How to Activate Mobi Automatic E-mail/SMS

How to Activate Mobi Automatic E-mail/SMS

Automatic SMS

Mobi can send an automatic SMS when the start time is saved in the Mobi Timesheeting screen. The SMS will be sent to the number associated with the relevant diary action in Mobi. The logic is as follows:

  • If the diary key action contains the word “uplift”, then the sms sends to the uplift contacts mobile number.

  • If the diary key action contains “delivery” then the sms will be send to the delivery mobile number

Automatic SMS Set Up

Step 1: Go to Mobi Set up > Select the setting tab > search for the setting SMS Interface (Admin) and ensure the value is set to Device.

Step 2: Navigate to the code management menu and search for the setting called “SendSMSOnDiaryEdit”. If it does not already exist, it will have to be added exactly as displayed below:

Automatic E-mail

Mobi also has the ability to automatically send an email with the Timesheeting hours to the branch manager. This email is automatically sent when the Finish time is saved in the Mobi Timesheeting screen.

Automatic E-mail Set Up

Step 1: Navigate to the Mobi Set-up menu > select settings tab > and search for the Email Interface setting. If this is set to Moveware then the email will be sent using the email address assigned to the user in Moveware. If it is set to Device, then it will use the devices default email to send from.

Step 2: Navigate to the code management menu > Search the code field for “SendEmailOnDiaryEdit”. If it does not already exist, then it will need to be set up exactly like the below.

Step 3:  Navigate to Code Management Menu > Filter the type by “Employee Notify” > and add the Branch manager exactly as keyed below:

Step 4: Setting up the branch manager to receive notifications. Navigate to employee management > search for the branch manager > select user details and ensure that they are set up to receive Branch manager notifications. If Branch manager does not already exist in the “Notify” field, then it must first be added in code management.

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