Mobi Asset Management

Mobi Asset Management

Mobi Asset Management is a version of MobiCrew that can be used for Asset Management Jobs. There are multiple aspects of the module, but these can be summarized in four key areas:  

  1. Ability to view the Products a client has requested for pickup or delivery, along with their quantities (i.e. client has requested a delivery of 10 large tables). The large table is the “Product”.

  2. Ability to select the Product (large table) and scan a barcode, which creates an individual table in Mobi. Each of the 10 tables is referred an “Item”. MobiCrew enables you to scan the 10 Items, to sync them to Moveware along with their details and associated barcodes.

  3. Ability to Create new Products in MobiCrew.  For instance, if the Large Table is not currently set up in Moveware, it can be created on the device and synced to Moveware.

  4. Checkoff the Items at various stages of the Job (i.e. checkoff the 10 tables as they go onto the truck, or checkoff the 10 tables into a Storage Location).

Preparation/Set Up:

Ensure Moveware has been set up to use Asset Management as listed here.

Ensure you have a barcode scanner which is connected to an Android or iOS device. This includes scanners with an onboard display such as the Zebra TC57X. Mobi Asset Management can also use a phone or tablet camera to scan barcodes. However a dedicated barcode scanner allows you to scan faster.

Useful System Parameter: ValidateJobCorporateAccount
The Mobi Asset Management module relies heavily on the Corporate Account field as this is the account that determines which objects appear in the object lookup list. To validate this field, please set the above parameter to Y (All Job Types) or A (Asset Management Job Types Only)

Adding a Job and Assigning Crew:

The first step in using Mobi Asset Management is to have an Asset Management Job in Moveware. A Job in Moveware could have been entered by a User, or it could have been generated when an Account placed an order on MovePartner. Here they can request the Products and their quantities.


When the order is placed, a Job is created in Moveware along with the Products and Quantities (on the Inventory tab). Otherwise the user can enter the Products manually or import them using a spreadsheet.


The Job is scheduled and assigned to a Crew via a diary action in the Daily Diary. This makes the Into Storage Action available to that MobiCrew user on their device.

The Out of Storage process up until this point is essentially the same. The Job gets created in Moveware, either via user entry or an Account’s MovePartner request. The only difference here is that the Diary Action on which the Crew is assigned is an “Out of Storage” Diary Action.

Using MobiCrew Asset Management



MobiCrew Asset Management Scenario #1: Adding Items into Storage

This is the standard Into Storage scenario where everything went according to plan. A Job was created in Moveware, the Products and their Quantities were added to the Job, and the Crew was assigned to the Diary Action.

The MobiCrew user would see an “Into Storage” Action assigned to them. They tap the action to view the details. They can see that there are 10 large tables coming into storage. It displays in Mobi as 0/10, meaning that they are expecting 10, but have not yet received/scanned any.

As the Items arrive, the user prints barcodes and sticks them to the Items. They select the “Large Table” Product in Mobi, and scan each one. This creates an Item with a barcode for each Large Table that is scanned. This is done until all 10 Large Tables are scanned.



MobiCrew Asset Management Scenario #2: Adding Items into Storage, but information is missing or inaccurate.

There may be cases where the Products and their Quantities were not correctly added to the Job in Moveware. In this case, the MobiCrew user is assigned to a Diary Action, but the list of Products that arrive are different than what they see in Mobi. In addition to the 10 Large Tables, 25 Red Chairs are also ready to go into storage. But the crew doesn’t see 25 Red Chairs on their device.

Viewing a Client’s Product List

MobiCrew Asset Management displays all of the client’s Products on the right side (on a large screen), or by pressing Add on a small screen. From here, the Crew can locate the Red Chair Product. They can also use the Search filter. Once the Product is located, tap to add it to the Job. They can then add a Qty of 25. The device will now display 0/25 and they can barcode/scan all 25 until it says 25/25.

Adding a New Product in MobiCrew

If the Red Chair was not on the client’s list of Products, a New Product can be added on Mobi. Press “New Product” at the top of the client’s Product list and add as much detail as possible. This creates the new Product and adds it to the Job. This Product will Sync to Moveware and be part of that client’s Product listing going forward.

Scanning an item that already exists in Moveware

Let’s say you look at these 25 Red Chairs, and they have your barcodes on them already. You believe that these 25 Red Chairs already exist in Moveware. In this case, the User can just start scanning the barcodes without selecting a Product first. They will initially display in Mobi as “Scanned Item <barcode number>” with no other information. When you press “Refresh Barcodes”, Moveware will scan through the system for these barcodes. If it finds them, Mobi will be updated with the Product and Item details. The Job will also be updated in Moveware with this information so everything is up to date and in sync.



MobiCrew Asset Management Scenario #3: Taking Items Out of Storage

In this case, the MobiCrew user would see an “Out of Storage” Diary Action they have been assigned to. They see the client has requested 25 Large Tables.

The barcodes already exist on these 25 Items in Storage. The Crew simply selects the Large Table in Mobi and starts scanning until they reach 25.


Modifying Products and Items in MobiCrew

When a Product or Item is selected in MobiCrew, icons will be available to modify a Product or Item.

The Edit icon allows for updating the properties of the Product or Item. Most of these options are available at the Product level, but not at the Item level. This is because most of the properties of each Item are inherited from the Product. For instance, the dimensions of the Product can be changed. But the dimensions of each Item cannot be changed, since they should all be the same and inherited from the Product.

At the item level, the following can be edited:

  • Barcode 

  • Serial Number 

  • Comments 

  • Client Reference 

  • Photos 

  • Condition 

  • Current Location

These are all properties that are specific to each individual Item.

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