Partial Invoicing
Partial Invoicing
What is it?
Partial invoices are useful when you are trying to invoice a part of a service to your client, which was quoted as one, but for some reason ended up being split in different stages. Issuing a partial invoice allows you then to invoice, and collect, part of the service without having to wait until all services are completed to invoice. In Moveware, partial invoices have links in the background to connect all relevant invoices and are very useful for reporting purposes and calculating remaining balances.
To utilize the Partial Invoicing feature, follow these steps:
Activate the System Parameter “Enable ability to create Partial Invoice when copying Commission Invoice”.
Go to Administration > Company Setup > Job Types. Select a Job Type to which partial invoicing is applicable. In the Partial Invoice field, add ‘Y’ then save the change.
In the Removal module, run the Job Type Creator to create a cost option with the Job Type where Partial Invoice is flagged to Y. Edit costing as required.
An invoice linked to the cost option will be available under the Invoicing tab.
Click ‘Copy’ to create a new Partial Invoice from the Commission Invoice. The first pop-up window will appear asking whether the user would like to copy charge lines from the Commission Invoice. Please select ‘Yes’.
Another pop-up window will then appear to confirm the generation of Partial Invoice. Select ‘Yes’. Then enter the Invoice Date and Moveware will create a Partial Invoice.
6a. In the Qty field, add the amount you wish to invoice, i.e, 0.3 to charge 30% of the full amount.
Create more Partial Invoices and change Qty to charge for the outstanding amount. Please be reminded that a Partial Invoice needs to be duplicated from the original invoice linked to the cost option. Creating a Partial Invoice for another Partial Invoice is prohibited to prevent further issues.
Make sure that the Commission Invoice is flagged as ‘Not Invoiceable’. This can be done on the Costing screen.
Step 4: Change Amount on Partial Invoices
4.1 In ‘Qty’ field, put the partial amount you wish to invoice. For example, 0.30 for 30% of the total amount, then click ‘Save’.
4.2 When you generate another partial invoice, you will see that the new partial invoice will automatically show the outstanding amount left to be invoiced.
4.3 The Cost Option should be set to ‘No Charge’ at this point
Note: Please make sure that a partial invoice is always duplicated from the original invoice linked to the cost option.