Mobi Fine Art
Part 1- Set Up:
Step 1- Ensure Moveware is set up for Fine Art: Before making any changes to Mobi, please make sure Moveware has been set up as listed here.
Step 2- Fine Art User set up: The next step is to ensure the Mobi user is created and set up in the Fine Art Mobi User group. For step-by-step instructions on creating new Mobi users and assigning them to specific groups, please click here.
Step 3- Menu Set Up: By default, users in the Fine Art Mobi Group will be set up with Fine art specific menus. This includes the “Objects” menu that replaces the standard “Inventory” menu and can be found on either the Global Jobs Screen or the Daily Workflow screen depending on set up. By default, Fine Art Mobi Users will also have a Global Warehouse menu which contains the submenus “Dairy”, “Locate” and “Search”.
Step 4- Fine Art Specific Settings: The section below will list all of the fine art specific settings.
“Enable Extra Object Details to be visible”- This can be set to Yes or No. When set to “No”, the details visible for the object are Object Reference#, Container Reference#, Artist Name, Artwork Name. When set to “Yes”, the details visible for the object are Object Reference#, Container Reference#, Location, Artist Name, Artwork Name, Client Reference#, Medium, Dimensions, Weight, Condition & Comments.
“Check Off Fine Art Objects by Container”- This can be set to Yes or No. When this setting is set to Yes, items will be grouped by container they are packed in on the’ Check Off’ screen for Fine Art jobs, allowing the user to check off by container. When set to No, the user must check off items one by one.
“Search Objects By Client Reference”- This can be set to Yes or No. When set to Yes, the Mobi user can search for an object using the client Reference #. When set to No, the client reference Number is not included in the search.
“Single Check Off by Diary”- When set to Yes, this setting will enable check-offs to be done against objects assigned to a diary action, rather than all objects on a job. This is useful where Fine art where objects are most often assigned to a specific diary action using the green chair icon on the Diary Tab in Moveware. When set to No, all objects will be visible on check off screen regardless of which diary action is selected.
Bulk Label Report- This setting allows you to configure a label report that can be printed for one or more objects. By default, the “Bulk Label Report” setting is blank which means the “Labels” button is hidden in Mobi. To activate label reports, please follow the steps below:
Set up the report in Report Configuration. The standard report is called “LabelObject”. Make sure it has the Procedure set to “bulklabels”.
In the “Bulk Label Report” Setting, double click on the value field. A yellow pop up will appear asking you to specify a value. In the value field, type the name of the report as set up in step 1. In the example below, we have called the Report “LabelObject”.
After running a code refresh in Mobi, there will now be a “Labels” button that appears when objects are selected. When the button is pressed, it will print labels for the selected objects.
Part 2- Mobi Fine Art Capabilities:
Object Screen: The Objects menu is accessed from a Job or Diary action level (depending on the workflow set up) and allows the user to add, modify, or relocate objects assigned to that Job/Diary action. The section below runs through functionality of this menu.
Adding New Fine Art Items:
Mobi can be used to add new fine art objects, including Artworks, Components of Artwork and Containers. To add a new object:
A) The user Selects the Add button and chooses which type of object they would like to add
B) The user then enters all the relevant object information. The mandatory fields are highlighted in red and vary based on the object being added. Select save once information has been added.
C) The new object has now been added.
Editing Objects:
The Object screen can also be used to edit new or existing objects. Selecting an object will highlight it in blue and display a bar of buttons that give the user item specific functionality. The list below explains what each of these buttons does:
Details: View all Object Details:
Edit Object Details:
Edit Object Condition:
Copy Objects:
Set Object Location: Select Locate and then use the Magnifying glass icon to choose any of the locations set up in Moveware. Once a location has been selected, click on “Set Locations” to relocate the item.
Reports: Generate item specific reports from Mobi
Photo: Selecting this icon will allow the user to either take photo using the devices camera or they can select a photo stored on the device and assign it to the object to sync back to Moveware.
Images: Allows you to view any images attached to an object.
Unpack: This will simply remove the object from the container it is stored in.
10. Pack: This will allow the user to Pack an item into a new container or an existing container.
11. Printing Labels directly from Mobi. Please see setting “Bulk Label Report” at the top of this page for details.
Packing, Unpacking and Locating Multiple Items:
Multiple objects can be Packed, Unpacked or Located at the same time by first selecting each of the relevant objects and then choosing the action you wish to perform. You can choose multiple objects by using the check box next to the item or you can select all by using the check box in the header. Once all objects have been selected, the process is the same as if you were packing, unpacking, or locating individual items.
Warehouse Screen:
The Global Warehouse screen is set up specifically for Warehouse users to add, edit or relocate Objects without necessarily being assigned to any specific Jobs/Diary actions in Moveware. The below section will look at 3 submenus found on the Global Warehouse screen.
Diary Screen: This menu allows Warehouse managers to assign specific Moveware diary actions to warehouse crews and allows them to view the details of those specific tasks.
Locate Screen: This screen is used to relocate Objects, either one by one or in bulk. To relocate an item, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Set the location to which the items will be added. First, select the “Set Location” button, then either scan in the location barcode, or select the magnifying glass icon to open the location lookup. Once a location has been selected, it will be displayed at the top of the screen.
Step 2: Add the items you wish to locate. This can be done by either scanning the barcodes using the barcode icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen or by manually typing in the objects reference number into the Object field and selecting “Add”.
Once a location has been set and items have been added to the locate list, the final step is to just press locate button to move all items.
The “Clear List” button allows you to clear all objects from the list of items to relocate so the user can start the process again with a new batch of objects.