All Mobi Settings
Moveware System Parameters that need to be considered when setting up Mobi:
ShowMobiReviews – Default Show Mobi Questions toggle in Review tab
Dont Update Removal Status after Sync. Y= Don’t update status I to P. N= Update status I to P.
DisableMobiSyncDataCopy – Disable saving of Mobi Sync Data in Sent and Received Folders
KeepMobiSync – Keep Mobi Sync XMLs
StopMoveSurveyDiaryAttachment – Stop Diary Actions From Being Created For File Syncs
Branch Setup (not a system parameter) -> Mobi Report Logo
All Mobi Settings
Please note: The “Key Setting” column indicates a key setting that should be considered when implementing Mobi.
The settings below are organized based on Parent.
User Preferences
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
User Preferences |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Mobi Language |
| Language for Mobi Interface (replaces old InterfaceLanguage setting) | NO |
Default Camera Image Quality | Low,Medium,High | It is suggested where possible to use the Low setting to keep data storage low and improve sync speeds. Options include Low (640), Medium (1024), High (1600) | NO |
Lock Screen Orientation | Portrait,Landscape,Auto | Lock the screen orientation to your desired setting. Note that on mobiles you can only use Portrait mode due to the limited screen area. If you have a larger device such as an iPad it is also preferable to use Portrait however Landscape mode is available. Auto Mode allows the device to modify its orientation as the device is rotated | NO |
Default Status Level | All,High,Medium,Low | Default level when viewing Status | NO |
Default Starting Page | Home,Today,Diary,Jobs,Warehouse | Default starting page used after Login | YES |
Preferred Weight Display | Kgs,Lbs,Disabled | Show Weights throughout the system in desired measure | YES |
Preferred Measure | cm,mm,in,ind | Preferred measure used when measuring furniture items, crates etc | YES |
Date Display Format | DD/MM/YYYY,DD/MM/YY,MM/DD/YYYY,MM/DD/YY | The date format to display on the device. Eg: DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY. | YES |
Validate Vehicle on Login | Yes,No | Activate this setting to force the user to choose a Vehicle during the Login Process | NO |
Show Vehicle on Login Screen | Yes,No | Activate this setting to show the Vehicle Field on the Login Screen | NO |
Show Help Icon in Navigation Bar | Always,Briefly,Never | Show Help Icon in Navigation Bar (for experienced users). Briefly will show the Help Icon for 5 seconds when a new page opens | NO |
Name of folder where Mobi files will be saved | Mobi,MobiDocs,MovewareFiles | Set this to have all Mobi reports and images saved in a specific folder. | NO |
Use 24 Hour Time | Yes,No | Use 24 hour time throughout Mobi, rather than 12 hour time | NO |
Use Safe Filenames? | Yes,No | When SafeFile is set to No: | NO |
Restrict Job Search to Today and Tomorrow Only | Yes,No | When set to Yes, the Job Search screen will only have Today and Tomorrow filters. When set to No, the user will have the Week filter as well. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Syncing |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Check Database Connection | Yes,No | Check for a valid database connection when syncing (requires Moveware 8.5). This will do a quick sync check to see if there is a connection to the database, and not just the internet. This is a more-accurate check for internet | NO |
Language Tables to Sync to Mobi |
| Sets the language tables to sync to Mobi, comma separated. The language tables are in the drop-down on the language screen in moveware. Use this setting to select what translations are needed in Mobi, so the data sync is not too large. For the 'Codes" table the user can select individual code types. Full explanation in Wiki | YES |
Check the sync age for jobs before selecting them | 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | If a job has not been synced for X number of days, the job will be greyed out. When selected in the search screen, users will be asked to sync it again to update the data with the lastest from Movewre. | YES |
Default Number of Days To Sync Jobs | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 | Select the number of days starting from today to sync jobs. This setting decides the number of days to sync jobs. Eg: 3 would sync jobs for the next 3 days. 5 for the next 5 days, etc. | YES |
Show Sync Filters | Yes,No | Show sync filters for date and job number in the sync screen.This shows the sync filters in the sync screen (The date range and job number). Setting this to NO will allow the user to ONLY sync jobs based on what is assigned to him or her. | YES |
Sync Full Inventory | Yes,No | Sync full inventory back to Moveware with every sync, based on the default Inventory displayed (est/Act) | NO |
Collapse Sync List | Yes,No | Collapse the sync list to remove duplicates | NO |
Number of records to sync in one go | 5,10,20,30,40,50 | This setting controls the number of sync records to be sent in a loop, dividing the entire sync into smaller chunks. | NO |
Sync Completed Diary actions to Device | Yes, No | This setting controls whether all diary actions or just the job's incomplete diary actions are synced to the device. | YES |
Stop Signature Syncing Back to Moveware | Yes,No | This setting allows users to control whether the signature image file is synced back to Moveware. When set to No, reports and signature images are synced back to the Moveware Job folder. When set to Yes, the report will show the signature however the signature image file will not get synced separately. | NO |
Send Only on Send | Yes,No | This setting controls what happens after a user selects the "Send" on the Mobi sync screen. If Set to Yes, Mobi will just sync to Moveware but will not do a receive sync. If set to No, Mobi will do both a send sync and a receive sync to pull the latest details from Mobi | NO |
NEW SETTING: Removing old jobs from device | 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | Jobs with no outstanding syncs that are older than X days will be automatically removed from device. Jobs are still available in Moveware. Select "Keep" if you wish to keep jobs on device. | 3 |
Background Syncing
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Background Syncing |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Include Messages | Yes,No | Do not use, background syncing not working. | NO |
Include Files | Yes,No | Does not Currently Work. This would Include File attachments in the Background Sync. | NO |
Background Location Tracking Interval | 5,10,15,30,60,Disabled | Enable the device to record background location events if there has been no location recorded within a set time period (Time in Minutes between last recorded check). Minimum 5 minutes, 0 to disable. | NO |
Background Job Sync Mode | Send and Receive,Send Only,Receive Only,Disabled | How to handle jobs in the background sync. This setting should not be used, and should be disabled for all users. | NO |
Message Check Interval | 1,2,5,10,15,30,60,Disabled | Interval (in minutes) between checks for new Messages. This shiould be set to disabled for all users. Do not use. | NO |
Background Sync Interval | 5,10,15,30,60,Disabled | Interval (in minutes) between checks for sending/receiving changes in a Background Sync | NO |
Download Jobs In Advance | Yes,No | Sync Jobs Number of days (determined by the default Sync Date Range setting) in advance in the Background Sync | NO |
Check Jobs on Background Sync | Existing Jobs,New Jobs,Both,Disabled | Which Jobs To Check For In Background Sync. This setting should not be used, and should be disabled for all users. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Home |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Show Current News | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Disabled | Show Current News in the Home Menu. Select None or record sumber to show | YES |
Show Events | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Disabled | Show Events in Home Menu. Select None or record sumber to show | YES |
Show My Inbox | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Disabled | Show My Inbox in the Home Menu. Select None or record sumber to show | YES |
Show Tip of the Day | Yes,No | Show Tip of the Day in the Home Menu | YES |
Show Todays Tasks | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Disabled | Show Today's Tasks in the Home Menu. Select None or record sumber to show | YES |
Job Details
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Job Details |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Always show the removal address in the diary summary | Yes,No | Always show the removal address in the diary summary | NO |
Diary add is enabled | Yes,No | Can the user add Job Diary records? | NO |
Payment is enabled | Yes,No | Can the user add Payment records? | NO |
DSP Details are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit DSP Details (Eg. People, Pets, Schools, Housing, Expenses)? | NO |
Account Details are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit Job Account Details? | YES |
Addresses are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit Job Addresses? | YES |
Charges are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit Job Charge Details? | YES |
Details are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit Job Details? | YES |
Diary are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit Job Diary records? | YES |
Notes are editable | Yes,No | Can the user edit Job Notes? | YES |
Default Add Status | I,P,W | Default status when adding a Job | NO |
Summary Hide List | SummaryHideList | Hides selected sections in job and diary summaries. Hidden sections are: Address,Diary,Charge,Estimated Inventory,Actual Inventory | YES |
Internal Notes are Visible | Yes,No | Show the internal Notes | YES |
Job Amend Notes | Yes,No | Amend job notes on device, rather than edit existing Moveware notes. Set this to Y to amend the job notes (internal/special) rather than over-write the existing notes. | NO |
Show Labour Type | Yes,No | Shows the labour type for each labour item in the job summary and diary summary (eg. "Packer", "Driver" etc) | YES |
Stop Automatic Diary Completion | Yes, No | This setting controls whether or not crew members are able to complete diary actions from Mobi. | No |
Hide Inventory button in Job Details | Yes,No | This setting controls whether the Inventory button in Job Details is displayed or hidden. |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Diary |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Resync Diary Every Time | Yes,No | Set this to Y to refresh the data from Moveware every time the diary search screen is loaded. Otherwise, it will refresh only the first time it is loaded from app start. | NO |
Show Unassigned Warehouse Actions | None,Daily,Warehouse,All | Show Unassigned Warehouse Actions. For the warehouse module, this setting will show diary actions that are assigned to all warehouses and not just the user's selected warehoue. This setting interacts with WarehouseSyncAllDiary. | NO |
Show tasks in Diary Search | Yes,No | Shows tasks assigned to the user in the diary screen, as well as job-related diaries. Set to N will only show job-related diaries and not user tasks. | NO |
Mobi to send an SMS on editing diary | Yes,No | Mobi to send an SMS on editing Diary | NO |
StopDiaryCompletion | Yes,No | This setting allows users to control whether diary actions can be completed through Mobi | NO |
Diary Settings
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Diary Summary |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Only Show Labour assigned to Diary | Yes,No | Only Show Labour assigned to Self in Diary Summary. In the diary summary screen, set this to Y to only show the list of currently assigned diary labour resources as selections when editing a diary (meaning the user cannot edit (add) any other labour that was not already assigned to the diary action. | YES |
Limit Tasks shown in Summary to Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow | Yes,No | Set to Yes to limit the tasks shown in the summary to Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow | YES |
Show all dates in Diary Summary | Yes,No | Show all diary records in the diary details summary | NO |
Diary Summary - Show charges | Yes,No | Show charges in the diary details summary | YES |
Show Diary Summary Instead of Job Summary | Yes,No | Show Diary Summary instead of Job Summary in Daily Menu | YES |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Messaging |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Email Interface | Device,Moveware,Disabled | Interface used to send Email Messages. Using 'Device' causes the email to be sent using the Email Client on the device. Using 'Moveware' will pass the email contents back to Moveware and the server will send the emails | YES |
SMS Interface | Device,MoveSMS,Disabled | Interface used to send SMS Messages. Using 'Device' causes the email to be sent using the device SIM Card. Using 'MoveSMS' will pass the message contents back to Moveware and the server will send the messages using our SMS third party provider | YES |
Use Mobi Modal for Email | Yes,No | Setting determines whether the Mobi message dialgoue is used or whether the user is directed straight to the device mail client | NO |
Email Account Override |
| Email account to use when sending emails from a Moveware account (leave blank to send via the user's email address.) | YES |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Inventory |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Volume for Inventory | Feet,Metres | Show volume in Cubic Feet or Cubic Metres? | YES |
Allow Decimals in Measurements | Yes,No | Allow decimals to be used when inputting measurements | NO |
Decimal Separator | Dot,Comma | Display decimals using this format (ie: 0.123 or 0,123) | YES |
Allow editing of Estimated List | Yes,No | Allow the editing of the Estimated Inventory List | NO |
Select Origin and Destination | Yes,No | Allow the user to select Origin and Destination Addresses when creating an Inventory | YES |
Use Assemble and Disassemble on inventory | Yes,No | Allows using assemble and disassemle button on inventory | YES |
Use Lot & Tags | Yes,No | Inventory - Use Lot and Tags when numbering items | YES |
Enable extra object details to be visible | Yes,No | Setting that enables extra object details to be visible. The extra details visible are: Packing, Make, Medium, Length, Width, Height, Kgs, BCN | NO |
Show Contents | Estimated,Actual,Both,Disabled | Show Contents List when adding packing in the Job Inventory List | YES |
Show Condition Current Room | Yes,No | Show Packing Condition in Job Current Room Inventory List | NO |
Show Condition | Yes,No | Show Packing Condition in Job Inventory List | YES |
Show Packing Details | Yes,No | Show Packing Details in Job Inventory List | NO |
Show Search Field | Yes,No | Show the Search Field in Jobs > Inventory Screen | NO |
Show Totals | Yes,No | Show the Summary Totals at the bootom of the Jobs > Inventory Screen | NO |
Show Volume (or Weight) in Actual Inventory | Yes,No | Show Volume (or Weight) when adding Actual Inventory | NO |
Default List View | All,Room | The default list used when adding Furniture | NO |
Default Type | Estimated,Actual | The default type used when adding inventory. Options are Estimated (used when surveying) or Actual (used when doing a packing or shipping list) | NO |
Use a unique item number for all inventory items on job | Yes,No | Use a unique inventory number for all actual inventory items on a job, regardless of the destination. | NO |
Uses Groups | Yes,No | Use Inventory Grouping when selecting Items | NO |
Show Condition when adding items | Yes,No | When adding inventory turning this option on will make the Condition Editor Dialogue Box appear automatically as every item is added. The eye icon will be toggled on so that the condition field appears in Red as an indicator that the menu has been auto-opened. | YES |
Show editor when adding items | Yes,No | When adding inventory turning this option on will make the Edit Box appear automatically as every item is added. The eye icon will be toggled on so that the condition field appears in Red as an indicator that the menu has been auto-opened. | YES |
Show packing when adding items | Yes,No | When adding inventory turning this option on will make the Packing Editor Dialogue Box appear automatically as every item is added. The eye icon will be toggled on so that the condition field appears in Red as an indicator that the menu has been auto-opened. | YES |
Clear Search box when Adding New Item | Yes,No | To clear the Search box when the users adds a new inventory item | NO |
Only show Job Labour as Packers | Yes,No | Only show job labour as available packers in inventory screen | NO |
Retain Pack Method for Each Item | Yes,No | Retain Pack Method for Each Item when adding inventory items | NO |
Create Individual Items for each EST Inventory Item Added | Yes,No | When this setting is set to 'No' Mobi would group items into a single line with an increased quantity, based on their room/address/destination being the same | NO |
Crate Padding |
| How much padding to add to each dimension, when adding a crate to inventory | NO |
Expand Quick Edit Item Menu by default when adding items | Yes,No | Y = current behaviour. N = when an item is added, the quick edit menu is contracted. The user has to click on the item to expand. | NO |
Show Rooms and Destinations to the side | Yes,No | When this setting is enabled (set to YES) rooms and destinations will always be on display on the left side of the inventory screen. When this setting is disabled (Set to NO) rooms and destinations are accessible through a button on the Inventory menu bar. NOTE: This setting only works on Tablets. | NO |
Quick Access Menu Link in Inventory | Notes, Job Details, Job Summary, Diary Summary | This is a setting to customise the Notes button on the Inventory screen. Depending on the set up that button will take the user to the corresponding menu. | NO |
Auto Generate Numbers for Inventory | Yes,No | This setting controls the number validation and the auto-numbering of the actual inventory | NO |
Clear Pack method and Packer for every item added | Yes,No | No = Current behaviour (fields inherit same values previously added and saved) | NO |
Show Special Handling against Inventory Buttons | Yes,No | When set to Yes, a Special Handling button appears in the item lookup bar. If set to No, this button does not appear. | YES |
Stop Crate Packing | Yes,No | Previously items with "Pack Type" of Crate would automatically add a crate to packing. We now have a setting to turn this off if needed. | No |
ShowDestinationQuick | Yes,No | When set to Yes, the button ribbon of each inventory item will show a new "Dest" button. This button will allow the user to quickly toggle the destination/method for an individual item rather than changing the default for all. If set to No, then the destination gets adjusted for all subsequent items using the standard Add Room/Add Destination feature. | No |
Volume Increment for Inventory | Numeric value | When adding an inventory item, tapping on its volume will increment it by this set value. To disable the tapping action, set this to 0. To use the default incremental values, set this to Default | No |
Hide Inventory Volume Decimal | Yes,No | When set to Yes, the volume will show as a rounded number. When set to No, the volume will show decimals. | No |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Materials |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Show Sell Price in Materials Screen | Yes,No | Show Sell Price in Materials Screen | NO |
Do Not Auto Recreate Materials From Inventory | Yes,No | Set to Yes to Auto Recreate Materials From Inventory Packing. Setting does not seem to be used. | NO |
Allow Editing of Material Values | Est,Act,Both,None | Allow Editing of Est & Act columns of Materials.This allows the user to edit the materials in the resource screen (Est/Act). Some users may only be allowed to view the resources, not edit them. Default to ACT for Crew members, EST for Surveyors | YES |
Materials Required is Non Editable | Yes,No | Materials Required is Non Editable | YES |
Inventory Type Material Creation is Based on | Est,Act,Both,None | The type of inventory (Est, Act) that material creation is based on. Set to 'None' to turn off materials creation completion and 'Both' to turn it on for all types. | NO |
Materials Type List | Crate,Office,Packing,Container | This setting allows the user to control which Material Types are available in Mobi | YES |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Checkoff |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Single check off by diary | Dom Type | Enable a single checkoff per diary action instead of doing checkoffs per job. Only to be used by fine art diary based resource companies, as it relies on different objects allocated to diary actions. | NO |
Check Off Fine Art Objects By Container | Yes,No | In Check Off screen for Fine Art jobs, group by container and allow check off by container | NO |
Show Location in Check Off | Yes,No | Show Location in Check Off Screen. This shows the location in the checkoff, as per each field. It is a free-text field, so it may NOT relate to an actual Moveware location. | NO |
Show editor when checking off items | Yes,No | When checking off inventory turning this option on will make the Edit Box appear automatically as every item is checked off. This enables you to make changes to the item easily | YES |
Show condition when checking off items | Yes,No | When checking off inventory turning this option on will make the condition Box appear automatically as every item is checked off. This enables you to make changes to the item easily | YES |
Allow Erroneous Scan in Check Off | Yes,No | There has been a new setting that controls what happens after an erroneous scan on the check off screen. Previously the user had no option but to add an unknown scanned barcode as an object or inventory item to the job. Now with this new setting the user gets two options:
| NO |
Disable Tap in Check off screen | Yes,No | This setting controls whether or not inventory items can be checked off by hand or whether they have to be scanned with a barcode scanner. | NO |
Check Warnings before Syncing | Yes,No | When activated, this setting will run a check before syncing to make sure that all items have been checked off. If they have not been checked off, the alert will prompt the user to sync anyway or go back to the check off screen to complete their check offs. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Account |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Hide Show button in Billing screen | Yes,No | Set this to Yes to hide the 'show one invoice line / show all invoice lines' in the billing screen. | YES |
Default Tax Display | Ex Tax, Inc Tax | To display tax by default | NO |
Use the selected diary date to limit invoice dates | Yes,No | Set this to Yes to only display charge lines that are based on the selected diary date (when a diary is selected.) | YES |
Enable Job Type Creator | Yes,No | Enable Job Type Creator in Accounts screen. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Reports |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Report Default Paper Size | A4,Letter | Default Paper Size when generating PDF Documents. This allows the reports to print as either "a4" or "letter". | NO |
Enable Extended Character Set for Reports | Yes, No | Allow extended characters for reports | NO |
CSS Text for Reports | Yes, No Active | This setting applies to all Mobi reports (for example, Dockets, Inventory Listing, Client Signoff, etc.). Allows user to adjust size of report. See CSS Text for Reports for more information. | NO |
Include DDID in Report FileName | Yes,No | Include DDID in Report FileName | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Review |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Allow editing of Reviews after Completion | Yes,No | Allow a user to edit a review after completing all questions | YES |
Default view to show incomplete items on load | Yes,No | This setting determines whether review screens are opened to show Incomplete items or All items by default | NO |
CSS Text for Reviews | Yes,No Active | This setting applies to all Mobi reviews (for example, Vehicle Checklist, Start Day, End Day, etc.). See CSS for Reviews for more information. This setting allows the user to adjust the size of Mobi reviews. | NO |
Add Timestamp to Signatures | Yes,No | Set to Yes to add a timestamp to all signatures, once signed | YES |
Allow Signature Resigning | Yes,No | Allows the user to change the Signature | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Warehouse |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Current Branch |
| Current Branch or Warehouse. Sets the current branch for warehouse diary actions. Only used for the warehouse module. | NO |
Search Objects By Client Ref | Yes,No | Search Objects By Client Ref | NO |
Allow blank location searches | Yes,1,2,3 | This setting only controls if blank search is allowed, and if not then how many characters must be entered in the search. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Barcoding |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Barcoding Enabled | Yes, No | Barcoding Enabled | NO |
Use Camera For Barcode Scanning | Yes, No | Use Camera For Barcode Scanning | NO |
Use Barcodes in Inventory | Yes, No | If you use barcodes in your system, set this to Yes to enable barcode functionality. | NO |
Hide Large Barcode Button | Yes, No | Set this to Yes to Hide a larger barcode button on individual screens, where available. | NO |
Use Separate Barcode field for Barcodes | Yes, No | When enabled, uses a Separate Barcode field for barcodes, and not the item Number field. This means users can store two numbers against items (a barcoded number and the Mobi assigned inventory number) | YES |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Timesheet |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Show only selected Action and Resources in Timesheet Screen | Yes,No | If set to Yes: In timesheeting menu it will only show timesheeting info for the current selected diary action, rather than all timesheeting information for ALL diaries on the job/day | YES |
Timesheet Interval in Minutes | 1,5,10,15,30 | Select the number of minutes to increment the timesheet entries by | YES |
Timesheet Show Assigned Actions Only | Yes,No | Show Assigned Actions Only in Timesheets. Setting this to Y would only show timesheeting info for the current user, not all users assigned to a job (so each user could only update their own timesheet). | YES |
Mobi to send an Email on entering finish times | Branch Manager | This is a sub-setting for SendSMSOnDiaryEdit and will work only if conditions for SendSMSOnDiaryEdit are met. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Workflows |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Workflow Enabled | Yes,No | Daily workflow is designed to make it easy for crews to work through their daily routine and not forget key tasks like vehicle checks and timesheeting | YES |
Workflow Jobs Filtering | Code,Key Action,Type | Only use Key Action. Other options (Code and Type) are not confuigured to work properly. | NO |
Workflow Order Enforced | Yes,No | When using the various workflows within the system a user must complete items in order | YES |
Show Workflow Navigation Panel | Yes,No | In Day Mode, it will show next/prev buttons at the bottom of the screen, to navigate to the next screen in the workflow. | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Client |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Client Password Lock | Password to lock client from navigating away from the client menus |
| YES |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Mapping |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Enable Google Maps | Yes,No | Enable Google Maps Interface on this device. This option allows the user to load addresses into Google Maps directly from the device | YES |
Enable GPS Tracking | Yes,No | Enable GPS Tracking on this device. The GPS tracking uses a device's Geoloactor (or GPS Positioning functions) torecords its position on key events such as login and status changes | NO |
Enable Location Alerts | Yes,No | Enable the use of Location Alerts (Geofencing) to send alerts notifying clients and operations staff of your location | NO |
Set Branch Location Alert | Yes,No | Set the location of your branch to trigger location alerts | NO |
Set Job Location Alert | Yes,No | Set the location of your current jobs to trigger location alerts | NO |
Location Alert Radius | 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000 | Set the Location Radius (in Meters) when using Branch and Job Location Alerts | NO |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Background |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | YES |
Type | Color,Image | Choose whether to show a Background Color or Image within your application | YES |
Image | Choose,Clouds,Lake,Mountain,Beach,Mobi,Disabled | Display a Background Image throughout the App | YES |
Color | Choose,White | General background color seen in most areas of the application. Sets the background color of the app. Part of personliasation. | YES |
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
Colors |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Section Border |
| For Themes. Unsure if in use. Sets the border color for each section. | NO |
Button Selected |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Current Job Text |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Menu Tile Alternate |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Menu Tile Background |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Menu Tile Disabled |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Menu Tile Icon |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Menu Tile Started |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Menu Tile Text |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Tabstrip Text |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Field |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Label |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Navigation Bar Background |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Navigation Bar Text |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Section Background |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Text |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Theme | Default,Blue,Red,Green,Orange,Purple,Brown,Storm,Grey | Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Tabstrip Background |
| Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Validated Field |
| The color for a field that required validation (when editing items). Part of personlisation to match company colors. Note: Can use either an rgb color, or a 'web name' color in the answer. | NO |
Button Background |
| The color of a button. Part of personlisation to match company colors. Note: Can use either an rgb color, or a 'web name' color in the answer. | NO |
Button Highlight |
| The color of a highlighted button. Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Tabstrip Icon |
| The color of icons in a tab strip. Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
Current Job Background |
| This changes the color of the job background.Part of personlisation to match company colors, | NO |
List View Icon Colour | Single,Multiple | Menu Icon Colour. This changes the colour of the icons shown in lists. This is for personalisation.Color fields accept web color names or RBG code in the answer. | NO |
List View Icon Style | Circles,Filled,Icons | Menu Icon Style. This changes the display to show an icon or a solid color in the menu screen. Another personlisation one. | NO |
System Admin
Description | Answer | Explanation | Key Setting |
System Admin |
| HEADING (Setting grouping) | NO |
Mode | Live,Beta | Current Mode of system. Beta Mode shows all features including those under development or beta testing. Live mode shows only release verson features | NO |
Application Name | Mobi | Application Name showin throughout the app. Default is Mobi | NO |
Enable Techmate Interface | Yes,No | Enable Techmate Interface on this device. Techmate is a third party pricing utility utilised by the North American Vanlines. The interface is not applicable for users outside North America. | NO |
Use Branch and Type Filter | Yes,No | Enables Branch and Type Filter | NO |
Show Admin Settings | Yes,No | Show Admin Settings | NO |
Enable Debugging Events | Yes,No | Enable Debugging Events | NO |
Reset to Default Settings | Reset | Select Reset Now to reset all settings to their default values. | NO |
Version | Release,Debug | Either "Debug" or "Release". This is for developers only. Setting to Debug changes the sync path. Users should not change this. | NO |
Display weight instead of volume | Yes,No | Display weights instead of volume throughout Mobi. Only use this setting if Moveware is enable to display weights. | NO |