Manage Materials
Standard part of the workflow at the beginning of the day before starting the actual Jobs is the Job Details Screen to review the specifics of Todays Jobs and the Materials Required Screen which indicates the types and amount of Packing Materials that should be brought for the day. We´ll discuss them shortly below:
This is also called the Search Screen. By default, it shows you the Jobs or Diary Actions you have been assigned today, but here you can also (as per above images):
You can tap to choose to view the Jobs of Today, Tomorrow or Week (choose between This/Last/Next Week) to see which jobs fall in the specified date range.
The Search function will perform a search on all jobs that contain the word you typed in
Tap on a Job or Diary Action to open the corresponding Diary Summary Screen that will show all the details of the job such as the general Information, Uplift and Delivery details, Notes, Tasks, Labour assigned, (Estimated) Inventory if available, the Billing details and the Items.
You can Edit all the information in this screen clicking here if permitted.
The Uplift and Delivery section have the following options by clicking on the items as you can see in the image to the right; to view the addresses on the map, take photos with the camera and view the images you have taken, send e-mails or call or SMS the client directly. The Billing Details will allow you to view the map of the biller’s address.
Materials Required
This screen shows you thetype and amount of Packing Material that would correspond your jobs of the day. It is an overview of the necessary packing material, calculated in Moveware based on the Estimated Inventory. It shows the materials required per job.
At (1) you see the types of packing material and the estimated quantity of each. You can then click on the numbers below ´Out´ to confirm bringing the estimated quantity of this type or under ´Extra´ to indicate having brought more than the estimated amount. The total quantity per type of material will show under ´Out´. You can simply tap in the box of extra or out and it will increment by 1, otherwise tap on the Material (so that the line is selected and turns blue) and hit Edit. This will allow you to edit the name, amount Taken Out etc.
If the type of packing material is not in the list you can add it under the ´+ Add´icon at (2). You then first choose the Diary Action for which you want to add a certain Packing Material Type for and then the list of available Packing Materials appears.
By clicking on the ´Group´ button, you can also choose to show the list of materials for the day by type of material instead of per Job (see image on the right). When done, click NEXT to the following menu