PBO and CP Items

PBO and CP Items

The Inventory tab of Jobs management allows you to specify whether each item is to be Packed by Owner (PBO) or Carrier-packed (CP) using the “By” column on the right side of the screen.

The (Packed) By column contains a filter above it, so you can easily view all items of one Pack Type. You can change the Pack By for several items at once if needed, using the update icon image-20240827-155435.png  Clicking this will update all items on the screen at that time. Clicking it opens the following dialog:

The Clear toggle allows you to clear the Pack By field for all items displayed, while the dropdown menu next to By will update the By field to whatever value is chosen.  

Users can also update individual records select button at the top of the Item column.image-20240827-155448.png

This allows you to select individual records and do a mass update when using the blue arrow will not work (e.g. it would update records that are not required to be updated since it updates everything on the screen). Click the button for each item to be updated, which highlights the selected items in yellow. Once records have been selected, modify the value of the By field of one of the selected items.  You will be presented with a dialog asking if you want to update all selected records with that change (this also works with the Room and Destination fields).   

Creating Resources and Finding Rates 

Moveware can be configured so that the rates of Packing Material for each item changes depending on whether it is Carrier or Owner Packed.

When the System Parameter “When auto-generating packing use Pack Method to find S/P rates” is set to Y, Moveware will use the Pack By to determine whether to apply Supply or Pack rates to the Material. 


When multiple inventory lines have the same Packing Material, but a different Pack By, a resource will be created for each combination.  See the below example.  Two items will be packed into a Carton 1.5. One is CP, the other is PBO.

On the Resources screen, they display as two different lines. One has a Calc Type of P (Pack), the other is S (Supply).

This allows you to have different rates for each.

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