Check Off Screen
Once all applicable Inventory items have been added to the various Destinations and Rooms, the next step is the “Check Off” process. The purpose of the Check Off is to allow crews to track Inventory items.
Using this feature, crews can verify that the items are Packed, Loaded, Offloaded, and so on. Crews can have multiple types of Checks, and even multiple instances of a single Check on a Move depending on the amount of Pickups, Loads, and Deliveries taking place.
The Check Off Screen
A. Create Check Off Types
Note: To use the Check Off function, items must be set as ‘Actuals’ in Moveware.
Type: Actuals
If you tap on any of the items, an Alert will pop up saying You need to Add a Check Type before checking off items. When you press OK, it will prompt you to enter a Check Off Type.
Alternatively, to enter a Check Off Type right away, click on ‘Add Check’.
Once the Check Off Type screen appears, enter the mandatory fields highlighted in pink. Select a Type from the list.
Any additional detail may be entered here, but this is not mandatory.
Tap on Save and the Check Type location will be created.
If you wish to add additional Check Off Types, repeat steps 2 – 4. Ensure all relevant Check Off Types are created before checking off items.
The Print function allows you to print reports that are saved Locally/on the Server or reports that you have already run and Saved.
Different Grid views
B. Check Off Items
When you are ready, tapping on each item will place it in the Check Off Type you created, date stamping it and recording by whom it was checked off by.
Note: You can also check off items by scanning the item’s barcode rather than manually selecting it. This is possible using the device’s built in Camera, or with an externally connected Bluetooth scanner.
If an item that does not already exist in the packing list is being checked off, Mobi will automatically create a new item for it and flag it as a potential error (an item that does not belong to the current shipment being checked off). Before starting, ensure you have Barcoding enabled and all barcoding settings properly set to your preferences.
If you wish to check off items that go to different Check Off Types, you will have needed to create the Check Off Type, tap on that Check Type, then tap on the item/s to go into that Check Off Type.
How to Hide Checked Items:
How to Add Items
To add items, tab on the Add Items icon.
Select the Destination from the List.
Set Starting Number.
Enter how many item you would like to Add, click OK. The new item is added to the Check Off list.
Select the Hide Checks icon to hide the Check Off Type that you added.
If you wish to view the Check Off list on Moveware which is synced from Mobi, click the Change to Checklist View button on Inventory Tab.
Diary Check Off for Fine Art & Asset Management
The System Parameter “SingleCheckOffByDiary” enables Checkoffs to be done against the Inventory that has been assigned to a Diary Action, rather than all Inventory items on a Job. This is a useful feature for Fine Art and Asset Management companies who assign Inventory items to a Diary Action.
If “SingleCheckOffByDiary” is in effect, the Checkoff will be on the Diary Tab of the Job in Moveware. It can be accessed by clicking on the green chair icon when the relevant diary action has been selected. Here you will see a “Chk” column which will display the Checkoff for each item.