MobiSurvey Sync Information in Mobi

MobiSurvey Sync Information in Mobi

At the beginning of your workday, it is imperative that you sync your jobs from Moveware to Mobi, and vice versa. If you do not sync your jobs to Mobi, the information displayed in the app and your Moveware database will not be up-to-date. Take a look at our short video below to see how easy it is to sync information from your device:

How to Sync Information from Moveware to Mobi

To sync your jobs to Mobi, you’ll want to start by navigating to the Sync Screen.

Menu icon

(1) Click on the Menu icon on the bottom right-hand side of your screen.

(2) Next, click Sync. 

You are now in the Sync Screen.   

There are a few ways you can sync jobs to your device:

(3a) The first is by clicking on the Receive button. This will prompt Mobi to automatically sync all your jobs from Moveware from within the entered date range.  

(3b) Alternatively, you can enter a specific job number. Keep in mind that entering a job number manually will override the Date settings selected and only pull information from that specific job.  

How to Sync Information from Mobi to Moveware

It is also necessary to sync information from the Mobi app back into Moveware.  

To do this, you will need to use the Send button located next to the receive button. This button is used to sync the updated Mobi information back into Moveware.

You can choose to sync the Mobi information frequently throughout the day or in one larger sync at the end of the workday once all tasks have been completed.  

Mobi Sync Logic

There are two ways to sync data between Mobi and Moveware. Bothare controlled by Mobi as Mobi Send (Data is sent from Mobi > Moveware) and Mobi Receive (Data is sent from Moveware > Mobi).

The user can select between sending and receiving all jobs, a single job, or codes. When a send or receive is done this only sends and receives the data fields that have changed since the last data sync – not the entire record – to limit the amount of data being transferred.

With every sync there is always the potential of a data conflict. Data conflicts happen when two different users have updated the same data field in both Moveware and Mobi since the last data sync.

Data Conflict Example in Mobi Sync

  1. Job #0001 is received in Mobi at 8:00 am

  2. At 10:00 am a Moveware users updates the “Access” at origin for file #0001

  3. At 10:00 am a Mobi user updates the “Access” at origin for file #0001

  4. At 11:00 a Mobi and Moveware sync takes place.

  5. At this point is where the data conflict is recognized, since the same data field has been updated in BOTH databases (Moveware; s and Mobi’s) since the last time the files were synced.

  6. How this conflict is resolved, depends on if the sync is done via a Mobi Send or Mobi Receive function

    1. MOBI SEND

      1. The Mobi Changes will OVERWRITE any changes done in Moveware where a conflict exists

      1. The now lost Moveware changes can be accessed by reviewing the event log in Moveware


      1. Mobi will receive all file updates EXCEPT where a conflict exists. In other words, conflicts are NOT downloaded to Mobi

      1. This means that Mobi and Moveware will have different data

      1. This will be corrected next time a Mobi SEND is done, as Mobi will overwrite Moveware

The above is done so we can ensure Mobi always wins in any conflict resolution. This is due to many reasons, the main being because in Moveware we have access to the event log (so data is not completely lost), and because most of the fields where conflicts like these can exist, for both Surveyors and Crews, it is Mobi that is the most likely to have the most accurate (up to date) required changes. In fact, all the logs we have received with similar issues to date have been of Mobi users losing data, which is what we are trying to prevent.

Three more things that are important to understand as part of this process are as follows:

  1. When a Mobi Send is done, Mobi will also complete a Receive. This is to check for any changes done in moveware since the last time the files were cross synced. Now this receive will be done AFTER the send, meaning there should be no data conflicts:

    • Moveware updated Access at Origin Field

    • Moveware updated Origin Comments Field

    • Mobi updated Access at Origin Field

    • Mobi Updated Inventory

    • In the above updates, when a send is done:

      • Mobi will Overwrite Access at Origin in Moveware

      • Mobi will update (add) inventory in Moveware

      • Then receive commences:

      • Moveware will update (add) Origin Comments into Mobi

      • There is no longer a conflict in Access at origin

    • Both files are nsync.

  2. Data aggregation are not conflicts. For example, if a Mobi user adds a furniture item into the actual inventory and a Moveware user also adds a furniture item into the actual inventory, this is not a data conflict, and after a sync both mobi and Moveware will show both items, even if they match in numbering, data description, etc. These are considered two different records.

  3. From the above it follows that if two users are updating the same data fields within the same job, then the latest to complete a send sync will win (those changes will remain).

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