Materials Screen
The Materials Screen
The Materials Screen allows you to add Packing Material as well as declare how much of the Pack Material has actually been used compared to what was originally assigned to the job.
A summary of what Material you have added, on what Date and the Amount (Estimated) you have added.
The Amount Used (Actuals).
There are a couple ways you can enter the amount Used. You can simply tap in the Used box beside the Material you have added. By tapping in the box, it will increment by 1, otherwise tap on the Material (so it turns bold) and hit Edit. This will allow you not only to enter the amount Used, but the amount Taken Out and Returned.
The Material function allows you to add Pack Material as well as declare how much of the Pack Material will actually been used of what you originally selected.
You can simply tap in the box of extra our out and it will increment by 1, otherwise tap on the Material (so that the line is selected and turns blue) and hit Edit. This will allow you to enter the amount Used, but the amount Taken Out and Returned.