Mobi Interface and Menus

Mobi Interface and Menus

Watch the short video below to learn about the basics of the Mobi interface and how the menu system works:

Depending on your individual Mobi set-up, you will have up to six Global Menus visible at the bottom of your screen.  

Overview of Mobi Menus

While Mobi has been designed around a step by step process, it is still possible to quickly and easily navigate to any job, menu, or information you need using the Mobi menus.

Let’s take a closer look at Mobi’s interface: the Navigation Bar and the Side Menu, which are always accessible from any Screen or Menu.  

The Navigation Bar

The Home Menu: focuses on internal communication, news, and tips. 

The Today menu: the main menu used in Mobi. It provides the user with the details of the job and the functions offered here will be configured to assist your standard daily workflow. 

The Diary: provides an overview of both current and past jobs and tasks. 

The Jobs screen: acts as a quick access menu for screens that are not necessarily pat of the standard job workflow, or need to be referred to infrequently.  

Back: simply takes you back to the previous screen. 

Menu: contains sub-menus related to set-up and general information. 


The Side Menu

The Menu Icon in the navigation bar brings up the side menu with access to several screen. 

The DiaryJobsMessagesNotes and Status Screens have been discussed in the Jos Screen section, so we’ll only discuss the remaining items here.






The Help Screen

Mobi Help includes: the Overview and the How To sections.

The Overview section explains the various modules contained within the application while the How-To section contains answers and tips to the most frequently asked questions. 

You can also use the Search bar to search for a specific topic. For example, if you were to type “Jobs”, anything that has the word “Jobs” in it will show up. 

To expand a menu, tap simply tap on it and it will drop down the topic within that menu. When you have found what you wish to select, tap on the topic to expand and give you an overview on what you have selected.

The Tools Screen

The Tools Module within Mobi contains useful modules for configuring and managing the application. It contains modules to view and manage Licencing, has a Settings and Personalise Module for the user to adjust the settings of the app to his or her preferences as well as a Print module to produce non-Job-related reports. 

Also, you would be able to Refresh Codes here and it gives access to Support. However, since daily use will hardly touch these functions and due to the possible complexity of them we will only give a short description in this user guide.  

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