Keeping Mobi Updated

Keeping Mobi Updated

In order to ensure a smooth Mobi experience for all users, it’s important to keep everything updated to ensure all users are running on the latest versions and settings. The page below goes through the best practices for maintaining a stable app environment by providing detailed instructions for keeping the operating system updated, keeping apps updated and ensuring all users are running on the latest code.

Updating Operating System on Device:


  1. Open your phone’s Settings app

  2. Near the bottom, tap System > Advanced > System Update

  3. Select Check for Update

  4. You will either receive a message showing that the system is up to date or you can follow the instructions to update.


  1. Go to Settings > General > Software Update

  2. Tap Automatic Updates

  3. Turn on Download iOS Updates

Updating Applications on Device:

As with all Mobile Applications, it’s important to ensure Mobi and all supporting apps are updated at all times so you don’t miss out on any bug fixes, added features and new functionality. Automatic App updates can be set up to allow this process to happen automatically so no updates are missed. The section below goes through this process in detail:


Update All Android apps automatically (Recommended):
This is the option we recommend for optimal Mobi usage. Not only will this keep Mobi updated and running on the latest releases, but it will also ensure that all supporting apps are optimized. As with most apps, Mobi relies on Apps like Android System WebView and Google services to function properly so issues could surface if any of these apps are not maintained properly.

  1. Open the Google Play Store App

  2. At the top right, tap on the profile icon.

  3. Tap on Settings > Network Preferences > Auto-Update Apps.

  4. Then select one of two options:
    A: Over any network: This will update apps using either Wi-Fi or Mobi Data
    B: Over Wi-Fi only: This will only update apps when connected to Wi-Fi.

Update individual Android apps automatically:

  1. Open Google Play Store App

  2. At the top right, tap on the profile icon.

  3. Tap on “Manage apps and device”

  4. Select “Manage” and then tap on the app you want to update.

  5. Tap the More icon (Three dots on the top right corner of the screen)

  6. Turn on Enable auto update.

Update Android apps manually:

  1. Open the Google Play Store App

  2. At the top right, tap on the profile icon.

  3. Tap “Manage apps and device”. Apps with an update available are labelled “Update Available”.

  4. Tap “Update”


Update all iOS apps Automatically (Recommended):

  1. Open “Settings” app.

  2. Tap “App Store” in the setting sidebar

  3. In the Automatic Downloads Section, turn on the toggle for “App Updates”

Update iOS Apps Manually:

  1. Open the App store

  2. At the top right, tap on the profile icon.

  3. Scroll down to see all pending updates and release notes. Tap “Update” next to an App to update only that app or tap “Update All”.

Refreshing Mobi Codes:

The Mobi Codes Refresh function helps ensure that all users are running on the latest code configured in Moveware. This code controls the settings, menus, review questions and reports in Mobi. The Code refresh process will happen automatically when users log into Mobi but it can also be triggered manually in cases where users don’t log out of the app after they are done using it for the day. Codes can be refreshed one of two ways.

  1. From the Tools Menu:

  1. From the Login Screen:

Removing Old Jobs from the Device:

The setting “RemoveJobsFromDeviceAfterXDays” will check the sync age for jobs on the users device and determine whether they can be removed. The setting will still give the user the choice on whether or not they would like to remove the job from the device and will only show jobs to remove if those jobs have been on the tablet for X days (determined by setting) and have not had any unsynced changes made on them in that time period. If a user selects “Remove” the job will be removed from the device but will still be available in Moveware.

Jobs can also be manually removed from the “Deletion” menu. **Please ensure all data is synced prior to deleting jobs to avoid any loss of data**

Clearing Cached Data:

Cached data is information stored on the device to improve performance and speed up the loading of information previously entered. Jobs already synced to the device will have some data cached so it is important to keep in mind that new settings/menus/reports may not be displayed on these jobs right away. To ensure that these jobs show all the latest information, it’s important to clear all cached data from the App. **Please ensure all data is synced prior to clearing cached data to avoid any loss of data**. To clear cached data, follow the steps below:


  1. Tap and hold the Mobi Icon until a pop up box appears showing “App info” and “Pause App”

  2. Select “App Info”

  3. Tap “Storage and cache”

  4. Tap “Clear Storage”


To clear cached app data on IOS, simply un-install and re-install the app.

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