Royal Wolf

Royal Wolf

Moveware now has the ability to send container tracking details electronically to Royal Wolf when a user has dispatched a waybill of type IS, IM or LR.

Initial Setup

Activating Royal Wolf container tracking in Moveware is quite simple.   The Royal Wolf codes must be imported from a file initially.  Then the only sections in Moveware that require changes to are the System Parameters and Agents screens.

Note: Your Moveware user account is required to have administrator access (security group X) to view the System Parameters Screen.  Please refer to someone who has administrator access or add the security group to your Moveware user account.

Import Royal Wolf Agent Codes

The codes used by Royal Wolf to denote a particular company must be loaded into Moveware if they do not already exist.  As at 14/11/2011, the base database has the codes so they may already exist.  However, they can be loaded again with any new codes or loaded on existing systems using the following process.

  1. Open up the Development Tools

  2. Go to Admin -> Load Data and Definitions -> Table Contents (.d file)

  3. Scroll down the list of tables and click on “codes” then click OK.

  4. Click the Files button and locate the file c:\removals\upgrade\rw agent tracking.d

  5. Change the Acceptable Error Percentage to 100 so that if any of the codes already exist, the process will still import new codes.

  6. Click OK

  7. A message may appear stating no code page has been defined.  Click OK and then accept the default code page value on the Code Page screen and click OK.

  8. A message stating the load is complete should then appear.  If you get a message stating there were errors/warnings, open the file c:\removals\upgrade\rw agent tracking.e and ensure the only errors are that the codes already existed.  If not, seek assistance from the Development Team.

The codes should now be imported ready to be assigned to the required agents.

System Parameters Setup

Navigate to Administration > System Setup > System Parameters.

To activate RW Container Tracking on the system set the system parameter ‘SCF/RW Container Tracking User’ located under the ‘Interfaces > External Systems’ tab to one of the following values:

a) R – Company to only use Royal Wolf container tracking
b) S or Y – Company to use only SCF Container Tracking
c) B – Company to use both RW and SCF container tracking

Agent Setup

Navigate to Operations > Agents > Details tab

Final step is to link the Royal Wolf agents on your system with their respective Royal Wolf Codes. It is critical to have this done properly as Moveware will not transmit the electronic data to Royal Wolf if the Origin/Destination/Freight agent on the waybill is not linked to a Royal Wolf Code.

To set the Agents RW code:

a) Double click on the ‘RW Codes’ field to bring up a list of agents and their respective RW codes
b) Select appropriate code > Press OK
c) Save Agent Record

Workstation/Terminal Server Setup

Install the latest mwdll on workstations and terminal servers that will be updating the tracking sites (no need to install mwcservice).

Container Tracking Process

Once the above setup has been finalised, sending the container tracking to Royal Wolf is simply a matter of dispatching the waybill.

The following images are snapshots of what occurs after you have dispatched a waybill.

Note: You will only encounter this message if you happened to use both SCF/RW container tracking.  Select the appropriate Tracking option and select ‘Continue’.

Once you select yes, the container tracking data will be transmitted to Royal Wolf.  A few moments later you’ll receive notification whether data has transmitted without errors.

If you have received a successful message, no further action is required but if you happen to receive an error like the one above – correct the issue and resend the electronic data by re-dispatching the waybill.

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