Zebra Mobile Phone Barcode Scanner Setup
To open the About screen in DataWedge:
On the device, locate and tap the DataWedge icon in the Launcher screen or App Drawer:
Launcher icon for DataWedge 6.x
In Barcode Input, please make sure Enabled checkbox is ticked.
This feature configures DataWedge to enable/disable use of the device hardware trigger for barcode input. The hardware trigger is enabled by default. If disabled, the scan beam does not appear when pressing the hardware trigger.
This feature allows application programmers to enforce the use of app-specific features when scanning barcodes and documents within MobiCrew APP. Please make sure Hardware Trigger checkbox is ticked.
To enable Keystroke output for a Profile, place a check in the checkbox:
Keystroke Output options
Action key character – enables injection of a special character embedded within barcode, serial, RFID, voice or MSR data. Please set as:
Carriage return – inject action key in place of ASCII CR (0x0D) character
Key event options – sends keystrokes as key events, sends certain key events as string, and controls key event delays. Required:
Enable Send Characters as Events – set to send ASCII code 32 to 126 as key events
Enable Send Enter as string – set to send ENTER key stroke output as a string. By default, this is disabled and ENTER is sent as a key event (WE DO NOT WANT IT DISABLED).Basic Data Formatting provides an easy way to append or prepend acquired data with custom values or keystrokes before passing it to an Output Plug-in. It also permits the conversion of data to hexadecimal format. If the Basic Data Formatting is not enabled, captured data is passed to the selected Output Plug-in without modification. Please put a tick next to the Enable in the checkbox.
Basic Data Formatting Output options
Send data – allows transfer of the captured data to the associated application when it comes to the foreground. Enabled by default.
Enable Send ENTER key – appends an ENTER character to the processed data. Please put a tick next to the Send ENTER key in the checkbox.