Destination Summary
The Destination Summary provides an overview of all upcoming Jobs and is used to plan Waybills. It may also be used to view the jobs already on a Waybill.
To view the Destination Summary, navigate to Operations > Destination Summary.
The Destination Summary displays a list of Jobs, filtered by Origin/Destination and the Uplift date of each Job. This allows you to identify Jobs going to and from similar locations to plan consolidated shipments. The other key filter on this screen is the Shipped status. The Shipped Status is used to designate the stage that each Job is at. Whether it is Ready for Shipment (status R), pending to be shipped (status N), or loading/already assigned to a Waybill (status L). The Planning column can then be used to enter internal comments against each Job, and these comments will be visible on the Details tab of each Job. From this screen, you can then create a Waybill containing several Jobs, or add additional Jobs to an already created Waybill.
How to use the Destination Summary:
Navigate to Operations > Destination Summary in the main menu. Filter the screen by the Uplift date, Origin/Destination location/port, and any other criteria to display the relevant Jobs that you may want to add to a Waybill. The Jobs are filtered according to the Uplift From and To date range above the Uplift column.
Adjust this date range as needed, or clear the date completely by pressing Ctrl + ?
The Jobs may also be filtered by origin or destination. For example, if your company has a vehicle travelling to a destination in the next week, the records can be filtered to display jobs with the same destination and an uplift date within the next week.
When you open the Destination Summary screen, you may see that the Shipped field displays as “N” or “R”.
This means that the screen is only displaying shipments in that status. If you wish to view shipments in several statuses, clear away this filter, or double click and choose the Statuses that you wish to filter by. The S column between Vol and Planning shows the Shipped Status of each job.
The right side of the screen allows you to filter the screen by Jobs going to a particular destination (or port). Double click a destination to view the corresponding Jobs going to that destination.
Highlight a Job and enter the Waybill details and any comments in the Planning column. For example, the container number can be entered in the planning field of a groupage Job. In order to view the specific details of a job, simply select it and navigate to the Details tab.
Use the Pending checkbox to display Pending Jobs as well as Won Jobs. Viewing Pending Jobs is useful to see if there are any clients who you are quoting that may be going to a similar location as Jobs already booked.
Double click all Jobs that you wish to add to a Waybill. When a Job is selected, it will be highlighted in yellow.
Click the “Create Waybill or Add Jobs to a Waybill” icon.
A popup will ask whether you wish to Add Selected Jobs to an Existing Waybill, or Create a New Waybill using the Select jobs.
If you add to an Existing Waybill, you will be presented with the list of Waybills to choose from. If creating a new Waybill, you will be asked to choose the Destination Agent. Select an Agent, click OK, and the Waybill screen will open up with some information already populated. Make any changes and Save. Click Exit once finished.
Additional Tips
Highlight a Job or multiple Jobs and Click the Shipped icon
to change their status to Shipped.
Use the Hold icon
to put a shipment on or off hold.
Select or Deselect all Jobs currently displayed using these icons:
The column on the right-hand side is set to the Destination Code by default. Click a Destination to filter the screen by that Destination only. You can also filter the screen by Branch, Origin Code, Destination Port, and more by choosing from the dropdown list: