Waybill – Details Fields
Field | Description |
Waybill Number | System-generated Waybill number. |
Description | Free-form field indicating the destination of the waybill, eg Melbourne to Sydney. |
Origin Agent | Origin Agent |
Origin Agent Contact and Email | Origin Agent Contact name and Email Address. |
Destination Agent | Destination Agent. |
Destination Agent Contact and Email | Destination Agent Contact name and Email Address. |
Freight Agent | Freight Agent. |
Freight Agent Contact and Email | Freight Agent Contact name and Email Address. |
Vessel/Flight | Vessel Name or Flight if applicable. |
Vessel Number | Number of Vessel. |
Voyage Number | Number of Voyage. |
Date Departure | The date the vehicle/vessel departs. |
Arrival | The date the vehicle/vessel arrives. |
Route | Air Waybills display additional fields for each air route on the shipment. Fields include Carrier, Flight Number, Departure Location, Date, Time, and Arrival date. |
Origin Code | Origin City/Country Code. |
Dest Code | Destination City/Country Code. |
Rail/Port - Origin | Port at Origin. |
Destination | Port at Destination. |
Port - Loading | Port of Loading. |
Discharge | Port of Discharge. |
Slot Date |
Slot Time |
Slot Ref |
Clearing Agent | Customs Clearance Agent. |
Clearing Agent Contact and Email | Customs Clearance Agent Contact name and Email Address. |
Inland Freight | Inland Freight Agent. |
Inland Freight Contact and Email | Inland Freight Agent Contact name and email address. |
Status | Waybill status N (New) , U (Updated) and C (Cancelled). Status changes from N to U as waybill is updated. |
Type | Type of waybill. e.g. Export, Import, Long Distance. |
Service | Method of consignment. e.g. FCL, LCL, Air. |
Consignees | Number of consignees in the waybill/shipment. Automatically updated from the Jobs added to the Waybill |
20ft | Number of 20ft Containers. |
Packages | Number of packages in the waybill/shipment. Automatically updated from the Items field of the Jobs added to the Waybill |
40ft | Number of 40ft Containers. |
Crates | Number of Crates. |
Vehicles | Number of Vehicles. |
Agent Refer | Agent's reference number. |
OBL/AWBL | Original Bill of Lading, Airway Bill of Lading. |
Housebill | House Bill of Lading number. |
Principal ID | Agent's Principle ID. For import consignments only (Used for Australian Customs). |
Booking Ref | Lloyds Number. |
CRN | Customs Reference Number. |
Documents Received | Date the documents received from the origin agent. For import consignments only. |
Unloaded | Date the consignments were unloaded. |
Dest THC | Destination Terminal Handling Charges. |
Net/Gross/Reciprocity | Recripocity calculations in m3, lbs and ft3. Automatically updated from the Jobs added to the Waybill. |
Consignee | Use the icons to the right to quick-add address information from a Customer or Job. |
Notify | Notify Party. Use the icons to the right to quick-add address information from a Customer or Job. |
Comments | Additional comments for the Waybill. |
Add | Quick Add button to add a Container to the Waybill. The field to the right of the Add dropdown allows you to enter a container number and press Enter to add it. |
Inventory used on Waybill | A listing of Containers used on the waybill. Inventory items are added to the Waybill using the Add button to the right of this table or using the Quick-Add button above. |