Resource Usage
The Resource Usage screen provides one place to view or enter the Estimated, Actual, and Returned resources for each Job. By default, Packing material is the resource type used in the Resource Type filter.
The Resource Usage Module contains five tabs:
By Date – Allows you to view or enter all materials on Jobs for a date or date range. This is a convenient facility for staff who receives Dockets/Work Tickets containing material usage, and entering the usage numbers into Moveware one Job at a time for that day.
By Material – Displays a total of Materials used on a date or date range, broken apart by material.
By Job – Displays all Jobs on a date or date range, grouped by Job number.
Original – The Resource Usage screen replaced the original version of the Materials Usage screen in 2019. The Original tab is for users who still feel most comfortable with the original Materials Usage screen.
Summary – Displays totals of each material’s usage over the past twelve months. This can be a helpful tool to analyse trends or make a decision before ordering new materials. You also have the possibility to filter by Usage (positive values) or Purchase (negative values).
With the exception of Summary tab, each tab contains a result table that has the following common columns:
Type – The type of Record (Job or Purchase) relating to a specific material.
Reference – If the material is being referenced in a Job, then this is showing the job number. If the material is being referenced in a Purchase, then this is showing the purchase number.
Name/Number – Name of the packing material, or Number of the vehicle if Vehicle is used in the Resource Type filter.
Description – Description of the material.
Estimated – Estimated quantity to be used in a job. This value should always be filled as it is used in estimated job cost calculation and various reports. For purchase, this will be a negative value.
Additional – Additional quantity brought to a job, on top of the estimated quantity.
Actual – Actual quantity used in a job. Once the operation diary action is completed, this value should be filled as it is used in the actual job cost calculations and various reports. For purchase, this will be a negative value.
Returned – Quantity of material returned by the crew.
Out – The total difference between Estimated, Additional, Actual and Returned quantities. This number is automatically calculated by Moveware and it represents an unaccounted quantity that is either positive (too many), or negative (not enough). If all quantities are accounted for and they are balanced, then it is zero.
Status – Move Manager might want to quickly identify whether the two crucial quantities (Estimated and Actual) have been entered or not. Once the two quantities are entered it will automatically turn from N (Not completed) to Y (Completed). For purchases, this value is U (Updated/Invoiced).
Status can be set manually by using the Complete, Complete All, or Uncomplete All icon.