Who is 1-Stop?
1-Stop is an information communications technology (ICT) company that provides services to businesses involved in the import and export of goods to and from Australian ports. Moveware has an interface with the 1-Stop Gateway Service PRA Messaging.
What is Pre-Receival Advice?
The Pre-Receival Advice (PRA) is form detailing a description of a container prepared by an Exporter, Forwarder, Packer or Trucking Company. PRA message is sent to Terminals when Containerised Cargo is bound for Export or Domestic movement. This message is sent to the Loading Port of departure, who will respond with a message (APERAK) indicating that the PRA was accepted or rejected. You need to have an accepted PRA before your container is allowed entry to the terminal.
How PRAs Work
The PRA is the electronic version of the paper ERA (Export Receival Advice) and it is used by exporters and carriers to inform the CTO (Cargo Terminal Operator) or stevedore of incoming export container details.
Moveware Waybills
The 1-Stop interface activates a button on the Waybill screen that users can press which submits an email from the user to 1-Stop. The email has an attached .csv file containing Waybill details. This saves the users from having to re-enter the waybill data manually into the 1-Stop online system. 1-Stop in turn reply directly to the user confirming acceptance.
To control the email that the CSV goes to, it’s set in Codes Management -> XML Type -> PRA.