EasyDPS: Storage in Transit (SIT) Inbound

EasyDPS: Storage in Transit (SIT) Inbound

SIT Inbound

SIT Inbound provides information on a Shipment that has been put into temporary storage. Typically this information will cover: Weight into Storage, Date into Storage, Authorized Days, SIT Contractor, and more.


  1. Enter Additional Delivery Location
    A message to the TSP to indicate an additional Delivery action will occur, will contain address information.

  2. Enter Additional Pickup Location
    A message to the TSP to indicate an additional Pick-up action will occur, will contain address information.

  3. Get Shipment Information
    A request for Shipment Information from the TSP, uses the SCAC and BL number to indicate correct Shipment.

  4. Enter PreApproval Comment
    Submitting notes to the TSP to be added to the PreApproval request, contains the Note, and the Service Code (Example: 105E, 105B, 125A, 35A)

  5. Enter PreApproval with Comment
    A message to the TSP to request a PreApproval along with additional notes to be approved. Will require the Type of PreApproval, the responsible PPSO (Code, not full name), with Notes being optional.

  6. Enter Premove Survey
    Submission to the TSP containing information about the Premove Survey, contains information such as relevant dates and Survey method.

  7. Enter PremoveSurvey and Print GBL
    A submission to the TSP containing information about the Premove Survey as well as requesting a copy of the GBL (TSP can deny documentation requests). Contains relevant dates and Survey Method.

  8. Print Certified GBL
    Request for the TSP to send a Certified copy of the GBL to the Agent.

  9. Print DD1384 Form
    A request for the TSP to send the DD1384 form to the Agent.

  10. Print DD1412 Form
    A request for the TSP to send the DD1412 form to the Agent.

  11. Print DD1671 Form
    A request for the TSP to send the DD1671 form to the Agent.

  12. Print DD2278 Form
    A request for the TSP to send the DD2278 form to the Agent.

  13. Print GBL Correction
    A request to the TSP to send a GBL correction to the Agent.

  14. Print Original GBL Form
    A request for the TSP to send a copy of the Original GBL document to the Agent.

  15. Request Certified GBL
    A request to the TSP to send a copy of the Certified GBL to the Agent.

  16. Request GBL Copy
    A request to the TSP to send a copy of the GBL to the Agent.

  17. Update Agents
    A message to the TSP that the Origin or Destination Agent has been updated.

  18. Update Dates
    An update to the TSP that the Actual Pack and Actual Pickup dates have changed.

  19. Update Primary Delivery Location
    An update to the TSP that the Primary Delivery location has been changed, providing the new address information.

  20. Update Primary Pickup Location
    An update to the TSP that the Primary Pickup Location has been changed, providing the new address.

  21. Enter Intransit Information
    Providing updates about when the Shipment is getting into transit, and providing optional notes.

  22. Enter Pickup Information
    Updating information about upcoming pickups to the TSP including item number, tare and gross weight, as well as pack/pickup dates.

  23. Place into Storage In Transit (SIT) Origin
    For updating SIT information such as the Date, weight, Warehouse Code, and SIT Agent Contact.

  24. Update Weight (Actual Weight)
    Updating Actual Gross, Net, and Progear weights back to the TSP .

  25. Update Weights (TSP Estimated Weight)
    Updating the Estimated weight back to the TSP.

  26. Deliver out of SIT Destination
    For sending information back to the TSP regarding Delivery / Close out date of the SIT, along with the Delivery Weight and number of items delivered.

  27. Enter Actual Delivery
    Updating Actual Delivery Dates, weights, and Delivery Location.

  28. Enter Delivery Attempt
    Sending a list to the TSP containing an attempted delivery date and time.

  29. Enter Intransit Whole Shipment Arrival
    Updating TSP about Gross / Net weights and Arrival Date.

  30. Enter Scheduled Delivery
    Sending a scheduled Delivery date to the TSP for approval.

  31. Enter Split Delivery
    Updating partial delivery Date, location and weight.

  32. Enter Split Attempt
    Updating TSP about a Split Delivery attempt including date and time.

  33. Place into Storage in Transit (SIT) Destination
    Updating SIT Entry Date, weight in, and the warehouse (Code).

  34. Place into Split Storage in Transit (SIT) Destination
    Updates containing SIT Entry Date, Weight in, and Warehouse code.

  35. Enter Reweigh
    For the purpose of sending Reweigh Date, number, Tare/Gross/Net weight, as well as notes.

  36. Enter Reweigh Schedule
    Updating a scheduled reweigh including address and date/time.

  37. Add Shipment Remark
    Sending a Shipment Remark to the TSP.

SIT Inbound Fields

EDPS Field

File Order

Data Type


Moveware Field

Moveware Screen

EDPS Field

File Order

Data Type


Moveware Field

Moveware Screen

SIT Control Number



Populates the SIT Inbound Number



SIT Contractor



  1. Populates the Origin Sit Contractor

  2. Adds Note: EDPS Sit Contractor

SIT Contractor

Jobs > Diary > Destination SIT In > EDPS SIT Contractor

Total Weight In



Adds Note: EDPS Sit Weight In

Weight In

Jobs > Diary > Destination SIT In > EDPS SIT Weight In

SIT Date In



Populates the Delivered to SIT Task (Storage in Transit milestone)

Destination SIT In diary action date. Also should update SIT In Date (Spare2) on the Details if the * logic is met

Jobs > Diary > Destination SIT Out > SIT Date In

SIT Expiration Date






SIT Conversion Date



  1. Populates the Final Delivery Date Task - Completed Date

  2. Adds a Conversion Date Note: "Completed due to shipment conversion to member expense"

"Conversion Date
Additional Notes text ""Completed due to shipment conversion to member expense"""

Jobs > Diary > Conversion Date

SIT Authorized Days



Adds Note: EDPS Auth Day

Add as text "EDPS Auth Day: " to the Additional Notes of the Destination SIT In diary action

Jobs > Diary > Destination SIT In > Authorized Day

SIT Portion Control Number



Populates the Sit Portion Number

Add as text "SIT Portion Number: " to the Additional Notes of the Destination SIT Out diary action

Jobs > Diary > Destination SIT Out > SIT Portion Number

SIT Portion Date In



Populates the DELIVERED TO SIT - PORTION Task (Storage in Transit Portion milestone)

Add as text "SIT Portion Date In: " to the Additional Notes of the Destination SIT Out diary action

Jobs > Diary > Destination SIT Out > SIT Date In

SIT Portion Weight



Adds Note: EDPS Weight In Portion

Add as text "EDPS Weight In Portion: " to the Additional Notes of the Origin SIT Out and Origin SIT In diary action

Jobs > Diary > Origin SIT In > EDPS Weight In Portion

Portion Auth Day



Adds Note: EDPS Portion Auth Day



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