Moveware Version 8.6 Release Notes

Moveware Version 8.6 Release Notes

Moveware Release Notes
Version 8.6
Upgrade Rollout: October/November 2019
Release Notes Generated: 10/03/19   ‑   16/09/19



Description of Functionality

Description of Usage


Description of Functionality

Description of Usage

319290-078 - New System Parameter - Allow address autofill on the payment portal

Payment portal populates client details like name email address, from the available job/debtor/invoice when correct reference number and invoice number are entered.
A new system parameter has been added to prevent the address to be populated through this process.

Code: WebAutofillAddress
Description: Payment portal would autofill client details from the available job/debtor/invoice when correct reference number and invoice number is passed. If its not required to populate address set this to N.
Options: Y/N
Default: Y

When making a payment through the Moveware payment portal, the user is required to enter a whole lot of details including reference number (job/customer code), invoice number, name, email and address. Only once the mandatory fields are filled the user is allowed to make payment.
When the user enters reference number and invoice number, the system tries to find a match in the database. If a match is found then the system would find and auto populate the name, email and address through the invoice, job or customer details.

In cases where the cardholder address does not match the ones stored in the database, the user would have to clear the autopopulated address and then enter the correct address details.

It is now possible to stop the system from populating the address through the system parameter. To do so, the value of the system parameter must be set to N.

326797A - Update to Multiple Branch/Cost Center System Parameters

Found an issue where, if the System Parameter has the ablity to be configured on a branch / cost center level - it will not work for System Parameters that allow you to enter multiple values such as the system parameter 'Blank Status Filter on Load of Operations Diary Screen'.

In 8.5 the workaround we used was instead of ',' we need to use the tag instead.

e.g. instead of 'W,S' we have to put 'WS'.

Used in the system parameters screen.
(Administration > System Setup > System Parameters)

327952-034 - New System Parameter - Show volume and weight in costing header

A new system parameter has been added to display the volume and weight column in the cost option header when Display Weight system parameter is set or Cost Center is flagged to display a specific volume or weight unit. Previous versions of Moveware would only display one column based on the setting. Now both will be displayed.

Code: CostsShowVolAndWeight
Description: Show volume and weight in costing header
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

When this parameter is set to Y the cost option header will display both volume and weight when the user's screen resolution is 1368 or wider. Where previously the volume or weight was editable, now both of the fields are enabled. If the removal is setup to no calculate weight/volume based on the density setting, the field will operate independant. Otherwise editing one field will update the other on save of the record.

332125 - New System Parameter - Report Header Show Full Description

Previously, reports would show headers that used period numbers, and company/branch numbers. This could be confusing, especially when there were large numbers of companies/branches.

This new feature will instead revert those codes/numbers to a more readable format. Periods will show up as the actual months, which will be highly useful, especially for those companies that are using off calendar financial years.

Code: ReportHeaderUseGLFulDesc
Description: Report Header Show Full Description
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N

If the user wishes to activate this new feature, the user will need to go the Administration > System Setup > System Parameter, and go to the Codes tab. Searching for the parameter ''ReportHeaderUseGLFulDesc'' and setting the Value to Y. Setting the Value back to N will deactivate the parameter.

This parameter will be global across all reports, and will change the fields where applicable.

334493 - Added file attachment button within Purchase Updates screen

Added file attachment button(folder button) within Purchase Updates screen.
The folder button will show as Red if the file name is matches the filtering of the file lists that down by Windows Open dialog(PO number or file). Otherwise, it will show as yellow.

On the search tab within purchase updates, the folder button will show as Red if the file name is matches the filtering of the file lists that down by Windows Open dialog (PO number or file). Otherwise, it will show as yellow.

335695 - Enhancement - smalls % rates

A new rate type is added PSNF, the same can work for PSNM etc. This rate is only for sell.

To set up, add a new rate of type PSNF, this rate will work off NF and smalls % on the inventory. The smalls % is entered in the destination distance column in the rates setup, for example enter 60 for up to 60% smalls to use this rate, and the rate breaks will use NF on the cost option. To prevent speed issue only removal products set as smalls will work this way, the smalls flag has been added to removal product screen so removal products can be setup to use smalls.

Also add a new system parameter UpdateEstFromPriceForSmalls to update est from price

Code : UpdateEstFromPriceForSmalls
Desc: Update Estimated Cost From Price For Packing Smalls
Default: N
Setting: N - No, Y - Yes

After setting up removal product and price rate, select a job where there is a smalls % in inventory tab, add a removal product line to the cost option(linked to the creditor product). and check the correct rate based on smalls and NF of cost option has been set against this cost line.

336207-029I - Combo box list records to cater for multiple languages

Combo box list records to cater for multiple languages. Previously, it is displayed only in English even if the user was on a different language interface.

sysparam.sysparam-spare7[31] = 'Y'
Employee's Language Interface should be set as other than English.

The user can set up the codes management for Claim Action, Claim Category, Claim Type, Claim Insurance Cover, Claim Cause depending on the requirement. Also, set it up in Language screen as well - with English and the interface language required for the user session.

Close and open the Moveware session which displays the combo box lists in the language set.

336207-072 - New system parameter - UseDiaryHoursForAllInventory

When system parameter is set, estimated resources other than labour/vehicle will also pick up diary hours as estmated, so that outside resources can be added under Other/Office and still use our normal labour and vehicle calc types.

Code: UseDiaryHoursForAllInventory
Description: Use Diary Hours For All Inventory
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

From jobs diary screen, update diary hours and add resources under Other/Ofifice, use labour/vehicle calc types such as LB and check that diary hours is used in finding rates.

336990-072H - Reports - Type Filter Enhancement

We have added a new removal type filter 'rtypejt' that will display only Cost Centers that have ''Job Type Cost Centre'' flagged to Y if that filter is used.

Find the report you wish to apply this to under Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration screen.

In Report Configuration > Details tab > Filter field > update the existing 'rtype' filter to be 'rtypejt' for the changes to take effect.

336225-029 - Baggage and Quick Entry screens to work with Default Screen Settings.

Added Type/ Branch fields leave and double click triggers to work with Default Screen Settings. Previously, it worked just for default text and not with dynamic changes of above fields.

Set the Default Screen Settings window by Moveware users only.

The user can set in Default Screen Settings with Type and Branch and either add/copy a removal in below screens which sets the default values.

336370-052 - New System Parameter - Set default value and visibility of combo box Tax Inc in Select Cost Option dialog

New System Parameter to Set default value and visibility of combo box Tax Inc in Select Cost Option dialog.

Previously, the combo box Tax Inc always show in this Select Cost Option dialog (except for some companies with custom code), and default as No.

Code: CostOptionSelectorSetComboTax
Description: Set default value and visibility of combo box Tax Inc in Select Cost Option dialog
Options: Y - default value to Yes, N - default value to No, HY - hide and set value to Yes, HN - hide and set value to No
Default: N (HN for MS, AMV, DH and PremierRel)

On Removal Management or Rate Request Management > running report with ''optionselect'' filter, the Select Cost Option dialog will show up.

336990-044 - New System Parameter - Always Show DS Job Types On JTC

Add new system parameter to always show DS job types on JTC.
Previously, when running JTC on job that has bill to already, it will not show job type begins with 'DS'.

Code: AlwaysShowDSJobTypesOnJTC
Description: Always Show DS Job Types On JTC
Options: N = No, Y = Yes
Default: N (Y for WridgWays)

The user can enable the system parameter to always show DS job types on JTC.

336990-050 - Added filter ''Created By'' to the Journals Report

We have added a new filter ''Created By'' to the Journals report.

Users who want to see this new filter need to add it manually into the Journals report:
Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration > Filters: createdby
Refresh the Reports screen in order to see it.

Reports > Journals > the filter will be visible on that screen once set up properly in the report configuration.

This report filter is based on the ''By'' column in the General Ledger > Journals

336990-065 - New System Parameter - Restrict Ability to Inactive Labour on Ops Diary screen

Previously we had no restriction on this button to inactivate Labour.

With this new System Parameter setting, the user will be able to use the button only when they have the security group as per System Parameter value.

Code: OpsDiaryInactiveLabour
Desc: Restrict Ability to Inactive Labour on Ops Diary screen
Options: X - Set to security group X, N or Blank - No restrict
Default: N

On Ops Diary screen > Labour list, the button to Inactive Labour (blue arrow) will be enabled
if the user has that security group set on the system parameter or the system parameter is off (N or Blank).

336990-072 - New System Parameters - To set the Status and Rep filters in Sales Followup screen

A new system parameters have been added to set the Status and Rep filters based on Employee Management setup.

Description:To set Sales Status filter to emplyee default status.
Options:N = No, Y = Yes

Code: SetSalesRepFilter
Description: To set Sales Rep filter as logged in user is a salesrep.
Options:N = No, Y = Yes

  • The user can enable the first system parameter, set the Default Status in Employee Managment > User Details tab and open the Sales Followup screen which defaults the 'Status' filter. If it is not set, then it defaults to 'P'.

  • The user can enable the second system parameter, set the Estimator in Employee Management > Details tab to 'Y' and open the Sales Followup screen which defaults the 'Rep' filter to the user logged in. If the user logged in is not a Estimator, 'Rep' filter is set to blank.

Note: Close and open the Sales Followup screen once you set the system parameter.

336990-076 - New Merge Fields - Added new merge fields to cater for Link records.

Added new merge fields to cater for Link records.

In codes managment > Removals Details, set up the Link_ record with Lookup field set as 'User' or 'Employee'. Below merge fields are added in report configuration email tab merge field lsit.
Link_Surveyor Position
Link_Surveyor Department
Link_Surveyor Phone
Link_Surveyor Mobile
Link_Surveyor Email
Link_Surveyor ID
Link_Surveyor First
Link_Surveyor Last
Link_Surveyor Agent
Link_Surveyor Image

  • If lookup field is not set as 'User' or 'Employee' then only default merge field is added - ''.

The user can add merge fields in The email tab and save in Report Configuration.
When The Report is opened, The fields are merged accordingly.

336990-076 - Added few features to cater for Link_Surveyor field

Added below features to cater for Link_Surveyor field.

  • Removals Details Surveyor lookup dialogue filtering with Surveyors.

  • Employee can set themselves as 'Surveyor' in settings.

  • New Survey toggle in Appointment diary screen when Survey Date is set.

Codes Managment > Removals Details > Link_Surveyor needs to be setup.

  • The Employee can click in Cost Type selection box to set as 'Surveyor' and save the record.

  • The user can double click in 'Surveyor' field which opens the dialogue filtering the Surveyors.

  • Double click in Survey Date field in Removals Details browser which opens the Appointment Diary screen where new toggle 'Surveyors Only' is dsiplayed. This new toggle behaves like Estimators toggle (hidden if Link_Surveyor is setup) except it filters the records in terms of Surveyors. This feature is available in both List View and Appointment Diary.

336990-076 - New System Parameter - Enable ability to manually set the Removal's onforwarding Branch

New System Parameter - Enable ability to manually set the Removal's onforwarding Branch.

Previously, the Removal's onforwarding Branch can only be set as user's branch only. With this new system parameter enables, user can select the branch from the list.

Code: RemovalOnForwardBranch
Description: Enable ability to manually set the Removal's onforwardingย Branch
Help: Enable ability to manually set the Removal's onforwardingย Branch on Destination Summary and Waybill Removals Screens
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N

Destination Summary screen and Waybill Management > Removals tab, on choose of button Onforward, it will popup the dialog to select branch for Remova;s onforwarding branch.

336990-076 - Add button to forward email in Customer Contact screen

Add button to forward email in Customer Contact screen.

In Customer Contact screen > select diary type 'Email' or 'Web Message' > click button Forward to forward the selected email.

338137 - Added Marketing filter(Opt-In/Opt-Out) in the CRM All Contacts and Agent Edit Contacts screen

Added Marketing filter(Opt-In/Opt-Out) in the following screen:

  • CRM > All Contacts screen, the marketing filter will display above Company column.

  • Agent > Edit Contacts screen, the marketing filter will display in the right bottom corner of the screen.

The user can select Opt-In/Out in the filter to look for contacts that marketing value matches the filter.

340750 - Purchase Order - Adding charges from Costing lookup

In Purchase Orders users are able to select a removal/job number and load the costing for that removal/job. This then allows the user to enter a value against the cost and have that populate into the charges for the purchase order. Previously when this dialog was loaded users were only able to enter values in the Estimate Value column of the costing. This was not cosistent with how Purchase Orders could be created from the costing screen. That feature would always use the Actual value if it was entered, otherwise it use the estimate.

Now Moveware will use similar logic to allow users to enter actual values against costing, when the costing is loaded from a Purchase Order. The means the Estimate and Actual Value columns will both be enabled. Users will then be able to enter values into either column. On save of the costing line, Moveware creates a charge on the purchase order. The value used on the purchase order will be the Actual Value, if one exists, otherwise the Estimate Value will be used. This will be in line with the purchase order creation from costing feature.

340856 - To pull the storage email in storage invoice report

To pull the storage email when storage invoice is pulled. Previously, the invoices linked to a storage details were not displayed in report.

Report Configuration settings

Email = Y
Source = Storage
To = Storage Contact

Set the storage linked to a invoice with email.

Set the Invoice report email tab with Source = Storage, To combo-box = 'Storage Contact'.

Select a storage invoice and click on email button where the 'To' field is set with storage email field.

The user can also select a Invoice report, set multiprint to 'Yes' and click on PDF button which displays the email list which also fetches the storage email.

341205 - Added a New Timeframe Option for the Last 3 Years

We have added the following timeframe to filter in Reports:

  • Last 3 Years

On the Reports screen, where the user can set a timeframe filter.

341396 - Added new option 'Outlook Inbox Download' in Employee Management

Added a toggle called 'Outlook Inbox Download' in Employee Management under User Details tab. This is to tick 'Download Attachments' in Outlook Inbox screen by default.

Previously, 'Outlook Inbox download' had 2 options which are:
Y: Tick 'Download Attachments' and 'Bypass Selection Popup' by default.
N: Nothing.

With this change, it allows an extra option:
A: Tick 'Download Attachments' by default.

Employee Management > User Details > 'Outlook Inbox download'.

  • Y: Tick 'Download Attachments' and 'Bypass Selection Popup' by default.

  • A: Tick 'Download Attachments' by default.

  • N: Nothing.

In Outlook Inbox screen,

  • if user set 'Outlook Inbox download' as 'Y', both 'Download Attachments' and 'Bypass Selection Popup' will be ticked by default

  • if user set 'Outlook Inbox download' as 'A', only 'Download Attachments' will be ticked by default

  • If user set 'Outlook Inbox download' as 'N', both 'Download Attachments' and 'Bypass Selection Popup' will be unticked by default

341506 - Updated Packing Materials report

Updated 'Packing materials' report to show more meaningful data and if it is set to be displayed in Daily Diary screen it can now be run to show all packing materials used for the whole day.

Previously, the report could only work with one job per each run.

To set it to appear in Daily Diary screen, go to Report Configuration and find Packing Materials report and set Show in: Daily Diary field to 'Y'


341821 - New System Parameter - Show Review Answer Date in Removal Review screen

New System Parameter Show Review Answer Date in Removal Review screen.

Previously, the Removal Review screeen is only show the review date per each review type in the left browser.

With this new system parameter is enabled, then user can see Review date per each review question in the right browser.

Code: RPReviewShowAnsDate
Desc: Show Review Answer Date in Removal Review screen
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N, Y for Abels

Removal Management > Review tab, if system parameter is enabled, the review date column will show between review score and status column.

341943 - New System Parameter - Relabel Time to Onsite in Diary Based Resource Costing

Added a new system parameter - Relabel Time to Onsite in Diary Based Resource Costing

Previously, the Diary Based Resource Costing screen had a column labelled 'Time'.
If this system parameter is enabled it will change the label to 'Onsite'.

Code: RelabelTimetoOnsiteDBRC
Desc: Relabel Time to Onsite in Diary Based Resource Costing
Help: 'Time' column in Removals > Diary will now be called 'Onsite' when client machine uses diary based resource costing
Default Value : N (Y for Martinspeed)

In Job Diary tab (only for Diary Based Resource costing is enabled) with system parameter 'RelabelTimetoOnsiteDBRC ' enabled, it will relabel column header from 'Time' to 'Onsite'.

342156 - New System Parameter - To update job invoice notes from debtor invoice details.

Added new system parameter to upate job invoice notes from debtor invoice details. Previously, the field updated only customer comments field or the text user manually enetered.

Code: UpdateJobInvoiceNotesFromDebtor
Description: To update job invoice notes from debtor invoice details.
Options:Y = Yes, N - No

The user can disable the system parameter and click on yellow notes button which display the customer comments text if user has not enetered any text before. The user can update the text and click on OK which will be displayed the next time user click on this button.

When the system parameter is enabled, the yellow notes button displays teh customer invoice details notes which is enetered by user in Customer > Details 'Vew Details that are displayed in the invoices for this debtor button which is displayed beside Comments field.

342246 - New Feature - Stoage Insurance Summary - Enabled Dynamic Group Feature

Adding a dynamic group feature for Storage Insurance Summary report. It allows user to group data by Branch and Insured By.

Standard operation

343108 - New System Parameter DoNotValidateCreditorPayMethod

New System Parameter DoNotValidateCreditorPayMethod

Do Not Validate Creditor Pay Method if the payment method is blank when saving a record.

Code: DoNotValidateCreditorPayMethod
Description: Do Not Validate Creditor Pay Method
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N (Y for Gosselin)

User can enable the system parameter to able to Do Not Validate Creditor Pay Method in Creditor Management > Details screen

343111 - Receipting and Payment screen resizing

Receipting and Payment screen resizing

Option to resize by resolution X:

  • 1600 or higher

  • 1368 - 1600

  • less than 1368


Option to resize by resolution Y:

  • 1050 or higher

  • 900 - 1050

  • less than 900

343178 - Posting an Invoice with an overpayment

Previously when posting an invoice with an overpayment, the user would be prompted to put either the full receipt or the overpayment portion of the receipt against the. A change has been made to allow the full receipt with overpayment to remain applied to the invoice.

The change occurs when the user receipts an amount through quick receipting against an unposted invoice, where the receipt value exceeds the invoice value.

343311 - Extended the System Parameter 'DoNotCloseRemoval' to restrict closing of Removal/Rate Request with option 'P'

Extended the system parameter 'DoNotCloseRemoval' to restrict closing of Removal/Rate Request with option 'P'. Previously, we had options N,Y,D which used to close the diary actions based on mandatory diary actions and user manually completing the diary actions but not just operational diary actions with future dates.

DoNotCloseRemoval = N,Y,D,P

The user can close the removal plan / rate request with below system parameter set to 'P'. It will display the message 'Job cannot be closed as it has incomplete Operational Diary Actions' with a list of diary actions, if there are any operational diary actions (dd-diary = O) with past dates (less than today). The future dates are not completed and left as it is.

343513 - New System Parameter - Close costing accruals only when a purchase is posted to the GL

Added a new system parameter to stop a prompt of the Accrual Close date when user assigns a purchase on an accrual cost line with Accrual status 'A'
Previously, a prompt came up asking for Close Accrual date.

Code: CostsCloseAccrualPurchasePosted
Description: Close costing accruals only when a purchase is posted to the GL
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default: N

User can enable the system parameter to use this function.
When the system parameter is enabled, Moveware will not prompt for the Accrual Close date when user enter a purchase on an accrual line in Costing tab. It will only ask for the Accrual Close date when accural status is set to C.

343572 - Update System Parameter - Default Net Gross Ratio

Updated System Parameter 'Default Net Gross Ratio' to support customised setting of this system parameter on a branch/cost center level.

Originally this system parameter onky wowks with NG Ratio ''G' (sysparam-spare1[20]), this has now been enhanced to work with ''N' as well

There is a setting on the service to look at the NG ratio for the removal, a new system parameter is added Use Default Net Gross Ratio As Precedence, if this is set to Y then the default NG ratio will take precedence over service NG ratio. Service ratio is used if default is not set up.

Code: DefaultNetGrossRatio
Desc: Default Net Gross Ratio
Options: N = Not Using, Any number for ratio

Code: UseDefaultNetGrossRatioAsPrecedence
Desc: Use Default Net Gross Ratio As Precedence

  1. Setting for all branches and cost centers

Just put a single value in the system parameter as per usual.

Example: We wish for the uplift date to validate on removal of status 'W' or greater.

Sysparam-upliftdate = 'W'.

  1. Setting custom system parameter values for particular cost centers

Example: If you wish for any import jobs to not validate the uplift date and the system contains 3 import types (IMM, IMP, IMB), for the other types validate uplift date on W status:

Sysparam-upliftdate = W,IMM:N,IMP:N,IMB:N

  1. Setting the system parameter based on branches

Example A: If you wish to disable the system parameter for one particular branch (SYD) regardless of type, but for other branches validate on W status:
Sysparam-upliftdate = W,SYD[N]

Example B: Besides SYD branch validation, you also require the MEL branch to validate the uplift date on 'P' status or greater, but everything else validates on W status:
Sysparam-upliftdate = W,SYD[N],MEL[P]

  1. Setting the values based on branch and cost center

Example: you require the import cost centers for one particular branch to not validate the uplift date
Sysparam-upliftdate = W,SYD[IMM:N;IMP:N;IMB:N]

  1. If the system parameter contains multiple values

e.g. 'blankstatusonloadofopsdiary', you can put in a value such as 'W,P' but this won't work for getsysparambrcc.
You'll need to put the value 'WP' instead.

343937 - New System Parameter - Show Storage Invoices in Removals Management

New System Parameter - Show Storage Invoices in Removals Management.

To show invoices of linked storage account on Removal Cost/Invoice list on Removals Management.

Previously, only removal costing, removal invoices, waybill invoices will show on this list.

Code: RPShowStorageInv
Description: Show Storage Invoices in Removals Management
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N

Removals Management > Removal Cost/Invoice list

345115 - Bugfix - fixed alert to show in case of a move declined by an online user

Previously, in case a move was declined from the moveware portal, no alert would be displayed to the moveware user(s).
This behaviour has been changed and now the moveware user(s) with the Employee Notify set with 'Quote Decline' would receive an alert in case a move is declined online.

The change would only affect the moveware user(s) with Employee Notify set with 'Quote Decline'.
When a user logs in to Moveware portal (MoveClient/MovePartner), and clicks on 'Decline Move' or 'Decline Quote' button from the Search tab and declines the move, then the move is set to status 'L' and now an alert would be sent to the moveware user(s). The alert message would state 'Move Decline Received' in the subject and further details in the body of the alert message.

A move decline has been received.

Reference: 100298
From: United Kingdom
To: United Kingdom

Reason: move could not be accepted

345139 - Created Event Log when deleting employee

Created Event Log when deleting employee

When deleting an employee on Employee Management > Details. the Event log will be created

345334 - New System Parameter - To display a message when email attachments exceed the size when sent via outlook.

We have added a new System Parameter to display a message when email attachments exceed the size when sent via outlook. Previously, when emails are sent with huge size attachements, the email was just sent without attachements.

Code: EmailAttachmentSize
Description: To display a message if email attachments exceeds the limit.
Options:Size in MB, N - No

The user can set the size in System Parameter and send an email with attachments exceeding the size set where it displays the message and not send the email.

If the email with attachment is within the size set, the email is sent successfully along with the attachments.

345994 - New System Parameter - To display custom message when emails are sent

We have added a new system parameter to display a custom email message when emails are sent. Previously, even if the email is just passed to the outlook and sent after a long time, Moveware displayed ''Email sent successfully''.

Code: DisplayEmailPassedMsg
Description: To display Email passed to outlook message.
Options:N = No, Custom message

The user can set a message in the system parameter and send an email where the custom message is displayed.

If the system parameter is disabled, the message displayed is ''Email Sent successfully''.

346002 - New System Parameters - Storage Invoice Update Allows U Security Group to Post

New System Parameters - Storage Invoice Update Allows U Security Group to Post.

Previously, only user with security group 'A' is allowed to post Storage invoice from Invoice Update dialog.

Code: StgInvUpdateEnableUSecurity
Desc: Storage Invoice Update Allows U Security Group to Post
Options: Y - users with security group 'U' and 'A' can post, 'N' - users with security group 'A' security group can post (default behaviour)
Default: N, except for Hasenkamp which should be set to 'Y'

Storage Invoicing > click View Invoices button > Storage Invoicing dialog.

If accessing from storage invoice update, allow users with security group 'U' to have access to the post/combine/export etc. buttons that currently security group 'A' has access to.

346003 - New System Parameter - Update non costing default resources when diary saved

A new system parameter has been added to update non costing default resources when a diary action is updated.

Previously for systems setup to use Diary Based Resource Costing, when a diary action was modified only the resources flagged as Costing Default would update and reprice. From the Diary tab of Removals Management, users are able to allocate resources to the diary action. Only resources flagged as Costing Default = Y would display for Labour, Vehicles and Other resource types. However for Packing and Office resource types all resources display in the selection list. This meant that when changing a diary action with these resource types allocated, those resources would not update to reflect the diary action.

Code: DiaryResourceUpdateRates
Description: Update non costing default resources when diary saved
Options: Y - Yes always update and reprice all resources except Crates on save of the diary.
YD - Same as Y but only runs when the date is modified.
X - For resources other than Labour, Vehicle and Crates update and reprice resources on ave of the diary.
XD - Sames as X but only runs when the date is modified.
U - For resources other than Labour, Vehicle and Crates update but do not reprice resources (update the values on the resources without finding a new rate) on save of the diary.
UD - Same as U but only runs when the date is modified.
Default Value: N

With the addition of this system parameter, Moveware is now configurable such that all resources are able to be updated. As per the previous setup of Moveware, any Costing Default resource will always update. This new system parameter only applies to non Costing Default resources. The parameter can be setup to only update the resources when there is a change to the date of the diary action, or on any change made to the diary action. The parameter can be setup to apply to all non Costing Default resources (except Crates), or to non Costing Default resources other than Labour, Vehicle and Crate types. Also the parameter can be setup to update and reprice the resources (find new rates) or to just update the existing resources and not find a new rate.

346276 - New System Parameter - To send operations notifications when branch is modified for won removals.

Added new system parameter to send operations notifications when branch is modified for won removals. Previously, we had a system parameter to send notifications based on date modified.

Code: NotifyOperationsOnBranchModify
Description: To notify the operations when branch is modified for operations diary actions in won jobs.
Options:N = No, Y = Yes

User can enable the system parameter along with setting 'NotifyOperationsOfBooking' to 'Y' or 'D' based on diary / removal branch. Also, set the employees with Operations in Employee Management > User Details , Operations in Notify list.

The user can modify the diary branch (whose date is set) for won removals where notifications are sent to employees who has Notify set as 'Operations'.

346385 - New System Parameter - Invoice posted to the GL must have a print date

Added a new system parameter called ''Invoice posted to the GL must have a print date''

Previously, this was a custom code only for a specific company

If this system parameter is now enabled, a validation will be applied when a final post is performed on an invoice to make sure that the selected invoice has been printed.

Code: InvoicePostedRequiresPrint
Desc: Invoice posted to the GL must have a print date
Default value : N
Help: Only allow printed Invoices to be posted to the General Ledger

If this system parameter is enabled when an invoice is GL posted while the Printed field is blank, an error will be displayed asking user to print the selected invoice before posting it.

347037 - Added bulk update, select all, deselect buttons in Object and Asset Management screens

Added bulk update, select all, deselct buttons in Object and Asset Management screens. Previously, user could update single record at a time and now there is bulk update option available.

The user can select few records, click on blue reverse arrow, update the fields and click on Update button which updates the fields in selected records.

347072 - Increase Client Ref field column size

Increase Client Ref field column size in Removal Management > Diary > Object lookup and Storage Management > Inventory screen.


347146 - Add button to Close Removal on Sales Followup screen

Add button to Close Removal on Sales Followup screen.

Previously, this screen didn't have ability to close removal. With this change, user will be able to set removal to close like in Removal Management screen.

Sales Followup Screen > Search tab > button Close, to set removal to close with the standard validation. (work as the same processes as Removal Management > Search tab > button Close)

347688 - Bug Fix - Fixed Cannot Assign/Release Debtor to Multiple Rates on Rate Management

Fixed cannot assign ir release debtor to multiple rates on Rate Management and filters were cleared after record were updated.

On Rate Management screen, user can click 'Assign Debtor/Creditor' or 'Release Debtor/Creditor' button to applies to All selected records.
After records were updated, the filters were not cleared.

347736Z - Bug Fix - Fixed p-getWeightsToggle procedure error in below tabs.

Fixed p-getWeightsToggle procedure error in below tabs. Previously, on opening the screens Storage > Inventory or Quick Inventory Capture, an error displayed as the measurements procedure call was not required as no Length/Width/Height columns available in below tabs.

Based on sysparam-spare4[50] and ShowDecimalsInJobInventory settings.

The user can open the below screens and save the Length, Width and Height fields accordingly.

348206 - New System Parameter - To check the email body length when sending mail through dll

A new system parameter has been added to enable the check of the length of the email body for mails send using moveware dll. The check would ensure that the email sent does not contain any extra characters.

Settings needed for this change
Code: CheckEmailBodyLength
Description: To check the email body length when sending mail through dll
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

For some users using HtmlEditor and branch-based custom signatures, the emails sent through dll would contain extra characters at the end of the signature. The system parameter when set to 'Y', would force the length of the email body to be sent along with other email details to the moveware dll. At the moveware dll, when the body length has been provided, it would ensure that only that length of email body is sent through to the recipients, thus avoiding the extra characters at the end.
Please note it is not useful or advisable for all users, to enable the parameter, as it would perform extra checks which may not be necessary for all users. Only the users with the bug causing extra characters to appear at the end of the email should be setting the parameter to 'Y'.

348295 - New Merge Fields - 'Web Branch Name' and 'Web Branch Email'.

New mail merge 'Web Branch Name' and 'Web Branch Email'.

Merge Field 'Web Branch Name' = Web Name: field On Branch Management > Setup
Merge Field 'Web Branch Email' = Web Branch Email: field On Branch Management > Setup

Branch Management > Setup tab to enter Web Name and Web Branch Email.
Configuration screen > Email Setup use mail merge Web Branch Name and Web Branch Email.

When user had a Web Name and Web Branch Email. The user can use a new mail merge in the Email Setup tab under Report Configuration screen.

348415 - Added an additional check for postcodes to populate countrycode

Added anadditional check for postcode fields on Job Details screen to populate countrycode if a unique name is found.
Previously, on Job Details screen, the countrycode field was not coded to automatically populate when user typed something in the postcodes fields. it would auto-populate the countrycode ONLY if user typed a unique name as well as STATE in the suburb field.

User can type a unique name(not require state) on suburb field then it will automatically populate the countrycode that matches with the postcode.

348519 - Validation to move purchases between cost options

Moveware allows users to allocate purchases to costing line on jobs. These costs are allocated to cost options. However, sometimes users need to move the purchase from one option to another on the same job. The moving of the purchase between cost options on a job has been in Moveware for quite some time. However in the past it was missing validation to check the origin and destination cost options were not already flagged as completed (locked actuals).

Now Moveware will validate the current cost option is not currently completed, or the destination cost option is not completed. If either are completed the purchase cannot be moved.

348535 - New System Parameter - Rate Selector Sort by Rate

A new system parameter has been added - Rate Selector Sort by Rate .

Previously, the Rate Selector dialog can sort the record by creditor linked to the rate only. With this new system parameter on, the rate will be sorted by rate ascending (low - high).

Code: RateSelectorSort
Description: Rate Selector Sort by Rate
Option: Y - Sort by Rate, N - Sort by Creditor
Default: N, Y for Ward

Removal Management > Costing
Rate Request Management > Costing
Waybill Management > Costing

When finding rate for costing from

  • adding new costing

  • refresh rate

  • update costing variable

If there are multiple rates found for the costing, the user will get Rate Selector dialog. When this system parameter set to 'Y', the records will be sorted by rate ascending (low - high). But if this system parameter is set to 'N', the records will be sorted by creditor linked to the rate.

348589 - New System Parameter - Allow adding Corporate Type Private in Removal Details

Allow user to select a corporate record with type Private in Corporate field in Removal Details.
Previously, we have limitations on Corporate field that it did not allow user to select corporate with Private type.

Code: RPAllowPrivateCorp
Description: Allow adding Corporate Type Private in Removal Details
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N (Y for Armstrong)

User can enable the system parameter to select a corporate record with type Private in Removal Details screen

348590 - New System Parameter - Email Priority Flag appends Urgent Text in Subject.

New System Parameter - Email Priority Flag appends Urgent Text in Subject.

Email Priority Flag appends Urgent Text in Subject.

sysparam code: 'EmailPriorityAppendsUrgentSubject'
Desc: Email Priority Flag appends Urgent Text in Subject
default value : N (Y for Armstrong)

When sending email, if EmailPriorityFlagappendsUrgentTextinSubject as Y and when clicked 'Mark as Priority' button then the 'Urgent: ' will ad in front of email subject and when clicked it again the 'Urgent: ' will remove.

348622 - Ability to expand 'Rating' column on Removal Review screen

Added an ability to expand 'Rating' column on Removal Review screen

Initally, the screen will display a '+' button at the top right corner of the browser.
When user clicks at the button, it will expand the main browser screen by shrinking the space of the left panel browser and give that extra space to 'Rating' column.

349192 - Update Closing Accruals screen

New Features on Closing Accruals screen:

  1. New toggle 'Show Actuals' to include actuals if no estimate. Normally, the screen will show only records which estimate is not 0. The toggle 'Show Actuals' will display on the left of toggle 'Commissions'.

  • New system parameter 'Default Include actuals if no estimate in Closing Accruals screen' to set default value for toggle 'Show Actuals'

  1. Added column and filter for Job Invoiced and Job Move Manager for screen resolution wider than 1368.

Bug Fix:

  1. Fixed screen overlapping when click save on Closing Accruals Details screen.

  2. Fixed record not be hightlighted when record be selected.

Code: ClosingAccrualShowActCosts
Description: Default Include actuals if no estimate in Closing Accruals screen
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N

New Features:

  1. User able to check the toggle 'Show Actuals' to include actuals if no estimate. if the toggle is checked, the screen will show records that which estimate is 0 but actuals is not 0. if the toggle is unchecked, the screen will show only records which estimate is not 0. User can enable the system parameter below to set the toggle to be checked by default.

  2. Job Invoiced and Job Move Manager column and filter will display if the screen resolution wider than 1368.

349242 - New System Parameter - Storage Charge Line Lookup filter by Storage CC

New System Parameter - Storage Charge Line Lookup filter by Storage CC.

Previously the Type filter is always default as 'STG'.

Code: StgChargeLookupByStgCC
Description: Storage Charge Line Lookup filter by Storage CC
Options: Y - Yes, N - No (defaults to 'STG')
Default: N (Y for Wridgways, CT and Abels)

Storage Management > Details screen > Charge Details section > click button 'Add' to create new Storage Charge Line, the Storage Charge line lookup willl show with default type filter.

If this new system parameter is enabled, the default type filter will be set as Storage Cost Centre, otherwiser the default type filter will be set as 'STG'.

349364 - Removals Copy - Copy Addresses Toggle

We made a change to the description of the 'Copy Addresses' to be 'Copy Additional Addresses' to avoid confusion where the user expects the uplift/delivery addresses to be cleared on the copy of the job if this was left unchecked.

We also fixed an issue where users who wanted to reverse the address required 'Copy addresses' to be checked. It should not be the case and should be always enabled.

As per standard usage

349458 - New System Parameter - Receipts Import allocation to Proforma Invoices

When importing receipts in Moveware via the Receipts Import screen, receipts are allocated based on the outstanding amount on the invoice. This includes proforma invoices. However proforma invoices are subject to change and this allocation can cause confusion and work for those trying to reconcile receipts.

Now by default, Moveware no longer allocates receipts imported through the Receipt Imports screen to proforma invoices. If a job in Moveware only has proforma invoices, the receipt will be allocated to the job and the debtor on that job.

Code: ReceiptsImportProforma
Description: Receipts Import allocation to Proforma Invoices
Options: Y = Yes, N = No
Default Value: N

When this parameter is set to Y systems will be able to allocate receipts to proforma invoices on jobs from the Receipts Import screen. However, the amount applied to the invoice will be the full receipt amount and not the total of the invoice at the time of importing.

When the parameter is N no proforma invoices will be allocated to receipts imported from the Receipts Import screen.

349571 - New System Parameter - To translate the interface using only Interface language conversions.

Added new system parameter to translate the interface using only Interface language conversions. Previously, if multiple records of different table names in Language screen has the same english text, langugae correction of labels is incorrect.

Code: LanguageTranslateInterface
Description: To translate the interface using only Interface language conversions.
Options:N = No, Y = Yes

The user can set up the records of different fields (same English text) in INTERFACE type and chcek in Removals Details which displays correct interface language text.

349600 - New field - To cater for new Bank Online User ID along with existing one.

Added new field in Banking Accounts screen to cater for Online User ID field in aba file export.

The user can export the aba files in below screen by selecting the From, To bank accounts, the records where the new field Online User ID is used rather than old field Online User Number in aba file.

349781 - Tax Codes screen changed

Added new columns/filters as below for screen resolution wider than 1360.

  1. Entity (which toggle calles 'View and Search on Creditor Instead of Debtor' to switch between Debtor / Creditor values)

  2. Product (which toggle calles 'View and Search on Creditor Product of Removal Product' to switch between debtor/creditor products)

  3. Bas Code

  4. Case

Color changing.

  • Disable the green record row colouring

  • Set entity background colour column: if debtor is existing, it will show as green. if creditor is existing, it will show as orange. otherwise, it will show as white.

  • Set Product background colour: if removal product is existing, it will show as green. if creditor product is existing, it will show as orange. otherwise, it will show as white

User can use toggle ''View and Search on Creditor Instead of Debtor'' to switch between Debtor / Creditor values on Entity column.
User can use toggle 'View and Search on Creditor Product of Removal Product' to switch between debtor/creditor products

349782 - New System Parameter - Use New Diary Address lookup includes Debtor/Creditor/Agent name

New System Parameter - Use New Diary Address lookup includes Debtor/Creditor/Agent name.

Previously, when using New Diary Address and click button to assign the address from Debtor/Creditor/Agent, only Agent will show the name on the first diary address field.

Note. New Diary Address can be enabled by system parameter ''Use New Diary Address Fields''.

Code: UseNewDiaryAddressLookupUseName
Description: Use New Diary Address lookup includes Debtor/Creditor/Agent name
Y - Include Entity Name in address
N - Standard behaviour (Name populates for Agent Lookup only)
X - Exclude the Entity Name in address
Default: N

Removal Management > Diary screeen > click button to assign the address from Debtor/Creditor/Agent
Waybill Management > Diary screen > click button to assign the address from Debtor/Creditor/Agent

When enable this system parameter, the first line of diary address will be populated with the name of selected Debtor/Creditor/Agent from the lookup.

350183 - Added validation message if imported Debtor receipt and Bank Account have a currency mismatch


The user can select the Type, select the Bank Account and import the receipt which displays a validation on clicking Post button when currencies of debtor and bank account are different.

The receipt is imported successfully when both have same currencies.

350513 - Added event log when User Cancelled the Jobtype Creator when updating job/rate request

Added event log when User Cancelled the Jobtype Creator when updating job/rate request.

On updating job or rate request, if the system set to auto run Jobtype Creator then the Jobtype Creator dialog will showup. If user press cancel, the event log will be created against job/rate request.

System parameters related:
sysparam-spare3[16]: Automatically run Jobtype creator on 'P' or 'W'
sysparam-spare8[10]: Don't Run JTC On Job Status

350519 - Bug Fix - Fixed speed issues in loading the Bond Register screen.

Fixed speed issues in loading the Bond Register screen. Previously, it took a long time to load in the terminal server.

The user can open the Bond Register in both database and terminal servers which loads quicker than before.

350565 - New System Parameter - Partial Invoice from Copy

A new system parameter called 'PartialInvoicefromCopy' has been added to Moveware to introduce a creation of partial invoice. Partial invoices have links in the background to connect all relevant invoices and could help with reporting purposes and calculate remaining balances.

The partial invoice feature helps track when a sequence partial invoice is created, only remaining balance will be input to the created invoice.

Code: PartialInvoicefromCopy
Description: Partial Invoice from Copy
Options: Y = Yes, N = No
Default: N

Job Type Setup > Commissions field needs to be flagged to 'Y' in order to see the prompt when creating partial invoices.

Once the system parameter is turned on, go to Invoicing tab in Jobs Management and select an unposted invoice that you want to create a partial invoice from. User can use Copy button to create a partial invoice, there will be a prompt asking ''Do you want to generate a Partial Invoice from this selected Invoice?''. Select 'Yes' to create a partial invoice with only outstanding balance.

When adjusting the balance, it is easy to update the Qty value rather than the price/rate i.e. changing from qty 1 to 0.5 to bill only 50% of the original invoice value.

350620 - Enhancement & Bug Fix - Adjust columns in Removal Rating screen, Fix Review Comment flagged didn't work

Enhancement: Adjust columns in Removal Rating screen, to hide Comment column and extend the size of Rating Qustion and Answer for screen widthness greater than 1368px.

Bug Fix: Fix Rating Comment flagged didn't show properly.

Removal Management > Review tab

350682 - ''Exclude Out of Store Items'' toggle for Account Listing report

We have added an ''Exclude Out of Store Items'' toggle that filters the items that are already out of storage.

Under Reports > Account Listing check the last toggle ''Exclude Out of Store Items''.

350880 - Bug Fix - Fixed extra characters adding at the end of the email body when spell chcek is completed with html editor

Fixed extra characters adding at the end of the email body when spell chcek is completed with html editor. Previously, if there are more than 5 or 6 lines of text, spell checker of Moveware would add extra characters at the end of the email body.

sysparam-spare9[13] = Y

The user can type the text in any of the email screens and click on spell check button, replace the words if necessary and click cancel button. Click on on ''Send'' which sends the email with correct text.

351084 - Bug Fix - Fixed extra lines when paragraphs are added in Costing details editior places.

Fixed extra lines when paragraphs are added in Costing details editior places. Previously, when paragraphs are added, extra lines are added in between text lines where user has to delete the extra lines manually.

sysparam-spare9[13] = Y

The user can click on paragraph button beside costing details editor where there are no extra lines added in between the text lines.

The user can also double click on the editor which displays 'Cost Details' dialogue and when paragraphs are added using 'Insert' button, extra lines are not added.

This works the same when paragraphs are added in Details/Inclusions/Exclusions in costing header details dialogue.

351255 - Added Search filter for Description on Job Type Creator Lookup screen

Added Search filter for Description on Job Type Creator Lookup screen.

Click on the Job Type Creator icon > In the field next to ''Selected Job Types'' the user can search a job type by using wild letter

351358 - New System Parameter - Purchase Order lookup default status

A new System Parameter has been added to default the Purchase Order status in the lookup when adding a new Purchase and selecting outstanding Purchase Orders. When adding a new Purchase, after selecting the creditor Moveware looks for any outstanding purchase orders for the selected creditor. If outstanding purchase orders are found a dialog pops up to select purchase order(s).

Code: PurchaseOrderLookupStatus
Description: Purchase Order lookup default status
Options: Approved, Ordered, Received, Filled, or Blank
Default Value: Ordered

When the purchase order(s) are displayed in the dialog, by default the lookup shows purchase orders on status ''Ordered''. Users are able to change this status filter after the screens loads. This System Parameter allows systems to default the status filter in this lookup to any purchase order status. Also an option of ''Blank'' has been added to the System Parameter to clear this filter on load of the status.

351382 - New System Parameter - Closing Lost/Cancelled Jobs does not require additional prompt

A new system parameter is to stop an additional prompt when closing Lost/Cancelled Jobs on Job > Details screen and 'Close the Removal' is checked.
Previously, on Job Details screen when job status was changed to Lost/Cancelled, it would prompt 'Reason for Loss or Cancellation' and if the 'Close the Removal' was set to 'Yes', it would prompt another confirmation to close the job again.

Code: CloseRPLostCancelledNoAdditionalPrompt
Description: Closing Lost/Cancelled Jobs does not require additional prompt
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default: N (Y for HG)

User can enable the system parameter to stop the additional prompt when changing Job status to Lost/Cancelled in Job > Details screen and 'Close the Removal' toggle is set to 'Yes'.

351528 - Extended System Parameter to maintain current rate to clear the rates

Extended system parameter to maintain current rate to clear the rates.

sysparam-spare8[49] = N/Y/R/X

The user can set the system parameter to 'N', add the creditor product in Removals > Costing which picks up the rates accordingly matching the conditions. Change the removals Delivery/Client Port field to not match the condition. Select the cost options to update and click Selct button which does not clear the rates in creditor products.

The user can set the system parameter to 'Y' and change the port which displays 'Maintain Rate' popup. If the user selects 'Y', the rates are not cleared and if selected 'N', rates are cleared.

The user can set the system parameter to 'X' which clears the costing rates without displaying the 'Maintain Rate' popup.

The user can set the system parameter to 'R' which clears the costing rates linked without clearing the costing rates.

351654 - Added scroll bar to the right for Mobi code browser under Mobi Reports screen.

Added scroll bar to the right for Mobi code browser under Mobi Reports screen.

Previously, there is no way to scroll to the right for Mobi code browser(the table in the bottom right corner of the screen) when the field gets too big. Users cannot see what they are typing.

The user can use the scroll bar to the right to display more characters in default field.

351721 - New System Parameter - Set Removal Account Manager from Corporate Account Manager when updating Removal Corporate

A new system parameter has been added - Set Removal Account Manager from Corporate Account Manager when updating Removal Corporate.

Code: RPAccMgrFromCorp
Description: Set Removal Account Manager from Corporate Account Manager when updating Removal Corporate
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default N, Y for Elliott

Removal Manangement > Details screen > selecting new Corporate record,
if system parameter is enabled and Corporate Account Manager is set, the Removal Account Manager will automatically set as Corporate Account Manager.

352060 - Updated System Parameter to update Distance and Ports when orgin/destination codes are updated.

Updated System Parameter to update Distance and Ports when orgin/destination codes are updated. Previously, Distance and Ports are updated only when the Service is changed.

UsePortBrowser = 'Y'

The user can enable the system parameter, open the Destinations screen, add the Service and set the Port and Distance. Change the Service or update the Origin/Destination codes and if it matches the Service screen value it updates the Distance and Port fields accordingly.

If the system parameter is disabled, Destinations Service Port and Distance can only be set for Default, Air, Bag/Grp and LCL types.

352220 - Increase Removals Inventory weight formats.

Increase Removals Inventory weight formats.

to update these field formats on display

  • Net Lbs

  • Gross Lbs

  • Gross Kgs

  • Net Lbs Total

to support values up to 99999.99


  • Storage Management > Inventory

  • Warehouse Management > Inventory

  • Removals > Inventory

  • Sales > Quick Inventory


  • Net Lbs

  • Gross Lbs

  • Gross Kgs

  • Net Lbs Total

352547 - Bug Fix - Fixed updating of values in Region From, Region To and Rate columns.

Fixed updating of values in Region From, Region To and Rate columns. Previously, when values updated by enetering manually or by selecting from lookup did not update correctly.

The user can select the Regions from lookup and click on a different row which saves the value. The values can be updated in Rate column which saves correctly.

352844 - New System Parameter - Update Costing when changing Removal/Rate Request Branch and Type

A new system parameter has been added - Update Costing when changing Removal/Rate Request Branch and Type.

Previoulsy, the Costing of Removal and Rate Request will get updated when at least one of these following details are changed:
''Origin Code, Origin Region, Origin Distance, Dest Code, Dest Region, Dest Distance, Insurance, Storage Charge, Storage Insurance, Service, Volume, Vol Pack, Vol Wrap, Referral, Ref Details, Costs Debtor, Time, Cost Option Date, Date''

Whit this system parameter enabled, the Costing of Removal and Rate Request will also get updated when ''Branch, Type'' are changed too.

Code: CostUpdateBranchType
Description: Update Costing when changing Removal/Rate Request Branch and Type
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N, Y for WridgWays

When changing Removal or Rate Request Branch/Type, on the system that enable ''sysparam-spare3[11]: Update Costs if Parameters Change'', the user will get a prompt asking ''[Branch/Type] has been Changed. Do you want to Update any Costs to reflect this change?''. If this system parameter i''CostUpdateBranchType'' is enabled and user confirms to update, the cost line which be updated.

352993 - Bug Fix - Fixed recalcaultion of EUR value field which was creating extra line on posting the payment.

Fixed recalcaultion of EUR value field which was creating extra line on posting the payment. Previously, when payments are made, extra line is created when it is posted as the difference of exchange is calculated.

The user can select the Bank field, Creditor, set up the GBP Value and foreign exchange which would calculate EUR value. The user can update the EUR value which will not recalcaulte the value on leaving the field and it can be posted.

353008 - Bug Fix - Fixed cancelling a job issue on Baggage Details screen

Fixed Enter password to Change Status always shows up when cancelling a job.
Fixed Reason for Loss or Cancellation box doesn't show up when cancelling a job.
Fixed job status doesn't reset when cancel to change job status.
Previously, the message ''Enter password to Change Status'' always shows up when cancelling a job on the Baggage screen even nothing set in the Branch Management Security.

When cancelling a job on Baggage Details screen, the 'Enter password to Change Status' will be show up if system has set password security for change status.
If nothing set in Branch Management Security > Change Removal Status, the Reason for Loss or Cancellation box will be show up.
If user click cancel, job status will return to old status.

353014 - New Mail Merge Field - 'Invoice Type Description'

We have added a new mail merge called 'Invoice Type Description'

It will show the description of the Invoice Type:

If Invoice type = IN the description is Invoice
If Invoice type = CR the description is Credit Note
If Invoice type = ADJ the description is Adjustment Note

Add the Merge field to the Email Template
(Administration > System Setup > Report Configuration > Email)

353142 - Enhanced record locking feature to show correct employee information using session ID

Users can now find the user locking a particular record using just the session ID via the record locking tool

When an user gets a record is locked message, simply remember the session ID displayed in the message and go to the record locking utility (under Administration -> Utilities -> Record Locking Admin) and enter this number in the ID field; the utility will display the employee linked to this session.

353198 - New System Param Default Destination Summary Shipped Filter

New System Param Default Destination Summary Shipped Filter

To set default Destination Summary screen > Shipped filter.

Previously the default of Shipped filter is set as

  • R: if enable system parameter 'sysparam-spare6[2]: Use Ready for Shipment Status'

  • N: default

With this change, the user will be able to set default Shipped filter by theses following priority

  • system parameter 'DestSummaryDefaultShippedFilter' value: if the value isn't blank

  • R: if enable system parameter 'sysparam-spare6[2]: Use Ready for Shipment Status'

  • N: default

Code: DestSummaryDefaultShippedFilter
Desc: Default Destination Summary Shipped Filter
Default Value : blank (N,L for Wridgways and P,R,E,A for Hasenkamp)

In Destination Summary screen, the default Shipped filter will be set as

  • system paramer 'DestSummaryDefaultShippedFilter' value: if the value isn't blank

  • R: if enable system parameter 'sysparam-spare6[2]: Use Ready for Shipment Status'

  • N: default

353348 - New System Parameter - Enable New Help Wikipedia

New system parameter to Enable New Help Wikipedia (https://wiki.moveconnect.com).

Previously, when user press F1 on Moveware session, the browser will open website ''http://help.moveware.com.au''.

With this change, the the browser will show the new Moveware Wiki instead ''https://wiki.moveconnect.com''.

Code: EnableNewHelpWiki
Description: Enable New Help Wikipedia
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N
Help: When user presses F1, instead of navigating to http://help.moveware.com.au, it will go to https://wiki.moveconnect.com

When using F1 in Moveware or Window > Moveware Help, it will navgate to ''https://wiki.moveconnect.com'' instead of ''http://help.moveware.com.au''.

353382 - Bug Fix - Reports - Copies being made when printing some reports

We fixed an issue where if the report contained filters which uses a number, the system treats that number as 'number of copies'.


353493 - Bug fix when completing all diary actions from Daily Diary screen

Bug fix when completing all diary actions from Daily Diary screen

  • exclude the future diary action from being completed

  • fix issue event log created with wrong removal reference

Daily Diary screen > using Complete button > select to complete All diary records

353498 - New System Parameter - Include Today in Voxme XML Export

Added a new system parameter to include Today in Voxme XML Export.
When the system parameter is enabled, it will export any jobs with Survey Date equal or greater than Today.
Previously, moveconnect will export any jobs with Survey Date only greater than Today.

Code: VoxmeExportInclToday
Description: Include Today in Voxme XML Export
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default: N

User can enable the system parameter to set moveconnect to export any jobs with Survey Date equal or greater than Today.

353625 - Bug Fix - Fixed Label printers to fetch from drop down options selected

Fixed Label printers to fetch from drop down options selected. Previously, it always picked default printer set in employee management screen even if user selected a different option from the drop down menu.

The user can set the Label printer in Employee > User Details. Click on printer button and select a different option oter than the default option from the drop down menu which will work accordingly.

353646 - Added Subject drop down list of Discussion type to be displayed based on Branch and Type codes setup.

Added Subject drop down list of Discussion type to be displayed based on Branch and Type codes setup. Previously, worked only from Removals diary contact button and contact tab.

Codes > Discussion, set up branch, Default and Exclude Type.

The user can set up Discussion records in Codes with branch, default type and exclude type set up accordingly.

The user can click on telephone button in below screens, select Dicussion type and hit the arrow button of Subject which displays the Discussion lists based on branch and type matched in codes.

353692 - Extend Costing Line Details size

Extend the format of Costing Line Detail field from 1000 characters to 3000 characters.


354197 - New System Parameter - To enable Order Ref field on Request status in Purchase Order screen

A new System Parameter has been added to enable Order Ref field on Request status in Purchase Order screen.

Code: AllowOrderRefOnRequest
Description: To allow Order Reference field editable on Request status in Purchase Order screen.
Options:N = No, Y = Yes

The user can enable the System Parameter, add or edit the purchase record, set the status to 'Request' where Order Ref field is enabled.

354386 - Added Event Logs when modifying rate request cost option

Previously no Event Logs have been created when the Costing Details were changed on the Rate Request/Quotes to Agents screen.

Now, when a user is changing the Costing Details, this will be recorded in the Event Log.

Quotes to Agents/Rate Request Management > Costing > Costing Details:
When Costing Details are changed > Event Log will be created.

354525 - Added event log on hold/unhold Invoice/Purchase

Added event log on hold/unhold invoice/purchase.

When the Debtor Invoice is on hold/unhold from Invoicing screen and Debtor Management > Inquiry screen, it will creates event log against Debtor, Invoice and Removal (if it's linked to removal).

Also when the Creditor Purchase is on hold/unhold from Purchase screen and Creditor Management > Inquiry screen, it will creates event log against Creditor and Purchase.

354720 - New system parameter - PurchaseOrderCombineNew

When this system parameter is turned on, creating a purchase inoivce by combining multiple purchase orders will create a branch new purchase invoice, and the original purchase orders will be turned into invoices with blank invoice number and type C.

Code: PurchaseOrderCombineNew
Description: Create new Purchase when combining purchase orders
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

From purchase invoice screen, add a new purchase inovice, select a creditor where there are some POs under this creditor. Check the mutliple PO toggle in the lookup screen and select multiple POs. A new purchase inovice is created. All the old POs are still in the system and can be found un PO screen by filter by status invoice and order number. Costing will be linked to the new purchase invoice and be updated from there.

354829 - Extended phone searching in Customer & Creditor Management

Extended phone searching in Customer & Creditor Management

Previously, the Phone filter can search from the phone field only.
Now, Extend phone searching to look at the phone, phone2, fax, and mobile.

In Customer Management > Search > Phone filter will query the record that has matching these folloing fields

  • customer phone No.

  • customer phone 2 No.

  • customer Mobile No.

  • customer Fax No.

In Creditor Management > Search > Phone filter will query the record that has matching these folloing fields

  • creditor phone No.

  • creditor phone 2 No.

  • creditor Mobile No.

  • creditor Fax No.

355022 - New system parameter - NoApprovalIfNoCharge

When the System Parameter is set, if there are no charge lines on the Purchase Order/Purchase Invoice, the approver should not be able to approve the PO/PI. This can be done either from the purchase invoice screen, the purchase order screen or the purchase approval screen.

Code: NoApprovalIfNoCharge
Description: Do not allow approval of purchase if no charge lines
Options: N - No, Y - Yes
Default: N

Go to PO screen, add a new PO and set approver other than yourself, then log in as the approver, try to set PO status to approved with no charge lines added. You should not be able to.

Do the same from purchase invoice screen, set a approval date and save the purchase, you should not be able to if there are no charge lines.

From purchase approval screen, select purchases and approve them, the ones that have no charge lines should throw an error

355062 - Added new message to let users know that cost option header has to link removal product for Profit Margin line to update.

Added new message to let users know that cost option header to link removal product for Profit Margin line to update. Previously, Profit margin Line is updated only on status 'P' and not on 'W' when option Total line is updated.

The user can set the cost option header status to 'W', update the Option Total which will display the message if cost option is not linked to a removal product.

355205 - Changes to VAT calculations in MTD submission

The Tax Summary Report and the MTD return have been changed so that in Boxes 6 and 7 we include IPT transactions exclusive of the IPT tax.

When the exclude IPT filter is selected then this means just to exclude the tax amounts. When it is not selected then include the tax amounts.

The same scenario would apply for other VAT taxes where rates are reduced etc.

InSubmission of Digital VAT

355467 - Warehouse Ticket Report

A new report has been added to show the details of an incoming or outgoing storage shipment.

Reportname = Warehousereceipt
Description = Warehouse Ticket
Report Type = Report
Version = WarehouseReceipt
Details = A document to show the details of an incoming or outgoing storage shipment.
Use Filter RP = 'Y'
Show in RP = 'Y'
Merge (Y/N) = 'N'

Choose from the dropdown report list in the Removals screen

355592 - Bug Fix - Fixed delay in creating new removal record if there are more resorces in existing removal record.

Fixed delay in creating new removal record if there are more resorces in existing removal record. Previously, if user is in removal record which has lot resources, clicking on Add button was taking a lot of time to create new record.

The user can click on Add button to add a new removal record.

355846 - Sorting of Rate Request Search

The Rate Request number field displayed in Moveware is a alpha-numeric field. This means it can hold but numbers and characters. The reason for this is so Moveware can handle sequenced Rate Request numbers.

The affect this has on the ordering of the Search tab of Rate Request Management, means if number roll over from 999999 to 1000000, the number in the million range start to appear below all the numbers in the hundred thousand range (it is a descending character sort, therefore just as B would appear before A, 9 appears before 1).

A change has been made for systems that do not use sequence rate requests (system parameter: Validate Rate Request Copy = N). The order of the records in the Search tab of Rate Requests Management and the lookup of Rate Request with display in descending number order, ignoring the character descending sort.

356035 - Bug Fix - Fixed purchase number to update in Project costing line rather than removal costing when inter company invoice is used.

Fixed purchase number to update in Project costing line rather than removal costing when inter company invoice is used. Previously, when purchase is created using inter company invoicing the purchase number is updated to the removal costing line rather than Project.

System Parameter
IntercompanyCreatePurchase = Y
UseIntercompanyInvoicing = Y

The user can create the purchase for selected cost lines where the purchase number is updated to the project costing line rather than the removal plan costing line of Invoice.

356567 - Mobi and MoveSurvey backup sync files

To ensure that sync files sent over the web do not collide with each other, the sync process has been modified so that each sync request creates its own temp folder.

Previously, the back up files were not being saved in the *mwconnect*\received folder, as they should be. This has been fixed. All backup files will now save in their correct folder, with an added setting to save raw Mobi data for furhter investigation.

For MoveSurvey, the process remains the same as it was. For Mobi, there is now the ability to save raw data from every sync. This will save in the temp sync folder that is created for each sync request (Please note: the standard sync xml files will be saved in *mwconnect*\received regardless of this setting).

Sysparam for Saving Mobi Sync files
Code: KeepMobiSync
Description: Keep Mobi Sync
Options: Y, N
Default: N

There is no change to usage. This happens internally, as part of the web service syncing process.

357045 - New Calculation Type ''ONM'' - Origin Distance Net Metres

We have added a new calculation type ''ONM'' - Origin Distance Net Metres.
This calculation type works the same as Destination Distance Net Metres (DNM) but use the origin distance as the Qty instead.

The calculation type can be added via Codes Management > Type: Rate Type
Code value: ONM
Description: Origin Distance Net Metres

The Calc Type will be Origin Distance Net Metres and will use the origin distance as the quantity and find the rate breaks based on the NM.

357050 - New System Parameter - Enabled the ability to create sequence cost options

A new system parameter has been added to create sequenced cost options. This feature enables systems to create separate cost options, but group them under the one option number. This is used for quoting where an option can be given to the client with multiple parts, 01A and 01B.

Currently the quote displays the sections below the Total costing line separate on the quote. With this sequence ability charges that are displayed separate on the quote can now be a combination of multiple costs (just like a cost option). This gives the ability to have more detailed options combined into the one quote price.

Code: CostOptionSequence
Description: Enabled the ability to create sequence cost options
Options: Y- Yes, N - No
Default Value: N

When this parameter set to Y a new toggle will appear on the Job Type Creator labelled ''Sequenced Option''. When this is selected, the new cost option(s) created will be a sequence of the current selected option. Eg. if cost option 01 is selected a new option of 01B will be created (B is the first sequence used as this was in the original request. Moveware users will then need to update the existing option from 01 to 01A). Subsequent options will be created in alphabetical sequence order.

357022 - Update the format of the Seal column on the Waybill screen to 200 characters

Update the format of the Seal column on the Waybill screen to 200 characters.

Until now the ''Seal #'' column on the Waybill screen > Details > Inventory used on Waybill could only hold up to 50 characters.

On Removals > Waybill > Inventory used on Waybill screen or Waybills screen > Details
Input of value into the Seal# column.

357045 - New Calculation Type ''ONM'' - Origin Distance Net Metres

We have added a new calculation type ''ONM'' - Origin Distance Net Metres.
This calculation type works the same as Destination Distance Net Metres (DNM) but use the origin distance as the Qty instead.

The Calc Type will be Origin Distance Net Metres and will use the origin distance as the quantity and find the rate breaks based on the NM.

357050 - New System Parameter - Enabled the ability to create sequence cost options

A new system parameter has been added to create sequenced cost options. This feature enables systems to create separate cost options, but group them under the one option number. This is used for quoting where an option can be given to the client with multiple parts, 01A and 01B.

Currently the quote displays the sections below the Total costing line separate on the quote. With this sequence ability charges that are displayed separate on the quote can now be a combination of multiple costs (just like a cost option). This gives the ability to have more detailed options combined into the one quote price.

When this parameter set to Y a new toggle will appear on the Job Type Creator labelled ''Sequenced Option''. When this is selected, the new cost option(s) created will be a sequence of the current selected option. Eg. if cost option 01 is selected a new option of 01B will be created (B is the first sequence used as this was in the original request. Moveware users will then need to update the existing option from 01 to 01A). Subsequent options will be created in alphabetical sequence order.

357144 - New System Parameter - Enable Reports Intranet tab

Added a new system parameter called ''Enable Reports Intranet tab''

Code: EnableReportsIntranet
Description: Enable Reports Intranet tab
Options: Y - Yes, N - No
Default: N, Y - for KCP

In Report screen, if this system parameter is enabled, there will be a new tab 'Intranet' added at the end of the tab bar (after Schedule).

To set the report to show in this tab, the report has to have value in Dialogues field in Report Configuration contains of 'Intranet'.

366728 - Bug Fix - Fixed multiple reminders creating for the same event when a job is saved each time

Fixed multiple reminders creating for the same event when a job is saved each time. Previously, if the below system parameter was set to 'N', the system would create multiple reminders for the same event even if the reminder already existed for auto-create diary actions.

If the diary action settings are Auto Create = Y, Reminder = A, and Date = Assigned.

If below system parameter is set to 'N', when removals is saved, it would create the reminder if there is none. On saving the removals details would create the reminder again.

If set as 'Y', on saving the removals details, will update the reminder only if date is blank.

If set as 'A', on saving the removals details, will never update regardless of date.

If set as 'D' (new option), will create a new reminder only if diary date is changed.

System Parameter:
DiaryAutoCreateIgnoreUpdateExists = N/Y/A/D

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