MoveCrew – Sync

MoveCrew – Sync

MoveCrew can sync data from and to your Moveware database by Sending or Receiving.  Receiving data from Moveware is how you load your upcoming Jobs onto MoveCrew manually (it can be done automatically by adjusting settings).  Sending the data is for syncing completed Job data back to Moveware.

To access the Sync screen in MoveCrew, select it from the Main Menu.


Provided you have internet access, syncing can be done over the web.  In this case, use “Send via the Internet” or “Receive via the Internet”.

Receiving Data

  • Fill in the criteria (date range, crew name, or Job (Removal) Number)

  • Press Receive image-20240905-143313.png

  • If a conflict occurs, you must choose to overwrite the data on your tablet, or to ignore the incoming job.

Sending Data

  • Select each Job you wish to send.  All Jobs that will send will be indicated as such in the Action column on the right.

  • Click “Remove From Sync List” to exclude any Jobs from being sent.

  • You can also send or ignore Attachments, by hitting the switcher at the bottom of the screen

  • If you’re on a slow internet connection, toggle to “Slow Internet”

  • You can force a job to appear on the Send list (if it isn’t there already) by selecting the Force Sync image-20240905-143409.png   button on the Main MoveCrew Search Page.

  • Hit the Send button on the right to send your selected Jobs.

Manually Sending or Receiving Data (no internet)

If you do not have the ability to sync over web due to a technical issue or internet being down, a manual sync option is available.  Use the “Create Export File” or “Receive Import File” toggle:

If Sending using an Export File, choose “Create Export File” and hit the Send button in MoveCrew.  This allows you to save a file called “fromdevice.xml” to your tablet.  Choose the location to save it, and press Save.  This file will need to be moved to your computer to import it into Moveware.

In Moveware, open the MoveSync screen from the Sales menu. 

Set the MoveSync screen like the screenshot above and choose Browse to select the “fromdevice.xml” file from its location on your computer.  Once the file is loaded, click Run to import the data. 

To manually sync Job data from Moveware to MoveCrew, set the MoveSync screen to send “To Device (Jobs Only)”

Choose a specific Job in the R/Plan field.  Alternatively, set a Vehicle and/or Date Range to pull multiple jobs that meet the criteria specified.  Click “Run” and this will create a “todevice.xml” file in the location set in the “Sync folder” field.   This file will need to be moved onto the tablet to import it into MoveCrew.

In MoveCrew, under Sync > Receive, choose “Receive Import File” and click Receive.  Select the “todevice.xml” file to import the Job(s) into MoveCrew.

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