Create Supplier Transactions

Create Supplier Transactions

The Create Supplier Transactions window can be accessed here: Administration > Utilities > Create Supplier Transactions.

Moveware provides the ability to enter open balance transactions for outstanding suppliers when your company starts using the system. These transactions are not invoices, and as such will not contain any tax information. A transaction can be made for the outstanding amount only for each outstanding invoice so that future payments can be applied accordingly.

Overview of Fields



Supplier Code

Enter the Supplier Code that the transaction is for

Supplier Name

Populates from the Supplier Code


Description to appear on the transaction


Currency of the Supplier/Transaction

Exchange Rate

Exchange rate at the time the transaction was initially created

Transaction Date

Transaction or accounting date of the transaction


Original Invoice or transaction number


Branch the transaction is for


Type of transaction. IN (Invoice), CR (Credit Note), ADJ (Adjustment Note)


Amount of the transaction. This is the outstanding amount.

Suppliers Control

Accounts Payable account in the general ledger

Equity Account

Balancing Equity account

How To Enter Open Balance Transactions

  1. Select Create Supplier Transactions from Administration > Utilities menu.

  2. Enter each transaction as required.

Once the relevant information is entered, a transaction is created against the Supplier in Moveware. The transaction is essentially a two-sided journal debiting the Suppliers control account, and crediting a balance account. This balancing account is commonly an equity account called Open Balance Suppliers.

These accounts are specified at the bottom of the input window:

  • Suppliers Control: specifies the Suppliers control account. For example: trade Suppliers or accounts payable

  • Equity Account: specifies the balancing equity account. For example: open balance Suppliers.

Once all transactions are completed, run a trial balance in Moveware to compare with the trial balance form the previous accounting system.

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