Moveware interfaces with Techmate in order to utilize its web rating capability, enabling Moveware to generate quotes and invoices using Van Line and other complex US and Canadian tariffs.
Moveware’s interface with Techmate operates as follows:
Enter a Job in Moveware. Enter the key information required to produce accurate numbers (Net Lbs, Origin & Destination Zip Codes, etc.)
Choose the appropriate Tariff you wish to use to generate the costs/charges.
Run the Job Type Creator and choose the relevant Job Types. Once that’s done, Moveware sends the parameters to Techmate.
Techmate returns the numbers into the Costing/Invoicing screen in Moveware, and attaches supporting documentation.
The same process applies for generating both quotes and invoices. The only difference is the numbers are updated in Moveware with the actuals at the time of invoicing.
Please follow the below links for additional information: