Rate Setup for Techmate
When querying Techmate for the prices to invoice the customer, these prices can be then modified by rates set up in the background of Moveware. These rates work out deductions for certain services based on brokerage and other discounts based what the customer is being charged and obtains a final amount that is due your company for the job.
Below is an invoicing cost option for a Job. We will see how Moveware rates are applied to certain tariff items to give a final Sell Figure (USD Sell) that is your company’s share of the profit is for each item.
For each of the above cost line, you can have Supplier/Creditor Product (cost) rates and Removal Product (sell) rates. For the purpose of Invoicing, the creditor product (cost) rates are usually static rates, e.g. Insurance surcharge on SIT is always commissioned at a fixed number. Sell prices, on the other hand, may be national account rates or rates that differ by tariff account e.g. Booking Commission, Origin Commission, Equipment charges, etc.
Setting up/Modifying the Rates
The easiest place to find rates per specific cost line is under the corresponding vendor product for that cost line. Take for example the Booking Commission:
If you look up the corresponding Creditor Products for these under Administration -> Supplier/Creditor Products, you’ll see what rates have been setup for this line in the Cost (Creditor Product) Rates Tab & Charge (Removal Product) Rates tab. You can also see all of the rates that are in your system under Administration -> Moveware setup -> Rates Management.
The Booking Commission line in this particular job is 15% of the net distributable LH. The setup of the corresponding creditor product needs to reflect this setup:
The Est Qty Lookup points at the Net Distributable LH which means the sell figure of the Net Distributable LH cost line is populated into the Booking Commission Est Cost value:
We then setup the Sell rates to be applied to the Est Qty in the removal product rates screen:
The ‘Distance To’ field is the filter for the All Discount used on the job; in this case it’s 34%. The ‘Distance’ field is the filter for overall mileage in which case is 1136. This means that it would ignore any rates that have distance set to below this value. The highlighted rate satisfies these criteria for this particular job and therefore is the one used in this cost option. The FL calc type on these rates stands for the lump sum net lbs set against the job which is what we would use to lookup the matrix to obtain the final % applied against the Est Qty on the cost line; in this case the job has a net lbs value of 7196 which falls in the 3rd rate bracket and picks up the 15% or 0.15 sell rate.
Hence we have 0.15 x 3110.66 = 466.60 for the booking commission.
Note that both the booking commission and the equipment rental – power unit have seasonal rates that are dependent on the time of the move. In this case the Valid From field of the rates can be used to indicate when the rate comes into effect:
E.g. the highlighted rate above shows that the rate is only valid from 09/16/14 so it won’t be picked up if the move happens prior to this date.
Each of the columns in the rate setup is a factor in determining whether the rate is used or not. For a rate to be picked up, it needs to satisfy all of the columns.
The calc type is important in determining what value is used as the lookup in a rate matrix. Both the origin commission and the booking commission uses the Net Lbs on the job (FL). There are other factors such as the ‘DT’ calc type which bases the matrix on Overall distance. The ‘I’ calc type uses the insurance (valuation amount) as the matrix measurement to determine the rate breaks.
If the rate is static, e.g. Origin Commission which is 4% for self-hauled jobs regardless of the mileage, you do not need to use the rate matrix on the right hand side. It is simple enough to just specify a 0.4 in the rate column: