Moveware Version 8.7 Release Notes
Moveware Release Notes 8.7
Note: These notes affect all regions and all country/services.
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
353778 | We have added a new feature which allows users to display the Creditor Products screen on various screen resolutions. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Available resolutions for the Creditor Products screen are:
364255 | A new filter has been added to the Event Log to allow users to filter the list of events by the contents of the Details. The filter uses a wildcard search as default (finds events where the contents of the Details contains the filter value entered). | This filter works only on the contents held in the Details field of the database. On the Event Log screen, the Full Details of Event field displays a concatenation of the Description and the Details. |
366064 | We have added a lookup dialog to select multiple branches in Calendar Management > Branch field._x000D_ | Administration > Company setup > Calendar_x000D_ |
370545A | We have added a new feature which allows users to display the Agent search screen on various screen resolutions._x000D_ | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Available resolutions for Agent search screen are:
370545C | We have added a new feature which allows users to display the Language Management screen on various screen resolutions._x000D_ | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Available resolutions for Language Management screen are:
370545D | We have added more options to resize the Date Import screen. | Option to resize by resolution X:
Option to resize by resolution Y:
370545E | We have added a new feature which allows users to display the Removal Products screen on various screen resolutions. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Available resolutions for Removal Products screen are:
370545F | We have added more options to resize the Work file import screen. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Options to resize by resolutions : X
370545G | We have added a new feature which allows users to display the Diary Action screen on various screen resolutions and with new columns. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Available resolutions for the Diary Actions screen are:
Description of each column:
370545H | We have added a new feature which allows users to display the Employee Search screen on various screen resolutions with new columns. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults'. Choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Available resolutions for Employee Search screen are:
370545I | We have added ab ability to display the Report Configuration screen on vaious resolutions.
Note: If the System Parameter ''Enable Multi-language Support'' is disabled, the user will not see the language column and the language filter. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'Change User Defaults', choose screen sizes in the 'Screen Resolution' field. Options to resize by resolution X:
371373 | We have added two new buttons which navigate to our Wiki pages. Thus allows users to see our Release Schedule along with the Release Notes from prior versions. | On the 'Window' tab, click on 'About Moveware'.
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries
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Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
365270 | We have added a new System Parameter ''PublicHolidaysIsAWorkDay - Public Holidays is treated as a working day''. When enabled, the system will now treat public holidays as normal work days. This funtion works when there are public holidays set on Moveware using Calender Management._x000D_ Code: PublicHolidaysIsAWorkDay_x000D_ |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Email & SMS
Note: These notes affect all regions and all country/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
327952-074G | We have added a merge field for 'Salary'. It pulls the value from the 'Salary' field on the Removal Details screen. | Users can create an email template with this new email merge field 'Salary' via Report Configuration > Email Setup. |
367450 | A new System Parameter ''Use new email attachment selector'' has been added to help with issues that occured when attempting to attach a file containing non-english characters. Users will encounter a ''File(s) selected are invalid'' error message. They may contain a comma (,) which is invalid for Moveware files.'', even though there's no comma in the files. This System Parameter will attempt to attach the file using another method. Code: UseNewEmailAttachmentSelector | Turn on the System Parameter under Administration > System Setup > System Parameters |
367945 | Previously when an email set to be sent out automatically was not linked to an active report, the email would still be sent - but with no content. We have added a new function to Moveware which prevents the system from sending emails with an empty body because they are not linked to an active report. | Moveware will fail the automated email sending process when:
If an automated email is failed to be sent out, the error ''Body contents is Blank or NULL'' will appear in the Addtional Notes field on the Removal Diary screen. |
371916 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the 'Agent From' email address to the 'From' email and 'Agent To' email address to 'To' email. Previously, this was switched for import types. Code:DontReverseEmailInRateRequest | The user can click on the email button where the 'From' email address is fetched from 'Agent From' and 'To' email address is fetched from 'Agent To'. |
371979 | We have added a new mail merge field called 'Housebill'. It will show the Housebill number from the Waybill Details screen. | To add the merge field to an Email Template, users need to navigate to the Email Setup tab on the Report Configuration screen (Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration > Email). Then select the new merge field from the list. |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
320614-078C | We added a new System Parameter to enable a new field on the invoice called 'KST' which is used to store an external cost center value. If the invoice is already posted, the field cannot be editable. This field will also be required to be filled on post of an invoice based on the System Parameter. In Storage invoicing you can set this value to default on creation of invoice. Code: InvoiceUseAddCostCentre | First set the System Parameter from N to the value you require. (Administration > System Setup > System Parameters) In Codes Management - Add the list of external cost centers to a code of type 'KST'. This will be used for the lookup when you double-click into the field. If you wish to autopopulate the KST field during the creation of storage invoices - this can be achieved by setting the 'Default Type' field on the required KST code in codes management with the storage cost center value. |
327952-015B | We have added a new System Parameter ''To use Invoice Date to determine exchange from for Purchase'' to cater for the exchange rates based on the Invoice Date set in Branch and Cost Centre Management. Previously, the rates were pulled based on the Account Date. Code:PurchaseExchangeInvoiceDate_x000D_ | Users can set the exchange rates and set the date on the Purchase /Costing screens The system will then fetch the rates accordingly. In case the dates do not match, a validation message will be displayed. |
327952-078L | We have added a new System Parameter to enable a prompt which asks users to enter a reason why they are issuing a Credit Note. Code: DebtorCreditNotePromptReason | If the System Parameter 'DebtorCreditNotePromptReason' is set to Y', the prompt will display after clicking the ''Create Credit invoice using selected invoice'' button on the Invoice screen. |
327952-078N | We have added a new System Parameter ''InvoicingDefaultSort - Default sort order for Debtor Invoicing screen'' to default the sort order on the Debtor Invoicing screen. This System Parameter enables the ability to default a specific sort order for the debtor invoices and adjust the sort order by clicking on the column headers on the Debtors Invoicing screen. Previously, invoice records were sorted only by invoice numbers in descending order and users were not able to change the sort order. Code: InvoicingDefaultSort | On the Debtors Invoicing screen, the invoice record will be sorted according to the setting of this System Parmeter. Examples of the System Parameter values are: |
336990-076P | We have added the ability to view the storage invoice created from the 'Storage Out' invoice window._x000D_ | The user can add the charge lines, set the date out and click on the calculator button. Create the invoice and a pop up is displayed to view the invoice which displays the invoice created. This is simlar to the Storage Invoicing 'View Invoices' button screen, where the user can post the invoice. |
358214 | Previously when running Company/Branch Security this did not affect the Tax Code Lookup, so users were able to select the Tax Code from another Branch and or Company. For this version the Branch and Company Security has been extended to the Tax Code Lookup, so users will only be able to see and select Tax Codes based on their security settings | Please see the description of funtionality. |
363206 | We have added a new System Parameter to not allow users to post creditor payments if there are still amounts that are unapplied. The error encountered will be 'Payment has Unapplied Amount. Unable to post payment' error. Code: DoNotAllowPostUnappliedCreditorPayments | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter |
363618 | Once this new System Parameter 'ShowClearPrintButton is enabled, the system will display the Clear Print button on the Invoice screen. The ability to see this button is also controlled by Security Group. Only users in Security Group A will see this button. Previously, this Clear Print button was controlled by a System Parameter called ''Disable Agent Invoicing for Non-International Companies' which allows Moveware to hide this button on the Invoice screen. Code: ShowClearPrintButton | Users will need to enable the System Parameter ''ShowClearPrintButton' to display or hide the Clear Print button on the Invoice screen. This feature is also customizable using the Security Group A to restrict which users can see this button. |
363792 | We have added a combo box to select between the HMRC and Standard tax return modules. Previously, only the 'HMRC VAT Submission' option was available. | If the Moveware system is set to 'GB' country, by default the combo is set to 'HMRC VAT Submission' For other countries, the combo is set to 'Standard' which when selected hides 'VAT Reg No', 'Get Obligation' button, 'Submit VAT' button and some blue text lines. |
363836 | We now stop users from combining invoices that are generated from cost options. _x000D_ | Change occurred in the invoice update screen |
365568 | We have added a new System Parameter to hide the accrual costs update message on the Costing screen. We also fixed the Act Cost column to be read only if a purchase is linked to the cost. If the System Parameter 'CostsCloseAccrualPurchasePosted' is enabled, and the linked purchase's status is 'U', the costs cannot be updated. For the v8.7 the message popup to clear the dates is no longer displayed when column 'A' is updated to 'A' and the cost line has a date set. Code:HideAccrualsCostsUpdateMessage_x000D_ | Users can enable the System Parameter (Administration > System Setup > System Parameter) and try changing the cost actual values/qty or others columns, the system will not display any warning messages and revert to previous values. The values then remain unchanged. The 'Act Cost' column is set as read only if the cost line is linked to a purchase irrespective of the cost invoice status. If the System Parameter 'CostsCloseAccrualPurchasePosted' is enabled, and linked purchase's status is 'U', costs cannot be updated. If status is other than 'U' then it can be updated accordingly. 8.7 version - If Accrual column is updated to 'A' and has a date set for a costing line, the message 'Do you want to clear the close date?' view-as alert-box question buttons yes-no title 'Clear Date?' is no longer displayed to clear the dates. |
366839 | We have added the new ''View Invoice Date/Acct Date'' toggle on the Purchase Update screen, the Purchase Approval screen, and the Purchase Import screen._x000D_ | On the Purchase Update, Purchase Approval and Purchase Import screens,
This toggle is default to be unticked or to 'Show Purchase Acct Date'. |
367076 | We have addded a new System Parameter called ''BankDepositDisableOnPosting - On Posting Bank Deposit record'' which allows users to disable the Bank Export prompt and Email Remittance prompt after posting on the Bank Deposits screen._x000D_ Code: BankDepositDisableOnPosting_x000D_ | Moveware normally triggers two pop-up windows after posting on the Bank Deposits screen:_x000D_
367702 | We have added a new System Parameter called ''RPCloseCheckAccrual - To check active costing accruals on closing job''._x000D_ Code: RPCloseCheckAccrual_x000D_ | On closing a removal in Removal Management, if the System Parameter is enabled, it will show an error message when a user tries to close a job which has active accruals with cost value.
On the Accruals Management screen, the new column (Removal Closed Status (C) ) is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px.) |
367917 | Previously, the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields on the Debtor Invoicing screen were editable despite the invoice being posted. With the new System Parameter 'sysparam-spare4[40] - Fully Lock Invoice Header Details when Posted' enabled, users will no longer be able to edit the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields. | Users will need to navigate to the System Parameters screen (Administration >> Company Setup >> System Parameters) then search for 'sysparam-spare4[40] - Fully Lock Invoice Header Details when Posted'. If the value of the System Parameter is equal to 'Y', the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields will be restricted to read-only. On the other hand, if the value of the System Paramater is not equal to Y, the two fields mentioned will remain editable. |
368848 | Previously when the System Parameter ''Use Cost Centre Based Invoice Numbering'' was turned on it would only affect the Invoices whereas Credit Notes did not respect this setting. A new option of ''A'' to use as value has been introduced, so that Credit Note would also use the Prefix. Code:UseCostCentreBasedInvoiceNumbering_x000D_ | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > ''Use Cost Centre Based Invoice Numbering'' > change Value to ''A'' |
370446 | In 8.7, Moveware will cancel the invoice posting process when users cancel the 'Create Invoice' dialog using the Esc button or clicking on the [x] button. Previously when users pressed the Esc button or clicked on the [x] button, Moveware would still proceed with invoice posting. The process would be stopped only when users clicked on the 'Cancel' button. | From Removal Management > Invoice tab, select an invoice that has not been posted (no invoice number assigned). Click on the Post button, and the 'Create Invoice' dialog will appear. Press the Esc button or click on the [x] button, and the invoice will remain unposted. |
370447 | Previously when creating the automatic Purchase on an Internal Sales Invoice, only the Purchase was created in the system. _x000D_ The System Parameter ''IntercompanyCreatePurchase'' must be enabled (value = Y), and the System Paramater ''InvoicePrintOnPost'' = S. If the latter has its value equal to 'Y' and if the user does NOT create the PDF, the PDF cannot be linked to the Purchase created on the Post. | When a user creates an Intercompany Invoice at the time of posting a PDF and a Purchase Invoice is created. The user can then go to the Purchase screen and should see the PDF when selecting the View Purchase Icon (the Binoculars Folder Icon on the left of the Details Field on the Purchase) |
371936 | Normally, we have a toggle called 'Show Approved' which, when selected, only shows the purchases with an approval date, and if not selected, only shows the purchases without an approval date. A new System Parameter has been added to work with the same toggle 'Show Approved' but ignore the purchase approve date. So if a purchase has status 'N' it will show on the Purchase Approval screen. Code: PurchaseUpdateIgnoreApproved_x000D_ | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter ''Purchase Update Ignore Approve date''. |
376335 | A new format for the data only Excel version of Account Balances, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss reports will show detail values and their total summary values in the same column._x000D_ Excel Output: Data Only | Users can run the three reports in the data only Excel format by selecting 'Data Only' for Excel Output and the reports will show the detail values and total values in the same column. Please note that the update will be required for clients who are currently running macros through Excel. |
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries
Rates & Costing
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
360065 | Previously, when a user added a costing line on the Removal Costing screen, the system would prompt the Creditor Product lookup that did not translate the product descriptions to the language of the user interface. This new feature will help translate and display creditor product descriptions of the Creditor Product lookup in the user interface language. | Users will need to have the language set up for the Creditor Product table and the language record linked to their creditor products. |
371178 | A new System Parameter called ''ValidatePurchaseRef - To Validate Purchase Reference on Posting and Approval'' has been added to ensure that users will not post or approve a purchase without assigning it to a removal or a storage file. If users are to post a purchase that is not linked to a removal or a storage file, they will get a validation message 'Post Errors' which reminds them that 'Purchase Line Reference is Blank.' Code:ValidatePurchaseRef_x000D_ | Users will first need to enable the System Paramater by changing the value from 'N' to 'Y'. Then the 'Post Errors' validation message will be triggered when a user attempts to post or approve a purchase without a removal or storage file linked. The followings are the situations in which the validation message will be prompted:
376206 | Previously, when copying a removal with a cost option, the system did not flag the cost option as 'combined' even though the debtor of the cost option had Combine Invoice set as 'Y'._x000D_ Debtor management > Details > Combined Invoicing is 'Y' | When copying the Removal and copying Cost Option if the debtor has Combine Invoice set as 'Y', the cost option will also be flagged as an Combine Invoice account. |
376569 | We have added a new System Parameter which removes extra space between Details/Inclusions/Exclusions of each job type when adding a cost option that combines multiple job types. Previously, selecting multiple job types when adding a new cost option would result in extra space between the Details/Inclusions/Exclusions of each job type being combined. Code: JTCNoSpacePerTypeDetails_x000D_ | With the System Parameter ''JTCNoSpacePerTypeDetails - Remove extra space between each Job Type Details/Inclusions/Exclusions when adding Cost Option from Multiple Job Type'' enabled, all selected Job Types Details/Inclusions/Exclusions will be populated to Cost Option with no space between each one when adding a new cost option or running the Job Type Creator with costing on a removal or a rate request._x000D_ |
336990-076P | We have added the ability to view the storage invoice created from the 'Storage Out' invoice window._x000D_ | The user can add the charge lines, set the date out and click on the calculator button. Create the invoice and a pop up is displayed to view the invoice which displays the invoice created. This is simlar to the Storage Invoicing 'View Invoices' button screen, where the user can post the invoice. |
358214 | Previously when running Company/Branch Security this did not affect the Tax Code Lookup, so users were able to select the Tax Code from another Branch and or Company. For this version the Branch and Company Security has been extended to the Tax Code Lookup, so users will only be able to see and select Tax Codes based on their security settings | Please see the description of funtionality. |
363206 | We have added a new System Parameter to not allow users to post creditor payments if there are still amounts that are unapplied. The error encountered will be 'Payment has Unapplied Amount. Unable to post payment' error. Code: DoNotAllowPostUnappliedCreditorPayments | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter |
363618 | Once this new System Parameter 'ShowClearPrintButton is enabled, the system will display the Clear Print button on the Invoice screen. The ability to see this button is also controlled by Security Group. Only users in Security Group A will see this button. Previously, this Clear Print button was controlled by a System Parameter called ''Disable Agent Invoicing for Non-International Companies' which allows Moveware to hide this button on the Invoice screen. Code: ShowClearPrintButton | Users will need to enable the System Parameter ''ShowClearPrintButton' to display or hide the Clear Print button on the Invoice screen. This feature is also customizable using the Security Group A to restrict which users can see this button. |
363792 | We have added a combo box to select between the HMRC and Standard tax return modules. Previously, only the 'HMRC VAT Submission' option was available. | If the Moveware system is set to 'GB' country, by default the combo is set to 'HMRC VAT Submission' For other countries, the combo is set to 'Standard' which when selected hides 'VAT Reg No', 'Get Obligation' button, 'Submit VAT' button and some blue text lines. |
363836 | We now stop users from combining invoices that are generated from cost options. _x000D_ | Change occurred in the invoice update screen |
365568 | We have added a new System Parameter to hide the accrual costs update message on the Costing screen. We also fixed the Act Cost column to be read only if a purchase is linked to the cost. If the System Parameter 'CostsCloseAccrualPurchasePosted' is enabled, and the linked purchase's status is 'U', the costs cannot be updated. For the v8.7 the message popup to clear the dates is no longer displayed when column 'A' is updated to 'A' and the cost line has a date set. Code:HideAccrualsCostsUpdateMessage_x000D_ | Users can enable the System Parameter (Administration > System Setup > System Parameter) and try changing the cost actual values/qty or others columns, the system will not display any warning messages and revert to previous values. The values then remain unchanged. The 'Act Cost' column is set as read only if the cost line is linked to a purchase irrespective of the cost invoice status. If the System Parameter 'CostsCloseAccrualPurchasePosted' is enabled, and linked purchase's status is 'U', costs cannot be updated. If status is other than 'U' then it can be updated accordingly. 8.7 version - If Accrual column is updated to 'A' and has a date set for a costing line, the message 'Do you want to clear the close date?' view-as alert-box question buttons yes-no title 'Clear Date?' is no longer displayed to clear the dates. |
366839 | We have added the new ''View Invoice Date/Acct Date'' toggle on the Purchase Update screen, the Purchase Approval screen, and the Purchase Import screen._x000D_ | On the Purchase Update, Purchase Approval and Purchase Import screens,
This toggle is default to be unticked or to 'Show Purchase Acct Date'. |
367076 | We have addded a new System Parameter called ''BankDepositDisableOnPosting - On Posting Bank Deposit record'' which allows users to disable the Bank Export prompt and Email Remittance prompt after posting on the Bank Deposits screen._x000D_ Code: BankDepositDisableOnPosting_x000D_ | Moveware normally triggers two pop-up windows after posting on the Bank Deposits screen:_x000D_
367702 | We have added a new System Parameter called ''RPCloseCheckAccrual - To check active costing accruals on closing job''._x000D_ Code: RPCloseCheckAccrual_x000D_ | On closing a removal in Removal Management, if the System Parameter is enabled, it will show an error message when a user tries to close a job which has active accruals with cost value.
On the Accruals Management screen, the new column (Removal Closed Status (C) ) is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px.) |
367917 | Previously, the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields on the Debtor Invoicing screen were editable despite the invoice being posted. With the new System Parameter 'sysparam-spare4[40] - Fully Lock Invoice Header Details when Posted' enabled, users will no longer be able to edit the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields. | Users will need to navigate to the System Parameters screen (Administration >> Company Setup >> System Parameters) then search for 'sysparam-spare4[40] - Fully Lock Invoice Header Details when Posted'. If the value of the System Parameter is equal to 'Y', the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields will be restricted to read-only. On the other hand, if the value of the System Paramater is not equal to Y, the two fields mentioned will remain editable. |
368848 | Previously when the System Parameter ''Use Cost Centre Based Invoice Numbering'' was turned on it would only affect the Invoices whereas Credit Notes did not respect this setting. A new option of ''A'' to use as value has been introduced, so that Credit Note would also use the Prefix. Code:UseCostCentreBasedInvoiceNumbering_x000D_ | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > ''Use Cost Centre Based Invoice Numbering'' > change Value to ''A'' |
370446 | In 8.7, Moveware will cancel the invoice posting process when users cancel the 'Create Invoice' dialog using the Esc button or clicking on the [x] button. Previously when users pressed the Esc button or clicked on the [x] button, Moveware would still proceed with invoice posting. The process would be stopped only when users clicked on the 'Cancel' button. | From Removal Management > Invoice tab, select an invoice that has not been posted (no invoice number assigned). Click on the Post button, and the 'Create Invoice' dialog will appear. Press the Esc button or click on the [x] button, and the invoice will remain unposted. |
370447 | Previously when creating the automatic Purchase on an Internal Sales Invoice, only the Purchase was created in the system. _x000D_ The System Parameter ''IntercompanyCreatePurchase'' must be enabled (value = Y), and the System Paramater ''InvoicePrintOnPost'' = S. If the latter has its value equal to 'Y' and if the user does NOT create the PDF, the PDF cannot be linked to the Purchase created on the Post. | When a user creates an Intercompany Invoice at the time of posting a PDF and a Purchase Invoice is created. The user can then go to the Purchase screen and should see the PDF when selecting the View Purchase Icon (the Binoculars Folder Icon on the left of the Details Field on the Purchase) |
371936 | Normally, we have a toggle called 'Show Approved' which, when selected, only shows the purchases with an approval date, and if not selected, only shows the purchases without an approval date. A new System Parameter has been added to work with the same toggle 'Show Approved' but ignore the purchase approve date. So if a purchase has status 'N' it will show on the Purchase Approval screen. Code: PurchaseUpdateIgnoreApproved_x000D_ | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter ''Purchase Update Ignore Approve date''. |
376335 | A new format for the data only Excel version of Account Balances, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss reports will show detail values and their total summary values in the same column._x000D_ Excel Output: Data Only | Users can run the three reports in the data only Excel format by selecting 'Data Only' for Excel Output and the reports will show the detail values and total values in the same column. Please note that the update will be required for clients who are currently running macros through Excel. |
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
327952-074G | We have added a merge field for 'Salary'. It pulls the value from the 'Salary' field on the Removal Details screen. | Users can create an email template with this new email merge field 'Salary' via Report Configuration > Email Setup. |
335432-073AG | Through the Outlook Inbox, users are able to import emails from the Inbox or Sent folders in Outlook. When they select the Sent folder the 'From' column in the Outlook Inbox in Moveware changes to the 'To' column. Previously in Moveware when the 'To' column was displayed users were not able to filter on that column using the filter positioned above. The filter would remain filtering on the 'From' column. | Now Moveware will filter the correct column according to what is displayed. For the Inbox folder the filtering will be on the 'From' column. For the Sent folder the filtering will be on the 'To' column. |
335432-073N | We have added a new field on the Agent Edit Contact screen that allows users to filter by Agent Groups. | International > Agent Management > Edit Contacts tab > double click on the 'Group' filter. |
357620 | We have added a new System Parameter which can stop miscellaneous Job Types from being displayed when running the Job Type Creator, based on the setup on the Job Type setup screen. Code: MiscJobTypeUseTypeFilter | If this System Parameter is enabled, the fields 'Default Types' and 'Exclude Types' will appear for the Miscellaneous Job Types. Users can then customize whether to show or hide miscellaneous Job Types based on a specific Removal Type. When running the Job Type Creator in Removals or Rate Request, the miscellaneous Job Types will appear based on the settings of the Job Types Setup screen. For example:
358457-073 | Previously, the country code lookup on the Removal Details screen would populate either Domestic or Overseas addresses as per these conditions:
With this new system parameter ''CountryCodeUseCostCenterOnlineMapping'', users can have both uplift address and delivery address country code lookup default according to their preference. Code: CountryCodeUseCostCenterOnlineMapping_x000D_ | Users will need to enable the system parameter ''Country Code Lookup Uses Cost Center Online Mapping'' and navigate to Cost Centres screen to set up values in ''Mapping'' field. Click on the cost center and select the value in Mapping field.
359342 | We have added the ablity to display the notes from the 'Comments' field from the Agents/Customer Management screen, when adding values in certain fields on the Rate Request screen. Users can add notes to each agent and customer in the 'Comments' field under the 'Details' tab on _x000D_
| If there are notes added to any agents in the 'Comments' field in Domestic and International Agents or to customers in Customer Management, a pop-up window will be prompted upon adding to these fields the agents/customers using the lookup:
359764 | We have added a new System Parameter to highlight the branch colour column based on branch setup. Previously, there were no colours for the background in the branch column. Code:HighlightBranchColor_x000D_ | The user can enable the System Parameter, set the branch colour in Administration > Branches > Colour field and open the below screens to view the respective colour background of the branch column. |
360737 | A new System Parameter has been added to check the branch assigned to destinations to ensure it is in the same company as the branch of a job before assigning the branch on diary actions. Diary actions can be setup to assign their branch based on the origin or destination code of the job. When this is done and the destination code used has a branch set, the diary action is assigned that branch. This change ensures that destinations assigned to a branch that is not in the same company as the job's branch will not update the diary action branch. This will leave the diary action with the branch of the job. Code: DestinationBranchCompany | When this System Parameter set to Y diary actions will have the branch allocated to that of the destination code of the job if the branch on the destination code is in the same company as the branch of the job. |
361023 | Previously, the folder icon on the Purchase and Invoice screen did not support Drag & Drop of files. We have added the functionality for both screens. | Invoice/Puchase details screen > folder icon Users can drag and drop files directly into the folder and they will be copied into the related directory of the Invoice/Purchase. |
361028 | We have added a new customisable System Parameter called ''Removals Duplicate Check Against Jobs entered within X days'' to check for duplicate entries within X days. Previously, it would only check for duplicates against removals which have been entered within 60 days from the date on which the new job is created. Code: RPCheckDuplicateWithinXDays | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > 'Removals Duplicate Check Against Jobs entered within X days' > Value field: 365 (for example) |
362861 | We have fixed the issue occuring when a removals record was changed/locked by another session, when a user in his/her own session was modifying the record and saving it. Previously, when two users were accessing the same removal record and modifying it, there was no validation message displaying and instead the system was overriding the changes of the first user who modified the record. | Two users can login to access the same removal record. The first user modifies the record, saves it and when the second user tries to modify the same record. Moveware will display the message ''Another user has modified the record'' before reverting to the latest changes. The second user has to update the changes again and save it. If the first user locks the removal record and the second user is trying to access the same record and trying to save it, validation message is displayed along with the user session details who has locked the record. |
364471 | We have added a new System Parameter to exclude the Country Code from Suburb. Code: ExcludeCountryFromSuburb | If this System Parameter is enabled, updating the Removal and/or Rate Request address, the country code from the address will not get automatically populated into the Suburb field. |
364577 | Moveware users are able to generate a web link using the merge field 'Website Feedback Only', that would allow MoveClient users to add feedback directly on the job without a need to log in to MoveClient portal. When a MoveClient user goes to this generated link, the feedback questions set on the Removals Management > Review tab on that job would be listed to be filled. Once a MoveClient user has completed and submitted this feedback form, a thank you message is displayed. In such case, if the user tries to go back to the link, the system doesn't find any unanswered questions and hence just displays the thank you message. The System Parameter has been added to provide for a facility to display different message from the thank you message, when there are no questions on the Review tab. In such case the system would display a message stating 'No questions available at this time' instead of the thank you message. Code: WebDisplaySeparateFeedbackFormMessage_x000D_ | Used on the System Parameters screen. |
366280 | This new System Parameter ''RemovalAlertIclWaybillAlert allows alerts created on the Waybill screen to also display on the Removal screen when clicking on a removal linked to the waybill with alerts added._x000D_ Code: RemovalAlertInclWaybillAlert default value 'N'. | If the System Parameter 'RemovalAlertInclWaybillAlert' is set to 'Y', alerts created on the Waybill screen will also pop up when users click on removals linked to the waybill on the Removals search screen. |
367702 | We have added a new System Parameter called ''RPCloseCheckAccrual - To check active costing accruals on closing job''. We have also added a new column (C) on the Accruals Management screen, where you can filter the 'closed jobs'. Please note that the column with the letter ''C'' is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px. Code: RPCloseCheckAccrual_x000D_ | On closing a removal in Removal Management, if the System Parameter is enabled, it will show an error message when a user tries to close a job which has active accruals with cost value.
On the Accruals Management screen, the new column (Removal Closed Status (C) ) is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px.) |
368492 | Previously, Moveware did not have specific color codes for diary actions on Task Diary screen. Included in this 8.7 release, the system now allows users to distinguish different types of diary actions on the Task Diary Screen. If a diary action is flagged as 'Document', it will appear in red. Also, once a diary action is completed, it will appear in green. | Users need to first determine whether each diary action is a 'Task' and/or a 'Document'. This can be done in Diary Action Setup (Administration --> Company Setup --> Diary Actions). After adding the action on the Removal Diary screen, users can press F2 to prompt the Task Diary window. If a diary action is a document, it will appear on the Task Diary screen in red, and once the action is completed the text color will change to green. |
368493 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the Diary Action to ''Incompleted'' if a user cancels sending the email on completing a Diary action that is linked with an email report. Previously, when a user hit the blue check icon to complete the Diary Action, the window pops up with the email. If the user will not hit the send button, but instead 'exit' the email window and cancel the email, the Diary Action still get completed and shows in green. Code: DiaryDontCompleteWithoutEmailSent | On completing a removal/waybill/rate request Diary Action that is linked with an email report and the user cancels ('exit') the email sending process: -if this System Parameter is enabled, it will leave diary completion process and diary still be incompleted. |
368590A | Currently the system has the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' which does not allow users to print dockets if the system finds an unpaid invoice against a removal plan. We have extended this functionality by adding a new System Parameter to bypass this error if the removal plan is linked to certain biller pay codes. Code: DoNotPrintDocketIfUnpaidExclPayCodes | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' Add a payment code value to the System Parameter 'Bypass the docket printing check for unpaid invoices if RP matches certain biller payment codes' Try to print a docket on a removal plan with an unpaid invoice that matches the biller payment code, you should not encounter the error: ''Unpaid Cash Invoice [Invoice number] Found for Removal [Removal No.]''. |
369812 | We have added a funtion that treats removal types beginning with ''UI'' the same as those beginnning with ''I'', so the removal import volume/weight will update the volume/weight in Removal Details. Previously the system only updated the volume/weight on the Removal Details screen from import volume/weight when the removal type starts with ''I''. | On the Removal Import tab, if the removal type begins with ''UI'' or ''I'' and the user updates volume/weight on this screen, it will aslo update the volume/weight on the removal details screen. |
371536BE | We have fixed the 'Invalid export' error validation on completing a diary action. Previously, on completing a diary action, the above error would appear even if Data Transfer Setup is not setup for diary actions. | Users can complete the diary action without receiving an error message if export is not setup to do so. |
371913 | We have fixed the issue with saving values Inclusions and Exclusions fields against customer in Customer Job Types tab. Previously, if a user saved changes in the above mentioned fields, it would change the Administration > Job Types default fields values as well. Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > sysparam-spare9[22] = Y | The user can set the customer Job Types tab to Active, click on 'Other', save some text in Comments/Inclusions/Exclusions fields, hit save which saves it against the customer. |
371916 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the 'Agent From' email address to the 'From' email and 'Agent To' email address to 'To' email. Previously, this was switched for import types. Code:DontReverseEmailInRateRequest | The user can click on the email button where the 'From' email address is fetched from 'Agent From' and 'To' email address is fetched from 'Agent To'. |
371976 | We have fixed the issue in which the enter key returning double rather than a single line. Previously, pressing the enter key from keyboard would return double lines rather than a single line. | Users can click on the telephone button which opens the 'Add Client Contact' window, then press the Enter key from the keyboard which will return a single line rather than two lines. |
372627 | When the language of the user interface is not English, the diary description will not be editable so it will not be replaced by another language when the record is saved. | If the langauge of the user interface is not English, users can edit other fields on the Removal Diary screen (Removals Management > Diary tab) except for the diary description. This is to prevent the description from being replaced by the language of the user Interface. |
372932 | Fixed a saving error when clicking across removal records when clicked after invoice tab. Previously, when clicked in the invoice tab with blank terms field and then click across removal records, a pop up would appear with a saving Yes/no dialogue, even when user has not changed the invoice fields. | The user can filter with some text in Name, click few removal records , click on invoice tab which has blank terms and come back to search tab and click again few removal records with no Yes/No pop up dialogue, if the user has not changed the invoice fields. |
373824 | We have added a new System Parameter ''RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume - Removal Invoice Created Using Job Type Creator uses JTC Volume. When running the Job Type Creator to create an invoice that is not linked to a cost option, the volume/weight set against the new invoice will be the volume/weight set in the Job Type Creator._x000D_ Code: RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume_x000D_ | When users enable the System Parameter 'RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume', the volume/weight set against the invoice created from the Job Type Creator will be the job type volume. This only applies to companies that do not have the System Parameter 'Invoices created from Costing' in use. _x000D_ |
376397 | We have fixed the issue in which users were unable to refresh a removal record when the same record is being updated by more than one user. Previously, if two users were updating and saving the same removal record and the second user clicked on the arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the next or previous removal record, the screen would not refresh accordingly. | If a user updates and saves a removal record and there is another user trying to update and save the same record, Moveware will prompt a validation message notifying that another user has updated the record. If the user then uses the blue arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the previous or next removal, the screen will referesh and show the details of the correct removal record. |
377097 | We have added new System Parameter 'JTCValidateBothServiceDest Type - Job Type Creator Validates Both Service and Dest Type' which will render it mandatory for users to fill in both Service Type and Destination Type when running the Job Type Creator. Code: Code: JTCValidateBothServiceDestType_x000D_ | With this System Parameter enabled, the system will require users to fill in both 'Service' and 'Dest Type' fields when running the Job Type Creator. If users do not fill in both fields, there will be a validation message saying ''Both service type and destination type must be selected.'' and Moveware will not allow the job type to be created. |
Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
323266 | A new report called ''Quality Feedback Analysis'' has been added to show the details of the review questions and answers. The report is designed to show a list of review questions, descriptions, scores, numbers and percentage of customer satisfaction. It can also be filtered to see reviews from a particular client. Reportname = QualityFeedbackAnalysis | Users can find this report by navigating to the Analysis tab on the Reports screen. (Reports > Analysis) Then select the Quality Feedback Analysis report. It can be viewed using several filters such as Customer Name to see only feedback from a particular client. |
347736BQ | A new report has been added to show the list of Purchases (Creditor Invoices) for a selected period or range of numbers. Reportname = Drivercommission | This report can be found on the Creditors tabs on the Reports screen. Users may run the report with selected report filters. |
364431 | The new report filter 'imservmulti' is available for the 'Removals FIDI Summary' report. This new filter allows users to select multiple items in the 'Service' field to filter for more several service types simultaneouly. | To add this new filter to Removals FIDI Summary, users will need to navigate to Report Configuration then search in the Description field for 'Removals FIDI Summary'. Simply add the filter by double-clicking on the 'Filters' field. Type 'imservmulti' in the 'Code' field and click 'OK'. |
365925 | We have added the following filters on the Report Configuration screen:_x000D_
Users need to enable the system parameter ''sysparam-spare 7[31] - Enable Multi-language Support'' to display Language filter on the Report Configuration screen. |
367976 | Previously, the branch in the Pay Day Payslips Report would populate based on the branch of the user running the Report. This has now been fixed to reflect the branch based on each employee's specific branch. The user needs to ensure the branch field is populated for all employees either in the Employee Management - Pay Setup screen or Employee Management - Details screen. | This change has been made to the Pay Day Payslips Report. The Report will populate branch details based on the Employee's branch shown in the Pay Setup screen. If no branch detected on this screen, the Report will populate the branch based on the branch shown in the Employee Details screen._x000D_ |
368590A | Currently the system has the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' which does not allow users to print dockets if the system finds an unpaid invoice against a removal plan. We have extended this functionality by adding a new System Parameter to bypass this error if the removal plan is linked to certain biller pay codes. Code: DoNotPrintDocketIfUnpaidExclPayCodes | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' Add a payment code value to the System Parameter 'Bypass the docket printing check for unpaid invoices if RP matches certain biller payment codes' Try to print a docket on a removal plan with an unpaid invoice that matches the biller payment code, you should not encounter the error: ''Unpaid Cash Invoice [Invoice number] Found for Removal [Removal No.]''. |
369682 | The normal rate is the hourly rate of an Employee. Previously, the normal rate column in the Payroll Entitlements Report was calculated by dividing the salary by 52 (no. of weeks) and subsequently by 40 (assumed working hours in a day). The Report has been changed to calculate the normal rate by dividing the salary by 52 and subsequently by the 'hours in a week' shown in the Payroll System Management screen. Ensure the 'hours in a week' field is populated in the Employees - Payroll Admin - System Management screen. | The change has been made to the calculation of the normal rate field in the Payroll Entitlements Report. In order to ensure the Report calculates this field correctly, the user will have to populate the 'hours in a week' field in the Employees - Payroll Admin - System Management screen based on the number of working hours in a week. The Report will then refer to this field when dividing the salary per week (salary divided by 52) by the number of hours in a week to get the normal rate for each Employee. |
376335 | A new format for the data only Excel version of Account Balances, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss reports will show detail values and their total summary values in the same column._x000D_ Excel Output: Data Only | Users can run the three reports in the data only Excel format by selecting 'Data Only' for Excel Output and the reports will show the detail values and total values in the same column. Please note that the update will be required for clients who are currently running macros through Excel. |
361023 | Previously, the folder icon on the Purchase and Invoice screen did not support Drag & Drop of files. We have added the functionality for both screens. | Invoice/Puchase details screen > folder icon Users can drag and drop files directly into the folder and they will be copied into the related directory of the Invoice/Purchase. |
361028 | We have added a new customisable System Parameter called ''Removals Duplicate Check Against Jobs entered within X days'' to check for duplicate entries within X days. Previously, it would only check for duplicates against removals which have been entered within 60 days from the date on which the new job is created. Code: RPCheckDuplicateWithinXDays | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > 'Removals Duplicate Check Against Jobs entered within X days' > Value field: 365 (for example) |
362861 | We have fixed the issue occuring when a removals record was changed/locked by another session, when a user in his/her own session was modifying the record and saving it. Previously, when two users were accessing the same removal record and modifying it, there was no validation message displaying and instead the system was overriding the changes of the first user who modified the record. | Two users can login to access the same removal record. The first user modifies the record, saves it and when the second user tries to modify the same record. Moveware will display the message ''Another user has modified the record'' before reverting to the latest changes. The second user has to update the changes again and save it. If the first user locks the removal record and the second user is trying to access the same record and trying to save it, validation message is displayed along with the user session details who has locked the record. |
364471 | We have added a new System Parameter to exclude the Country Code from Suburb. Code: ExcludeCountryFromSuburb | If this System Parameter is enabled, updating the Removal and/or Rate Request address, the country code from the address will not get automatically populated into the Suburb field. |
364577 | Moveware users are able to generate a web link using the merge field 'Website Feedback Only', that would allow MoveClient users to add feedback directly on the job without a need to log in to MoveClient portal. When a MoveClient user goes to this generated link, the feedback questions set on the Removals Management > Review tab on that job would be listed to be filled. Once a MoveClient user has completed and submitted this feedback form, a thank you message is displayed. In such case, if the user tries to go back to the link, the system doesn't find any unanswered questions and hence just displays the thank you message. The System Parameter has been added to provide for a facility to display different message from the thank you message, when there are no questions on the Review tab. In such case the system would display a message stating 'No questions available at this time' instead of the thank you message. Code: WebDisplaySeparateFeedbackFormMessage_x000D_ | Used on the System Parameters screen. |
366280 | This new System Parameter ''RemovalAlertIclWaybillAlert allows alerts created on the Waybill screen to also display on the Removal screen when clicking on a removal linked to the waybill with alerts added._x000D_ Code: RemovalAlertInclWaybillAlert default value 'N'. | If the System Parameter 'RemovalAlertInclWaybillAlert' is set to 'Y', alerts created on the Waybill screen will also pop up when users click on removals linked to the waybill on the Removals search screen. |
367702 | We have added a new System Parameter called ''RPCloseCheckAccrual - To check active costing accruals on closing job''. We have also added a new column (C) on the Accruals Management screen, where you can filter the 'closed jobs'. Please note that the column with the letter ''C'' is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px. Code: RPCloseCheckAccrual_x000D_ | On closing a removal in Removal Management, if the System Parameter is enabled, it will show an error message when a user tries to close a job which has active accruals with cost value.
On the Accruals Management screen, the new column (Removal Closed Status (C) ) is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px.) |
368492 | Previously, Moveware did not have specific color codes for diary actions on Task Diary screen. Included in this 8.7 release, the system now allows users to distinguish different types of diary actions on the Task Diary Screen. If a diary action is flagged as 'Document', it will appear in red. Also, once a diary action is completed, it will appear in green. | Users need to first determine whether each diary action is a 'Task' and/or a 'Document'. This can be done in Diary Action Setup (Administration --> Company Setup --> Diary Actions). After adding the action on the Removal Diary screen, users can press F2 to prompt the Task Diary window. If a diary action is a document, it will appear on the Task Diary screen in red, and once the action is completed the text color will change to green. |
368493 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the Diary Action to ''Incompleted'' if a user cancels sending the email on completing a Diary action that is linked with an email report. Previously, when a user hit the blue check icon to complete the Diary Action, the window pops up with the email. If the user will not hit the send button, but instead 'exit' the email window and cancel the email, the Diary Action still get completed and shows in green. Code: DiaryDontCompleteWithoutEmailSent | On completing a removal/waybill/rate request Diary Action that is linked with an email report and the user cancels ('exit') the email sending process: -if this System Parameter is enabled, it will leave diary completion process and diary still be incompleted. |
368590A | Currently the system has the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' which does not allow users to print dockets if the system finds an unpaid invoice against a removal plan. We have extended this functionality by adding a new System Parameter to bypass this error if the removal plan is linked to certain biller pay codes. Code: DoNotPrintDocketIfUnpaidExclPayCodes | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' Add a payment code value to the System Parameter 'Bypass the docket printing check for unpaid invoices if RP matches certain biller payment codes' Try to print a docket on a removal plan with an unpaid invoice that matches the biller payment code, you should not encounter the error: ''Unpaid Cash Invoice [Invoice number] Found for Removal [Removal No.]''. |
369812 | We have added a funtion that treats removal types beginning with ''UI'' the same as those beginnning with ''I'', so the removal import volume/weight will update the volume/weight in Removal Details. Previously the system only updated the volume/weight on the Removal Details screen from import volume/weight when the removal type starts with ''I''. | On the Removal Import tab, if the removal type begins with ''UI'' or ''I'' and the user updates volume/weight on this screen, it will aslo update the volume/weight on the removal details screen. |
371536BE | We have fixed the 'Invalid export' error validation on completing a diary action. Previously, on completing a diary action, the above error would appear even if Data Transfer Setup is not setup for diary actions. | Users can complete the diary action without receiving an error message if export is not setup to do so. |
371913 | We have fixed the issue with saving values Inclusions and Exclusions fields against customer in Customer Job Types tab. Previously, if a user saved changes in the above mentioned fields, it would change the Administration > Job Types default fields values as well. Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > sysparam-spare9[22] = Y | The user can set the customer Job Types tab to Active, click on 'Other', save some text in Comments/Inclusions/Exclusions fields, hit save which saves it against the customer. |
371916 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the 'Agent From' email address to the 'From' email and 'Agent To' email address to 'To' email. Previously, this was switched for import types. Code:DontReverseEmailInRateRequest | The user can click on the email button where the 'From' email address is fetched from 'Agent From' and 'To' email address is fetched from 'Agent To'. |
371976 | We have fixed the issue in which the enter key returning double rather than a single line. Previously, pressing the enter key from keyboard would return double lines rather than a single line. | Users can click on the telephone button which opens the 'Add Client Contact' window, then press the Enter key from the keyboard which will return a single line rather than two lines. |
372627 | When the language of the user interface is not English, the diary description will not be editable so it will not be replaced by another language when the record is saved. | If the langauge of the user interface is not English, users can edit other fields on the Removal Diary screen (Removals Management > Diary tab) except for the diary description. This is to prevent the description from being replaced by the language of the user Interface. |
372932 | Fixed a saving error when clicking across removal records when clicked after invoice tab. Previously, when clicked in the invoice tab with blank terms field and then click across removal records, a pop up would appear with a saving Yes/no dialogue, even when user has not changed the invoice fields. | The user can filter with some text in Name, click few removal records , click on invoice tab which has blank terms and come back to search tab and click again few removal records with no Yes/No pop up dialogue, if the user has not changed the invoice fields. |
373824 | We have added a new System Parameter ''RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume - Removal Invoice Created Using Job Type Creator uses JTC Volume. When running the Job Type Creator to create an invoice that is not linked to a cost option, the volume/weight set against the new invoice will be the volume/weight set in the Job Type Creator._x000D_ Code: RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume_x000D_ | When users enable the System Parameter 'RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume', the volume/weight set against the invoice created from the Job Type Creator will be the job type volume. This only applies to companies that do not have the System Parameter 'Invoices created from Costing' in use. _x000D_ |
376397 | We have fixed the issue in which users were unable to refresh a removal record when the same record is being updated by more than one user. Previously, if two users were updating and saving the same removal record and the second user clicked on the arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the next or previous removal record, the screen would not refresh accordingly. | If a user updates and saves a removal record and there is another user trying to update and save the same record, Moveware will prompt a validation message notifying that another user has updated the record. If the user then uses the blue arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the previous or next removal, the screen will referesh and show the details of the correct removal record. |
377097 | We have added new System Parameter 'JTCValidateBothServiceDest Type - Job Type Creator Validates Both Service and Dest Type' which will render it mandatory for users to fill in both Service Type and Destination Type when running the Job Type Creator. Code: Code: JTCValidateBothServiceDestType_x000D_ | With this System Parameter enabled, the system will require users to fill in both 'Service' and 'Dest Type' fields when running the Job Type Creator. If users do not fill in both fields, there will be a validation message saying ''Both service type and destination type must be selected.'' and Moveware will not allow the job type to be created. |
Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
342381 | Clients who use the invoice's multiple print feature can now send storage invoices using a different sender email address based on the invoice's branch. This can be done simply by adding an email address to the Branch Management > Setup tab > Storage Email field, a new field we created for this functionality. |
358749 | A new System Parameter ''Prevent Re-Calculation of Storage Inventory'' has been added to prevent re-calculation of Storage Inventory in Job resources when the Calc type changes._x000D_ Code: NoRecalcOfStorageInvent_x000D_ | When the ''Prevent Re-Calculation of Storage Inventory'' System Parameter is set to Y and the user changes the calc type of a 'Storage' resource in the job resources tab, it will not re-calculate its rate._x000D_ |
362089A | A new System Parameter has been added for the Storage Locations tab to initialise the screen without any objects in order to improve the speed at which it loads. Code: StorageLocationsBlankInit | When this System Parameter is set to Y, each time a user visits the Storage Locations tab on the Storage Management screen, it will not show any storage inventory until the user searches for a particular inventory item or refresh the screen. |
370232 | We have added to the event log changes made in these fields on the Storage Management screen:
| Changes will appear in the event log after clicking 'Save'. |
370670 | We have added a Lot Number and Lot Color filter in the All Inventory tab to filter accordingly. Previously, only Lot No filter was available for Fine Art. | The user can select the combo-box Type as 'Standard' which will display Lot No and Lot Color filters to filter accordingly. |
370961 | We have added an event log for the Storage Accrual Journal created from the Storage Invoicing screen and Out of Storage Invoicing screen. | When creating Storage Accrual Journals during the storage invoicing process, the system will now create event logs for each journal created. |
369682 | The normal rate is the hourly rate of an Employee. Previously, the normal rate column in the Payroll Entitlements Report was calculated by dividing the salary by 52 (no. of weeks) and subsequently by 40 (assumed working hours in a day). The Report has been changed to calculate the normal rate by dividing the salary by 52 and subsequently by the 'hours in a week' shown in the Payroll System Management screen. Ensure the 'hours in a week' field is populated in the Employees - Payroll Admin - System Management screen. | The change has been made to the calculation of the normal rate field in the Payroll Entitlements Report. In order to ensure the Report calculates this field correctly, the user will have to populate the 'hours in a week' field in the Employees - Payroll Admin - System Management screen based on the number of working hours in a week. The Report will then refer to this field when dividing the salary per week (salary divided by 52) by the number of hours in a week to get the normal rate for each Employee. |
376335 | A new format for the data only Excel version of Account Balances, Balance Sheet, and Profit & Loss reports will show detail values and their total summary values in the same column._x000D_ Excel Output: Data Only | Users can run the three reports in the data only Excel format by selecting 'Data Only' for Excel Output and the reports will show the detail values and total values in the same column. Please note that the update will be required for clients who are currently running macros through Excel. |
361023 | Previously, the folder icon on the Purchase and Invoice screen did not support Drag & Drop of files. We have added the functionality for both screens. | Invoice/Puchase details screen > folder icon Users can drag and drop files directly into the folder and they will be copied into the related directory of the Invoice/Purchase. |
361028 | We have added a new customisable System Parameter called ''Removals Duplicate Check Against Jobs entered within X days'' to check for duplicate entries within X days. Previously, it would only check for duplicates against removals which have been entered within 60 days from the date on which the new job is created. Code: RPCheckDuplicateWithinXDays | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > 'Removals Duplicate Check Against Jobs entered within X days' > Value field: 365 (for example) |
362861 | We have fixed the issue occuring when a removals record was changed/locked by another session, when a user in his/her own session was modifying the record and saving it. Previously, when two users were accessing the same removal record and modifying it, there was no validation message displaying and instead the system was overriding the changes of the first user who modified the record. | Two users can login to access the same removal record. The first user modifies the record, saves it and when the second user tries to modify the same record. Moveware will display the message ''Another user has modified the record'' before reverting to the latest changes. The second user has to update the changes again and save it. If the first user locks the removal record and the second user is trying to access the same record and trying to save it, validation message is displayed along with the user session details who has locked the record. |
364471 | We have added a new System Parameter to exclude the Country Code from Suburb. Code: ExcludeCountryFromSuburb | If this System Parameter is enabled, updating the Removal and/or Rate Request address, the country code from the address will not get automatically populated into the Suburb field. |
364577 | Moveware users are able to generate a web link using the merge field 'Website Feedback Only', that would allow MoveClient users to add feedback directly on the job without a need to log in to MoveClient portal. When a MoveClient user goes to this generated link, the feedback questions set on the Removals Management > Review tab on that job would be listed to be filled. Once a MoveClient user has completed and submitted this feedback form, a thank you message is displayed. In such case, if the user tries to go back to the link, the system doesn't find any unanswered questions and hence just displays the thank you message. The System Parameter has been added to provide for a facility to display different message from the thank you message, when there are no questions on the Review tab. In such case the system would display a message stating 'No questions available at this time' instead of the thank you message. Code: WebDisplaySeparateFeedbackFormMessage_x000D_ | Used on the System Parameters screen. |
366280 | This new System Parameter ''RemovalAlertIclWaybillAlert allows alerts created on the Waybill screen to also display on the Removal screen when clicking on a removal linked to the waybill with alerts added._x000D_ Code: RemovalAlertInclWaybillAlert default value 'N'. | If the System Parameter 'RemovalAlertInclWaybillAlert' is set to 'Y', alerts created on the Waybill screen will also pop up when users click on removals linked to the waybill on the Removals search screen. |
367702 | We have added a new System Parameter called ''RPCloseCheckAccrual - To check active costing accruals on closing job''. We have also added a new column (C) on the Accruals Management screen, where you can filter the 'closed jobs'. Please note that the column with the letter ''C'' is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px. Code: RPCloseCheckAccrual_x000D_ | On closing a removal in Removal Management, if the System Parameter is enabled, it will show an error message when a user tries to close a job which has active accruals with cost value.
On the Accruals Management screen, the new column (Removal Closed Status (C) ) is only visible if the screen width resolution is greater or equal to 1440px.) |
368492 | Previously, Moveware did not have specific color codes for diary actions on Task Diary screen. Included in this 8.7 release, the system now allows users to distinguish different types of diary actions on the Task Diary Screen. If a diary action is flagged as 'Document', it will appear in red. Also, once a diary action is completed, it will appear in green. | Users need to first determine whether each diary action is a 'Task' and/or a 'Document'. This can be done in Diary Action Setup (Administration --> Company Setup --> Diary Actions). After adding the action on the Removal Diary screen, users can press F2 to prompt the Task Diary window. If a diary action is a document, it will appear on the Task Diary screen in red, and once the action is completed the text color will change to green. |
368493 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the Diary Action to ''Incompleted'' if a user cancels sending the email on completing a Diary action that is linked with an email report. Previously, when a user hit the blue check icon to complete the Diary Action, the window pops up with the email. If the user will not hit the send button, but instead 'exit' the email window and cancel the email, the Diary Action still get completed and shows in green. Code: DiaryDontCompleteWithoutEmailSent | On completing a removal/waybill/rate request Diary Action that is linked with an email report and the user cancels ('exit') the email sending process: -if this System Parameter is enabled, it will leave diary completion process and diary still be incompleted. |
368590A | Currently the system has the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' which does not allow users to print dockets if the system finds an unpaid invoice against a removal plan. We have extended this functionality by adding a new System Parameter to bypass this error if the removal plan is linked to certain biller pay codes. Code: DoNotPrintDocketIfUnpaidExclPayCodes | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > Enable the System Parameter 'Stop Docket Print if there is an unpaid invoice that was created in the RP' Add a payment code value to the System Parameter 'Bypass the docket printing check for unpaid invoices if RP matches certain biller payment codes' Try to print a docket on a removal plan with an unpaid invoice that matches the biller payment code, you should not encounter the error: ''Unpaid Cash Invoice [Invoice number] Found for Removal [Removal No.]''. |
369812 | We have added a funtion that treats removal types beginning with ''UI'' the same as those beginnning with ''I'', so the removal import volume/weight will update the volume/weight in Removal Details. Previously the system only updated the volume/weight on the Removal Details screen from import volume/weight when the removal type starts with ''I''. | On the Removal Import tab, if the removal type begins with ''UI'' or ''I'' and the user updates volume/weight on this screen, it will aslo update the volume/weight on the removal details screen. |
371536BE | We have fixed the 'Invalid export' error validation on completing a diary action. Previously, on completing a diary action, the above error would appear even if Data Transfer Setup is not setup for diary actions. | Users can complete the diary action without receiving an error message if export is not setup to do so. |
371913 | We have fixed the issue with saving values Inclusions and Exclusions fields against customer in Customer Job Types tab. Previously, if a user saved changes in the above mentioned fields, it would change the Administration > Job Types default fields values as well. Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > sysparam-spare9[22] = Y | The user can set the customer Job Types tab to Active, click on 'Other', save some text in Comments/Inclusions/Exclusions fields, hit save which saves it against the customer. |
371916 | We have added a new System Parameter to set the 'Agent From' email address to the 'From' email and 'Agent To' email address to 'To' email. Previously, this was switched for import types. Code:DontReverseEmailInRateRequest | The user can click on the email button where the 'From' email address is fetched from 'Agent From' and 'To' email address is fetched from 'Agent To'. |
371976 | We have fixed the issue in which the enter key returning double rather than a single line. Previously, pressing the enter key from keyboard would return double lines rather than a single line. | Users can click on the telephone button which opens the 'Add Client Contact' window, then press the Enter key from the keyboard which will return a single line rather than two lines. |
372627 | When the language of the user interface is not English, the diary description will not be editable so it will not be replaced by another language when the record is saved. | If the langauge of the user interface is not English, users can edit other fields on the Removal Diary screen (Removals Management > Diary tab) except for the diary description. This is to prevent the description from being replaced by the language of the user Interface. |
372932 | Fixed a saving error when clicking across removal records when clicked after invoice tab. Previously, when clicked in the invoice tab with blank terms field and then click across removal records, a pop up would appear with a saving Yes/no dialogue, even when user has not changed the invoice fields. | The user can filter with some text in Name, click few removal records , click on invoice tab which has blank terms and come back to search tab and click again few removal records with no Yes/No pop up dialogue, if the user has not changed the invoice fields. |
373824 | We have added a new System Parameter ''RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume - Removal Invoice Created Using Job Type Creator uses JTC Volume. When running the Job Type Creator to create an invoice that is not linked to a cost option, the volume/weight set against the new invoice will be the volume/weight set in the Job Type Creator._x000D_ Code: RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume_x000D_ | When users enable the System Parameter 'RemovalInvCreatedUseJTCVolume', the volume/weight set against the invoice created from the Job Type Creator will be the job type volume. This only applies to companies that do not have the System Parameter 'Invoices created from Costing' in use. _x000D_ |
376397 | We have fixed the issue in which users were unable to refresh a removal record when the same record is being updated by more than one user. Previously, if two users were updating and saving the same removal record and the second user clicked on the arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the next or previous removal record, the screen would not refresh accordingly. | If a user updates and saves a removal record and there is another user trying to update and save the same record, Moveware will prompt a validation message notifying that another user has updated the record. If the user then uses the blue arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the previous or next removal, the screen will referesh and show the details of the correct removal record. |
377097 | We have added new System Parameter 'JTCValidateBothServiceDest Type - Job Type Creator Validates Both Service and Dest Type' which will render it mandatory for users to fill in both Service Type and Destination Type when running the Job Type Creator. Code: Code: JTCValidateBothServiceDestType_x000D_ | With this System Parameter enabled, the system will require users to fill in both 'Service' and 'Dest Type' fields when running the Job Type Creator. If users do not fill in both fields, there will be a validation message saying ''Both service type and destination type must be selected.'' and Moveware will not allow the job type to be created. |
Showing 1 to 28 of 28 entries
Fine Art
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
370258 | We have added the ''Current Stg'' field on the Object Lookup screen to show current storage account of a selected object. This Object Lookup screen will appear upon adding an object to a removal. When double-click on the 'Current Stg' field, a new window will pop up with details of that storage account | From Removal Management > Inventory tab, on a screen resolution of over 1368, when users click the 'Add' button to add new objects to the removal, they will prompt the Object Lookup screen. On this screen, users will see the 'Current Stg' field which indicates current storage account of an object being selected. This field will be blank if the item is not in a storage. Moreover, when users double-click on the field, the Storage Management window showing details of that storage account will appear. |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
370809 | Previously, some figures appeared to be incorrect in the Creates Audit Trail report. The issue occured when there were numbers with a decimal point. This has been fixed. | Users can run the Crates Audit Trial on the Crates Management screen by selecting 'Run Audit Trial'. |
370810 | Previously, it was possible to complete Diary Actions which are assigned a key action that starts with 'crate' from the Job Diary on the Daily Diary (big diary) screen. _x000D_ Code: sysparam-spare5[10]_x000D_ | If the System Parameter 'sysparam-spare5[10]' - Use Crating Module is enabled, it will prevent the Diary Actions with a Key Action that starts with 'crate' from being completed on the Daily Diary screen. If a user attempts to complete these Diary Actions on the Daily Diary screen, they will receive a validation message saying ''Unable to complete crate diary actions from this screen. You must complete the action from the Diary tab.'' |
370811 | A new System Parameter has been added to the 'sort by' column in the Crate Return browser. _x000D_ Code: CrateReturnSortBy | Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > ''Set Crate Return Sort By Column'' > change the values in the Value field as needed: N - Sort By Crate Type |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
369697 | We have added a calendar dialog to the fields 'Departure' and 'Arrival' date fields. The calendar dialog will appear when the Service Type is 'Air'. Until now it was only possible to add the dates manually. | On the Waybills or Removals screens > Waybill tab and when Service = Air --> double click on the 'Departure' or 'Arrival' field > calendar dialog appears > choose date > Ok > Save. |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Third Party Interfaces
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
369995 | We have added new funtionality which allows the sytem to export XML files upon completing diary actions marked as export and import types. Data Transfer Setup screen setup from Moveware internal_x000D_ | When users can add diary actions based on the type the of the removal and click the 'Complete' button (the blue tick) which completes the diary action, an email can be sent if required. The XML files will be exported to the folder location set on the Data Transfer screen. |
376189 | We have fixed the issue occured during combining of data sets with Sage Export. Previously, the data sets were combined for 'VUK' tax codes. Data Transfer Setup screen by internal MW user. | Users can select the invoices with (VUK) tax code and click on 'Go' button which exports the invoices with seperates lines. |
377084 | We have added a new System Parameter 'ClearInvoiceExportFlagsFromCreditNote - Clear Invoice Export Flags when Creating Credit Note' which will remove the export flags upon creating new credit notes using the 'Create Credit Note' button on the Invocing screen. Code: ClearInvoiceExportFlagsFromCreditNote_x000D_ | With this System Parameter enabled, Moveware will reset the invoice export flags when creating a credit note using the ''Create Credit Note'' button on the Invoicing screen. |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Bug Fixes
Note: These notes affect all regions and all applicable countries/services.
Show 102550100 entries
Title | Description of Functionality | Description of Usage |
335432-073AG | Through the Outlook Inbox, users are able to import emails from the Inbox or Sent folders in Outlook. When they select the Sent folder the 'From' column in the Outlook Inbox in Moveware changes to the 'To' column. Previously in Moveware when the 'To' column was displayed users were not able to filter on that column using the filter positioned above. The filter would remain filtering on the 'From' column. | Now Moveware will filter the correct column according to what is displayed. For the Inbox folder the filtering will be on the 'From' column. For the Sent folder the filtering will be on the 'To' column. |
362861 | We have fixed the issue occuring when a removals record was changed/locked by another session, when a user in his/her own session was modifying the record and saving it. Previously, when two users were accessing the same removal record and modifying it, there was no validation message displaying and instead the system was overriding the changes of the first user who modified the record. | Two users can login to access the same removal record. The first user modifies the record, saves it and when the second user tries to modify the same record. Moveware will display the message ''Another user has modified the record'' before reverting to the latest changes. The second user has to update the changes again and save it. If the first user locks the removal record and the second user is trying to access the same record and trying to save it, validation message is displayed along with the user session details who has locked the record. |
363836 | We now stop users from combining invoices that are generated from cost options. _x000D_ | Change occurred in the invoice update screen |
367917 | Previously, the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields on the Debtor Invoicing screen were editable despite the invoice being posted. With the new System Parameter 'sysparam-spare4[40] - Fully Lock Invoice Header Details when Posted' enabled, users will no longer be able to edit the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields. | Users will need to navigate to the System Parameters screen (Administration >> Company Setup >> System Parameters) then search for 'sysparam-spare4[40] - Fully Lock Invoice Header Details when Posted'. If the value of the System Parameter is equal to 'Y', the 'Service Date From' and 'Service Date To' fields will be restricted to read-only. On the other hand, if the value of the System Paramater is not equal to Y, the two fields mentioned will remain editable. |
367945 | Previously when an email set to be sent out automatically was not linked to an active report, the email would still be sent - but with no content. We have added a new function to Moveware which prevents the system from sending emails with an empty body because they are not linked to an active report. | Moveware will fail the automated email sending process when:
If an automated email is failed to be sent out, the error ''Body contents is Blank or NULL'' will appear in the Addtional Notes field on the Removal Diary screen. |
369812 | We have added a funtion that treats removal types beginning with ''UI'' the same as those beginnning with ''I'', so the removal import volume/weight will update the volume/weight in Removal Details. Previously the system only updated the volume/weight on the Removal Details screen from import volume/weight when the removal type starts with ''I''. | On the Removal Import tab, if the removal type begins with ''UI'' or ''I'' and the user updates volume/weight on this screen, it will aslo update the volume/weight on the removal details screen. |
370446 | In 8.7, Moveware will cancel the invoice posting process when users cancel the 'Create Invoice' dialog using the Esc button or clicking on the [x] button. Previously when users pressed the Esc button or clicked on the [x] button, Moveware would still proceed with invoice posting. The process would be stopped only when users clicked on the 'Cancel' button. | From Removal Management > Invoice tab, select an invoice that has not been posted (no invoice number assigned). Click on the Post button, and the 'Create Invoice' dialog will appear. Press the Esc button or click on the [x] button, and the invoice will remain unposted. |
370809 | Previously, some figures appeared to be incorrect in the Creates Audit Trail report. The issue occured when there were numbers with a decimal point. _x000D_ | Users can run the Crates Audit Trial on the Crates Management screen by selecting 'Run Audit Trial'. |
370810 | Previously, it was possible to complete Diary Actions which are assigned a key action that starts with 'crate' from the Job Diary on the Daily Diary (big diary) screen. _x000D_ Code: sysparam-spare5[10]_x000D_ | If the System Parameter 'sysparam-spare5[10]' - Use Crating Module is enabled, it will prevent the Diary Actions with a Key Action that starts with 'crate' from being completed on the Daily Diary screen. If a user attempts to complete these Diary Actions on the Daily Diary screen, they will receive a validation message saying ''Unable to complete crate diary actions from this screen. You must complete the action from the Diary tab.'' |
371536BE | We have fixed the 'Invalid export' error validation on completing a diary action. Previously, on completing a diary action, the above error would appear even if Data Transfer Setup is not setup for diary actions. | Users can complete the diary action without receiving an error message if export is not setup to do so. |
371913 | We have fixed the issue with saving values Inclusions and Exclusions fields against customer in Customer Job Types tab. Previously, if a user saved changes in the above mentioned fields, it would change the Administration > Job Types default fields values as well. Administration > System Setup > System Parameters > sysparam-spare9[22] = Y | The user can set the customer Job Types tab to Active, click on 'Other', save some text in Comments/Inclusions/Exclusions fields, hit save which saves it against the customer. |
371976 | Fixed enter key returning double return rather than single line. Previously, on enter key from keyboard would return double lines rather than single line. | The user can click on telephone button which opens the 'Add Client Contact' window, press Enter key from keyboard which return single line rather than two lines. |
372627 | When the language of the user interface is not English, the diary description will not be editable so it will not be replaced by another language when the record is saved. | If the langauge of the user interface is not English, users can edit other fields on the Removal Diary screen (Removals Management > Diary tab) except for the diary description. This is to prevent the description from being replaced by the language of the user Interface. |
372932 | Fixed a saving error when clicking across removal records when clicked after invoice tab. Previously, when clicked in the invoice tab with blank terms field and then click across removal records, a pop up would appear with a saving Yes/no dialogue, even when user has not changed the invoice fields. | The user can filter with some text in Name, click few removal records , click on invoice tab which has blank terms and come back to search tab and click again few removal records with no Yes/No pop up dialogue, if the user has not changed the invoice fields. |
376189 | We have fixed the issue occured during combining of data sets with Sage Export. Previously, the data sets were combined for 'VUK' tax codes. Data Transfer Setup screen by internal MW user. | Users can select the invoices with (VUK) tax code and click on 'Go' button which exports the invoices with seperates lines. |
376206 | Previously, when copying a removal with a cost option, the system did not flag the cost option as 'combined' even though the debtor of the cost option had Combine Invoice set as 'Y'._x000D_ Debtor management > Details > Combined Invoicing is 'Y' | When copying the Removal and copying Cost Option if the debtor has Combine Invoice set as 'Y', the cost option will also be flagged as an Combine Invoice account. |
376397 | We have the issue the issue in which users were unable to refresh a removal record when same record is being updated by more than one user. Previously, if two users were updating and saving the same removal record and the second user clicked on the arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move the next or previous removal record, the screen would not refresh accordingly. | If a user updates and saves a removal record and there is another user trying to update and save the same record, Moveware will prompt a validation message notifying that another user has updated the record. If the user then uses the blue arrow buttons on the top of the Removal Details sceen to move to the previous or next removal, the screen will referesh and show the details of the correct removal record. |