MobiSurvey Messages Screen
The Messages Screen
Mobi can send and receive internal messages between Moveware and Mobi and can also be used to send e-mails to clients and/or colleagues.
The Inbox Icon can be selected to view the Inbox, Outbox or Sent Items as per image below:
Please note that when internal messages are sent from Mobi, a popup will appear in Moveware, and when messages are sent from Moveware to Mobi, a notification will appear independently of the screen you currently are.
The New Function
Click on ´New´ to create a new Message or Email. You can click on ´New´ to create a new Internal Message or E-mail.
The Delete All function will delete messages or email’s depending on which screen you are in. The Search function will perform a search on all messages, SMS’ or email’s that contain the word you typed in.
To send a message to a recipient via Moveware, make sure Message is selected.
In the To field, your recipient(s) need to be selected by either tapping on the Persons icon. Once you have decided which recipient(s) you wish to send the message to, tap on recipient and hit Add.
Type in a Subject.
Type in a comment.
5a. Cancel will go back to the previous screen and erase everything what you have prior in the prior steps.
5b. Insert can add pre-set paragraphs that you have created via MoveWare.
5c. Tap on Send to send the message you have created in the previous steps. A confirmation Message will display to advise you that the message has been sent.
The Email and SMS screens will allow you to perform the same actions as the Message in a different format. The Email screen allows you to send Attachments as well that you have taken with your camera.
The Inbox Function
The Inbox screen allows you to alternate between menu’s when you tap on Inbox. When you have tapped on another menu, the screen will change to according to what you have selected.
The Delete All Function
Tap on the Delete All.
Tap on OK to delete all of your messages.
Tap on OK. After this, it will bring you back to the screen where you have left off from.
Note: You can always delete one message at a time by tapping on the Message icon, then tapping on the Delete icon.
The Refresh Function
When you tap on Refresh, this will perform a refresh and any new messages will filter into Mobi.