Download and Log Into Mobi (MobiCrew)

Download and Log Into Mobi (MobiCrew)

Take a look at our quick overview about how to download and log into Mobi on your device. Mobi functions across multiple platforms and devices (iOS and Android tablets and smartphones with wireless capability):

How to Download Mobi

Mobi app icon

(1) The Mobi app is available on the App Stores of iOS and Android; to find it, simply search for ‘Mobi Moveware’.  

(2) Download and install the app for free on your iOS and Android tablets and phones. 

(3) Once the app has been successfully downloaded, click on the Mobi icon to open the application (see image).

How to Log Into Mobi

(1) When you open the app, the login screen will appear. This is where you must enter your Username, which is your 3-digit user credentials (e.g. KJ1) and corresponding Password. (If you do not know your Username or Password, please refer to this page: Set Up Employees to Use Mobi. If you do not have the required permissions to configure user settings, please contact your Moveware administrator.)

(2) Tap on Login. You may have to select a Vehicle for the day.

(2a) The first time you log in, you will also need to insert the 12-digit Licence Key provided to your company.  After your initial login, you will only need to enter the username and password in the future.   

How to Provide Permissions

To give both new and existing MoveWare users access to Mobi and modify passwords if necessary: 

  1. Go to Administration > Your Company System Setup > Groups

The below screen will open, and the user can switch configure the Settings (1) and the Users (2) tab for both Surveyor and Crew users (3):

When selecting the ‘Users’ tab, a list of Users is displayed. Depending on which type of user you want to add, select the Crew or the Surveyor group on the left side of the screen, as shown below. You can search for employees based on the filters provided. If any specific employee is not in the list, you can add it as a user by clicking on the ‘Add’ button: 

Now the Employee Lookup window will open: 

Here you can search for employees by: NameRepEmp ID, etc. Once the correct employee has been located, select “OK” and the employee will be displayed in the list. 

The users in the list can access Mobi if their status is set to ‘Active.’

Password Management

If an admin wishes to change the password of a specific user, or even provide them with a new one, this can also be done from the Users tab.  Existing Moveware users who will be using Mobi do not need to change their password but can login with their current one.

New Mobi Users must be given a specially created password to access Mobi, which can be created by selecting the Employee whose password is to be changed/created for and select on the button shown below. By selecting the change password icon, a small box will appear where the new password can be entered. 

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