Unlink an Invoice from a Cost Option

Unlink an Invoice from a Cost Option

If your system is set to have the invoices linked to costing, this means that changes cannot be made on numbers from the invoicing screen; instead, all changes must be completed in the Costing Tab

However, it is possible to “un-link” your invoice from its associated cost option. Unlinking the invoice from its Cost Option will remove the connection between the cost and sell values of a service. As such, this option should be avoided where possible, as it does affect reporting and consistency.

If you must un-link an invoice from a cost option, you can do so by: 

  1. Clicking on the “Un-link” icon [image-20240827-154052.png ].

Once you have un-linked an invoice, you will be able to modify any values in the Invoice Details section of this screen – however, be aware that the values in the Costing Screen will not be adjusted to match these changes.  

Re-link an Invoice

If you re-link the invoice to the cost Option, any changes made from the Invoicing screen will revert to the values in the cost option.  

To re-link the invoice, simply click on the same icon again [image-20240827-154109.png ].

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