Exporting Data Out of Mobi
To Export User Data, please follow the steps outlined below:
Log out of Mobi so you will be presented with the Login Screen.
Enter the Username into the User field
Select the button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen
Selecting this button will give the user 3 options.
A. Export Backup:
Exports an XML backup file to the device. Useful when data is needed locally or the file is too large to Sync Backup.
B. Sync Backup:
This will sync an XML backup file directly to the Mobi Received folder located in the Jobs folder. Please note, if the connection is poor or the file is too large then you may need to revert to Option A.
C. Refresh Codes
When Mobi settings, menus, reports or reviews are changed or added in Moveware, a code refresh will be required to pull all the latest codes to Mobi. This code refresh will automatically happen when a user logs into Mobi but it can also be forced by selecting this button.
To export individual files, please follow the steps outlined below:
Navigate to the Files Screen (either through the Jobs menu, or through Tools>Files).
Use the checkboxes to select which files you wish to export.
Select the “Export” Button and your files will be exported to the device.
Platform Specific Information:
Exported date files will be available in the devices download folder. You may need a 3rd party file management app if your phone/tablet does not already have one. Files (images and reports) will be in their relevant format (PDF for reports; JPG for photos; PNG for Signatures). Backups will be in the form of Mobi_Backup<Time and Date Stamp>.dat.
Apple restricts the access of .dat files directly from the device so backup files need to be accessed through the computer using iTunes. Follow these steps below to access exported data files.
Plug your device into your computer
Open iTunes
Under Settings, Select “File Sharing”
Click on “Mobi” and your files will now be displayed under “Mobi Documents”
Drag and drop your files to your PC