Review Custom Changes (MobiAdmin)
It is possible to add and edit the review questions available to you in the Mobi application. These changes must be completed from within Moveware.
How to Edit Review Questions for Mobi
To begin, log into your Moveware database.
Next, navigate to: Administration > System Setup > Mobi.
Next, select the user group whose review questions you’d like to edit.
Finally, click on the “Reviews” tab. This is where you can add or edit existing questions. The top right of the screen provides a list of all the review questions that already exist in the system. Here you can see a quick description of the review menu and see whether the set of review questions are active.
Overview of Fields
The Question field is used for entering the question itself – for example, Were the office staff helpful and friendly?
The Answers field contains the answer options you want to provide in response to the question – for example, Yes, No, or maybe something more specific such as a time or date. These are entirely customizable based on your needs.
The Comments field is used to enter additional text to appear in Mobi, often to provide additional information or detail about a question or overall review.
The field labelled Control Type is used to configure how the field is displayed in Mobi.
For example, we have heading, radio, signature, comment, button, date and time, just to demonstrate a few of the available formatting options.
Another important pair of fields is the Conditional Parent and Conditional Answer fields. These fields are used to configure conditional answers – for example, if the original question is “Were you on time,” it is possible to add a condition here that prompts an additional question if the answer is no. If required, it is also possible to configure review questions to send emails or messages to based on certain responses.
These review menus and related questions are highly configurable. It is also possible to configure certain review menus and questions to appear as options only for specific job types and branches.
If you don’t see a review question you need or require a more complicated configuration, please contact your Moveware representative.
Navigate to Mobi setup -> Reviews, make sure that all new ones you have created are displayed correctly.
Control Types:
The Control Type determines how the Review Question will display to the user in Mobi. The control types for all review questions can be easily updated through the Reviews tab on the Mobi Set up Menu. The table below provides a good overview of each control type.
Radio: The radio control type is used as a multiple-choice selection. It allows you to configure pre-set answers that the user can select from.
The selectable Options can be pre-set in the Reviews configuration by entering all the possible options into the Answers field.
This radio control type is often paired with the “Show Editor” setting to prompt for more details if a certain option is selected. For example if Conditional (No) is selected, then a text box will appear to allow the user to enter additional information.
[Blank]: Leaving the Control Type blank will prompt the question to default to the Combo Control Type, outlined below.
Combo: This Control Type allows you to enter a question that will appear alongside a button prompting users to make a selection (“Please Select” button):
Once this button is clicked, the available answers pop up at the bottom of the screen and the user can make their selection. The answer the user has selected will replace the “Please Select” in the button.
Comments: The Comments Control Type allows you to display fixed text on a review question. This text is for informational purposes only and cannot be edited through Mobi. It is often used for Terms and conditions that need to be signed off on or to provide users/clients with instructions on how to complete the given review question.
Date: Control Type allows users to enter a date.
Date & Time: This control type allows users to enter a date and time.
Editor: Displays a large field for notes or comments. Choose this field if you want the user to be able to enter a lot of additional detail. This Control Type offers a field larger than the Textbox Control Type.
Heading: This Control Type is used to format a heading. Any text entered here will be displayed in Mobi as fixed text that cannot be edited.
Lookup: This Control Type allows a user to lookup a specific item from a list of items in the database – for example, a list of available vehicles.
After selecting the field, the user can then select the appropriate item from the list.
To set the vehicles list in the lookup, enter “cnumber” into the Lookup Override field in the review question set up.
Signature: This Control Type creates a field free draw field to capture signatures
Note: Signatures can also be set up on the report level, so they do not necessarily need to be added on the Review question set up. Signature fields can also be set up to show time & date stamps automatically through the setting “Add Timestamp to Signatures”.
Textbox: This Control Type creates a smaller free text field for entering a short response. If you require more space for the user to input additional details, we recommend using the Editor Control Type pictured above.
Time: This Control Type allows users to quickly enter a time using the plus or minus signs. It will default to the current time and then adjusts in 15 minute intervals, when the + and – button are selected:
This control type is used to create a sync button on a review question to help users do regular syncs back to Moveware. Once added, the button provides a direct link to the sync screen so the user can easily sync back to Moveware.
This control type is used to create check box style questionnaires