Barcoding a Checklist
Staff should be using the MoveCrew Checklist to update different stages of the Move.
With Show Type selected, you can see each available Check Type (Onto Truck, Off Truck, Into Warehouse, etc.) on the right, as well as the Address for this checklist, who did the checking, the date, and comments.
Tap Hide Details to view more detail on each Item. Note how the above screenshot has “Show Details”, which displays the name of the Item and a pencil icon. The pencil icon allows you to enter the condition of the Item, along with any comments. The below screenshot, which has “Hide Details”, only displays each Item number.
When using the checklist, the barcode scanner is always enabled. Any item you scan will be updated on the checklist screen. Scan a barcode, or tap an item to check it. Select Hide Checked to hide items that have been checked, and only show remaining items.