Errors and troubleshooting

Errors and troubleshooting

There are two types of ezidebit related error messages:

  1. Ezidebit generated errors

  2. Moveware generated errors

Ezidebit generated errors

An ezidebit error message is displayed when a transaction is being processed and there is a problem. These error messages will display a two or three digit error code, followed a short description on what the error means and are usually displayed because of an issue with your customers payment method, such as insufficient funds. In most cases, the user will need to contact the client to resolve the processing issue.


Moveware generated errors

Below is a list of Moveware errors, when they are triggered and how to resolve them:

Invoice is fully paid

The selected invoice is full paid and cannot be processed through Ezidebit. If more funds need to be debited, a new invoice should be created first.

Please review and re-select invoices

There are errors with the invoices which have been selected in the payment batch. Please go back and resolve each of the highlighted errors before proceeding.

Payment received but could not be receipted

There was an issue with creating the receipt in Moveware, so the user should navigate to Debtors->Receipting and create a receipt to Bank Deposits manually. A designated user should also receive an email detailing the payment details for any receipts that fail to be created.

Error connecting to cloud service

There was a connectivity issue. Try processing the receipt again. If you receive this error multiple times and your internet is working, please contact Moveware.

Please select a valid Ezidebit receipt to process the refund.

There are two causes for this error:
The user has selected an invoice (DI), not a receipt (DR).
The selected receipt was not originally processed through Ezidebit.

Payment status could not checked 2-Failed.Unable to process refund – Original payment has not settled

A refund cannot be issued until the original payment has been processed and settled. Please wait until the transaction clears and then try again.

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