Each Object is assigned a unique number to distinguish itself from the other Products.
Fine Art Module Setup
The initial Fine Art Module should be set up with the help of your Moveware Account Manager. Please contact Moveware if you are interested in using Fine Art Module.
Fine Art Module System Parameter
To enable the Fine Art module, the ‘Use Fine Art/New Furniture Interface’ System Parameters needs to have a value of Y.
Fine Art Debtors
Fine Art Objects could be linked to a Debtor in Moveware so that they can be viewed and managed under the Debtor. To view all Objects associated with a particular Debtor, the Debtor must be set to be Fine Art. To do so, set Fine Art/Asset Mgmt to F:
Fine Art Cost Centres
Cost Centres can be configured so that Jobs under that Cost Centre display the Fine Art Inventory view. A Cost Centre must be used exclusively for the Fine Art Module. A separate Storage Cost Centre also needs be set up specifically for the Fine Art Module. Fine Art/New Furniture Cost Centre should be set F.
Fine Art Security
To have the ability to add/edit Fine Art Objects, the user must be assigned the Security Group of Q in Employee Management -> User Details.
Activating Object Management Menu
The Object Management module may be accessed via the Operations menu. If it is not available on your database, the Object Management Menu may need to be activated. To do so, go to Administration -> System Setup -> Menus. Search for Object Management using the filter above the Menu column. Select Object Management, and change the Status to Active.
Object Management Menu
The key difference between the Moveware Fine Art Module and the standard Moveware set up is the way inventory items are displayed and handled. In the fine art Module, we refer to these inventory items as Objects and they can consist of Artworks, Components and Cases. These objects can be set up and managed through the Object Management Screen which consists of the Search Tab and the Log Tab.
Search Tab:
This tab shows a list of all objects and allows the user to edit/add objects. The screen contains several searchable fields at the top of each column which can be used for filtering. These fields include:
Type: The type of object- I.e. Artwork, Component or Casing.
Reference: The Unique Moveware Object reference #.
Artist: Object Artist
Title/Marking: The title of the Artwork or the Markings displayed on casings.
Description: Object description
Owner: Owner of the Object. The owner must be set up in Moveware Customer Management.
CPC: Refers to the Objects Customs Procedure Code
Client Ref: This is the clients reference number
Packing: The object/container reference#
Location: The warehouse location of the Object
Part Of: If an object is linked to another object, you can search for the object it is linked to.
Job: Search the object by the job it has been added to
Storage: Search the object by the Storage Account it is a part of
Storage Container: Search for an Object based on the storage container it is placed in.
The searching functionality however is not limited by the filters displayed at the top of the screen. The Binoculars Icon can be selected to search for any field related to an Object.
Other useful icons on the Search Screen include:
Sum Icon: shows the number of objects listed on the screen.
Selection Icons: Can be used to select/unselect filtered objects. Generally used when editing items in bulk.
Update Icon: This icon allows you to update the properties of several objects at once. Filter the screen by all the Objects you wish to modify, select them using the blue checkmark icon, and click the blue arrow to modify all selected objects.
View Artworks Only Toggle: Allows you to filter by artworks only.
Refresh Icon: Clears all filters and refreshes the screen.
Import Icon: this can be used to import multiple items at once. The import template will often be provided to the client to fill out prior to goods being picked up.
Event Log icon: Shows a record of all changes made to the selected object.
Log Tab: Contains a log of Jobs, Storage accounts, movements, etc. for the Object highlighted in the Search tab.
Assigning Objects to Diary Actions:
Once the objects have been set up in Moveware, they can then be allocated to specific diary actions. To assign an object to a diary action, first select the diary action you wish to add it to and then select the green chair icon to show a list of all objects. Next, double click on the object you wish to add to the diary action. All Assigned objects will display in Bold and all unassigned objects will display in normal font. The “Assigned” and “Unassigned” toggles can be used to quickly filter by objects that have or have not been assigned to a diary action.