

A Purchase Invoice records details of a purchase from a Supplier. These details include address information, date created, a unique Invoice number, a batch number, the amount and currency charged including tax, and the type of Invoice. The invoice also contains a breakdown of various charge lines allowing the sale to split across various revenue accounts.

Preparation of Supplier Invoices ready for payment in Moveware is a simple process. Invoices can be created directly from the Supplier Purchases module or can be generated directly from the Costing tab of the Jobs (Removals) Management, or Waybills module. It is possible to print and update Invoices in batches if required.

Invoices can be created from several modules within Moveware. These include:


Source Type

Removals Management (Jobs)


Suppliers Invoicing Manual Invoices


The Source Type of an Invoice is useful as it allows you to print or report on only particular types of Invoices.

Invoice Types

Purchase Invoices can be a Standard Invoice, Credit Note or Adjustment. These types are represented in Moveware with the following codes:

Invoice Type


Standard Invoice


Credit Note




Invoice Status

The status of an Invoice depends on if it is newly created, posted, put on hold or cancelled.




Proforma Charges/Invoice. Used when Invoicing from the Removals module.


Non-updated or Not Posted Invoice. Invoice number not assigned.


Updated or posted Invoice. CI (Supplier Purchase) transaction is posted into Suppliers Ledger and General Ledger at the Invoice Effective Date.


Invoice On Hold. Transaction not posted to Suppliers Ledger or General Ledger.


Invoice Cancelled

Posting Invoices

Invoices are generally created as status N and once details are finalised Invoices can be posted singularly or in a batch process.

Note: A Jobs/Removal entered in Moveware can be invoiced at any time regardless of whether removal actions are completed or not. Multiple invoices can be generated from each Job.

For instruction on posting Invoices, see Posting and Updating Invoices.

Account Date and Invoice Date

The Account Date of the Invoice determines when the transaction is officially recorded and posted to the General Ledger. The Invoice Date is the date of the Supplier’s Invoice. The Account Date is set to the Invoice Date if the Purchase Effective Date = Supplier Invoice Date system parameter is set to Y.

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