Job Entry for Techmate

Job Entry for Techmate

To generate a quote or invoice, it is imperative that the correct details be entered on a Moveware Job to provide Techmate with all the parameters needed.

Entering a Job to use Techmate is the same as entering any other Job, however there are some additional fields available that affect the rates returned. A list of the fields that affect the rates is below: 


All returned rates will be based on the selected tariff. The user must select which Tariff the quote/invoice is based off of. A Customer (Bill-to) can be linked to a tariff, to use a tariff automatically when that customer is added to a Job.

Origin & Destination Zip Codes

Client Origin Zip and Delivery Zip codes must be entered correctly in the Job Details.  Once the Overall Miles are calculated this will be displayed in the ‘Overall Distance’ field.

Weight (Net Lbs) 

This can either be entered manually in the ‘Weights & Measurements’ section of the Job Details or it can be auto-calculated from the Inventory (by checking the ‘Calculate Volume from Inventory’ toggle on the move).


All Discounts (entered as a %) 


Once the Job Type Creator is run, Moveware will also display a ‘Maximum Discount’ calculation based on the shipment’s date, weight and miles. User should check this number and make sure they have not selected a higher discount than what these parameters dictate.



Storage Discounts

The Storage Discounts field in Job Details can be used to apply discounts to Storage in Transit charges.

Bind Date 

If the Customer uses a specific rating from a certain period, the bind date should be entered in the ‘Bind Date’ field on the Job. Otherwise, it will use the date specified in the Job Type when running the Job Type Creator, which by default pulls from the Load Preferred field of the Dates section.

Bind Date controls the rates that are returned by Techmate. It is possible to pull older rates by setting the Bind Date to an old date. 


The Packing field allows you to specify the Packing details (Breakables only, Full Packing, etc). See the Containers, Packing & Unpacking section for different packing options available. 




The Unpacking field allows you to specify the Unpacking details (Breakables only, Full Packing, etc). See the Containers, Packing & Unpacking section for different unpacking options available.



Shuttle Origin Weight

Shuttle Origin (weight) contributes to the Origin Shuttle Charges calculation. Use ‘Yes’ to base Shuttle charges on the Net Lbs, otherwise enter a numeric value in this field to base Origin Shuttle on this numeric value which is assumed to be the Shuttle weight.



Shuttle Origin Distance 

Shuttle Origin Distance contributes to the Origin Shuttle Charges calculation. Enter a numeric distance value.



Shuttle Destination Weight

Shuttle Destination Lbs contributes to the Destination Shuttle Charges calculation. Use ‘Yes’ to base Shuttle on the Net Lbs, otherwise enter a numeric value in this field to base Destination Shuttle on this numeric value which is assumed to be the Shuttle weight.



Shuttle Destination Distance 

Shuttle Destination Distance contributes to the Destination Shuttle Charges calculation. Enter a numeric distance value 



Storage In Transit (SIT) 

If SIT is required, double click to select between SIT at Origin or SIT at destination.

SIT Days & SIT Miles

Enter a numeric value to indicate SIT Days and Miles.

Dates Certain

This affects the Date Certain Loading Charge. Double click to select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.  The date used for this rate return will be the Preferred (Estimated ) Load Date set in Dates.  



Extra Labour 

Extra Labour Charges can be calculated using the Ex. Labr Origin Hrs, Ex. Labr Origin O.T, Ex. Labr Dest Hrs, and Ex. Labr Dest O.T fields. Note that Hours should only be entered in 15 minute increments, i.e. 8.25 (for 8 hours and 15 minutes)  



Light & Bulky Items 

Light & Bulky items should be added as separate items in the Inventory section of the job, see Light & Bulky Items section for more details 


Extra Stops

Extra stops need to be entered as additional addresses in the Move by double clicking the 1st Address line of either the origin or destination address on the move details page. As Techmate breaks down the extra stops by either Extra Pickup or Extra Delivery, the additional address must have either ‘Load’ or ‘Delivery’ in the Type. 



Fuel Surcharge Rate 

For 400N tariffs, Moveware is required to pass through the Fuel Surcharge rate to Techmate for the correct fuel surcharge to be returned.



Valuation Amount  

Users can enter the selected valuation amount the customer has selected to be included in the quote if different than the basic valuation of $6.00 per pound.


Valuation option  

Double click to select between Basic Coverage (Released value at $0.60 per pound per article) or Full replacement option  

Valuation Free 

If a National Account has a specific free value valuation then this field can be used to set the free coverage amount. Any amount selected over that amount in the Valuation amount (see above) will be the chargeable amount in the quote  



Replacement Option  

If replacement valuation is selected above then a replacement option must be selected. Double click to select from the available deductible levels  


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