The Today Screen Workflow: End Day

The Today Screen Workflow: End Day

Once you have completed your daily Jobs, you will be taken back to the Today screen. The menus will now focus on tasks relating ot the end of the day. The organization of these tasks can vary from company to company, but the standard layout includes Materials Returned, Vehicle Checklist, Time-Sheeting, and a Finish Day Review Questionnaire. 

Review the video below for a step-by-step tutorial on using the End Day menu:

How to Use the End Day Menu

Similar to the layout of the Materials Required screen, the Materials Returned screen allows a user to record the materials that were not used on the job. This screen is very useful, as it provides a complete breakdown of the materials originally estimated for the job, the materials taken to the job, the materials used for the job, and finally, the materials returned to the warehouse.  

The next menu that we see here is another vehicle checklist, where you can record the odometer reading and complete review questions focused on making sure the vehicle has been returned in good condition. 

Another commonly included menu for the end of the day workflow is the timesheeting screen, in which hours can be allocated to each individual employee working on that job. Once synced, this timesheeting information will then be recorded against the employee’s actual hours worked.  

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