MoveCrew Checklist
The Checklist window lists items in ordered of destination and then number. Packed items are allocated numbers by destination according to the order in which they are added. Items set to Actual are numbered automatically as they are entered in the Inventory window.
In the checklist screen, you can tap each item to ‘check’ it off on the list. You can use the Show Details / Hide Details flip-switch to show more items on the screen, or the Show Checked / Hide Checked flip-switch to remove items from the screen, to quickly show what is left.
The Cheklist Type Section is made visible with the Show Type / Hide Type flip-switch.
When Show Type is selected, the Checklist Type menu will appear on the right.
Tap on a Checklist Type (Onto Truck, Into Warehouse, etc.) to highlight it and begin your checkoff. Each type will offer a fresh view, so each item can be checked through every stage of the Job. This information is synced back to Moveware, so different users with different devices, at different stages of the job, can see the state of the Job.
Comments can be made at each type on the bottom right of the screen.
Selecting the pencil icon allows comments to be made against each item, such as details about the item’s condition.