Search for a Purchase Invoice
Purchase Invoices, Credit Notes and Adjustments may be searched and filtered from several modules, including:
The following steps describe searching in the Purchases module.
To search for a Purchase Invoice:
In the main menu navigate to Suppliers > Purchases.
Purchase Invoices are listed in descending order according to the Purchase Number.
Each column contains a search box at the top of the column. For instructions on how to use the search boxes to filter Purchase Invoice records, refer to Searching Records.
In addition to the search boxes above each column, there are search boxes for Removal and Inventory at the top of the screen. These allow you to search for line items on the Purchase that are linked to a Job (Removal) or Inventory item.
The Search results will display Purchase records in different colours:
Red invoices indicate that the invoices are Updated and outstanding. See below screenshot and note that the red records have a Status (St column) of U (Updated/Posted) and a Paid (Pd) of N as they have not been paid.
Green invoices indicate that Invoice has been updated and paid.
Black invoices are newly created invoices that haven’t yet been posted to the Suppliers Ledger. These are shown as Status N.
The Type Column allows you to filter by Invoices (IN), Credit Notes (CR) and Adjustments (ADJ). The Src column allows you to search for Manual Purchase Invoices (M) or invoices made from Jobs/Removals (R).