Tools Screen
The Tools Module within Mobi contains useful modules for configuring and managing the application. It contains modules to view and manage Licencing, has Settings for the user to adjust the settings of the app to his or her preferences, as well as a Print module to produce non-Job-related reports. You can also use this menu to force a Refresh Codes after configuration changes have been made.
Daily use of the Mobi application will often require little use of these functions although users may wish to delete jobs from this screen.
How to Delete a Job from the Tools Screen
Please note that the delete is permanent and the data cannot be retrieved once deleted. Please ensure you sync all needed information back prior to deletion.
Step 1: Select the Global Menu icon shown below.
Step 2: Select Tools from the menu
Step 3: Select Deletion.
Step 4:
Adjust the filters to find the job you want to delete, then select the job and press delete.
Step 5:
The “Clear Sync Table” button can then be removed to remove any outstanding data from being synced to Moveware. This is often used when running test jobs on a live database.