Data Import
Moveware contains a Data Import utility used to load large quantities of data into the system in bulk. The Importing Data window can be accessed via Administration > Utilities > Data Import.
Data File Format
The files used for import must be in a CSV Format. Any excel file can be saved in this format from Microsoft Excel using the Save As option and selecting a type of CSV Comma Delimited (*.csv). The columns in the spreadsheet must match the layout defined in Moveware for that type of import.
The easiest way to see Moveware’s column layout is to click the Export to Excel icon. This creates an Excel file with the column headers filled out.
How to Run a Data Import
Select the drop-down box in the top left of the window to select the appropriate data Type.
Click the file explorer icon next to the File Name field [
] to Select the csv file from your computer.
Click the Import button. This will populate the screen with the data from the csv file. Check the data and modify any fields as needed.
Validate the data using the Validate button. This performs some basic checks depending on the field type and format.
Errors will be displayed in Red. Use the Show Errors Only toggle at the bottom of the window to display additional error details.
Delete any records not required using the Delete button. Usually the header row needs to be deleted.
When you are satisfied that all data is correct, click the Create button.
Important Notes
You can use the Delete All button to clear all temporary records and restart your import.
This module only performs basic validations and should only be used in conjunction with Moveware Staff.
The Create button also performs a Validation check prior to running and will only continue if no errors are found.
The Convert Case toggle on the bottom left allows you to convert imported data to Upper Case, or to Proper Case. Select an option from this toggle prior to importing.
The best way to confirm format for import is to export a few lines of the same type of data, and look at the export.
You can validate up to 100 lines of data at a time, so you may need to split files.
The top row of imported data is included; to your final import CSV should not include headings.