Cost Centres

Cost Centres

What is a cost centre?

Cost Centers are used in Moveware to establish the high-level types of work performed by your organization and to allow their profitability to be reported on. Cost Centres are the two or three-digit codes, labelled to as the “Type” when creating a Job.

Once you have chosen the Cost Centre/Type for the Job, the next level is to choose the Job Type(s) for the Job. The Cost Centre of EXA (Export Move Agent Controlled) in this example, has four Job Types to choose from:

Cost Centres at the Job level begin on the Details tab of the Job. The Cost Centre is then inherited by Cost Options and Invoices made within the Job. This allows the Cost Centre to be incorporated onto financial transactions made for each Job, as the three-digit Cost Centre code becomes part of the transaction ID when an Invoice or a Purchase is made on the Job.

Non-Job related Cost Centres exist as well. Generally, a Cost Centre exists for administrative (non-Job) transactions. A Storage Cost Centre can also be set up without using it as a Job Cost Centre. The Job itself could be LOC (Local), while the Storage account linked to that Job records its Revenue against the STG (Storage) Cost Centre.

The Cost Centres Module

You can find the Cost Centres Module here: Administration > Cost Centres.

The Cost Centres module is used to add, modify and/or delete Cost Center information. It is best to work with Moveware when adding, removing or modifying Cost Centres, as this section is a foundation aspect of the system with significant impact.

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