Asset Management Setup
Initial Asset Management should be set up with the help of your Moveware Account Manager. Please contact Moveware if you are interested in using Asset Management.
Asset System Parameter
To enable the Asset Management module, the ‘Use Fine Art/New Furniture Interface’ System Parameter needs to have a value of Y.
Asset Management Customers
Assets must be linked to Customers/Debtors in Moveware so that they can be managed under the Customer. To view all the assets associated with a particular customer, a Customer must be set to Asset Management. To do so, set Fine Art/Asset Mgmt to Y:
Asset Management Cost Centres
Cost Centres can be configured so that Jobs under that Cost Centre display the Asset Management Inventory view. A Cost Centre must be used exclusively for Asset Management. A separate Storage Cost Centre also needs be set up specifically for Asset Management.
Asset Management Security
To have the ability to add/edit Products and Items, the user must be assigned the Security Group of Q in Employee Management -> User Details.
Asset Management Menu
The Asset Management module may be accessed via the Operations or Sales menu. If it is not available in either menu on your database, the Asset Menu must be activated. To do so, go to Administration -> System Setup -> Menus. Search for Asset Management using the filter above the Menu column. Select Asset Management, and change the Status to Active.