Create Custom Reports (MobiAdmin)
This section of the Wiki is aimed at Mobi Administrators and will go into detail on how both Local and Server reports can be customised. For general user based information on how to generate reports- please refer to Reports in Mobi.
Before creating a custom report, it is always important to check pre-existing reports to see if those can be used. If no pre-existing reports exist to suit your needs, then a decision needs to be made as to what sort of report will be set up. There are two types of reports that can be generated from Mobi:
Local reports (Recommended): These are reports that are generated locally on the device from data directly in Mobi. Mobi already comes pre-configured with a standardized list of local reports so if changes are required it’s often easier to modify existing templates rather than creating a brand new report. The benefits of local reports are that no additional syncing is required, they can be built into workflows & are easy to set up. The limitations are that standard formatting is required, reports can’t have complex formulas built into them and any data not on the users Mobi device can’t be included on the report.
Server reports are Crystal reports that are generated through Moveware and then synced back as a finished report to Mobi. The benefits are that there are no limitations in terms of formatting or logic that can be built into them. The limitations of these reports are that they require a bit of set up to create the Crystal report and the Mobi users need to remember to do a full sync back to Moveware before generating the report otherwise they risk not displaying the most recent data.
Before attempting any report changes, please make sure to first read all the content in this section:
Local Reports- Before You Start
Local Reports- Report Custom Changes
Server Reports